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  • - I think we better do well.

  • - Yeah. Yeah, it's gonna--

  • we're gonna do great.

  • - You don't think you're gonna do well, do you?

  • - I don't. I don't think I'm gonna.

  • (suspenseful music)

  • It definitely could be her.

  • I'm gonna reserve

  • judgment.

  • It kind of feels like her skin.

  • It kind of feels like her nose and her chin, for sure.

  • I'm gonna say maybe, but I'm holding reservation.

  • I'm not saying yes or no.

  • I think this one's her.

  • I said the last one, her skin kind of felt the same

  • but I think this one,

  • her chin feels more like I remember.

  • Her skin just feels a little bit more familiar.

  • I think like the chin and the nose are the giveaways

  • and this feels like her.

  • Again, I'm holding off reservation until the last one.

  • I don't wanna dig myself a hole

  • and then, like, totally be, like, "This is her!"

  • and then it could be completely, completely wrong,

  • because I'm gonna be, like, "They all feel like her,"

  • and then it's gonna be like shot in the dark

  • and then I'm gonna-- I'm...

  • I'm gonna lose a girlfriend.

  • Holy crap.

  • I didn't know skin could all feel the same.

  • Shit.

  • Oh, damn.

  • All right, I don't think this one's her.

  • I feel like the chin is too different.

  • Yeah, this isn't her.

  • I do know this is not her.

  • I'm gonna go-- I'm gonna say two.

  • (cheery music)

  • Oh, thank God! (Jordan laughs)

  • - You were so nervous.

  • - Yes, I was.

  • - You really thought you might get it wrong?

  • - It's possible.

  • Victory is mine.

  • - Yay, we don't have to break up.

  • - No. (Jordan laughs)

  • - But you did it.

  • - Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah! (laughs)

  • That was just terrible.

  • - All right.

  • - There we go. (laughs)

- I think we better do well.


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A2 初級

あなたのGFの顔をタッチで知っていますか? (Do You Know Your GF’s Face By Touch?)

  • 232 10
    Stacey Hung に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日