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  • After the mind-blowing success of the Avengers

  • the game changing thrill of the winter Solidier

  • and the unexpected surprise of Guardians of the Galaxy

  • You thought there was no way the next Avengers could lift up to the high

  • You were right.

  • Avengers, Age of Ultron

  • I mean it's definitely good

  • but just not great

  • You know I mean, like certainly enjoyable

  • but you know

  • man... we're gonna catch hell for this, are we?

  • When the Mandarin seemingly killed Iron Man

  • and took the president hostage

  • The Avengers didn't assemble

  • When Malaga almost destroyed the universe

  • the Avengers didn't assemble

  • And when a terroist organization infiltrated Shield

  • and came just seconds away from killing millions

  • the Avengers still didn't assemble

  • But when a remote Hydra base might be hiding something

  • every single avenger is assembling all up in his business

  • for even more

  • group shots

  • Hey, does that mean we can finally stop using this one?

  • Joss Whedon is back at the helm

  • and more beat down than ever

  • In the second one Job just got harder

  • I have all these restrictions

  • but also I will lead guidelines

  • As he does his best to meet the unrealistic nerd expectations

  • and tries to make a stand alone sequel

  • as good as Empire Strikes Back or Godfather, too

  • that also sets up a civil war

  • Everytime someone tries to win the war before it starts, innocent people die.

  • and sets up an Infinity war

  • A mind stone is the fourth from the infinity stones that show up in the last few years

  • and sets up Thor: Ragnarok

  • We are all dead, can you not see it?

  • and sets up Black Panther

  • Wakanada? Wa... Wa..Wa... Wakanda

  • and fitting Disney Corp. cross promotions

  • Gentlemen, strings, son and fun

  • In a juggling act so insanely difficult

  • he turned down the sequel, quit Twitter

  • and doen't have any new films in development

  • Oh...ah...guys...

  • I think we just broke Joss Whedon

  • He needs a hug.

  • Experience the movie equivalent of empty engine and tire toy box

  • and smashing all your action figures into each other

  • as the Avengers roster bloats even further

  • with Vision, Scarlet Which and Quicksilver

  • who for some reason are never called

  • Vision, Scarlet Which or Quicksilver

  • one as a lame Russian knock off of the X-man

  • that Fox did way better

  • one has hand wavy mind control powers

  • and can also stop trains

  • and the other is a beam shooting 3D printed by vanadium robot plus Jarvis plus the mind stone

  • who can fly and makes capes?

  • What?

  • Can one of you guys explain Vision to me?

  • I have no idea who or what it is.

  • You've seen great Marvel movie villains

  • like Loki

  • and...

  • no...

  • definitely not

  • not even close

  • guess this is still just Loki

  • Now get ready for another generically evil one-off villain who hates the Avengers for reasons

  • with an over complicated plot to evolve

  • and or destroy the world by turning an Estern European city into a meteor

  • Not a great plan

  • You've been waiting for years to see your heros come together again

  • Now watch them fight for limited screen time

  • for a brush side plot like

  • Black Widow's black swan school

  • Thor's magic Jacuzzi

  • If the water spirit accepts me, I can return to my dream.

  • Captain America's old party theme

  • and the most out of left field love story

  • since Spock and Uhura

  • but don't worry, there's still plenty of time left over for your least favorite Avengers

  • to become your third or fourth least favorite Avenger

  • Oh... ok... good for you

  • We like you now

  • Get ready for everything you love about the first Avengers's movie all over again

  • Mind control again...

  • Looking for Loki's scepter again...

  • A Thanos's tease again...

  • A final showdown against the faceless army with a ticking clock again...

  • and tons of

  • reeps...

  • we are under !@#$%^&* you don't want me, do you

  • Guy's multiplying faster than a catholic rabbit

  • we won't hold it against you if you can get it up.

  • and he did a banksy of the crime scene

  • with the advantages of...

  • Stop quipping!

  • It's a good talk.

  • You know it wasn't.

  • I didn't say you could leave.

  • You are not worth it.

  • *

  • language

  • you son of the bitch

  • kiss your mother with that mouth?

  • You and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini

  • Obviously you never made an omlet

  • you beat me by one second

  • Oh man. These things are gonna to be insufferable when Ant man the Star-Lord show up

  • Starring...

  • Mr. Roggers

  • Hank Pym

  • Beats by Bruce

  • Good luck finding her action figure

  • Archer

  • Farm and furious

  • So that's what Andy Serkis looks like

  • Resting witch face

  • The quick and the dead

  • CGI balls

  • Super Siri

  • Skynet

  • And the new Avengers

  • Yeah~

  • Avengers, Roughly One Week of Ultron

  • I'm calling it.

  • The shield helicarrier will become the NCU's eagles

  • The eagles are coming.

  • Be sure to subcribe

  • for more honest trailers

  • my tight are way to tight

  • The call is coming from inside...your phone

  • Not the face, never the face.

  • There are no strings on me

  • Clowns Farting

  • Rub-a-Dub-Dub thanks for the grub

After the mind-blowing success of the Avengers


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

正直な予告編 - アベンジャーズ。エイジ・オブ・ウルトロン (Honest Trailers - Avengers: Age of Ultron)

  • 12242 393
    葉子維 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日