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  • Dr. Hovind taught science for 15 years. Then he got his Ph.D. in education.

  • He’s always had a love for teaching. But one thing that he has discovered is that

  • in many of the science textbooks across America today

  • there are some fallacies; some false information being presented.

  • Why is this information in the science textbooks? What are they trying to prove?

  • Hi, my name is Eric. And in this seminar called, “Lies in the Textbooks

  • you are going to find out some of those lies that are being presented, and what you can

  • do about it.

  • Well, welcome to our seminar onLies in the Textbooks.”

  • My name is Kent Hovind. I taught high school science for 15 years.

  • And now, since 1989, I’ve been doing seminars on creation, evolution, and dinosaurs.

  • And our goal is to strengthen your faith in God’s Word.

  • This is not my wife - this is just a picture of her.

  • We live in Pensacola, Florida. Weve been there for 16 years.

  • We have three children, all grown up. They are all married and the dog died. I made it.

  • As I have mentioned before we have four grandkids so far.

  • And grandkids are God’s reward for not killing your own kids - when you thought about it.

  • They all live right around me and they all work in our ministry. That is a real blessing.

  • God has given us an amazing staff of people in (CSE) Creation Science Evangelism.

  • Our purpose is to get people saved. We like science at our place. We haveDinosaur Adventure

  • Land.”

  • We have a science center, a theme park, a museum, and all kinds of cool science stuff.

  • Some people try to say, “Well, you Christians are against science.”

  • No, I like science. But I am against evolution because it is not part of science.

  • Evolution is a lie. There is no scientific evidence to back up evolution.

  • We will get into that in just a minute. The Bible says in the Ten Commandments:

  • Thou shalt not bear false witness.” That means: Don’t lie.

  • Proverbs 19:9 says, “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies

  • shall not escape.”

  • God hates liars. The Bible says (Psalm 62:4b) “...they delight in lies.”

  • These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: (Proverbs

  • 6:16-19)

  • “...a lying tongue,” And a couple of verses later, “A false witness that speaketh lies.”

  • Out of the seven things that God hates, two of them are liars.

  • He must really hate them. He lists them in there twice.

  • John 8:44, Jesus said: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye

  • will do.

  • He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no

  • truth in him.

  • When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

  • Now then, I like science and I collect public school textbooks; I have hundreds of them.

  • Some texts from many other countries, and going clear back from the 1880s up to 2005.

  • I am not against science. We have all kinds of really cool science displays at our museum.

  • You can come down toDinosaur Adventure Landand see for yourself.

  • I am however against lying to kids. Now in the first three seminar videos

  • we talked about how students are being lied to about. The Big Bang - it didn’t happen.

  • Theyre being lied to about the age of the Earth. It is not billions of years old.

  • Theyre being lied to about the Cave Men. There has never been a “cave man.”

  • Unless you mean, Osama Bin Laden.

  • Theyre being lied to about the dinosaurs. They did not live millions of years ago.

  • And in this seminar we are going to cover about 30 more lies in the textbooks.

  • There are hundreds that we could go through. But we are going to try to hit the highlights.

  • And this could go for days, just covering lies in our textbooks.

  • I am going to hit some of the big ones. We will leave some of the little ones for another

  • time.

  • I am not trying to get evolution out of the public schools.

  • I think that any theory should be allowed to be taught - if you don’t have to lie to

  • support your theory.

  • I’m not trying to get creation into the schools.

  • And I think that Christians who work on either of those are wasting their time.

  • And many people have wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to accomplish those two

  • goals.

  • That is not going to happen. I am however trying to get lies out of the textbooks.

  • I think we will find that if we take the lies out of the textbooks there will be nothing

  • left to support evolution.

  • But that is their problem. They shouldn’t have picked such a dumb theory to begin with.

  • It’s not my fault. Now, I am also not against teachers.

  • My Mother was a godly woman. She led my Dad to the Lord on their first date.

  • She retired from teaching in the public schools. She’s been in heaven now for about seven years.

  • My brother led me to the Lord. He just retired last year from teaching in the public schools

  • for 34 years.

  • There are many good, godly teachers in the system. There are many good, godly principles.

  • Many good, godly school board members. I am not against schools. I am not against school

  • boards.

  • I am not against teachers; I am not against textbooks. But I am against lies. Let’s just

  • keep it in perspective.

  • Is there anyone here who thinks that teachers or textbooks should be allowed to deliberately

  • lie to students?

  • And I mean deliberately. A person could be lying and not know it.

  • But if they are deliberately lying - that shouldn’t be allowed, should it?

  • Wisconsin has a law that requires textbooks to be accurate. So does Alabama.

  • Textbooks shall be adequate and current...”

  • That means up to date; using the latest information.

  • Texas has a law that says, “Instructional materials shall be factual...” Good for Texas.

  • Florida has a law that requires the accuracy of instructional material.

  • And the commissioner is responsible to remove books that are not accurate.

  • Well, commissioner - do your job. Watch this video and then remove the books that are not

  • accurate.

  • California says that textbooks shall befactually accurate and reflect current and confirmed

  • research.”

  • Minnesota says that, “A teacher shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter.”

  • The problem is that none of those states enforce their own laws.

  • I don’t know if Tennessee has a law requiring textbook accuracy.

  • They ought to if they don’t have one. If you don’t have one - pass one.

  • This is a textbook from about 100 years ago.

  • It says that God created the heavens and the earth in six days.

  • Prayer is a duty. But it is vain to pray without a sincere heart.

  • God governs the world with infinite wisdom. Do you believe that this was a public school

  • textbook?

  • Well, here is one from today. “Evolution is fact, not theory.”

  • They say, “Birds arose from non-birds, and humans from non-humans.

  • No person who pretends to any understanding of the natural world can deny these facts.”

  • Wow, something has changed! I was in Chickasaw, Oklahoma, a couple of weeks ago.

  • It was supposed to be a debate, but none of the professors would debate me.

  • So they scheduled an evolution seminar two days after I was gone.

  • They let me speak on creation, the student group got me in there.

  • Here is a poster they put up right next to my poster.

  • The poster was inviting people to come to the evolution seminar.

  • Interested in Evolution? Well come on down!”

  • Evolution lectures with Dr. Mather and Dr. Reigh

  • It says, “Hear BOTH sides of the issue.”

  • We invited them to debate. They could have heard both sides together.

  • The kids get nine months of evolution teaching - I come in for two hours - and they panic.

  • And then they put on their posterhear both sides?” Theyre not going to present both

  • sides.

  • They are going to present one side, only the evolution side.

  • And that is what they already had for nine months. They don’t want to hear it.

  • I heard later that about twenty people turned up, but fifteen were from the Baptist Student

  • Union.

  • They wanted to hear what those teachers would say.

  • Their own textbook that’s used in Chickasaw, Oklahoma has one-quarter of the book

  • One entire unit is devoted to the evolution theory. There is nothing about creation.

  • Evolution is a dying religion that is surviving only on tax dollars. It’s dead.

  • This textbook has over 100 pages where evolution is talked about.

  • There is not one single mention of creation. So don’t tell me that they want to hearboth

  • sides”.

  • They want to present one view only. It is calledindoctrination,” not education.

  • This is a chart showing how the atheists feel that the different states are doing with the

  • teaching of evolution.

  • They think that you folks in Tennessee are doing a lousy job of teaching evolution to

  • your kids.

  • Go Tennessee! But they think that the folks over here in North Carolina are doing a good

  • job.

  • So North Carolina folks - get on the ball! Turn your state red by the next time they

  • do this survey.

  • Is there anyone here who thinks that teachers or textbooks should be allowed

  • to use outdated or false information just to get students to believe their theory?

  • Would that be a good idea? No. Okay.

  • Is there anyone here who thinks teachers that deliberately lie should be fired?

  • Is there anyone here who thinks textbooks with lies should be banned?

  • Or the lies torn out of the textbook? Well - hang on. Let’s go.

  • It has always amazed me how two people can look at the same thing and come to opposite

  • conclusions.

  • You know, two people can look at the Grand Canyon. One of them believes in evolution.

  • He looks at the canyon and says, “Wow, look at what the Colorado River did.”

  • “...For millions and millions of years.”

  • The Bible believing Christian stands there and looks at the same canyon.

  • He looks at the canyon and says, “Wow, look at what the Flood did in about 30 minutes.”

  • Now, just how was that canyon formed? This textbook says,

  • Over millions of years the Colorado River has carved out the Grand Canyon from solid

  • rock.”

  • Okay, hold on a second. It is a fact that the Grand Canyon exists.

  • I have been there many times. I taught earth science for 15 years.

  • I love studying the Grand Canyon. There are two interpretations of how it got there.

  • The evolutionists will say that it formed slowly with a little bit of water and lots

  • of time.

  • Like billions of years. But the creationists will say that it formed quickly

  • by lots of water and a little bit of time. Like in the big Flood in the days of Noah.

  • And the guys who believe in evolution are always trying to erase the line.

  • The line between their interpretation and to try to include it as if it is part of the

  • fact.

  • No, no, it is just your interpretation. This textbook says,

  • The Colorado River has cut through layer upon layer of rock over millions of years...”

  • Well now, hold on a minute. This other textbook says,

  • The Colorado River cut through 2000 meters of rock

  • exposing sediment layers like huge pages in the book of life.

  • Scan the canyon wall from rim to floor and you look back through hundreds of millions

  • of years.”

  • I don’t think so. I was in a debate one time and this atheist said,

  • Hovind, youre so stupid. Don’t you know it took millions of years to carve the Grand

  • Canyon?”

  • I said, “Well sir, there’s a couple of things you ought to learn about the Grand Canyon.”

  • If you built a dam across the Grand Canyon a huge lake would fill in behind it.

  • It would cover several states. It would take a lot of material to build the dam.

  • But if you could build a dam across that canyon you’d have a really big lake.

  • Actually some of the water from Wyoming drains through the Grand Canyon.

  • It has a huge drainage pattern. Here is a satellite color picture of it.

  • The Grand Canyon is like a big gash cutting across a mountain ridge.

  • I have flown by and taken lots of pictures over the years.

  • I asked the pilot one time, when I was going west, if we were going near the Grand Canyon.

  • He said, “Yeah, about one hundred miles from it.” Could you get permission to divert?

  • Could we go past near enough, to get a little closer?

  • He got permission and we flew right over the top of the canyon!

  • I was taking pictures like crazy. I love to study the Grand Canyon.

  • Actually, it is a bunch of useless real estate. What would you do with it if you had it?

  • You can look at it and then go home. That is about it.

  • You can’t plow it. And you don’t want to let your livestock play near the edge.

  • I said to the professor, “There are a couple of things to consider about this canyon.”

  • These two red lines indicate what is called thesnow line.”

  • Between those two red lines is a ridge that is about 6900-8500 feet (2100-2600 m) above

  • see level.

  • To the far right - is where the river enters the canyon. That is a 2800 feet (850 m) elevation.

  • Going through the canyon the river flows downhill for 270 miles (435 km).

  • It comes out the other side. If you look at this from a side view - it looks like this.

  • The river comes in at 2800 feet (850 m). The ground rises up while the river goes down

  • for 270 miles.

  • So there are a few things to consider about this canyon.

  • I said to the professor, “Did you know that the top of the Grand Canyon is higher than

  • the bottom?”

  • He replied, “Well, obviously.” I said, “Sir, did you know that the river only runs through

  • the bottom?”

  • He said, “Well, yeah.” I said, “Sir, did you know that the top of the canyon is higher

  • than where the river enters by over 4000 feet (1200 m)?”

  • He looked kind of surprised. I continued, “Sir, did you know that rivers don’t flow

  • uphill?”

  • And there is no delta. The Colorado River has almost no river delta. Where is all of

  • that mud?

  • That river did not make that canyon! The Grand Canyon is a washed out spillway.

  • There used to be two big lakes: Grand Lake and Hopi Lake.

  • The lakes are long gone. But the ancient one-time beaches are still there.

  • You can still see the beach line. They got too full - and washed over the top

  • and they washed out that canyon in a hurry.

  • Any farmer who has ever built a dam to hold water for his cows will tell you.

  • Once the water goes over the top of the dam it’s all over with.

  • That is why they guard the levy during the flood seasons, don’t they?

  • Get out there with sand bags. You cannot afford for it to even get started.

  • This river flowed down, starting at the top, and it must have been a big lake.

  • Even El Paso, Texas is calledEl Pasobecause it is a big pass.

