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as last weekend ít became the fírst country ín hístory
to defeat the míghty Sovíet Uníon.
The retreat of Sovíet mílítary power from Afghanístan ís complete.
The last of Russía's regular army ínvasíon force ís out.
fear and uncertaínty were míxed wíth joy today
as the commander of Sovíet troops
followed the last of hís men across the border.
CBS News Moscow correspondent, Barry Petersen, begíns our coyerage.
BARRY: It was the last hurrah. The fínal Sovíet combat troops
crossíng the fríendshíp Brídge on the border
between Afghanístan and the Sovíet Uníon.
The Sovíet commander, Líeutenant...
Look what you did, Charlie.
Hey, it's... Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey!
lt's traditional to make a gesture towards the vanquished.
Gus, it's your honor. GUS: Okay.
Reports that some Afghan uníts have...
Well, here's to you, you motherfuckers.
...determíned to show the world that the era of Sovíet mílítary ínterventíon
ín other countríes ís now over.
CHARLIE: Well, l told you. GUS: Told me what?
All we had to do was shoot down the helicopters.
Listen, not for nothing, but do you know the story
about the Zen master and the little boy?
Oh, is this something from Nitsa,
the Greek witch of Aquilippa, Pennsylvania?
Yeah, as a matter of fact, it is.
There was a little boy, and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse.
And everybody in the village says, ''How wonderful! The boy got a horse.''
And the Zen master says, ''We'll see.''
Two years later, the boy falls off the horse, breaks his leg.
And everybody in the village says, ''How terrible!''
And the Zen master says, ''We'll see.''
Then a war breaks out,
and all the young men have to go off and fight,
except the boy can't 'cause his leg's all messed up.
And everybody in the village says, ''How wonderful!''
And the Zen master says, ''We'll see.''
So you get it.
No. No, l don't 'cause l'm stupid.
You're not stupid. You're just in Congress.
Send them money. You can start with the roads.
Move on to the schools, factories. Gus, now, it's a party.
Restock the sheep herds. Hey.
Give them jobs, give them hope. l'm trying. l'm trying.
Yeah, well, try harder. l'm fighting for every dollar.
Yeah, yeah. l took you from 5 million to a billion.
l broke the ice on the Stinger and the MILAN.
l got a Democratic Congress in lockstep behind a Republican President.
Well, that's not good enough
'cause l'm gonna hand you a code word classified NIE right now,
and it's gonna tell you that the crazies have started rolling
into Kandahar like it's a fucking bathtub drain.
Jesus, Gus, you could depress a bride on her wedding day.
Listen to what l'm telling you.