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  • I'm smiley, what can I say! I'm a happy and smiley guy! But wait, the fact that I'm smiley

  • is helping me to stay happy? Science is ON THE FACE, er, Case!

  • Emotions are private affairs, they exist almost completely inside our bodies, but our face

  • is highly connected to the expressing of these emotions. Even back in the 1870s, Darwin believed

  • emotions expressed outwardly were more intense than those held in. The thing is, it's not

  • a one way street; emotional expression on the face, feeds BACK into the brain too!

  • The face is connected to the brain by the seventh cranial nerve. The nerve runs exits

  • the skull just in front of your ears and splits into five branches which activate different

  • parts of the face. Let's all agree to stop telling people it only takes four muscles

  • to smileor whatever number of muscles. There are 43 muscles in the face on average,

  • some people have MORE facial muscles, and some less. According to HowStuffWorks, it

  • takes 10 muscles to smile and six to frownbut even though it's tougher to smile, that

  • work isn't going to waste!!

  • Smiling is a generally universal expression of happiness; one of the only universal expressions

  • actually. Multiple studies have shown even FAKE SMILING will help you find things funnier

  • and feel happier. In the 1970s and 80s, psychologists determined faking a smile will help people

  • feel less stressed and happier overall. Research from the University of Kansas showed people

  • being forced to smile could endure mild icewater pain and recover more quickly! To force a

  • smile, volunteers were told to hold a pen or chopstick in their teeth, like a dog bone,

  • or with their lips. One makes a smile, the other a pout… A new study from Germany mimicked

  • these by forcing people to smile, and then measuring how they felt. They were shown Gary

  • Larson's Far Side comics -- Sidebar: Stuff like this is why I love the Germans. -- And

  • you know what? People with the pen in their teeth rated the comics as FUNNIER!

  • It's not just a feedback loop through your nerves. Smiling constricts the internal carotid

  • artery which brings blood to your brain. The constricted vessel lowers the temperature

  • of the blood and thus the brain overall. A hot brain happens when people are stressed

  • or afraid, cooler brains occur when people are calm or happy. Essentially, by fake smiling

  • you may be tricking your brain into making you feel happy.

  • And finally, as we've said a number of times, humans are social creatures, so when you smile,

  • others will SEE that and reflect it back to you. A botox surgeon in Maryland froze the

  • frown lines on a number of patients, making it impossible for them to LOOK sad. A published

  • study followed patients who had this done, and believe this resulted in a facial feedback-loop!

  • They were unable to express sadness, and they all self-reported lower levels of depression,

  • anxiety and irritability. Though, we're not saying go get botox, that's pretty extreme,

  • but It's like Louis Armstrong said, "when you're smiling, the whole world smiles at

  • you!"

  • And on top of that, you'll feel happier too! So go try it! GET OUT THERE AND SMILE!

  • People can tell when you're faking your smile, thoughso make sure you watch this video

  • about that.

  • Do you ever force yourself to put on a happy face?

I'm smiley, what can I say! I'm a happy and smiley guy! But wait, the fact that I'm smiley


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あなたはそれを意味しなくても笑うべきですか? (Should You Smile Even If You Don’t Mean It?)

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    SylviaQQ に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日