  • I would bet that there used to be a big lake once backed up behind El Paso.

  • It later dried up and left the white sands of New Mexico behind.

  • If you look at the Grand Canyon, it is obvious that it is a washed out spillway.

  • Almost all rivers around the world come together at what is called acute angles, less than

  • 90 degrees.

  • The rivers will merge and keep going the same general direction.

  • If you look at the Grand Canyon, on the lower left are indeed merging at acute angles,

  • less than 90 degrees.

  • But if you look at the upper right,

  • the rivers are flowing backwards. Why would they do that?

  • The rivers run backwards, then hit the main channel, and turn around the other way.

  • It is called a barbed canyon. There aren’t many places like this on the planet.

  • This is evidence that a lake was once draining. The water was running in, then had to turn

  • The Grand Canyon was not made by the flowing of the Colorado River over millions of years.

  • That is one of the lies you kids are going to face in your textbooks.

  • It is just not geophysically possible for that to have happened that way.

  • Are there any farmers or veterinarians here tonight?

  • Do you recognize this machine? Yes, that is a calf puller.

  • Once in a while a cow has a hard time having that baby calf and so they get the calf puller

  • out.

  • They tie the cable around the calf’s legs and slowly pull the calf out of the cow.

  • With enough pressure - the calf comes out with no problem.

  • Well, one day this farmer was out pulling a calf. It was a breeched birth, the back

  • feet first.

  • That is not good, but it happens once in a while.

  • So the farmer had the calf puller out there, tightening it up. Trying to pull the calf

  • out of the cow.

  • Well, this city fella stopped his car to see what on earth is going on.

  • The farmer asked him if he’d ever seen anything like this before?

  • The city fella replied that he had never seen anything like this.

  • The farmer asked if he had any questions.

  • The city fella said, “Yes sir, I have one question that has been bothering me for 10

  • minutes.”

  • The farmer told him to go ahead and ask his question.

  • The city fella said, “How fast do you figure that calf was going when it ran into that

  • cow?”

  • No, no, no! This is a different situation.

  • It is possible for two people to look at the same thing and one of them is getting the

  • wrong idea.

  • The Bible warned us that it was going to happen.

  • II Peter 3:3 “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers,”

  • Did you know that there are people who scoff at the Bible?

  • I deal with them on a regular basis. I attract them like a lightning rod.

  • They scoff, it says, because of their lusts.

  • There is no scientific reason for them to reject the Bible.

  • They just don’t like that book because it chaps their hide.

  • So they are scoffing because of their lusts, not because of their science.

  • Even Julian Huxley admitted it. He said:

  • “I suppose the reason why we leapt at theOrigin of Specieswas that the

  • idea of God interfered with our sexual morés.”

  • In other words, “We don’t want God telling us what to do.”

  • Sir Arthur Keith said, “Evolution is unproved and unprovable.

  • We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable.”

  • The Bible says (Romans 1:28) thatthey did not like to retain God in their knowledge.”

  • II Thessalonians 2:11a “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion...”

  • Anybody that believes that they evolved from a rock 4.6 billion years ago is strongly deluded.

  • You would have to have help to be that dumb. You could not do it on your own.

  • One would have to have years of training and conditioning to believe such an idea.

  • Is it possible for a person to go insane? Oh yes, that happens, doesn’t it?

  • Is it possible for an entire group of people to go insane?

  • Can you imagine over 900 people drinking poisoned cool-aid and killing themselves?

  • A whole group, as a group, went insane.

  • Is it possible for an entire nation to go insane? Like millions and millions of persons?

  • Oh, it has happened, folks. Now then, is it possible for the entire world to go insane?

  • Well, the Bible says, (Revelation 12:9) “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent

  • called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world.”

  • I think that we are living in a time when just about the whole world has gone nuts.

  • They believe that they come from a rock 4.6 billion years ago. How dumb can you get?

  • II Peter 3:4, it goes on to say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers

  • fell asleep,

  • all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” That is an important

  • phrase.

  • The scoffers are going to say that the way things are happening now is the way theyve

  • always been.

  • Long, slow, gradual processes. The Bible says that the scoffers are willingly ignorant.

  • Willingly ignorant - that means: stupid on purpose.

  • They are willingly ignorant of how God made the heavens and the earth.

  • And theyre ignorant of the Flood. The world was (II Peter 3:6) “overflowed with water

  • and perished.”

  • We cover more on that in video tape number two in our series.

  • One of the scoffers in the last days was a man named James Hutton.

  • Now he lived in the late 1700s. He wrote a book that said the earth is millions of years

  • old.

  • You need to understand that in the late 1700s most Western people believed the Bible.

  • Or at least they were strongly influenced by the Bible and Christianity.

  • And folks generally thought that the earth was about 6000 years old.

  • That was the common teaching of the day.

  • In the public schools they taught that God created the world in six days.

  • But that was also a time of many revolutions.

  • The American Revolution; the French Revolution; the Polish, the Spanish, the German, etc.

  • Almost every country then was revolting against the idea of a king.

  • They wanted to establish democracies. So they threw off monarchies.

  • This later became known as the age of Anti-Monarchy. Here the Bible teaches tohonor the king.”

  • So some people saw the Bible as an obstacle to their political objectives.

  • And they wanted to discredit the Bible.

  • Keep in mind that this all happened in the late 1700s through to the early 1800s.

  • So back when everybody thought that the earth was a few thousand years old

  • James Hutton printed his book claiming that the earth is much older than that.

  • And he claimed that it got here byuniformitarianism.”

  • That is a big word, and it will be on the school’s test.

  • Uniformitarianism means that the present is the key to the past.

  • No, I think that the Bible is the only perfect key to the past.

  • During that time though the Christians did not fight against that new teaching ofmillions

  • of years.”

  • They didn’t object; they just accepted it.

  • The Christians accepted the idea of a Gap Theory, or Day-Age Theory, or Progressive

  • Creation.

  • They acceptedmillions of yearsright into the Bible.

  • But it is obvious to anyone who is really reading the Bible that is does not teach the

  • millions of years.

  • That is not what it says. So the Christians back then did not put up an effective defense.

  • They allowed the church to begin to believe such things.

  • And then when the theory of evolution came out - in 1859 - they then accepted that too!

  • Boy, what a tragedy. That book, “The Great Turning Pointdiscusses this history.

  • James Hutton’s book had a big influence on a young lawyer from Scotland, named Charles

  • Lyell.

  • Charles Lyell, the lawyer, hated the Bible.

  • You know, someone once calculated that if all the lawyers in the world were laid

  • end to end around the Equator - we would all be better off!

  • In 1830 Charles Lyell wrote this book, “Principles of Geology.” I have a copy of it on the table.

  • In this book you can see his hatred for the Bible - on almost every page.

  • He used the termancient doctrineswhich he mocked, likescriptural authority.”

  • He referred toreligious prejudices.” He said thatMen of superior talent” (like himself),

  • who thought for themselves and were not blinded by authority.”

  • Hutton used every opportunity he could find to mock the Scriptures.

  • In colleges these days you do not have to go very far

  • before you will run into a professor with a mocking attitude towards God’s word.

  • How many of you had one or more of them when you went through school?

  • It seems like their whole goal in life is to destroy your faith.

  • I had several of them when I went to school. They just want to destroy your confidence.

  • Charles Lyell said his goal was tofree the science from Moses.”

  • What do you suppose he meant by that?

  • Well, before Lyell’s book everyone looked at something like the Grand Canyon

  • and they’d say, “Wow - look what the Flood did!”

  • He did not like people interpreting Earth’s history in the light of the Bible.

  • He wanted them to interpret Earth’s history in terms of millions of years.

  • Lyell was the primary person responsible for inventing what is known as theGeologic Column.”

  • How many of you have ever heard of the Geologic Column before?

  • They divided the earth up into layers and gave them all technical-sounding names.

  • Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, and other kinds of big names.

  • Maybe you saw the movie, “Jurassic Parknamed after the Jurassic layer.

  • Each layer of rock was given a name, and an age, and an index fossil.

  • Now keep in mind that all of this was done in 1830 before there ever was carbon dating.

  • Also Potassium-Argon Dating; Rubidium-Strontium Dating; Lead 208; Lead 206; Uranium-235 & 238;

  • none of those had even been thought of.

  • So they did not determine those long ages by any radio-metric decay method.

  • They just picked the numbers out of the clear blue sky.

  • It is a fact that the Earth has many layers of sedimentary rock. That is a fact.

  • How did they get there? Well, there are two interpretations.

  • One group says that the layers formed slowly over millions of year.

  • The other group says, no, these layers are all from the Flood in the days of Noah.

  • But they are always trying to erase that line between the two and make their interpretation

  • become part of the facts.

  • And it’s just not. That is their interpretation, that is all.

  • The geologic column is actually the Bible for the evolutionist.

  • The only place in the world - that you will ever find it - is in the textbooks!

  • It does not exist. In this textbook, they admit it.

  • The author wrote, “If there were a column of sediments Unfortunately no such column

  • exists.”

  • Did you know that there is no realgeologic column?”

  • If there was it would be 100 miles (160 km) thick!

  • It doesn’t not exist. One of the lies in the textbooks.

  • Actually - all of evolution is based on this lie right here.

  • This lie is one of the most serious ones, in my opinion.

  • It is true that the earth has layers. That is not the question.

  • But how did those layers get there?

  • I mean, if that layer sat there for 10 million years, waiting for the next one

  • don’t you think it is going to rain once in a while? In 10 million years?

  • Why are there no erosion marks between the layers?

  • Why are they stacked right on top of each other just pancakes?

  • And by the way, why are there no soil layers between the rock layers?

  • Soil builds up on top of rock, right? Shouldn’t there be some soil layers in there?

  • If you get a jar and fill it with dirt, rocks, gravel, sand and mud and shake it up

  • and then set it down - it will settle into layers for you in a few minutes.

  • It doesn’t take long.

  • How many of you have seen those things you buy at the mall with two pieces of glass?

  • They add different kinds of sand in between and you flip it over.

  • In moments it makes all kinds of layers. It does not take long.

  • Years ago, I was preaching at a place in Union Center, South Dakota.

  • Now Union Center is right there.

  • It is too small to be on the map, actually.

  • And South Dakota puts a lot of small towns onto their maps.

  • There were 40 people in the whole town.

  • 38 of them came to church that night. (Maybe the other two were pulling a calf)

  • We had a great meeting. And the pastor there said that we should go down to Rapid City.

  • He said that they have a lot of dinosaur bones in the museum there.

  • Alright - I like dinosaurs! So the next day we all drove down to Rapid City.

  • We came to this museum, and the official guide met us at the door.

  • He asked if we would like for him to give us a tour.

  • We replied that that would be great, sir.

  • So - the first place we stopped at on the tour was theGeologic Time Chart.”

  • They have it lit up in a special place, safely behind glass.

  • We stood there and the guide told us that a particular layer of rock was 70 million

  • years old.

  • He had that sanctimonious tone in his voice. Somberly, “70 million years old.”

  • Well, my daughter was 12 years old at the time. She raised her hand.

  • She asked, “Mister, how do you know that the layer is 70 million years old?”

  • He said, “Honey, that is a good question.”

  • We tell the age of the layers by what types of fossils we find in them.”

  • They are calledindex fossils.” And that is correct; that is what the textbooks teach.

  • Scientists use index fossils to determine the age of rock layers.”

  • She said, “Thank you, sir.” We walked around to the other side.

  • And he told us that those bones were about 100 million years old.

  • My daughter raised her hand again.

  • She asked, “Sir, how do you know those bones are 100 million years old?”

  • He said, “Well, we tell the age of the bones by which layer they came from.”

  • She said, “Well sir, when we were standing over there

  • you told me that you know the age of the layers by the bones.

  • Now you are telling me that you know the age of the bones by the layers.

  • Sir, isn’t that circular reasoning?”

  • I thought wow, a chip off the old block.

  • That guy had the strangest look on his face.

  • It was almost as though he were thinking.

  • He looked at my daughter. Then he looked at me. -I wasn’t about to help him!

  • I thought, wow, this is going to be good. I have got to hear his answer.

  • He looked back at my daughter and said, “You are right. That is circular reasoning.”

  • He said that he had never thought of that before.

  • That fella drove 50 miles each way that evening to hear me speak in that tiny town.

  • The crowd swelled from 38 to 39! We set up a chair in the aisle.

  • Afterwards he talked to me for an hour or so.

  • He asked, “Dr. Hovind, is everything I believe about geology wrong?”

