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  • In December 2014, jihadi militants launched an attack on a school in North-Western Pakistan.

  • The incident killed an estimated 148 people, 132 of which are presumed to be children.

  • The

  • Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack against the school, announcing

  • it as

  • revenge for a six-month military campaign against the terrorist group.

  • With the country’s armed forces focused on preventing another attack from Pakistani

  • Taliban,

  • the world is left wondering: who exactly is this militant group and what do they want

  • with

  • Pakistan?

  • The Taliban presence in Pakistan, known as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan or

  • TTP for short, was founded by the late jihadi commander Baitullah Mehsud. The commander

  • was among many Pakistani militants who had fought alongside the

  • Afghan Taliban, when they seized control of Kabul in the late 90’s.

  • When the extremist group was subsequently ousted from Kabul by US forces in 2001,

  • Mehsud and other Pakistani militants fled back across the Afghan-Pakistan border. It

  • was during

  • this time, that the small group of fighters started to train anyone that shared their

  • ideology.

  • Today, the group is headed by Maulana Fazlullah from a stronghold

  • located in North Waziristan

  • Like the Afghan Taliban, the group is predominantly made up of Pashtun , a

  • tribal people who are spread across Afghanistan and North-Western Pakistan. But whilst the

  • Afghan Taliban is a cohesive army, the Pakistani Taliban is more of an umbrella organization,

  • encompassing around 30 militant groups, which with so many different opinions can mean the

  • TTP are not as effective as the Afghan counterparts.

  • The two Talibans were up until recently, common allies, with the TTP having previously

  • sworn allegiance to Afghani Taliban leader Mullah (moo-LAH) Omar. However, this alliance

  • may be in trouble. After the Peshawar attack one Afghani Taliban spokesman denounced the

  • incident saying,“the intentional killing of innocent people, women and children goes

  • against the

  • principles of Islam.”

  • So without the backing of one of their biggest allies, should Pakistan be concerned about

  • further attacks and ultimately, the TTP seizing control?

  • Prior to the school attack in Peshawar, analysts had argued that for over a decade, the

  • Pakistani military had not taken enough effective action to combat the TTP. But the national

  • outpouring of grief over the death of 132 children is palpable. In the aftermath of

  • the tragedy,

  • hundreds of Pakistani protesters convened on the Red Mosque in Islamabad to demand that

  • one of the area’s most influential religious leaders should publicly condemn the Taliban.

  • In response to the public outcry over the terrorist attack, the government has responded

  • by

  • launching military attacks against the TTP and lifted a six-year moratorium on hanging

  • convicted

  • terrorists. The public are hopeful that this action will weaken the Taliban’s hold over

  • the country.

  • Pakistan is at a crossroads with potential for real change, however experts note that

  • if the

  • country loses focus, the TTP may take the opportunity to regroup, and strike again.

  • To learn more about what an Islamic State under Sharia Law could look like, check out

  • this

  • video now. And please subscribe. We release new videos 6 days a week. Thanks

  • for watching.

In December 2014, jihadi militants launched an attack on a school in North-Western Pakistan.


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タリバンはパキスタンで何をしたいのか? (What Does The Taliban Want In Pakistan?)

  • 56 6
    Jack に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日