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  • so this weekend was the fiftieth anniversary martin luther king's

  • I have a dream speech well cancers or very moved by

  • they all came out to say well that's a no cake because a

  • racism is 0 up thanks God I don't know that k I'm sure month kingwood

  • be really now a star with Bill O'Reilly here cuz he really set the tone

  • alas week heat was on about Oprah

  • and the handbag situation where she was not sure thirty thousand or handbag in

  • Europe

  • and people wonder why she was shown that

  • then I will please or maybe race was an issue Bill O'Reilly 18 rest let's watch

  • but here's the most important part the store over 13 and

  • everybody else should ignore those troglodytes

  • unless the situation is serious a foolish

  • in Salt is not the truth it's

  • you not gonna change the minds of the ignorant and it's not worth the effort

  • in any case

  • summing up the victimhood card is useless to Oprah everybody else

  • there is racism in the world is not going away and if you change a try

  • but most the time ignoring just think noraid

  • get over it already so bobby Jindal takes this opportunity over the weekend

  • here

  • publisher article in Politico sank

  • E ok we had it right get over it come on

  • now the beginning as well as the number Sabal I he does acknowledge that it

  • exists the problem his call

  • racism is one of the more tragic features the human condition

  • okay great and then he says by the way I noticed recently that the president the

  • United States a man with whom I disagree with almost everything

  • seems to have darker skin than most Americans he hasn't had a problem

  • getting elected

  • in other words your deal elected a black president

  • get all over a dead so

  • now he goes on to explain look of course he's indian-american himself as governor

  • louisiana neel like that as well

  • and body for the morning says this yet we still place far too much emphasis on

  • our separateness

  • our heritage ethnic background skin color Center

  • we live in the a Juve hyphenated Americans Asian Americans telomeres

  • after America's makes america's cuban-americans

  • indian-americans and Native Americans to name just a few

  • he says this is the wrong way to go which kinda interesting because

  • when David Gregory address them on meet the press. he didn't seem to have an

  • objection to this introduction

  • I just got a few seconds after I want to ask you as well first indian-american

  • governor

  • with a picture view going to Disneyland where also as a kid

  • I your American dream has been realized

  • he just called you need american your innocent for that are you bobby Jindal

  • of course he did he was very pleasant about it he didn't object

  • whatsoever okay 0 so he continues is editorial here's an idea he says how

  • about

  • just Americans which he didn't say to David Gregory now that has a nice ring

  • to it if you ask me

  • placing undue emphasis on our separateness is a step backward

  • bring back the melting pot now look

  • II like The Melting Pot analogy

  • I'm comfortable with it and I think that we all bring

  • a lot to this American tradition through our own heritage is but he he said in

  • the earlier quarter it to you

  • we place too much emphasis on our heritage that all these people including

  • african-americans should get beyond now wait a minute

  • if we got beyond it well we wouldn't have the melting pot in the first place

  • so for example if african-americans got beyond their heritage

  • we might not have had blues or gents

  • or rock n roll or hip-hop

  • or R&B or almost

  • all the music we now say is America

  • spun pressure it's a great idea to get beyond your culture

  • your heritage et cetera to leave his side well he wants to make it clear he

  • says

  • we have a long tradition of folks from all different backgrounds incorporating

  • the traditions and the American experience

  • but we must resist the politically correct rent

  • a changing the melting pot into a salad bowl K

  • all this cooking stuff is get confuse

  • okay what he means is in a melting pot

  • you melt together so you no longer have your own heritage your culture your

  • traditions

  • we have one shared one in a salad bowl you have distinct

  • different parts of the salad but I'm not melted together

  • they're in the same poll but they're still individuals

  • we can have can have but wait a minute

  • every one of these cultures as added to our melting pot

  • or are set on pork whatever bowl you like the bottom into

  • getting rid of that would be counterproductive to what's great about

  • america

  • but apparently they don't believe that so in case

  • his overall message was unclear Governor Bobby Jindal ends by saying

  • it's time to get over it it's time for that and the race

  • in america now

  • does he genuinely believe that you should be leave behind all your past

  • traditions

  • now look I think that it's really important that we also have a shared

  • culture

  • I'm a big believer in that it doesn't mean I think you should wipe out your

  • culture at or your individuality or where you came from

  • or your understanding amid apparently a little bit of a disagreement

  • but also understand the bobby Jindal is likely to

  • run for president in 2016 he certainly views himself as one of the top

  • republicans the country

  • would have a chance is something like that so he's gotta say an article

  • hot the O'bama like this guy will do everything okay

  • and has turn around and say to his white Republican voters because the great

  • majority Republican voters now are overwhelmingly white

  • because they've lost almost all the minorities in the country to turn them

  • say

  • it's okay I'm on your side races I guess it was a problem at some point

  • but the way to fix racism isn't by addressing racism

  • or helping lead actually get beyond a bite

  • fixing it or addressing it espy ignoring it

  • you're right the weighted some other promise the yellow black people in other

  • people and other minorities is a

  • yet although it will be like Obama get all great

  • now look artistic to the cases that we've

  • discussed over the many years here on the young turks thing you'd

  • dozens maybe hundreds of these that we have covered right

  • iron but I remember the older african-american gentleman

  • who was going to scart other day and is neighbor calls in

  • this is there's a guy breaking into a car X's

  • sea bird if you can why people live next to you is still when you see a black

  • person you freak out he's only got cops area has a black eye in the driver

  • of course is a black eye the drive which is right away Cubs come by the sea in

  • reaching the car

  • issue now how was he supposed to get over that

  • and I remember a similar case in Texas where a young kid

  • drop pulls up in his own driveway in his car as follows baseball player

  • and a cop shoot up they tracked them because they said okay well

  • that muscle in a stolen car and you must be going to rob that house

  • now how was he supposed to get over that

  • how do you get over somebody shoot EU base on the racial assumptions that they

  • made

  • I'm how could he have prevented the shooting

  • if you if he was bobby Jindal and he was like yes always in school that doesn't

  • exist

  • they didn't ask him those questions the shot for space on assumptions

  • and then they tell you to get over it so

  • please spare me man don't use the guys okay

  • almost getting together and doing wonderful things together and how we

  • should use race in judge people

  • to then to pervert the message a Martin Luther King

  • to turn it on its head and they say that you should ignore

  • real racial problems in the country and just get beyond it

  • is ups serves under that logic

  • they were just told more looting huh

  • yeah we know there is racism in 1963

  • get over it just stay at home already

  • you know what rosa parks you can set the from the bus

  • we note exists get over it just sit in the back of the bus

  • we've been hearing this for 50 law years

  • didn't make sense then and it doesn't make sense now

so this weekend was the fiftieth anniversary martin luther king's


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アメリカでは人種差別は終わった!ビル・オライリーとボビー・ジンダルに聞いてみよう (Racism Is Over In America! Just Ask Bill O'Reilly & Bobby Jindal)

  • 98 7
    張強 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日