  • He also taught geology at the college there.

  • I told him that I like geology. I have a huge fossil collection.

  • I have a rock collection; a mineral collection; I teach earth science; I love studying geology.

  • But as far as the layers being different ages -I said yes sir, I’m sorry, that is all baloney.

  • It is based on circular reasoning. I will show you.

  • Here is a text that tells kids toDate the rocks by the fossils.”

  • And then on the next page it says toDate the fossils by the rocks.”

  • On the next page and they don’t catch it.

  • This is a lie; it is circular reasoning.

  • The intelligent layman has long suspected circular reasoning

  • in the use of rocks to date fossils and fossils to date rocks.”

  • But the geologist has never bothered to think of a good reply,

  • feeling the explanations are not worth the trouble as long as the work brings results.”

  • It cannot be denied that from a strictly philosophical standpoint geologists are here

  • arguing in a circle.”

  • The relative ages of the rocks are determined by the remains of organisms that they contain.”

  • They date the rocks by the fossils, and the fossils by the rocks.

  • Ever since the beginning of the 19th century,

  • fossils have been and still are the best and most accurate method

  • of dating and correlating the rocks in which they occur.”

  • Apart from verymodernexamples, which are really archaeology,

  • I can think of no cases of radioactive decay being used to date fossils.”

  • They don’t date fossils by using Potassium-Argon dating or Carbon-14 dating.

  • That is not how they do it. “Radiometric dating would not be possible

  • if the geologic column had not been erected first.”

  • There is no way to simply look at a fossil and say how old it is ...”

  • “...unless you know the age of the rocks it comes from.”

  • It was Niles Eldredge who said that!

  • He is one of the most famous evolutionists alive today.

  • He said, “And this poses something of a problem.”

  • No kidding. It poses a big problem!

  • If we date the rocks by the fossils, how can we then turn around and

  • talk about patterns of evolutionary change through time in the fossil record?”

  • Circular reasoning. This guy saysThe rocks do date the fossils,

  • but the fossils date the rocks more accurately.”

  • I think the cheese fell out of his sandwich, that’s what I think.

  • This is all based on circular reasoning. Another guy said,

  • The charge of circular reasoning can be handled in several ways.”

  • It can be ignored, as not the proper concern of the public.”

  • It can be denied, by calling down the Law of Evolution.”

  • It can be admitted, as a common practice Or it can be avoided, by pragmatic reasoning.”

  • But again, it is all based on circular reasoning.

  • Actually, at the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925 over in Dayton, Tennessee

  • This is what they wanted to use as evidence for evolution.

  • The lowest layers are obviously the oldest.” From page 275 of the court transcript.

  • No, the lowest layers are not necessarily the oldest.

  • Did you know that in still water the sedimentary layers do settle from top to bottom?

  • That is correct. But in moving water - you can make 5 or 10 layers form simultaneously.

  • They form from one end and travel across.

  • So it is possible to have a fossil on the bottom that is younger than a fossil on top.

  • If it’s moving water.

  • There is a great video tape called, “Experiments in Stratificationfor more information on

  • this.

  • Or get our video #6 for additional information.

  • I like to question the evolutionists. Their geologic column contains limestone in many

  • places.

  • If I handed you a piece of limestone how would you know if it is 100 million years old Jurassic

  • limestone

  • or 600 million years old Cambrian limestone? Exactly what is the difference?

  • They’d say that the only way to tell the difference is by the index fossils.

  • That, of course, is precisely my point. They date the layers by the fossils.

  • This textbook shows the kids a trilobite.

  • It says, “boys and girls, trilobites make good index fossils.

  • If a trilobite is found in a rock layer, then the rock layer was probably formed

  • 500 to 600 million years ago.” I don’t think so.

  • Somebody found a human shoe print, where the guy’s shoe stepped on a trilobite.

  • They asked evolutionists all over how on earth could a human step on a trilobite?

  • If trilobites lived 500 million years ago and man didn’t get here till some 3 million

  • years ago

  • And folks didn’t start wearing shoes until about 10,000 years ago, they say.

  • How could a human have stepped on a trilobite?

  • Well, one atheist said that obviously some aliens must have visited the planet 500 million

  • years ago.

  • Oh, those aliens will do it every time.

  • Another guy said that maybe there was a large trilobite, shaped like a shoe, that fell on

  • a small one.

  • Now, there have been some big trilobites out there.

  • But they are not shaped like a shoe.

  • Actually, the trilobite has the most complicated eyeball ever!

  • Trilobite eyes are unbelievable.

  • And they believe that this was one of the first creatures to evolve?

  • And it already has the most complex eyes?!

  • Just the eye is one of the most complex features.

  • No, trilobites are notindex fossilsfor anything.

  • There are all kinds of different trilobites

  • And there are probably some still alive today. Certainly the Baltic isopod is still alive.

  • Recently a guy sent me a jar full of trilobites from the Prudhoe Bay, Alaska water treatment

  • plant.

  • When the package arrived in Pensacola, Florida - they were still alive in the jar!

  • But I don’t know how to keep a trilobite alive. What do you feed them?

  • They all died. They are now in our museum down in Pensacola.

  • Somebody just sent me a large one from somewhere in the Caribbean.

  • It is about 15 inches (40 cm) long. He had pulled it off a rock, it was still alive.

  • The name for it down there is some kind of searoach.”

  • A roach? It looked to me like a big trilobite!

  • This textbook shows the kids a graptolite.

  • They claim that it is 410 million years old. No, I don’t think so.

  • Actually graptolites have been found still alive in the South Pacific 10 years ago.

  • So if you find graptolite, you can’t use that as anindex fossilfor any age rock, OK.

  • They tell the kids in school that the lobe-finned fish is the index fossil for Devonian.

  • 325 million years old. See that short leg boys and girls?

  • He’s got a little bitty leg and then the fin.

  • That proves he’s evolving from a leg to a fin. No, that’s a lie.

  • The lobe-finned fish, are still alive today, theyre swimming around the Indian Ocean.

  • When they caught the first one 1938 the scientists looked at it and said,

  • Wow, would you look at that, they survived for 325 million years.”

  • It never dawned on them even once to question their faith in the geologic column.

  • That thought never crossed their brains.

  • You don’t question the geologic column, it is holy and sacred.

  • You just have to say, “It survived for 325 million years.”

  • That is in the textbooks today. And they still say that it is the index fossil!

  • Even though they know they are swimming around in the Ocean.

  • How can they be that dumb? This lady wrote a book about it: “A Fish Caught in Time.”

  • Yes, boys and girls, this isour own great-uncle forty million times removed.”

  • She does look a little fishy, doesn’t she? Especially around her gills there.

  • You are going to be told that some dinosaurs are the index fossils for the Jurassic Period.

  • 70 million, or cretaceous, 70 million, years ago. That’s baloney!

  • Dinosaur bones were found recently that had blood cells still in them.

  • How long are the blood cells last?

  • There are also examples of soft tissue discovered within dinosaur bones, still flexible.

  • That was in March of 2005.

  • Here are fossilized human hands found in the same rock strata as dinosaur bones.

  • They will tell you that the layers are different ages, but that is not true.

  • Charles Darwin liked detail-sounding numbers.

  • So he claimed that the Wealden deposits in England were 306,662,400 years old.

  • How could he have possibly known such a thing?

  • All over the world petrified trees are found standing up.

  • Effectively they connect multiple rock layers.

  • Petrified trees found in the upright position.

  • Now, how long does a dead tree stay standing up before it falls down?

  • Maybe 5 or 10 years, right? 5 million year? Oh no, not 5 million.

  • And yet, petrified trees in the vertical position are found all over the planet.

  • I’ll just flash through some pictures real quick here.

  • There are all kinds of petrified trees found standing up.

  • And they are running through multiple layers.

  • And the kids are being taught that the layers are different ages.

  • And yet here’s one tree connecting them all.

  • I am having a hard time believing that these layers are different ages.

  • Central Alabama has a large coal mine with a whole bunch of petrified trees standing

  • up running through two seams of coal. The Blue Creek and the Mary Lee.

  • Now theyre going to tell you in school, for coal to form a forest it has to grow and then

  • it all falls over and turns into a swamp and then it gets buried.

  • And then new mud washes in on top and coal slowly forms from the forest that was buried.

  • Then thousands of years later another forest grows on top. And a whole new layer of coal

  • forms.

  • So if you find two layers of coal, oh that took thousands of years. That’s what theyll

  • tell you in school.

  • That is simply baloney. We cover more on coal formation in seminar #6.

  • If you look at some of the trees found in this coal mine, just look at all of them.

  • I think I can prove these two coal formations formed at the same time, very quickly, within

  • a few weeks or months of each other, that’s for sure.

  • They all probably formed during the Flood in the days of Noah.

  • In Cookville, Tennessee, how far is Cookville from here?...

  • In Cookville, Tennessee there is a a coal mine with petrified trees.

  • It is coalified at the bottom - petrified in the middle - and then coalified on top!

  • Where it went through a second coal seam.

  • It is all the same tree.

  • By the way, why are coal seams usually found right on top or rock or clay?

  • Wouldn’t that be a poor place to grow a forest? It ought to be on top of soil don’t you think?

  • Polystrate fossils are found all over the world.

  • In Joggins, Nova Scotia, there are dozens of petrified trees standing up connecting

  • rock layers.

  • The scientists just go up there and look at them, “Wow, that is curious.”

  • No, it is more than curious. It is devastating to their teaching, that the layers are different

  • ages.

  • There is a brochure you can get from us, only $2, that has 30 color pictures of polystrate

  • fossils.

  • Occasionally, the petrified trees are found upside-down running through many rock layers.

  • Now they have really got a problem. I have thought about this until my brain hurts.

  • The evolutionists have two ways to solve this.

  • They can say that the trees stood upright for millions of years while the layers formed

  • around them.

  • Or, maybe the trees grew through hundreds of feet of solid rock looking for sunlight.

  • But there is a third way to look at it - maybe they were all buried in a big flood.

  • Mount St. Helens blew thousands of trees into Spirit Lake on May 18, 1980.

  • Lots of those trees are now stuck in the mud at the bottom of Spirit Lake.

  • They are going to petrify in the standing position.

  • We have more in Seminar #6 about that.

  • It does not take long for things to petrify.

  • Here is petrified firewood that was chopped on - before it turned to stone.

  • This is a mummified dog that is stuck in a tree.

  • Apparently he chased a raccoon up a tree and got stuck there.

  • Here is a petrified cowboy boot with the cowboy’s leg still in it.

  • The boot was originally made in 1950. The leg inside has turned to stone.

  • This is a petrified fish giving birth. It does not take millions of years to give birth.

  • This is a petrified hat. And a petrified pickle that was found in a jar.

  • The guy sent me the jar and pickle. He said that he’d found it in Montana.

  • It was an old abandoned home. He asked me if I wanted a petrified pickle for our museum.

  • I said, “Of course, who in their right mind would not want a petrified pickle!”

  • Come down to Dinosaur Adventure Land - and see the petrified pickle.

  • These are petrified sacks of flour that were found in an old flour mill.

  • It had flooded back in 1910, down in Arkansas. This is a petrified toad stool.

  • There is an amazing gem and mineral museum just south of Bloomington, Illinois.

  • in a little tiny town called Shirley Illinois, you have to be trying to find it to get there.

  • But it’s worth going to see the Funk Gem and Mineral Museum.

  • These are petrified acorns. A kid sent them to me.

  • He said that he was seven years old when he put them into a bucket of water.

  • He thought they would sprout and make trees. But he forgot about them.

  • By the next Spring the acorns had turned to stone.

  • He asked if we would like them for our museum. I said, “Of course.”

  • Come down and see the petrified acorns.

  • We have more on petrification in Seminar #6.

  • So kids, when they tell you the layers are different ages, you tell them Kent Hovind

  • said

  • they are confused or theyre lying. It is not correct. This is Lie Number 5.

  • Those layers all formed, nearly all of them, at the time of Noah’s flood.

  • Eighty to 85% of Earth’s surface does not even have 3 geologic periods appearing in

  • consecutive order.

  • Even though this geologic column does not exist in the world - except in the textbooks

  • -

  • that teaching is what changed people, in the 1830’s, away from believing the Bible to believing

  • in uniformitarianism.

  • This teaching especially affected a young preacher.

  • He just got out of Bible college, studied to be a pastor of a church.

  • His name was Charles Darwin. Anybody ever heard of Charles Darwin?

