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  • My name is Mike Jones, and I'm a barista at Third Rail Coffee right by Washington Square Park in New York City.

  • I'm going to teach you some basic coffee-making skills.

  • Alright so you have the green beans, it's been harvested, processed from the country, and now it's at a roaster.

  • It's still not ready to be drunk. What this goes through is a process that is

  • that involves adding heat to the bean. Slowly, basically cooking it

  • in order to get it to the desired temperature to bring out everything that you want in a bean.

  • So this happens at temperatures ranging from like 392 to 400 plus degrees Fahrenheit.

  • What happens there is the starches in the bean actually caramelize. And so they turn into simple sugars.

  • It breaks down the protein cell structure and becomes less dense.

  • This all sounds very technical, but basically whats happening is you're pulling out the flavors within the green bean.

  • That if you were to just pulverize that green and try to brew it,

  • it would just taste like nothing, but this way its actually able to be ground and

  • have all aromatics and flavors released once you put it in contact with hot water.

My name is Mike Jones, and I'm a barista at Third Rail Coffee right by Washington Square Park in New York City.


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B1 中級

コーヒー豆はどのように焙煎されていますか?| コーヒー豆はどのように焙煎されていますか? (How Are Coffee Beans Roasted? | Perfect Coffee)

  • 11525 751
    YSI に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日