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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • We're setting up for Benji's surprise dinner for Judy, and

  • we have a little surprise, the rain, it's put a glitch in our plans but it's not gonna stop us

  • from creating something amazing,

  • so stay tuned and see how it turns out.

  • It's gonna be awesome!

  • I forgot my mascara today.

  • What?! Today?

  • Of all days.

  • It's okay, it's just gonna be running down our faces.

  • It's all good.

  • Because it's gonna be so romantic and we're gonna be crying.

  • We'll cry anyways. See, I'm prepared.

  • It's the tears.

  • Tears of joy!

  • Tears of joy and romance.

  • Did you have something else in mind?

  • Jeff, you're darling.

  • Don't tell anybody

  • Wait wait, let me give you my man card.

  • It's our secret, don't tell anyone he can tie an awesome bow

  • It's just like a shoe, everybody knows how to do that.

  • Oh, by the way,

  • This is the magic! It happens in her.

  • If I start swearing you won't be able to use any of this.

  • Oh, let's see it:

  • Oh look, it says "Judy."

  • When is she gonna see it?

  • I don't know I told my sister to text me

  • and we'll see if she actually like, you know, like calls me,

  • or if she just leaves it at that because the note, all it says

  • is "Honey,

  • get your hair done

  • get done up and let's have dinner tonight. Be ready by 9:30 sharp.

  • "Wear a jacket."

  • This is very technical, we just shove them in.

  • A lot of experience required.

  • How ya feeling buddy?

  • I'm feeling great.

  • I'm, like, so happy that this is finally happening.

  • Like, a year in planning

  • but the actual work has only been like six months, but still

  • it's like a lot of work. And you know what I love about this is

  • I have people that care about us that are helping us today

  • and also that's awesome.

  • The first light --- We gotta get this on video!

  • I'm trying but Lindsey just put her head right in the middle.

  • Sarah will now light the first light of the night.

  • Deanna, she just lit the first light of the night.

  • Candle?

  • Fairy light.

  • That's the timer?

  • Yeah.

  • So that's on?

  • Yeah.

  • Alright.

  • You missed it!

  • I missed it.

  • You might have to do it again. Maybe you can pretend it's me now.

  • We'll just pretend it was me all along.

  • It's gonna look so pretty!

  • And this is just the beginning, and I can't wait to see

  • where we're gonna be eating dinner, so.

  • No close up --- Oh, there's my gum!

  • What do you think?

  • I think it turned out great, I think it turned out,

  • yeah, better than I expected, so I'm excited,

  • excited to see their reaction.

  • I'm gonna go get my nice shoes, my dancing shoes on

  • then it's action time.

  • Showtime!

  • Yeah, she's gonna like this.

  • Alright

  • I feel like I'm Judy.

  • This is my one --- I was supposed to do a lot more, but

  • Lights for All Occasions and Sarah,

  • they just did all the work. What can I say.

  • So, this is my one input, but,

  • I did plan this, so.

  • That is awesome.

  • My heart's racing.

  • Cool! It's showtime!

  • Rock and roll!

  • Here he is, here he is! Right here. Right there. He's right there.

  • Rolling recording.

We're setting up for Benji's surprise dinner for Judy, and


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A2 初級

舞台裏。ジュディのサプライズを設定して、そのJudyTime! (Behind the Scenes: Setting up Judy’s Surprise for itsJudyTime!)

  • 26 1
    Wendy Lee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日