  • Charles Darwin graduated from Bible college to be a preacher.

  • And he was going to sail around the world for 5 years first.

  • He would collect some bugs for somebugologists” (entomologists) back there in England.

  • So he brought some books with him. He brought his Bible, of course.

  • He just got out of Bible college, and he brought this brand new book, “Principles of Geology.”

  • Darwin later said that book changed his life forever.

  • Later, he wrote to a friend and said, “Disbelief [in the Bible] crept over me slowly. I felt

  • no distress.”

  • He slowly lost his faith in the Bible.

  • As Darwin sailed around the world, the ship stopped off at the Galapagos Islands.

  • There in those islands, he noticed there were 14 different varieties of finches.

  • These are little tiny birds with a little tiny beak, but the beak shapes were different.

  • More recently folks went there and studied them some more.

  • They found out that during dry years, the beak is a tenth of a millimeter thicker.

  • And during wet years, it’s a tenth of a millimeter thinner.

  • But it always averages back out. A tenth of a millimeter: do you know how much that is?

  • Not much.

  • Darwin looked at the birds and said, “You know what? I think all these birds had a common

  • ancestor.”

  • I bet youre right, Charles, it was: a bird.

  • But then Charlie said, “Well, maybe this proves that birds and bananas are related.”

  • You say, “He never says that.” Well, he sure did. I knew you wouldn’t believe me so I brought

  • his book.

  • It’s right here. “The Origin of Speciesby Charles Darwin.

  • On page 170, Darwin says, “It’s a truly wonderful fact that all animals and all plants

  • throughout all time and space should be related to each other.”

  • Isn’t he saying that the birds and bananas are related? He sure is. This is a lie.

  • What Charlie observed is what is sometimes called micro-evolution.

  • Micro-evolution tells us that dogs produce a variety of dogs. That’s a fact. It happens,

  • okay?

  • And roses produce a variety of roses. Nobody is arguing about that.

  • The question is, does it go any farther than that?

  • You may get a big dog or a little dog, but you get a dog every time.

  • And probably the dog, the wolf, and the coyote had a common ancestor.

  • I wouldn’t argue about that. We did a test this morning.

  • We had a 5-year-old girl. We said, ok, here we have a dog, a wolf, a coyote and a banana.

  • Which one is not like the others? She got it: the banana.

  • Weve got college professors can’t figure that out.

  • As National Geographic says the evolution of dogs from wolves. Well, duh.

  • Nobody’s arguing about that. Yeah, dogs came from wolves.

  • The Bible says they bring forth after their kind. Ten times it says that in the first

  • chapter of Genesis.

  • See, this wordevolutionhas 6 different meanings.

  • Weve been through this before, so I’m going to go through it kind of quickly.

  • There is first of allcosmic evolution,” the Big Bang.

  • Secondly, “chemical evolutionwhere all the chemicals come from hydrogen. That’s baloney.

  • Thirdly, “stellar evolutionwhere all the stars formed from dust.

  • You cannot get dust to condense into a solid star. It can’t happen.

  • There’s Boyle’s gas laws that drive it away, ok?

  • Then, there’s enough stars out there though, we can all have 11 trillion to ourselves.

  • Then you haveorganic evolutionwhere life gets started from non-living material.

  • And thenmacro-evolutionwhere an animal changes to a different kind of animal.

  • None of those 5 have ever been observed!

  • Number 6: Variations within the kinds, sometimes calledmicro-evolution.” That one happens.

  • The first 5 are religious. So whenever you discuss evolution, you have to define what

  • youre talking about.

  • If youre talking about #6, I’m with you. I agree that happens.

  • If youre talking about the first 5 - none of those happen. Those are things that they

  • believe happens.

  • Watch how they change the definition for the kids.

  • They say, “okay, boys and girls, evolution is change over time.” Oh, is that really what

  • they mean?

  • Watch this carefully now. In other words, living things have changed over time. Wait,

  • wait, wait.

  • Are they going to skip over the first four?

  • They just want to bypass the first 4 stages like it’s not part of the theory?

  • Well then, they don’t have a coherent theory.

  • Then they say, “evolution can be defined as a change in species over time.”

  • Now theyre down to what I believe in. I think every species can and do change.

  • I think you can get some really weird varieties of animals, but theyre still the same kind.

  • Okay?

  • This is a lie, kids, that’s not really what they mean by evolution.

  • They want to give you examples of only #6 and make you believe that the whole theory

  • has been proven.

  • Don’t get brainwashed. Evolution is not true.

  • Most evolutionists will say, “Well, macro-evolution is just micro- but with longer periods of

  • time.”

  • No, it’s not. They had a big conference on this very question in Chicago.

  • They said, “The central question of the Chicago conference was whether the mechanisms

  • underlying microevolution can be extrapolated to explain the phenomena of macroevolution.”

  • The answer can be given as a clear - NO. It doesn’t work.

  • Variations happen, sure, but they have limits.

  • Did you know, farmers have been trying to get bigger pigs for a long time.

  • You think theyll ever get a pig as big as Texas? I bet there’s a size limit, isn’t there?

  • Roaches become resistant to pesticides. Do you think theyll ever become resistant to

  • a sledgehammer?

  • Probably not. You see, there’s a tiger that had 3 kittens, all different colors, same

  • litter.

  • That’s variations, but it’s still a tiger. That’s not evolution.

  • They always end up producing the same kind of offspring - just like the Bible says.

  • The information for the new variety had to be in the gene code already or it couldn’t

  • produce it.

  • No new information is ever added. The gene pool of the new variety is always more limited.

  • Somebody spent years cross-breeding dogs to develop the Chihuahua.

  • All of that money to make a dog that is 100% useless. I mean, think about it.

  • How long would the Chihuahuas last in the real world. Turn them all loose into the woods.

  • Watch what happens. They run up to the wolf. Yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap.

  • Crunch, end of gene code, right? Genetic information is lost, not added, when you get a strange

  • variety.

  • Real evolution would need an increase in genetic complexity. We don’t ever observe that.

  • I grew up in Illinois, that is corn country.

  • Did you know they have so many kinds of corn up there, they have to number them?

  • You can be driving down the highway, and there’s a sign that says BX65.

  • Don’t mix it with XL29, something will explode.

  • Well, folks, you can cross-breed corn a lot, but you are always going to get corn.

  • Youre never going to get a hamster to a tomato or a whale to grow on your cornstalk.

  • It just isn’t going to happen, ok?

  • There are many varieties of dogs in the world, and they might have had a common ancestor: a

  • dog.

  • Here’s BBC News: “It looks like 95% of current dogs came from just 3 original founding females.”

  • Hey, theyre getting closer. Right here it says, “Today’s dogs come in all shapes and

  • sizes,

  • but scientists believe they evolved from just a handful of wolves tamed by humans

  • living in or near China less than 15,000 years ago.” Theyre getting closer.

  • Man, if they keep studying the science, theyre going to be an independent Baptist when theyre

  • done.

  • When you get done climbing the mountain of truth, that’s where you end up, you know?

  • This Irish textbook calls it divergent evolution. Oh, come on. They show 5 dogs around a wolf.

  • That’s not divergent evolution. Don’t give it a fancy name. It’s still a dog. It’s just

  • a variety of dog.

  • This Mexican textbook says, “The horse and the zebra had a common ancestor.” I agree.

  • It looked like a horse. You know, all the standard horse equipment. Theyve got little

  • tiny horses today.

  • We had the world’s smallest horse come visit our Dinosaur Adventure Land. Talk about useless.

  • I mean, you can’t ride it. Well, my granddaughter could, but it won’t bark like a dog either.

  • What do you do with a horse like this? You know, horses, zebras and asses can all be

  • crossbred.

  • They have a competition in California - who can get the weirdest animal.

  • Theyll get: zorses, zonkeys, zeonies, z-donks, zebrass, and shebras.

  • Here’s a zebra who forgot to put his pajamas on. Here’s a herd of zebroids running around.

  • You know, in the last hundred years, the Kentucky Derby has gone from

  • an average running speed of 127 seconds down to 123 seconds.

  • Even in the old days, they had some pretty low times turned in. Question:

  • How much money has been spent on breeding trying to get the fastest horse for the Kentucky

  • Derby?

  • Millions and millions of dollars. They do the same thing right around here, don’t they?

  • Don’t some folks spend a lot of money for a Tennessee Walker Horse?

  • What’s the most expensive Tennessee Walking Horse that youve ever heard of?

  • A million dollars for one horse? Three million for one horse? That’s how much per pound?

  • When I was in Italy, we ate horse over there. It was good too. It tasted like chicken.

  • I don’t know if theyve gotten to the absolute limits of horse speed or not. I don’t know.

  • But I suspect theyre getting kind of close, ok?

  • If you really want to win the Kentucky Derby, why don’t you breed wings on your horse

  • and fly around the track in 12 seconds? The whole point is, sure, you get varieties,

  • but theyre limited.

  • There are many different kinds of cows in the world, and they might have a common ancestor: a

  • cow.

  • There are magazines where you order chickens.

  • All right, boys and girls, which kind of chicken breed should we order?

  • Look at what the magazine says, “Jungle Fowl are the original bird from which

  • all varieties and strains of domesticated chickens are derived.”

  • Did you know all the chickens had a common ancestor?

  • Anybody want to guess what it was? Chicken. You got it.

  • There are 8 kinds of bears in the world, and they might have had a common ancestor: a

  • bear.

  • You know, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts

  • all have a common ancestor. It is called a plant.

  • In California, they have huge fields where they graft English walnut trees onto black

  • walnut stumps.

  • They do it because for the black walnut stump, the root system is tough.

  • It can handle the weather over there. But the black walnut doesn’t taste as good,

  • it doesn’t sell for as much money, and it’s tougher to crack. English walnuts taste better.

  • They sell for more money, and theyre easier to crack, but the root system rots.

  • So they cut them off and stick them together. They do it all over there.

  • Well, they can do it because theyre both a walnut.

  • See, you could never graft an English walnut tree onto the back of a turtle.

  • That won’t work, see? The sugar beets were used for years when sugar got expensive.

  • They wanted to get sugar out of beets.

  • So they tried to do selective breeding to increase the sugar content in sugar beets.

  • They raised it from 6% to 17%, but that was the maximum.

  • You can’t go past 17, and the further they got away from the normal wild sugar beet,

  • the more problems they started having. Now youve got to babysit the field

  • and spray pesticides and everything else on it because its disease resistance goes down.

  • People say, “Don’t bacteria become resistant to drugs?”

  • Well, that’s because they lose information, not gain it. I’ll show you.

  • Dr. Spetner points out, “This is based on a misunderstanding.

  • For the mutations that cause antibiotic resistance still involve information loss.

  • For example, to destroy bacteria, the antibiotic streptomycin attaches

  • to part of the bacterial cell called ribosomes.

  • Mutations sometimes cause a structural deformity in ribosomes.

  • Since the antibiotic cannot connect with the misshapen ribosome, the bacterium is resistant.”

  • Even though this mutation turns out to be beneficial for the moment,

  • it still constitutes a loss of information, not a gain.

  • No evolution has taken place. The bacteria are not stronger.

  • In fact, under normal conditions with no antibiotic present, they are weaker than their non-mutated

  • cousins.

  • I’ll give you an example. Suppose somebody’s come into your town, and theyre handcuffing

  • everybody.

  • They take them off to jail, and then, theyre going to kill them. But you don’t have any

  • arms.

  • So they can’t handcuff you. Ha, ha, ha. Is that a beneficial mutation to not have arms?

  • Well, yeah, for the moment, ok? But in the long-term, it’s not beneficial, right?

  • And so all the examples they ever point to are bacteria becoming resistant to drugs.

  • That’s a loss of information, not a gain. The Bible is correct. They bring forth after

  • their kind.

  • James Hutton wrote a book in 1795, and people began to doubt the Earth was 6000 years old.

  • Charles Lyell wrote a book in 1830, and people began to doubt the flood.

  • And Charles Darwin’s book made people doubt the Creator.

  • By the mid-1800s, people were wondering, “Wow, if God didn’t do it, how did we get here?”

  • Who’s in charge of the world?” That led directly to the rise of Communism, Marxism, socialism,

  • Nazism.

  • Well cover that on Seminar Part 5: Politically Incorrect, “The Dangers of this Evolution

  • Theory.”

  • Now Darwin didn’t originate the evolution theory. It was around a long time before him.

  • He just simply made it popular. But Timothy was warned by Paul here in 1 Timothy 6:20

  • Ye be careful about avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science

  • falsely so called.”

