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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • Hey, I'm Keri Glassman, here with some quick and simple tips to help you feel just a little bit better.

    こんにちは、Keri Glassmanです。今日は、気分がよくなるコツをシェアーしたいと思ってます。

  • A cocktail or a glass of wine is a fine indulgence for most of usin fact, there are studies that suggest it's downright good for you to have a drink now and then.


  • But when it comes to stress or feeling depressed, the time when you probably feel like you need a drink the most, I say keep the liquor cabinet closed.


  • You may feel a little bit better if you're down in the dumps and you have a drink, but alcohol is actually a depressant.


  • It adds calories to your diet, and it's not going to solve the problem that's plaguing you.

  • The little bit of relief you get from drinking is only temporary and your problems may feel worse when that buzz wears off.


  • Research shows that even moderate drinking may increase the odds of depression, which is exactly what you don't need when you're already feeling down.


  • Instead of alcohol, try some hot tea, meet up with friends, go for a walk in the park, or hit up the gym.


  • Find something healthier and positive to take your mind off your problems, or to focus on your solutions and write them down so you have them top of mind when a moment hits you


  • So remember: Have a drink to celebrate, have a drink to unwind, but don't have a drink to save your mood.


  • Skipping the booze can help you feel just a little bit better.


Hey, I'm Keri Glassman, here with some quick and simple tips to help you feel just a little bit better.

こんにちは、Keri Glassmanです。今日は、気分がよくなるコツをシェアーしたいと思ってます。

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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