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  • This is big. This is big, guys.

  • What's up, guys? Louie here back with another video and things are about to get scientific here on Unbox Therapy.

  • You might recall a previous video in which I showed you this

  • what is likely the backplate for the upcoming iPhone 6s

  • I just compared the dimensions in that video

  • I looked at this shell compared to the shell from the standard iPhone 6 I have over here.

  • But, the speculation was actually relating to the material in use and what the effect of that might have on the durability of the upcoming device.

  • Now, a lot of speculation is out there regarding this new phone and whether or not it will move to something called a 7000 series aluminum.

  • Most people out there probably don't know exactly what that means,

  • I certainly didn't

  • That's why I did some extensive research, and even some fairly elaborate testing.

  • Now before I get into that, you probably noticed this thing over here.

  • This is obviously some kind of monstrosity fabricated from the geniuses over at D-brand.

  • This is Skins. If you don't know who they are, you should go check them out.

  • What this is, a makeshift bang test machine.

  • which will essentially give us a readout of how much weight is necessary, or how much force, in a weight equivalent,

  • is necessary to actually bend these two shells.

  • Now, these aren't the complete phones.

  • Keep that in mind.

  • Potentially, it'll be an even more interesting test because

  • we can actually look at the aluminum attributes and how that affects the durability of a device and why Apple might be moving to a different material.

  • So eventually I realized that what I needed was something called an XRF analyzer.

  • This thing shoots X-rays into common alloys and tells you what their elemental makeup is.

  • Now before we get into the elemental makeup of each of these iPhone shells,

  • the 6 and the new 6s,

  • I want to give a shout out to Elemental Controls in Mississauga

  • I hit these guys up shortly after I found out about these XRF analyzers

  • They were like come on down, let's do the tests,

  • So here's the readout for the iPhone 6 shell.

  • Essentially what we ended up with is a common alloy

  • As you can see up here, the readout was 6063 from the 6000 series of aluminum.

  • This 6000 series alloy is probably the most commonly bought, sold, manufactured alloy on the planet.

  • Some speculate it represents somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 to 80 percent of all alloys in use.

  • It's fairly easily machineable so obviously it makes sense to use it in manufacturing

  • It also anodizes very easily and as you know

  • with iPhones and various other electronics that use aluminum, generally there's some kind of anodization that gives it its color.

  • Looking closer at the readout,

  • you can see the exact elemental make up of 6063.

  • It's mostly aluminum, 98.94 percent, with a tiny bit of iron, a little bit of silicon, and a little bit of magnesium.

  • Actually this is mostly the abundant element, aluminum.

  • Eventually 6063 aluminum is used in so many applications that you're probably familiar with.

  • windows, doors, automotive,

  • The only possible problem with this material is that it bends a little bit.

  • as you know, you've witnessed in previous videos

  • It's not the strongest type of aluminum.

  • Okay, so there's the reading on the iPhone 6,

  • the old shell, which we know, has been prone to bending

  • well let's go ahead and look at the report for the new one.

  • Now this is where things gets interesting.

  • First things first.

  • The alloy has a much thicker anodization.

  • Before taking our reading, we actually had to sand off that anodization to get a clear reading of the aluminum itself.

  • The same for the older shell.

  • Sanding this anodization off proved to be far more difficult, implying that it's a much thicker coating

  • Now under the X-ray, under the gun,

  • it's going to stand out, and what's important about this is

  • it's not the aluminum that's at 91.174 percent of the makeup, but the zinc.

  • Now we took a number of different readings on this component

  • and each one came out a little bit different

  • but essentially we always had the significant presence of zinc, which points to 7000 series aluminum.

  • The addition of zinc here improves the strength of the material

  • Okay. So why did Apple change?

  • Was this bendgate thing really as small of an impact as people were speculating?

  • Or maybe it affected more devices than we even know.

  • Bottom line is this.

  • They've selected 7000 series now and reinforced it in specific regions

  • and ultimately, the expectation would be that we're going to see less bends in the next version than we saw in the previous

  • But it does come at a cost

  • With the addition of zinc, we are also going to increase the likelihood of corrosion.

  • Nobody likes corrosion.

  • And that is what leads me to believe that they've gone with a different anodization process

  • They've increased the amount that's on the surface.

  • Now the next drawback of 7000 series aluminum: expense

  • This stuff is way more expensive for a number of reasons.

  • but it mostly has to do with the availability.

  • This is about to become a lot more common

  • but in the meantime, the likely effect is that the cost of production for an iPhone could go up.

  • This new material could cost as much as 5 times more

  • They think it's fairly safe to say

  • that this is going to be a little more labor intensive

  • to get it out in volume when compared to the 6000 series construction.

  • But the real question here is

  • how much stronger, is it all worth it?