  • Evolution is not science. Evolution is a religion in every sense of the word.

  • Hitler said, “Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state.”

  • Professor E.O. Wilson at Harvard University said, “As were many persons from Alabama,

  • I was a born-again Christian. When I was 15, I entered the Southern Baptist Church

  • with great fervor and interest in the fundamentalist religion.

  • I left at 17 when I got to the University of Alabama and heard about evolution theory.”

  • He lost his faith the first year of college. That’s what happened to Phillip Wentworth

  • who studied for the ministry at Harvard, lost his faith, gave up on the ministry.

  • That’s what happened to a young man named, Scott, from Iowa. He almost lost his faith

  • until someone showed him one of my video tapes, and he said,

  • Oh man, you saved my faith, Brother Hovind.”

  • Marty, from Ontario, Canada, wrote me and said, “I want to let you know,

  • your ministry has been a blessing to me. I’m one of the high school students in the Anthropology

  • class

  • that is a victim of the dangers of evolution teaching.

  • I was very discouraged and questioned the existence of God.

  • I listened to your seminars and that completely encouraged me and was a blessing to me.”

  • Yeah, rescued one. It’s amazing how many thousands of people down through history

  • have lost their faith because of this evolution teaching.

  • Karl Marx studied and had said that he wanted to serve God with his life.

  • He went off to college to study philosophy and became an evolutionist.

  • Comrade Joseph Stalin. There was a special this afternoon on TV.

  • How many saw that about Comrade Stalin on the History Channel?

  • He went to a Christian school, but he also read Darwin’s book.

  • He became an atheist and killed between 60 and 100 million of his own people!

  • Andrew Carnegie became an evolutionist by reading Darwin’s book.

  • He said it freed him from the shackles of religion. “Light came in as a flood. All was

  • clear.

  • Not only had I got rid of theology and the supernatural, but I found the truth of evolution.”

  • Carnegie left behind millions of dollars to make sure evolution is taught in our schools

  • instead of creation.

  • He funded theNational Center for Science in Education.” The list is really long. Well

  • have to quit now.

  • But 75% of kids from Christian homes who go to public schools lose their faith after 1

  • year of college.

  • What’s in these textbooks anyway? What are they teaching our kids that’s making them

  • lose their faith?

  • Well cover more lies in the textbooks in the next session.

  • There’s still no known evidence to support the evolution theory. It was disproven long

  • ago.

  • If real evidence exists for this evolution theory, I would like to see it.

  • Weve been offering a quarter of a million dollars for real scientific evidence for evolution.

  • Weve had that offer for over 10 years. There isn’t any evidence. I’ll give you an example.

  • Suppose I had a theory that the moon is made of green cheese.

  • Now that’s a dumb theory, I know, but hey, it’s okay to have a dumb theory.

  • There are no laws against dumb theories. But then suppose I started teaching my students,

  • Hey kids, did you know NASA proved my theory in 1973 when they went there

  • on a secret mission and drilled a hole and found the moon is made of green cheese?”

  • Well now, hold on a minute. It’s okay to have a dumb theory.

  • It’s not okay to lie about my evidence for my theory.

  • It is worse for me to get paid by tax dollars while I lie about my theory.

  • So I don’t mind if they want to have a theory that we came from a rock. That doesn’t bother

  • me.

  • It does bother me that they want to lie to the students about their evidence.

  • And it really bothers me that I have to pay their salary while they lie to support their

  • theory.

  • So here’s some of the (supposed) evidence they use for evolution theory.

  • They say, “We have evidence from fossils.” I say, “Guys, youve got to be kidding.”

  • No fossil counts as evidence for evolution. None. If you can find bones in the dirt, all

  • you know is it died.

  • You don’t know it had any kids. No fossil could count as evidence for evolution. None.

  • They say, “We have evidence from structure, from molecular biology, from development.”

  • Well, let’s talk about a few of these. Evolution is dead.

  • The theory is defunct. There is no evidence to support it.

  • But some of the followers are pretty dedicated, and theyre having a hard time letting it

  • go.

  • Theyll even lie to you to make you think everything’s fine.

  • They say, “Wow, look at that evolution theory. It’s perfectly fine. There’s no challenge

  • to evolution.”

  • Look, it never looked better. Pulse and heart rate look good.” No, I’m sorry, he’s a goner.

  • Don’t be the last one off the boat. It is sinking. Evolution is based on 2 faulty assumptions.

  • Number 1: They say mutations make something new. That’s never been observed.

  • Number 2: Natural selection makes us survive and take over the population.

  • Evolution is actually a religion of death.

  • In order for evolution to work, one animal evolves a little better than the rest.

  • What must happen to the rest of them to make this thing work?

  • Theyve got to die or else the new improved gene is swamped back into the gene code.

  • The question is so simple and profound.

  • Did man bring death into the world?” like the Bible says - or -

  • Did death bring man into the world?” like evolution says. Somebody is wrong.

  • The textbook says there are mutations, and they are the original source of variation

  • in populations.

  • I agree. Mutations happen, no question. But mutations do not produce any evolution.

  • Mutations are scrambling up existing genetic code. Theyre not making anything new.

  • Here’s a 5-legged bull that’s a mutant. There’s no new information added.

  • He already had the information on how to make a leg. It just made one in the wrong place,

  • that’s all.

  • It’s not new information. It is scrambled information. Here’s a short-legged sheep.

  • Again, no new information. And by the way, that’s not beneficial.

  • He’s the first one the wolf is going to catch. Right? Oh no, let’s run! Here comes the wolf!

  • Burr, uh-huh, Herman didn’t make it, umm. There’s a 2-headed lamb. That’s a mutant.

  • It’s not beneficial. Two-headed turtle, that’s a mutant. It’s not a ninja, but it’s a mutant.

  • Now, he’s going to freeze his first winter because nobody makes a double-necked turtle-necked

  • sweater.

  • He’s just not going to make it. Now scrambling up the letters of the wordChristmas

  • will get you all sorts of different words. But it will never get you Xerox, Zebra or

  • queen.

  • The letters aren’t available. This textbook shows the kids a 4-winged fly.

  • By the way cannot fly, and it says, “Boys and girls, normal fruit flies have 2 wings.

  • This mutant has four. This rare mutation, like most mutations, is harmful.”

  • Then it says, “Beneficial mutations are the raw material for natural selection.”

  • Well, now, hold on a minute. Why don’t they show us an example of a beneficial mutation?

  • Why do they tell us about the good ones and not show us a picture of a good one?

  • You know why they didn’t show a picture of good mutation? Because nobody’s ever seen

  • one.

  • There’s never been one beneficial mutation.

  • I said that in a debate one time, and this atheist said, “Hovind, youre lying.”

  • He said, “I can name a beneficial mutation right now.”

  • He said, “People in Africa that get sickle cell anemia are less likely to get malaria.”

  • I said, “That’s brilliant, sir. That’s like saying if you cut off your legs, you can’t

  • get athletesfoot.

  • Um-hmm.” (Laughter) Theyre both negative. Then they say evolution and natural selection

  • go together.

  • This one says, “Natural selection causes evolution.” That’s a lie. Natural selection selects.

  • It doesn’t create anything. Natural selection is not a creative force.

  • Natural selection may be a stabilizing force, but it’s not a creative force.

  • Anybody with half a brain could figure that out. Natural selection cannot create any properties.

  • It can only select. This textbook says, “Evolution by natural selection had occurred in just

  • 1 year.”

  • Oh, theyre lying. It says, “Natural selection can lead to evolution.” That’s a lie.

  • Natural selection selects. It doesn’t create a thing. This is Lie Number 8.

  • If you worked in a factory to make cars, how far is the Saturn plant from here?

  • Pretty close, isn’t it? How many of you, anybody here work in the Saturn plant? Okay.

  • Suppose you worked in Quality Control.

  • Your job was to check the car when they got done building it, you know, kick the tires,

  • slam the doors, and drive it around to see if it runs.

  • If you caught every single mistake (they don’t, by the way), but if you did,

  • how long would it take that Quality Control process to change the car into an airplane?

  • You say, “Hovind, Quality Control can’t change it to something else.”

  • Oh, I know. Only design engineers can change it.

  • And God’s natural selection is a quality control that will never change it to a different animal.

  • It will just make sure you get a good animal, that’s all. They keep talking aboutSurvival

  • of the fittest.”

  • Well, I agree, but that doesn’t explainArrival of the fittest.” And even survival of the

  • fittest is pretty shaky.

  • It’s what’s called a tautology - a sentence that means nothing. I’ll show you.

  • You could say, “Professor, why did it survive?” Hell say, “Oh, because it’s the fittest.

  • You know, survival of the fittest.” How do you know it’s the fittest?

  • Uh, because it survived. How else can you tell?” Oh, I see.

  • Look, if a whale goes through a school of fish and eats 80% of them, it’s not survival

  • of the fittest.

  • It’s actually survival of the luckiest. That’s what’s really going on out there.

  • But some of these scientists have the ability to make

  • amazing observations and still come to the wrong conclusion.

  • One day, a bunch of scientists were going to see how far a frog could jump.

  • They put the big old frog down there and said, “Jump, frog, jump!” That frog jumped 80 inches.

  • They brought the frog back, cut off 1 leg, and said, “Jump, frog, jump!” He only jumped

  • 70.

  • They brought him back, cut off another leg, and said, “Jump, frog, jump!” He went 60.

  • They brought him back, cut off another leg, and said, “Jump, frog, jump!” He jumped 50

  • inches.

  • They brought the frog back, cut off his last leg, and said, “Jump, frog, jump!”

  • You know, they expected he might go maybe 40 based on the data. Actual jump was zero.

  • The frog didn’t move. They yelled louder. “Jump, frog!” The frog never moved.

  • The scientists were baffled. They tried the experiment again. New frog. Got the same results

  • every time.

  • So the brilliant scientists put their data together and said, “You know what, folks?

  • The frog jumped less as the legs were removed.” Hey, that’s a good observation.

  • They got it right on the head. Then, they said,

  • So we must conclude that a frog with no legs goes deaf.” (Laughter) Bad conclusion.

  • It’s possible to have a good observation and still come to the wrong conclusion, you know.

  • That’s what they did with the fruit flies.

  • They put some flies in the laboratory, they nuked them, microwaved them, x-rayed them.

  • They did all kinds of mean things to those flies, and they got some weird looking baby

  • flies.

  • They got flies with curled wings. They fly around, buzz, couldn’t go anywhere.

  • They got flies with no wings at all. Hmm. What do you call that, a crawl or a walk?

  • It can’t fly.

  • They raised all these mutated flies in the laboratory and said, “You know what, folks?

  • Fruit flies refuse to become anything but fruit flies.” Well, duh!

  • So they said, “All mutations produced flies that are inferior to the original fly.” Good

  • observation.

  • They said, “So we must conclude that flies have evolved as far as they can go.” Oh, bad

  • conclusion.

  • You know, maybe you could conclude that God made them right to begin with

  • and all youre doing is messing them up in your laboratory.

  • They were doing fine until you guys got hold of them. Yeah.

  • Then they say, “Evolution is as fit as ever.

  • The fruit flies in the north have wings 4% larger than flies in the south.”

  • Well, that proves something to somebody somewhere, I’m sure. But it’s still a fly.

  • Then, they tell the kids the peppered moth is proof for evolution.

  • They counted the moths in the trees and found there were 95% light-colored and 5% black.

  • Then, they burned coal in the factories, and the trees turned black.

  • And they counted the moths again, and there were only 5% light and 95% black.

  • The problem is the entire story is a lie. Lie Number 9.

  • They glued dead moths to the tree to take that picture for your kid’s textbook. It’s

  • right here.

  • Where is this book used at, Brother? It’s not used anymore? Peppered moth.

  • It’s still in the new books though. Evidence for evolution.

  • Those are dead moths glued on a tree because after 40 years of watching,

  • they found a grand total of 2 moths sitting on tree trunks. Only two moths. Let’s see,

  • what’s 95% of 2?

  • Wow, I’ll have to do some figuring on that one.

  • They still keep it in the textbooks though as evidence for evolution.

  • What’s the Tulsa Zoo doing having a peppered moth display?

  • I mean, this is a zoo for Heaven’s sake! Why do they push evolution in a zoo?

  • You can get the book, “Icons of Evolution,” if you want a whole lot more on the history

  • of this peppered moth idea. But they tell the kids, “Were going to learn to think critically.

