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  • Hello my friends and happy Halloween!

  • I draw on black paper using a white, pastel like pencil.

  • You can find the list of materials in the information below the video.

  • I sketch the outline of the ferocious wolf.

  • Then the moon, and the rock.

  • And then I give light to the moon.

  • I use a brush to smudge the white.

  • I work on the clouds in the same fashion: With the pencil and then with the brush.

  • A luminosity of the sky will be produced by the blaze of the moon.

  • The parts of the wolf and rock that are facing the moon,

  • of course would be the lightest.

  • With the eraser I give shadow to some of the clouds.

  • It is ready! I would love to know from you wether you liked this drawing, or not.

  • If you enjoyed it, please give it a LIKE and subscribe to my channel!

  • You know where to follow me and where the links are.

  • I see you on Tuesday!

Hello my friends and happy Halloween!


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

吠える狼の描き方-満月の夜雲の描き方 (How to Draw a Howling Wolf - How to Draw Night Clouds With Full Moon)

  • 78 12
    Tsao Rudy に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日