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  • Hi. I'm Rebecca from engVid. We're going to start and end this lesson with a short quiz


  • to see where you are before, and where you are after. All right? Let's get started.


  • So, which of these verbs is correct to use in these sentence? In these sentences?


  • Do we say: "Economics is very important." or do we say: "Economics are very important."

    "経済学は非常に重要だ" と言うか"経済学は非常に重要です" と言うのか?"経済学は非常に重要です"

  • Okay? Well, we say: "Economics is very important." You'll understand why in a few minutes.


  • The next one: "The children is asleep." or: "The children are asleep." Which one is correct?

    次は"子供は寝ている "と "子供は寝ている"どちらが正しいでしょうか?

  • It should be: "The children are asleep." Okay? Again, you'll understand why.


  • Last one: "The fish is very beautiful." or: "The fish are very beautiful." Which is correct?

    最後の一枚。"魚はとてもきれいですね" とか:"魚はとてもきれいですね"どちらが正しいですか?

  • Well, that's a good question, because actually, both are correct. It depends if you're talking


  • about one fish or whether you're talking about many fish. And you'll understand that also, as soon as we go on.


  • So, we could say: "The fish is very beautiful." We could say:


  • "The fish are very beautiful." I'll explain.


  • So, in this lesson today, we're going to be talking about irregular plural nouns,


  • which is an area which is... Which causes a lot of confusion for many students. Many grammar

    という領域であることがこれは多くの学生にとって 多くの混乱を引き起こします多くの文法

  • errors are because of this issue, so it's really good that you're watching


  • so you won't make this kind of mistake.


  • So let's look at what the problem areas are. The problem is that normally, when we have


  • a singular word... Right? So if we say: "the chair," then we use a singular verb. Right?

    単数の単語...だろ?だから "椅子 "って言ったら"椅子 "は単数形の動詞を使うだろ?

  • "The chair is." so that... When that happens, when we use the right noun with the right

    "椅子がある "ということはそうなった時に、正しい名詞を使って、正しい

  • verb, then that's called subject-verb agreement. "That chair is in the room."


  • But we say, if it's plural: "The chairs are in the room." Correct? So this was singular, singular; plural, plural.

    しかし、複数であれば、"椅子は部屋の中にある "と言います。だろ?これは単数形 単数形 単数形 複数形 複数形だったんですね

  • That's the normal way. And most of the time, that's absolutely fine. However,


  • the reason why students get confused is because, unfortunately in English, we also have irregular nouns,


  • which don't follow those rules and they follow separate rules. But you can understand

    それらのルールに従わず 別々のルールに従っているようなものですしかし、あなたは理解することができます

  • it because we can group them in certain categories to help you understand them.


  • So, first of all, we have irregular singular nouns. So these are confusing a little bit


  • because they end with "s," but they are singular. They should be singular. So, for example,

    "s "で終わるからだが 単数形だからだ彼らは単数であるべきですだから例えば

  • we say: "Politics is." "The news is good." "Mathematics is difficult for some students."


  • "Ethics is very important in life." Okay? So don't get fooled by the fact that there is an "s"

    "倫理は人生でとても重要です"いいですか?だから、"S "があるという事実に 騙されないでください

  • there as part of the noun. Okay? It's still singular.


  • So there's one category of irregular singular nouns.


  • Next one: irregular plural nouns. Here, there is no "s," but it's plural. "Children are."

    次は、不規則な複数形の名詞。ここでは、"s "がなく複数形になっています。"子供は"

  • "The mice are." "My feet are hurting." "The men are." "The women are." "My teeth are."


  • "The geese are." Okay? So here, what was confusing is that there's no "s,"

    "ガチョウがいる"いいですか?ここで混乱したのは、"s "がないことだ。

  • and yet, the answer is that the correct verb to use is that it's... Is "are." Right? Is the plural verb. So that's

    それなのに答えは正しい動詞の使い方は"である "ということです。ですよね?複数形の動詞です。ということは、それは

  • the irregular plural nouns.


  • And then last, we have a category which can be even more confusing, but luckily


  • there's not too many examples in this category, and these are the irregular unchanging nouns.