  • Boys and girls, do you think humans are still evolving?” What kind of question is that?

  • That’s one of those questions like, “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” Wow, let

  • me think.

  • If I say yes, I’m admitting I did. If I say no, I’m still doing it.

  • Did you know it’s possible for the question to already have a built-in assumption? Look

  • at that question.

  • Do you think humans are still evolving? What’s the built-in assumption? That humans evolved.

  • How’s a Christian kid supposed to answer that in his homework for Monday, hmmm?

  • I would say, “Teacher, this question is poorly written. It assumes evolution has happened

  • when it has not.”

  • It’s like asking the question, “why are elephants orange?” Boy, now there’s a tough one.

  • Why are they orange anyway? Uh, theyre not orange, um-hmm. This is not learning to think

  • critically.

  • This is a Soviet-style indoctrination-type brainwashing question.

  • And when the kid gets done taking this class, he’s going to think he knows how to think.

  • But he doesn’t. He knows how to be told what to believe.

  • And he never understands how it happened to him. That’s not thinking critically.

  • Then, they tell the kids, “Weve got evidence for evolution from homologous structures.”

  • Wow, what’s that mean? Yes, boys and girls, did you know you have 2 bones in your wrist.

  • And theyre called the radius and the ulna? Pretty cool.

  • And did you know, the alligator has 2 bones in his forelimb, and look at this, theyre

  • called radius and ulna?

  • See that? That proves we are related. That’s what theyre going to tell them.

  • Homologous structures provide evidence that these animals evolved from a common ancestor.”

  • It’s found in just about every textbook.

  • Youve got them in these other ones up here, I’m sure, don’t you, Steve?

  • Homologous structure as evidence for evolution.

  • They descended from a common ancestor,” the textbook says. Think critically.

  • The bones are the same, boys and girls. “See, that proves were related.”

  • Evolved from a forelimb of a common ancestor.

  • This textbook says, “Comparative anatomy provides further evidence of evolution.

  • The commonality suggests that these and other vertebrate animals are all related.

  • They probably evolved from a common ancestor.” This is a lie.

  • They probably have a common Designer, um-hmmm.

  • You know that different bones in different animals come from different genes on the chromosomes?

  • Theyre not homologous to begin with. And even if they were, that still wouldn’t prove

  • common ancestor.

  • It proves a common Designer. The same Designer made them all.

  • Did you know that lug nuts from a Pontiac will fit on a Chevy? You go out in the parking

  • lot and try it.

  • They will. That proves that both evolved from a Honda 14 million years ago! No.

  • It’s true many animals have a similar forelimb structure. That’s a good observation. I agree.

  • They say, “They must have had a common ancestor.” Oh, bad conclusion.

  • Then theyll say, “This helps prove we all came from a rock.”

  • Well, now you really have got a bad conclusion there.

  • Then, they tell the kids, “We have evidence from development.” Now this one makes me angry.

  • So I’m going to try to stay calm while we talk about it.

  • This is probably one of the most dangerous lies in the textbooks.

  • Let me just calm down now. Ok, I’m ready.

  • This textbook says, “The similarity between early stages of development .

  • of many different animals helped convince Darwin that all forms of life shared common

  • ancestors.

  • Darwin considered this the strongest class of facts in favor of his theory.”

  • This was the best evidence Darwin knew of for his theory.

  • The guy who made up this dumb idea is named Ernst Haeckel.

  • Haeckel called this idea we are about to share with you theBiogenetic Law.”

  • It means that as animals develop inside the mother, they go through the stages of evolution.

  • All youve got to do is memorize the word farm, F-A-R-M. Fish; Amphibian; Reptile; Mammal.

  • That’s the way they say it happened.

  • The phrase they had for it back then was, “Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.” Wow.

  • What’s all that mean? Well, ontogeny is the growth of the baby. It goes through stages,

  • they say.

  • Recapitulates means it reenacts or does over again. Phylogeny is the evolutionary sequence.

  • This Irish textbook says, “The presence of fish-like structures in embryos of different

  • species

  • shows these animals have evolved from fish and share the basic pattern of fish development.

  • It’s as if the embryo retains a memory of its origins and starts to copy them during

  • its development.”

  • That’s theontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.”

  • Now, the idea that Sigmund Freud relied on, was the idea that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.

  • That is, the development of the individual recapitulates the evolution of the entire

  • species.

  • This is stupid and dangerous. They tell the kids the embryo or the baby growing in the

  • mother

  • has gills like a fish. Gills? That’s a lie. Those are not gill slits. Lie Number 11.

  • Those little folds of skin you see on the embryo grow into bones in the ear and glands

  • in the throat.

  • They never have anything to do with breathing. My uncle had 5 or 6 chins.

  • And he couldn’t breathe through any of them but the top one. Those are not gill slits.

  • Ernst Haeckel said the turning point in his thinking was when he read Darwin’s book in

  • 1860.

  • See, Darwin’s book was printed in English in 1859. The next year, it was printed in

  • German, 1860.

  • Haeckel was a German embryology professor.

  • He read the book and said, “Wow, what a great theory. If only we had some evidence.”

  • Well, 9 years later, they still had no evidence, so Haeckel decided to help out.

  • He was going to make some evidence. Haeckel took a drawing of a dog and a human embryo.

  • He was an embryology professor, you know, and - he lied. He faked the drawings.

  • He changed them and made them look exactly alike to try to prove that theyre related.

  • It just is a bald-faced lie. Haeckel made giant posters of his fake drawings

  • and traveled all over Germany and converted the people to believing in evolution.

  • And this led to the next obvious question: Hey, if evolution is true,

  • I wonder which race of humans has evolved the farthest?

  • And guess who the Germans thought it was. Oh, yeah, well talk more about that later.

  • Now, on top are Haeckel’s fake drawings, then underneath are the actual photographs of these

  • animals.

  • He lied. His own university held a trial and convicted him of fraud.

  • He said at the trial, “I should feel utterly condemned were it not that hundreds

  • of the best observers and biologists lie under the same charge.”

  • This Biogenetic Law is as dead as a doornail.

  • It’s not true, but it can’t be taken out of the textbooks for some reason.

  • It’s been proven wrong since 1875, and they still keep it in the books.

  • It’s still used in this book, “Evolutionary Analysis,” college textbook, 1998 edition.

  • It is used at the University of West Florida, with the exact same chart from Ernst Haeckel.

  • Now, it’s only been proven wrong since 1875.

  • I know it takes a while to get textbooks up-to-date, but that’s long enough.

  • I think 130 years, they ought to be able to get it out by now, don’t you think?

  • More about the gill slits in this book: “Icons of Evolution.”

  • Darwin’s theory, his book came out in 1859. He predicted they would find evidence.

  • In 1869, Haeckel faked the drawings.

  • In 1875, it was proven wrong, but it’s still in textbooks used all over the planet. A 2004

  • textbook still has it.

  • A 2005 textbook, and I pronounced it wrong, it’s Chickasha, Oklahoma.

  • I got corrected during the break; it is still teaching the baby has gill pouches.

  • Notice for example, gill pouches. Gill slits on the embryo.

  • Theyre teaching this in textbooks all over the world. It’s only been proven wrong since

  • 1875.

  • Get it out of the book! Tear the page out. I mean, it’s a no-brainer. Tear out the page.

  • It’s not true.

  • Here’s a junior high textbook telling them an embryo has gill slits.

  • This one says, “Similarly, humans and fish embryos resemble each other

  • because humans and fish share a common ancestor. These similarities provide evidence

  • that these 3 animals evolved from a common ancestor.”

  • Tiny gill slits; gill slits on the human embryo. Gills of fish; tiny gill pouches, used in

  • college textbooks.

  • Here’s a 2004 textbook saying, “Evidence of evolution is seen in development of embryos.”

  • You can’t get a high score on SAT or ACT college tests unless you lie and say the baby has

  • gill pouches.

  • It’s found on every single test we could find. If you don’t believe in evolution,

  • you won’t score high to get into college. Or at least you’d have to give the evolution

  • answer.

  • Why would they keep this in the textbooks 130 years after it has been proven wrong?

  • There’s only 1 answer I can come up with. I’ll tell you in a minute.

  • This one shows a 5-6 week embryo, and it says, “By 7 months, the fetus looks from the outside

  • like a tiny normal baby, but it’s not.” It’s not a baby at 7 months? Hello? That’s is Lie

  • Number 12.

  • It’s a human at conception; 34% of babies born at 5-1/2 months will survive.

  • One lady had surgery on her baby before it was born.

  • They carefully cut the mother open, cut the uterus open, and the baby

  • is holding the doctor’s finger at 5 months along.

  • Let’s see, the angel of the Lord said, “Behold, thou art with fetus.”

  • No, I believe he said, youre with child, didn’t he? Yeah, it’s a child before it’s

  • born.

  • Scott Peterson is accused of murdering his wife and unborn child. Now Paula Zahn, you

  • hypocrite.

  • Don’t you think it’s ok to have an abortion and yet you call it an unborn child?

  • Scott Peterson is found guilty of murdering his wife and ...son.

  • That’s because in California you have to have a double homicide to get the death penalty.

  • So in that case they wanted it to be a son or a child.

  • But the rest of the time they don’t, so that if you want to have an abortion, it’s okay.

  • Now it’s not a child, it’s just a fetus. Well, let’s get consistent here folks, ok? Which

  • is it?

  • More about embryology on this one, but why do they keep this in the textbooks? It’s very

  • simple.

  • That’s the only way to justify abortion. They want you to think it’s not human yet.

  • Somebody wants to reduce the population of this planet.

  • And abortion has already done 20% of the entire world’s population has been killed by abortion.

  • One billion people. Let’s see, Hitler killed 6 million, Stalin about 100 million, abortions

  • 1,000 million.

  • That’s going to work. Well cover more on that on video 5.

  • Ana Rosa had her arm chopped off in a botched abortion. She was born anyway.

  • They thought they killed her. Everybody says, “Oh, that’s terrible.”

  • What if they would have cut her head off instead? We never would have heard about Ana Rosa.

  • Now, I live in Pensacola, Florida. You might have heard of my town.

  • Weve had 2 doctors that were doing abortions that were shot and killed.

  • Several clinics have been blown up or burned down.

  • I did not shoot any doctors, and I did not blow up any clinics, ok?

  • And I don’t think Jesus would do it that way. He grew up under Roman control.

  • He didn’t go around blowing up tanks and burning down bridges.

  • But when the first doctor got shot, I was preaching in Fort Lauderdale.

  • The next day, I flew home, and right in front of me on the airplane were 2 ladies.

  • I’m sorry, 2 women from NOWW, the National Organization for Wild Women.

  • And they were flying up to Pensacola, going to have a big rally and march around town,

  • you know?

  • As we got off the airplane, I noticed on their shirt, it had in huge block letters, “CHOICE


  • So being my mild-mannered self, I said, “Excuse me, maam. What does this mean, choice above

  • all?”

  • She said, “A woman ought to have the right to choose.” I said, “Choose what?”

  • She said, “Choose to have an abortion. It’s her body.” I said, “Well, yes, maam.

  • If she wants to abort her body, I suppose that’s fine.

  • But it looks to me like she wants to abort somebody else’s body.” Um-hmm.

  • When you consider half of them are male. Think about it; it’s not her body. Um-hmm.

  • I said, “By the way, maam, I’m kind of curious about this. I have 3 kids.

  • I delivered one of my kids at home. I used to raise hamsters.

  • I taught biology and anatomy. I’m kind of familiar with this process.”

  • I said, “Why does the woman’s right to choice stop at birth?

  • Why don’t we let the mother choose to kill them after it’s born? It would be a lot safer

  • and simpler.

  • Hey, why don’t we extend abortion rights up until the kid is 2 years old?”

  • I know a lot of mothers with a 2-year-old that have thought about it a time or two.

  • I won’t ask you to raise your hand, but I know youre out there. Oh, I’ve got it.

  • Let’s extend abortion rights up until the kid is 18. Whew, I bet they’d behave a lot

  • better.

  • Son, one more time, and I’m going to abort you.” (Laughter) “Hey teacher, where’s Johnny

  • today?”

  • Oh, he didn’t do his homework yesterday, so his mommy aborted him.”

  • Hey, grades would skyrocket, wouldn’t they?

  • By the way, Peter Singer is pushing for abortion after the baby is born.

  • He’s trying to get legislation passed so you can kill the baby

  • up to 28 days after it’s born and still call it an abortion.

  • Have you ever noticed the news media calls thempro-choiceand they call guys like

  • meanti-abortion?”

