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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Ha! My dad says I'm not allowed to watch TV

  • I'll show him! Hahahaha!


  • And for 8 emeralds, Villager number 56

  • NAME..

  • THAT..

  • BLOCK!

  • OOH!...Ahhhh! I know what it is!

  • Argh! So much pressure

  • I...I don't know!...Erm!

  • Time's running out

  • EURGH!...

  • Is it stone?...


  • DooDooDoo Doo Doo!

  • Correct!

  • YAY!


  • What do I win?


  • - Is life getting you down? Uh Huh!

  • Do you feel like nothing satisfies you anymore?

  • Uh Huh!

  • Awe, that's too bad...

  • because my life is AWESOME!

  • (DEEP BOOMING ANNOUNCER VOICE) The summer blockbuster we've all been waiting for....

  • One man will become...

  • ...the hero everybody needs

  • Why don't you come out and play...

  • ...Testificate Man!

  • Sorry, I'm having an early night! Goodbye!

  • Tesificate Man The Movie!

  • - We now return to the Avengers in the office

  • Hey! Hulk

  • - What?...

  • Big green dumb thing says "What?"

  • - What?

  • Hahahahaha!

  • Raaaagh!

  • Excuse me, have you seen Nemo?

  • Do you have a task that you are too lazy or too stupid to do?

  • Call the local handyman with no hands!

  • I use my face!

  • Ugh!...Ugh!...Ugh!...Ugh!

  • - How do you feel?

  • I have constant headaches


  • What is it?

  • It's your father's light sabre

  • This is the weapon of a Jedi knight

  • Not as clumsy or random as a Aargh!

  • Aargh!....Aargh!....Aargh!

  • Hey! You're watching TV!

  • No I'm not.

  • Oh!...Well...Um....Wait, No! Yes you are watching TV

  • Go to your room!

  • Ng....Ohhhhh! Nya.....argh...Umf....grr!

  • Sigh! - Oh....Credits! I like this.

  • Copyright © Element Animation 2015

Ha! My dad says I'm not allowed to watch TV


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

ヴィレッジャーTV 2(マインクラフトアニメ (Villager TV 2 (Minecraft Animation))

  • 995 48
    James に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日