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  • You know what? I got an idea for you.

  • Instead of being an idiot every day,

  • why don't you go back to school, graduate and get the company?

  • 'Cause I don't want it anymore. Oh!

  • What do you mean you don't want it anymore?

  • Do I got somethin' comin' out of my nose?

  • I can't believe I ever liked someone who could just roll over and die like this.

  • I ain't rollin' over and dyin'! I was set up!

  • And worst of all, nobody believes me.

  • I believe you, Billy. And I believe in you.

  • Some people have no willpower, no brains, no vision.

  • They just drift through life like lumps of crap.

  • What is she talkin' about?

  • You have all those things. You're just afraid to use 'em.

  • Don't be.

  • You say you're not a loser, Billy Madison... so win.

  • #Yes, I will go back to school #

  • #And achieve victory #

  • # No man will take what my father has built #

  • # Unless that man is me #

  • # My Billy Sweet Billy Boy #

  • # I knew you would go back #

  • # No one can stop you if you try #

  • # Don't I have a nice rack #

  • #Veronica, I thank you #

  • # For beating the shit out of me #

  • # I see things so clearly now #

  • # I choose my destiny #

  • # Oh, Billy I knew you had it in ya #

  • [Children] #We're here to help you Billy #

  • # Get back in school to stay #

  • #You gotta work real hard And stick it out #

  • #Till graduation day #

  • # Hey, kids, it's me #

  • # I bet you thought that I was dead #

  • # But when I fell over I just broke my leg #

  • #And got a hemorrhage in my head #

  • #There are obstacles in the way #

  • - # But together we shall overcome # - # Overcome #

  • #You can't break our spirit You can't kill our dreams #

  • # Do you have any more gum More gum, more gum, more gum #

  • # Do you have any more gum ##

You know what? I got an idea for you.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ビリー・マディソン (6/9) 映画 CLIP - ビリーズ・ミュージカル (1995) HD (Billy Madison (6/9) Movie CLIP - Billy's Musical (1995) HD)

  • 47 1
    fisher に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日