  • They do thatanti-abortionbecause it’s a negative-sounding term.

  • Pro-choiceis such a positive-sounding term.

  • How about let’s call mepro-lifeand call thempro-death,” and we both get a positive-sounding

  • term?

  • That’s why I refuse to take the paper. I just can’t stand their liberal slant on everything.

  • We get a call once in a while, “Hey, you want to take the Pensacola News Journal?”

  • I say, “No, maam, we don’t have a parakeet.” Click. (Laughter) That’s what I tell them.

  • See, the media is going to ignore the wishes of the majority, and theyre going to push

  • their liberal agenda.

  • Well cover more on that in part 5. Remember when the kids got shot in Columbine, Colorado?

  • Right away, they jumped on the gun control issue. You know, if kids keep getting shot

  • in our schools, maybe it’s time to consider some other issues like: should we have public

  • schools?

  • Or maybe: should we teach them evolution? That’s what did the Columbine shooting.

  • Those kids were real strong believers in evolution. They made a videotape before the shooting.

  • One of the boys said, “He doesn’t deserve the jaw evolution gave him. Look for his jaw.

  • It won’t be on his body.” They were strong believers in evolution.

  • They did the shooting on Hitler’s birthday, on purpose.

  • They shot Isaiah Shoels just because he was black. Eric’s T-shirt saidNatural Selection.”

  • And then Rosie O’Donnell said, “See, we need more gun control.” (sigh) Rosie, Rosie, Rosie.

  • Blaming guns for Columbine is like blaming spoons for Rosie O’Donnell being fat.

  • It’s not the spoon’s fault. It’s not the gun’s fault. Maybe certain criminals ought to be

  • publicly executed.

  • Maybe it’s time to think that one through one more time.

  • Maybe all law-abiding citizens should be required to carry guns to protect themselves. Um-hmm.

  • Suppose every teacher in the public school was required to be armed. Just suppose.

  • How far down the hallway would those kids have gotten? Somebody sent me this button:

  • PROUDLY UNARMEDWould you wear this button? What does this say to a criminal?

  • It says: “ROB ME!!” (Laughter) Isn’t that exactly what it says? Of course.

  • The founding fathers gave us the 2nd Amendment so we could keep and bear arms.

  • And it wasn’t so that we could go duck-hunting.

  • The purpose of the 2nd Amendment was so we could defend ourselves if the government goes

  • bad.

  • Last ditch defense against an evil government is an armed citizenry.

  • Did you ever notice that a lot of animals that eat grass have horns?

  • Did you know, you don’t need horns to eat grass?

  • The purpose of the horns is to explain to the lion, “Stay off my back. I just want to

  • eat the grass.

  • Leave me alone.” And I think everybody ought to be armed, not so we can hurt anybody.

  • But just so we can explain to people, “Leave me alone. Don’t take my stuff.

  • Don’t break into my house. Don’t steal my car. Don’t come hurt my family. OK? Thank

  • you.” (Laughter)

  • I probably waited too long. I didn’t start my kids shooting until they were about 3.

  • I probably should have started at about 2, you know? Here’s the logic they use to justify

  • abortion.

  • Theyre going to say, “Well, it’s not human.” Oh, brother. Youre either dumb or youre

  • lying.

  • It’s human at conception. Theyre going to say, “Well, it’s not viable. It can’t live

  • on its own.”

  • Youre not viable yourself stark naked on the North Pole, you know? It can’t live on

  • its own?

  • I know kids that are 25 who still come borrow money from dad! (Laughter)

  • Hey dad, can I borrow some money?” “You ought to be able to live on your own by now, son.”

  • Theyre going to say, “The child may be unwanted.”

  • There are kids that are already born that are unwanted.

  • My parents moved 4 times when I was growing up, but I found them every time. (Laughter)

  • By the way, there are probably 5 people in this room that have had an abortion.

  • Now, you listen carefully. God loves you. He can forgive you. It’s not the unpardonable

  • sin.

  • God can use you in a powerful way. But don’t you go through life justifying it.

  • Don’t say, “It was okay.” No, it wasn’t okay. It was murder.

  • So confess it, forsake it, get right with God, and go serve God with your life.

  • Half the Bible was written by murderers, okay? Youre in good company.

  • Theyre going to say, “Well, the child may be unwanted.” A lot of people are unwanted.

  • Year after year, the number of people waiting to adopt is about equal to the number of abortions.

  • The babies are not unwanted. Theyre going to say, “Well, the child may be a financial

  • burden.”

  • Show me a kid that’s not. Anybody got a kid that’s not a financial burden?

  • Theyre going to say, “It may be from rape or incest.” Well, then you kill the rapist,

  • not the baby.

  • Execute the rapist and adopt out the baby. It’s not that complicated.

  • Hey, did you know, it’s illegal to shoot deer at night with spotlights in just about every

  • state.

  • Is it illegal in Tennessee to shoot deer at night with spotlights?

  • Youve got to give them a sporting chance, right? Let’s give the baby a sporting chance.

  • Pass a law in Tennessee that says if a lady goes to have an abortion, the nurse will have

  • a jar of marbles.

  • And were going to have a lottery. One marble for baby, one for mother, and one for father.

  • And one for doctor, and one for governor. And let’s put several in there for the past

  • president.

  • And let’s really have a choice. You know, if he’s not alive, why is he growing?

  • If he’s not a human being, what kind of being is he anyway, huh?

  • She says, “Honk, if youre pro-choice.” It’s easy for her to be pro-choice. She’s already

  • been born.

  • I don’t know if you ever thought about this, but did you know everybody

  • that ever voted for abortion has already been born? Think that one through.

  • They say, “Well, abortion is legal.” That doesn’t make it right.

  • In 1936, the German Supreme Court declared that Jews in Germany - are not persons.

  • That opened the way to allow Hitler to kill the Jews. At least six million Jews were killed!

  • I have read lots of books about Hitler. I’ve been to Germany a couple of times.

  • Hitler said, “I have the right to exterminate an inferior race that breed like the vermin.”

  • Hitler thought the Jews were an inferior species.

  • He said, “The Germans are the superior race that deserve to rule the world.”

  • Hitler was killing the Jews to make more living space for the Germans.

  • He sought to make the practices of Germany conform to the theory of evolution.

  • Hitler said, “If you want these criminals, I’ll send them to you on luxury ships.”

  • You know, in 1938, the Jews could have been saved. But America refused to take them.

  • Every country but Sweden refused to take the Jews.

  • Hitler’s book and his mind were captivated by evolutionary thinking probably since he

  • was a boy.

  • Evolutionary ideas lie at the basis of all that is worst in his book, “Mein Kampf.”

  • Hitler thought it was the duty of the strong to trample the weak.

  • In his book, Hitler said, “Nature does not desire the mating of weaker with stronger

  • individuals,

  • even less does she desire the blending of a higher with a lower race.” Who’s the higher

  • race, Adolph?

  • He kept talking about the mingling of Aryan blood all through his book.

  • He talked about Aryan races, lower peoples. Well, I found Hitler’s hit list.

  • Hitler thought that blond-haired, blue-eyed Norwegians were close to pure Aryan.

  • Did you get all that? The blond-haired, blue-eyed NorwegianYah, sure, you betcha (bet you).”

  • He thought the Germans are mostly Aryan. The Mediterraneans are slightly Arian.

  • The Slavics are half-Arian, and half-ape. Orientals are slightly ape.

  • Black Africans are mostly ape. And Jews are close to pure ape.

  • Hitler killed the Jews to speed up the evolution process. Let’s eliminate the inferiors.

  • Anybody know where the Olympics were held in 1936? Berlin.

  • Anybody know who won the most gold medals? Jesse Owens, a black American athlete.

  • Hitler was so angry, he said it’s not fair to make my men race against this animal.

  • Hitler said, “I regard Christianity as the most fatal seductive lie that ever existed.”

  • Well, that’s because he thought biological evolution would be a weapon

  • against religion because the Bible teaches all nations are of one blood.

  • And if you think you are superior to somebody because of the color of your skin:

  • 1. Youre wrong. 2. Youre stupid. 3. Youre not right with God.

  • We cover more on the races, and there’s no such thing as races, it’s just skin colors,

  • on video #7.

  • I stood in the courtroom in Nuremberg where they held the trial years ago.

  • Those guys on trial said, “We did nothing illegal. We were just obeying orders.”

  • Yeah, and they were found guilty anyway, weren’t they?

  • See, there’s a higher law than Germany’s law. It’s called God’s law.

  • Now, the Supreme Court in America in 1973 said, “The wordpersondoes not include

  • the unborn.”

  • That’s the decision that opened the way now for 45 million babies to be killed in America.

  • That is 1,000 million, i.e. a billion worldwide.

  • On September 11, 2001, 3000 Americans were killed by terrorists.

  • We spent billions of dollars trying to hunt them down and kill them, right?

  • You know what else happened September 11, 2001?

  • Forty-five hundred Americans were killed by abortionists; 50% more deaths, but nobody

  • said a word.

  • The next day, it happened again. Weve had a September 11 tragedy every day ever since.

  • Have we gone nuts? Margaret Sanger started a group calledPlanned Parenthood

  • to eliminate theinferior species.”

  • She wanted to wipe out the blacks, the Jews, and the Orientals. She thought they were human

  • weeds.

  • We could spend all day on Margaret Sanger.

  • But just like Hitler said, “The Jews are a parasite in the body of nations,”

  • Margaret Sanger said, “The unborn child is a parasite in the woman’s body.”

  • No, it’s a child. It’s a baby. We could spend all day on Margaret Sanger.

  • Were not going to take time for that now. This is a Planned Parenthood document from

  • 1952.

  • They said, “Your questions answered about birth control.” What is birth control?

  • Is it an abortion? They said, “Oh, definitely not. An abortion requires an operation.

  • It kills the life of a baby after it has begun.” Well, you bunch of hypocrites at Planned Parenthood!

  • Now, theyre the biggest funder of abortions in the country.

  • Proverbs 6:16-17 “These six things doth the Lord hate: Hands that shed innocent blood.”

  • God hates this. Deuteronomy 27:25 “Cursed be ye that takes reward

  • to slay an innocent person, and all the people shall say Amen.”

  • The textbooks are going to tell you kids that you have an appendix that is vestigial.

  • You don’t need it anymore. That’s a lie. You need your appendix.

  • The appendix is actually a part of your immune system. Lie Number 13.

  • Here’s an article on the Web from University of Chicago, “Ask a Scientist.”

  • Nancy writes in and says, “What is the function of the appendix in a human

  • before it is taken out through surgery?” This lady writes back and says,

  • The appendix has no known function.” She’s way behind the times on that one.

  • She goes on to say, “It is believed that the appendix will gradually disappear in human

  • beings

  • as our diet do not includes cellulose no more.” (sic) “Our diet do not includes cellulose

  • no more?”

  • The University of Chicago. Wow, good place to get an education. Not in English apparently.

  • In the first place, this is not true. The appendix is part of your immune system.

  • You need your appendix. The appendix activates killer B cells like your thyroid activates

  • killer T cells.

  • It’s true you can live without your appendix. That’s true.

  • You could live without both your legs, and both your arms, and both your eyes.

  • And both your ears also. It doesn’t prove you don’t need them.

  • If you take your appendix out, youve got a much bigger chance of getting all sorts

  • of diseases.

  • This textbook says the whale has a vestigial pelvis.

  • Many organisms retain traces of their evolutionary history. For example,

  • the whale retains pelvic and leg bones as useless vestiges.”

  • TheNational Center for Science Educationteaches,

  • Bossie the cow evolved to Blow-Hole the whale.” The cow evolved to the whale.

  • And the evidence is the pelvis. “Whales have a vestigial pelvis and leg bone that serve

  • no purpose.

  • They have hind limb bones that have no function.” “Just imagine whales walking around. It’s

  • true.”

  • Well, here are the bones theyre talking about, right there. Just imagine the whale walking

  • around.

  • I have tried and tried to imagine, and I just can’t do it.

  • Almost every type of whale has these bones right there in the abdomen.

  • They are not attached to the spine. That’s correct.

  • This textbook says, “The whale’s pelvis is located far from the vertebra and has no apparent

  • function.

  • The whale’s pelvis is evidence of its evolution from four-legged

  • land-dwelling mammals.” This is Lie Number 14.

  • Those little bones are anchor points that special muscles attach to that allow the whales

  • to reproduce.

