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Mrs. Collins, you still insist that the boy out there is not your son?
Yes, l do.
Please, don't struggle. What?
No! You'll only hurt yourself.
What are you doing? Hold still.
You can't iust do this. No, you can't.
JONES: You are to convey the prisoner
to the Los Angeles County General Hospital Psychopathic Ward.
You are to make the following entry.
Defendant states she's been deceived by police and others,
and that we have given her a boy and tried
to make her think it is her son when she says it is not.
Take her away. No. No, no.
CHRISTINE: Please. Please.
MATRON: Come on, Mrs. Collins.
MAN: This way.
JONES: Mrs. Collíns has been known to us sínce about March 10th, 1928
when she reported her níne-year-old son, Walter, míssíng.
The boy was gone untíl August 1928. MAN: Okay.
Sínce hís return, she has complaíned that he ís stíll míssíng
and has made repeated requests that he be found.
She suffers from paranoía, delusíons of persecutíon and díslocatíon from realíty.
She may be a threat to herself or others.
We recommend that she be conveyed to the psychopathíc ward
untíl her senses can be restored.
Got another code 12.
Collins. Christine.
No, no, no, listen, this is a mistake.
Certifying officer?
Captain J.J. Jones, Lincoln Heights Division.
No, no, please! Please! The police are trying to punish me...
lf you keep it up, l'm gonna have to put you in a straitjacket.
Do you want that?
No, ma'am.
Then behave yourself. Code 1 2.
WOMAN: l'm not mad!
Oh, God.
NURSE: All right.