字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Keep backing up. That's exactly what she asked you not to do. 後ろに下がるなって言われたでしょ。笑 His legs are so long. And his tail is so fluffy! 脚長いね。尻尾モフモフ。 Today we’re at FOX VILLAGE!! 今回はきつね村に来ました! It's a gorilla! It's like gorilla village. ゴリラ?? It’s a village slash zoo for foxes that you can go inside きつね村では(大人1000円) and play with more than 200 foxes for only 1,000 yen. 200匹のきつねに会うことができます。 Can I touch it? 触ってもいいですか? I can’t even believe a place like this really exists. こんな場所があるなんて信じられませんでした。 It was even better than I thought it was going to be. 想像していたより遥かに良かったです。 How excited are you on a scale of 1 to 10? 10段階評価で、シャーラ? 36! 36点! How about you? レイチェルは? 5,000! 5000点! Oh my god. OMG! 10/10 満点です! When you first enter you’ll be in an area with cages where there are newly born baby 入り口付近には、小ギツネが foxes who are being taken care of by their mamas. 親と一緒に飼育されています。 There’s a fox hospital in this area, and if you want to, you can hold a fox here! 診療所もあり、抱っこもできます。 Once the babies separate from their mom they join in one of these big adolescent pens 親から離れたら小児用の囲いで where you can watch them running back and forth and playing with each other, 元気に駆け回る姿や or sleeping in the most adorable giant fox ball EVER. 最高にかわいい雑魚寝姿が見られます。 That is literally a pile of foxes. I can't even count how many there are there. なんというキツ寝丼だ。数え切れない。 And then finally they’re graduated to the main fox village, which is an open area of そして、最後にメインの林エリアです。 more than 18,000 square feet filled with fox houses, 100匹以上のキツネが放し飼いにされています。 a fox hotel street- キツネタワーもあります。 It's like a cat tower. But fox tower. キツネ版キャットタワーだ。 -a fox shrine, 稲荷神社 a fox feeding platform- 餌やり場もあります。 How did that one get in? 1匹入ってる。 It got in when I was getting out. 出たときに入ったの。 Oh. Now it doesn't want to come out. 出たくないみたい。 "Please don't let the foxes in." I know. 「キツネさんは入れないで下さい」 Come here... おいで・・・ He's just excited to be in there because they're not normally allowed in there, I guess. 普段は入れないから、嬉しいみたい。 Here foxy! おいで~ Yayy we saved the day. もう自由よ。 -and plenty of nooks and crannies for the foxes to enjoy playing around in, exploring, 隠れ場や探検する所が沢山あり and digging fox holes. 穴掘りもします。 The foxes were all really well-behaved. They seemed almost like they were half-cat/half-dog. とても利口で、犬と猫の中間のような印象を受けました。 They were all born and raised here so that might explain some of it, but they were even きつね村で生まれ育った為かもしれませんが more domesticated than I would have expected. 想像以上に人馴れしていました。 You can buy treats for them, which come in plastic bags, エサも買えます。 and as soon as they realize you have treats they will follow you everywhere. エサを持っている事に気付くと、どこまでも追いかけてきます。 Oh. Oh... I just made a noise with the food. He noticed. エサ袋の音で気付いたみたい。 Hi. Sorry for tricking you. 騙してゴメンね。 I'm not allowed to feed you here. I'm sorry! ここでご飯をあげちゃダメなんだ。 And if you don’t go feed them quickly enough, some of them get kind of grabby. 集まって、強請られることもあります。 He's vicious! 強引ね。 Come on, no no! Come on, no no! Come on, ow, ow, he's gonna kill me! こら、ダメだって。 He's like strangling me. 取られちゃいそうだ。 They did this thing a lot where they open their mouths and squeal at each other, which 口を開けて威嚇し合う姿もよく見られます。 we assumed was a show of dominance, but I’m not a fox scholar so I can't say for sure. 専門家ではないので、詳しくは分かりませんが。 Which one won? どっちが勝ったの?笑 You? 君かい? Apparently if you don’t lock down your belongings carefully enough, they’ll run off with your 手荷物には気をつけないと stuff and try to bury it. キツネ穴に埋められます。 He's trying to steal it and run off with it. 狙ってるよ。 You're so chubby. モフモフだなぁ Oh, the lens cap... Awww. レンズがぁぁあああ So be careful, and make sure they don’t get a hold of anything they can choke on. 喉を詰まらせると危険なので、しっかり注意してください。 And can we talk about the noises they make, because it’s so adorable it’s killing me. あと、キツネの鳴き声は最高にかわいいです。 What does the fox say? 「キツネは何て鳴くんだ?」 They're very quiet. 静かだね。 Nevermind. 前言撤回 They're not. 前言撤回 Not at all. うるせーw They mostly seemed chubby and happy so it was a really fun place to visit. モフモフなキツネが多く、幸せそうでした。 All in all I highly recommend this place. とにかく、超オススメの場所です。 Thank you for watching, and I hope you guys can all visit fox village one day, too. ご視聴ありがとうございました。皆さんも一度訪れてみてはいかがでしょう? Up until now I was like, I don't really care about foxes. キツネなんて全然興味なかったけど But now I'm gonna walk out of here a changed man. 今日から愛狐家だよ。
A2 初級 日本語 米 キツネ エサ タワー かわいい ダメ comeon Fox Village in Zao Japan! 蔵王きつね村・kitsune mura (Fox Village in Zao Japan! 蔵王きつね村・kitsune mura) 401 35 阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語