  • So, beside me. I mentioned earlier, I have this crazy contraption which is going to measure the force applied to each of these units

  • and I'm going to go ahead and find out exactly how much stronger this component is

  • as it is the backbone for the upcoming iPhone.

  • Let's go ahead and start with the iPhone 6 shell in order to get our baseline

  • The reason you're already seeing a reading on the scale here is because

  • this top portion of our contraption is on top of the scale itself.

  • If I lift this up, you'll see it comes down to zero. Zero pounds, zero ounces

  • So when considering the total amount of force that's applied to the actual units,

  • we essentially need to start with the weight of this component itself.

  • So, the moment that I insert this shell, we're starting at a point of two pounds and in this case, ten ounces.

  • ten point two or three ounces.

  • So this is the old shell

  • and now adding the additional weight

  • the actual shell

  • Now let's go ahead and slowly apply some pressure to this

  • Keep an eye on that scale.

  • We're now approaching

  • closer to 20 pounds

  • 19

  • 24

  • Just under 30 pounds of force and we are completely bent there.

  • You can see here the volume button in that weak spot at about 30 pounds we are bent.

  • I'm going to go ahead and remove this really quickly

  • Both sides. Two obvious weak points as we've known previously

  • Near the power button as well as near the volume rocker

  • We have a weakness and we have a bent

  • The representation of not just the bendability of the material, but also the weak points that I mentioned in the previous videos

  • what happens if we increase the pressure even more

  • Okay, so we're right back at 30 pounds there

  • as you can see it's starting to bend

  • by 32 it's really having difficulty

  • By, I don't know, say by 35, I mean it's indistinguishable.

  • We have significant bending at 30 pounds of force and anything beyond that.

  • The shell just begins to crumble significantly

  • It's interesting in this particular case we have it bent right across those three points there

  • Now it's time for the 6s backplate

  • the thing we've identified as probably from the 7000 series of super strong aluminum used in aerospace

  • and now potentially used in your phone,

  • so let's go ahead and do the same thing.

  • there we go

  • of course the measurement hasn't changed much here.

  • because the shell doesn't weigh very much.

  • so, we're going to go ahead and start to tighten it down

  • Now, the magic number here

  • as you know, is 30. 30 pounds.

  • we want to see what happens

  • about 30

  • close

  • we are at 31 pounds, over 31 pounds and it's not significantly bent yet.

  • Keep going here

  • 36.

  • Wow!

  • We are at 46 pounds now

  • 53. This is getting tough to twist now.

  • 60 pounds of force

  • 70! The old phone. The entire phone bent at 70 pounds of force under the previous version.

  • 80!

  • And here it bending now

  • 80 pounds wow!

  • 80 pounds was the number, guys. I'm going to go ahead and remove this now.

  • 30 and 80.

  • That is a huge improvement

  • Wow. Did not expect it to be that much stronger.

  • of course they're both bent now.

  • And they're still bent in relatively the same locations

  • But you will notice here though that the power button

  • the power cut out on this one, untouched compared to the old device.

  • Right around the interior of the volume button is where there was that weak point.

  • not exactly where it bent. It bent below there, but not with as much aggressiveness as the old one.

  • And we were applying more than double the amount of force

  • This is pretty damn impressive, guys

  • Honestly, beyond what I expected to find

  • Not only do we have evidence here that this is made out of 7000 series aluminum

  • but now we understand the impact of that.

  • The impact of that is a phone that will be more than twice as strong as the previous version

  • It's a win for consumer reporting

  • When the bendgate video came out, I didn't really understand the magnitude of it

  • butwhat this looks like, is that everybody who picks up the next version of the iPhone is gonna get something that's extremely strong

  • and that video might have something to do with it.

  • So, there you have it.

  • Hope you guys enjoyed this content. If you did make sure to leave a thumbs up down below.

  • Or you could do one better and share this video with anyone you think would find it interesting

  • Shout out to the two companies who helped out with this.

  • There's actually three total people who helped to make this video possible

  • so you've got Sunny Dickson, who hooked me up with the shell for the upcoming iPhone, the iPhone 6s shell.

  • You've got D-brand who built this crazy contraption. I'll link them down below so you can check out their skins for all kinds of different devices

  • And then of course, Elemental Controls, who came out of nowhere to bring the heat with the scientific data.

  • Amazing stuff. It's really a next level type video

  • I hope you guys appreciated it

  • We had a lot of fun making it

  • So, there you have it. I guess you're a little bit smarter, I know I am.

  • Thanks again for watching, and I'll catch you on the next episode. Subscribe for more videos like this. Later guys

This is big. This is big, guys.


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B1 中級

iPhone 6Sアルミ曲げテスト (iPhone 6S Aluminum Bend Test)

  • 989 19
    Charlene Tai に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日