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  • Hello everyone, this is Andrew from Crown Academy of English

  • and today we are going to do a listening exercise. So, let's get started!

  • Well, first of all, the lesson will start with some vocabulary.

  • So, I will teach you a few words that you need to know...

  • and then I will show you the questions that I would like you to answer

  • and then you will listen to the article...okay?

  • and of course, during the listening exercise, there will not be any subtitles because that would be too easy!

  • And then, I will show you the answers to the questions... okay?

  • And then you will see the transcript.

  • You will see the text of the article and you will listen to it one last time.

  • So, let's start with some vocabulary.

  • And the first word is an abbreviation.

  • So this is "NHS" ...ok?

  • Now the NHS is an abbreviation for the National Health Service. The National Health Service.

  • And the National Health Service is the organisation which manages the health system in the United Kingdom...ok.

  • So this is the public sector organisation which manages the hospitals

  • and which employs the doctors and nurses...okay?

  • And the second word, or the second expression is "New Years resolutions" ok

  • So, new years resolutions. This is the list of things that people want to change in their life okay

  • So, very often, at the beginning of the year,

  • so in January, people decide that they would like to improve their life and change some habits.

  • And so they make new years resolutions. It is a promise to themselves.

  • For example, very often people decide that they would like to do more sport...

  • or perhaps they would like to lose weight.

  • Ok? So that is new years resolutions.

  • And we have an expression also which is "to give up something"

  • And this means "to stop something" okay... or "to stop having something".

  • For example, "to give up chocolate". So I could say "my dentist tells me to give up chocolate."

  • Or maybe, for health reasons, somebody decides to give up alcohol

  • which means to stop drinking alcohol.

  • okay so it's an expression. "to give up something."

  • And finally, the word "tip".

  • And the meaning for this lesson... "tip" means "advice".

  • So for example, we can say that "Andrew gives me tips on how to speak English."

  • Okay so tips... it means "advice."

  • Ok, so I'm going to now give you the questions that you will need to answer during the listening.

  • So question 1: How much does the NHS Stop Smoking service cost?

  • Question 2: Where is the NHS Stop Smoking Service available?

  • And I want you to give me three places.

  • Question three: Complete the following sentence.

  • And I want you to find the eight words that are missing in this sentence.

  • So the beginning of the sentence is: "Use that past experience to..."

  • And then I want you to find these eight words for me.

  • Question four: What is the annual cost of smoking 20 cigarettes per day?

  • And finally, question 5: What is the first health benefit of giving up smoking?

  • So you will hear a list of health benefits of giving up smoking,

  • and I want you to give me the first benefit. Alright?

  • Ok, so get ready, you are now going to listen to the news article.

  • Okay? So it's going to start...... now!

  • Okay, so that is the end of the... the article.

  • Okay, so if you would like to listen to the article a second time,

  • then you can click here on the screen to go back,

  • or you can simply wait ten seconds and then we will continue to the answers...okay....

  • Ok, so we are going to ...continue and we will now look at the answers to the questions, here we go...

  • So, question 1: How much does the NHS Stop Smoking Service cost?

  • Well the answer is... it is free. So there's no cost.

  • Question two: Where is the NHS Stop Smoking Service available?

  • The answer is: Pharmacies, chemists and Doctors surgeries.

  • Question three: I wanted you to complete the following sentence.

  • And the answer is: "Use that past experience to help you give up cigarettes in the future."

  • Question four was: What is the annual cost of smoking twenty cigarettes per day?

  • And the answer is: Two thousand, five hundred and fifty five pounds.

  • Ok, so this symbol is the symbol for a pound. The British Pound.

  • Ok, so two thousand, five hundred and fifty five pounds.

  • Question five: What is the first health benefit of giving up smoking?

  • And the answer is: Your breathing will improve.

  • Okay, so that was the five answers to the questions.

  • Okay so I am now just going to play you the article one last time.

  • Ok, so you're going to hear it again and this time you will see the transcript on the screen.

  • Okay so here is the first part of the article... and I'm going to play it to you now:

  • Okay, so there we are. That was the end of the exercise ok?

  • And in fact, that was the end of the lesson.

  • So if you would like to subscribe to my channel, then you can click on this link here on the screen.

  • If you'd like to follow me on twitter, then this is my Twitter account.

  • And finally if you would to watch some of my other videos,

  • then this is an example of another video that I have. And this one is an English grammar lesson.

  • So there we are. Thank you very much for watching and for listening. I hope you enjoyed the lesson.

  • My name is Andrew from Crown Academy of English and I will see you next time. Bye bye!

Hello everyone, this is Andrew from Crown Academy of English


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

字幕付き英語リスニング練習 (English listening practice with subtitles)

  • 241 28
    楊鎧瑄 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日