  • What does that mean? That means that whether you have one fish or two fish, you still say:


  • "Fish." Okay? Generally speaking, that's what you can keep in mind. The same with "deer,"

    "フィッシュ"いいですか?一般的には、それだけを覚えておけばいいんです。"鹿 "もそうですね

  • and "sheep," and "moose." "One moose, two moose." You're probably not very likely to

    "羊 "と "ヘラジカ""一頭のヘラジカ、二頭のヘラジカ"の可能性は低いでしょう。

  • talk so much about moose, but that's how it is.


  • So if you're, say... If you're talking about one fish, or one deer, or one sheep, or one


  • moose, you can say: "The deer is very beautiful." But if you're talking about many deer,


  • you can still say: "The deer are very beautiful." Okay? Depends if you're talking about one


  • or more than one. So in this case, the noun is unchanging, so that's what causes a little bit of confusion in this category,


  • because you could use either one, but you still have to use the right one.


  • Because if you're talking about more than one, you have to make sure


  • you use the plural verb; if you're talking about one, you use one... You use the singular one.

    あなたは複数形の動詞を使います 1つのことを言っている場合は1つを使います...あなたは単数形の1を使います

  • In a second, we'll do a really short quiz to see how well you've learned this.


  • So let's do number one. "Those fish is very colorful." or: "Those fish are very colorful."

    では、1番をやってみましょう。"あの魚はとてもカラフルだ "とか: "あの魚はとてもカラフルだ "とか

  • Okay? Now, here it's a little bit confusing because I'm saying: "fish," and if you remember correctly,

    いいですか?さて、ここで少し混乱しているのは、私が言っているからだ。"魚 "と言っていますが 記憶が正しければ

  • "fish" was one of those categories which was unchanging, irregular unchanging.

    "魚 "は、不規則で不変の不変のカテゴリーの一つでした。

  • But there is a clue here to tell you which verb to use, and that clue is here in the word: "those."

    しかし、ここにはどの動詞を使うべきかのヒントがあります。そのヒントはここにあります。"these "という言葉です。

  • "Those" by itself is a plural word, so we know that we're talking about many fish.

    "それら "自体が複数形の単語なので、たくさんの魚の話をしていることがわかります。

  • And so if we're talking about many fish, the correct verb to use is "are." "Those

    多くの魚の話をしているのであれば正しい動詞の使い方は "are "だ"それらは

  • fish are very colorful." If it said: "That fish," then we could say: "That fish is very colorful."

    魚はとてもカラフルです。"もしそうだったら"あの魚は "と書いてあったら"あの魚はとてもカラフルだ"

  • Next one: "My teeth is hurting." or: "My teeth are hurting." Which is correct?

    次の一本。"歯が痛い "と "歯が痛い"どちらが正しい?

  • It should be: "My teeth are hurting." Okay?


  • Next: "Physics is fascinating." or: "Physics are fascinating." Which is right?

    次は、「物理学は魅力的だ。"物理学は魅力的です "と "物理学は魅力的です"どっちが正しい?

  • "Physics is fascinating."


  • "The news is so shocking!" or: "The news are so shocking!" Think about it.


  • "The news is so shocking!"


  • "That deer is so graceful." or: "That deer are so graceful."

    "あの鹿はとても優雅だ "とか:"あの鹿はとても優雅だ"

  • Okay? Again, you have an unchanging noun, but you have a clue in the word "that."

    いいですか?またしても不変の名詞があるが、"that "という単語に手がかりがある。

  • "That" is singular, so we have to say: "That deer is so graceful."

    "あれ "は単数形だから、言わずにはいられない。"あの鹿はとても優雅だ"

  • Next one: "The women is outside." or: "The women are outside." Which is correct?

    次の一枚。"女性は外にいる "と "女性は外にいる"どちらが正しい?

  • It should be: "The women are outside." Okay?


  • Now, if you didn't get all of these right, it means you need to practice some more, so


  • please go to our website: There you can do a quiz on this,


  • perhaps you could watch the lesson again, and really master this area because these three categories,


  • once you master them, you'll eliminate lots of mistakes that you might make in English grammar. Okay?


  • Thanks very much for watching, and good luck with your English.


Hi. I'm Rebecca from engVid. We're going to start and end this lesson with a short quiz


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