  • Whales are kind of big, you know, and without those special muscles and those special bones,

  • they can’t get more baby whales. So either these guys are ignorant about their whale

  • anatomy

  • or theyre lying to your kids trying to spread their theory. But it’s not true that those

  • are vestigial.

  • There are no vestigial organs. And if there were, think about it.

  • That would be the opposite of evolution. That’s losing, not gaining. How’s that going to help?

  • You lose everything - until you have it all? We could spend 2 days on whale evolution.

  • Every one of them, including Ambulocetus and Pakicetus have all been proven baloney.

  • They can’t be intermediate species for whales.

  • The authors were certain the feet were enormous even though nothing was found.

  • Basilosaurus could not possibly have been ancestral to any of the modern whales.

  • Pakicetus was made from 1 small piece of jaw, a small piece of a skull, and a few teeth.

  • You find a little bit of jaw, a little bit of skull, a couple of teeth, and

  • you know that it’s half-whale, half-something on land? That’s kind of a stretch, don’t

  • you think?

  • Well cover more on that later, but there’s all kinds of stuff on our website about this.

  • I’ve got in my museum, a 15-1/2 foot (5 meters) python snake skin.

  • If you look at the south end of that snakeskin, it’s got a couple of claws

  • attached to a little 2-inch bone going up inside the snake’s body. Weve got it in our

  • museum.

  • The textbook says, “See, boys and girls? This is a vestigial structure.

  • The boa and the python have these little tiny claws. Do whales or snakes have back legs?

  • You can see that they don’t. Yet, both animals have vestigial hip bones and leg bones

  • where legs may once have existed.” This is a lie.

  • This textbook says, “They have reduced hind legs, rudimentary hind legs of a python snake.”

  • Youve got to be kidding. Those little claws are used in mating. Okay?

  • The snake doesn’t have any arms, and he can’t talk and say, “Uh, scoot over, honey.” Okay?

  • This has nothing whatsoever to do with walking on land. It has to do with getting baby snakes.

  • So once again, somebody is real dumb about their snake anatomy

  • or theyre lying to your kid trying to spread their theory.

  • This textbook shows the coccyx, the human tailbone, in a “Discovermagazine.

  • And it says, “That’s all that’s left of the tail that most mammals still use.

  • Humans have a tailbone that is of no apparent use.”

  • I was in a debate in Huntsville, Alabama, against the president of the North Alabama

  • Atheist Association,

  • and he got up in front of God and everybody and said,

  • Folks, I’ve got proof for evolution. Humans have a tailbone they no longer need.”

  • I said, “Mr. Patterson, I taught biology and anatomy.

  • I happen to know there are 9 little muscles that attach to the tailbone

  • without which you cannot perform some valuable functions.”

  • I won’t tell you what they all are, but trust me, you need those muscles.

  • I said, “Now, if you think the tailbone is vestigial, I, Kent Hovind, will pay to have

  • yours removed.

  • Bend over.” (Laughter) “Critical thinking,” this book says, 2005 edition.

  • At the end of your backbone is a coccyx, a few small bones that are fused together.

  • Could the human coccyx be a vestigial structure or is it the start of a newly evolving structure?”

  • That’s thinking critically? They give the kids 2 answers, 2 options, both of which are

  • wrong.

  • There’s a third option, you know. Maybe it’s fine just like it is.

  • Notice they don’t give that as an option, do they?

  • Maybe it was designed to support your colon and support your lower back for posture when

  • you sit.

  • And for 5 or 6 other things you can read about inGray’s Anatomybook.

  • They say, “Aren’t babies born with tails once in a while?” No. “Well, that baby’s got a

  • tail right there.”

  • No, he doesn’t. It’s not a tail. It’s just fatty tissue. There is no bone, no muscle,

  • no cartilage.

  • It’s not even lined up with the spine. It has to do with the way the baby develops inside

  • the mother.

  • There’s fat around the nervous system to protect it until the bone grows around it.

  • Generally, the fat is reabsorbed into the system as the baby grows and develops bone.

  • But in extremely rare occasions, the fat is excluded outside the body like a big wart.

  • So what you do, you cut it off, sew it up, put a diaper on the kid, and send him home.

  • It’s just like a wart, that’s all it is. Cut it off. It’s not a tail.

  • This one says, “The coccyx is a small bone at the end of the human vertebral column.

  • It has no present function and is thought to be the remainder of bones

  • that once occupied the long tail of a tree-living ancestor.”

  • They told me when I was a kid, that humans used to have a tail but he lost it because

  • he didn’t need it.

  • I thought, “Didn’t need it?” Have you ever thought how handy a tail would be?

  • Have you ever come to the door with two sacks of groceries?

  • Now wouldn’t that be nice to be able to grab that door and walk right in there?

  • You could drive down the highway and hold that can of Coke and tune the radio knob all

  • at the same time.

  • (Laughter) Lost it because we didn’t need it! That’s Lie Number 15.

  • Everything used as evidence for evolution has been proven wrong.

  • If real evidence exists, I’d like to see it. Well pay a quarter of a million dollars for

  • real proof for evolution.

  • But don’t lie to me. I think you ought to demand that your school board cut out pages

  • with lies on them.

  • Don’t put up with that stuff. I was speaking at the University of West Florida, and one

  • biology teacher said,

  • Hovind, I don’t think we should deface textbooks.” I said, “What do you mean?”

  • He said, “Well, tonight, you said we should cut out the pages with this stuff on it.

  • We shouldn’t deface the textbooks.” I said, “Well, sir, suppose you were teaching math

  • and you found a book that said 2 plus 2 equals 5. What would you tell your students to do?”

  • He said, “I would tell them to mark out the wrong answer and write in the right answer.”

  • Ohhh, you would deface a textbook?” I said, “Now, sir, you teach biology, don’t you?”

  • He said, “Yes, I do.” I said, “Well, suppose you found one of your textbooks that taught

  • the embryo has gill slits, or the snake has a vestigial pelvis, or all of the other stuff

  • I covered tonight.

  • Are you going to tell your kids to tear that page out?” He said, “Oh, no, no.”

  • I said, “Would you tell them to mark it out and then write something in the column that

  • it’s not correct?”

  • He said, “No, no, no.” I said, “Would you at least put a warning sticker in the front

  • cover

  • that said, ‘Hey kids, the information on page 85 is wrong?’ Would you at least warn them?”

  • He said, “Oh no, no.” I said, “You would correct a math book, but you won’t correct a biology

  • book?”

  • I said, “You, sir, are a hypocrite, and the folks in this county need to help you get

  • a different job picking peaches or changing tires.

  • But youve got no business taking our tax dollars to lie to these kids in your class.

  • Were paying for this school. Why don’t you be respectful and resign or quit lying to

  • the kids?”

  • He said, “Hovind, you don’t have much tact.” Oh, I made full contact with that guy, that’s

  • for sure.

  • Evolution is unproved and unprovable. They believe it because the only alternative is

  • special creation.

  • They just don’t want to believe this. They don’t want to believe in creation.

  • And theyre willing to believe a lie rather than believe the truth, so they can support

  • their wicked lifestyles.

  • Psalm 94 says, “He that formed the eye, shall he not see?” God formed the eye.

  • Eyeballs are incredibly complicated. Charles Darwin said, “To suppose that the eye

  • could have been formed by natural selection seems, I fear to confess, absurd.”

  • But then he goes on for 3 or 4 pages and says how he thinks it happened anyway.

  • Your eyeball is amazing. At the back of your eye, there are 137 million light-sensitive

  • cells in 1 square inch.

  • It’s called your retina, and all of them are wired straight to the brain.

  • How would you like to hook up 137 million electrical connections in 1 square inch?

  • My Heavenly Father did. He’s pretty smart, isn’t He?

  • Now, I debated a particular atheist one time, and he said, “Hovind, the eye is an example

  • for evolution because it’s poorly designed.” I said, “What on earth are you talking about?”

  • He said, “Well, the light comes into your eye and then it goes through blood vessels

  • in front of the retina.”

  • He said, “That’s wired backwards.”

  • He said, “The octopus has a much better eye because their blood vessels are behind the

  • retina.”

  • I said, “Sir, let me just explain something to you, ok?” I said, “We live in the air.”

  • Now air is a pretty poor insulator for UV light.

  • So your body is designed with the blood vessels in front of the retina.

  • That’s your body’s last defense against ultraviolet light. Now, an octopus lives in the water.

  • Water blocks UV light. So they don’t need their blood vessels in front.

  • See, were designed for living in air. And theyre designed for living in water.

  • Now if you want to swap eyes with an octopus, you just go ahead, sir,

  • but youre going to be blind in a few days.

  • Because they don’t the have the blood vessels in front to block the UV light.

  • What a dumb evidence for evolution.

  • What theyre trying to say isWell, God wouldn’t do it this way, so it must have evolved.”

  • Well, that’s a silly argument for evolution. Maybe you just don’t understand why it was

  • designed that way.

  • Man’s understanding of the human body is like putting a 5-year-old kid under the hood of

  • your car

  • and saying, “Hey, kid, take out whatever this thing doesn’t need.” They don’t know what

  • any of it does.

  • You could take it all out, right? You know, your eyeball is amazing.

  • It would take a minimum of 100 years of Cray computer time to simulate what takes place

  • in your eye many times every second. Eyeballs are amazing.

  • But this textbook says, “The complex structure of the human eye may be the product of

  • millions of years of evolution.” Why doesn’t God get the glory for what He did?

  • This textbook shows the kids a bird eye and a reptile eye.

  • And it says right up here, “Boys and girls, you can better understand how the eye might

  • have evolved

  • If you picture a series of changes.” You have to imagine how it happened. Just image the

  • eye changing.

  • That’s not science. Imagining how it happened. Where’s the evidence? See, evolution only

  • takes place in the imagination. It never takes place in reality.

  • Theyre lying to you. Lie Number 16.

  • Psalms 94:9 “...He that formed the eye, shall he not see?”

  • Science deals with things that we can observe and study and test.

  • You don’t observe anything about evolution.

  • If you have something that’s designed like an eyeball, it demands a Designer.

  • A painting is proof there was a painter even if you never see the guy.

  • A building is proof there was a builder, and a watch is proof there was a watchmaker.

  • And creation is proof there was a Creator. See, design simply demands a Designer. Period.

  • Romans 1:20-22 “The invisible things that came from the creation of the world are clearly

  • seen.

  • They are without excuse,” the Bible says. There is no excuse.

  • The psalmist said, Psalm 8:3-4 “When I consider the heavens.”

  • You know, God knows that the study of real science will draw us to Him. Satan knows that

  • too.

  • So Satan has worked really hard in the field of science to make sure it pushes people away

  • from God.

  • And we need some good Godly science teachers to get involved in the school system and turn

  • this thing around.

  • And by the way, we can prove the existence of God by the impossibility of the contrary.

  • It’s impossible that there not be a Designer. It’s just not possible. There had to be a

  • Designer.

  • I like to show evolutionists this picture of Mount Rushmore.

  • I say, “Guys, here we have, as far as I know, the world’s largest rock group.” (Laughter)

  • Do you know of a biggerrock group?’ I’d like to see it, okay?”

  • I’ll say, “Do you think that George Washington’s face could have appeared on this rock by chance?”

  • They say, “No, it was designed by a guy named Borglum. It took him a long time to build

  • it.”

  • Ok, very good. Now, let me ask you another question.

  • You say there is no way this face could appear on the rock by chance.

  • You don’t think wind could have done that: abrasion, exfoliation, thermal expansion of the rocks

  • nothing? “Nope, nope, it happened by design.” they reply. Ok, now let me ask you this question.

  • You think George Washington himself - with 50 trillion cells in his body and all of his

  • complex systems -

  • happened by chance? Theyll say, “Yeah.” Now wait, wait, wait.

  • You don’t think a simple image of his face could appear on a rock by chance.

  • But you do think his whole complex anatomy could happen by chance?

  • Are you dumb in any other area or is that the only one? You know?

  • Then, they tell kids that plants are adapted to their environment. Adapted?

  • Yes, boys and girls, fish gills are an adaptation to living in water.

  • Oh well, how did they live before they adapted the gills, hmm?

  • Well, you see, Mr. Hovind, for millions of years, they all died, none of them lived until

  • they adapted the gills.

  • Ohhh, I see. Why don’t they say it’s a design feature?

  • See, they avoid using the worddesignedbecause then some kid’s going to say, “Who’s

  • the designer?”

  • The textbook says: Adaptations for Life on Land.

  • Legs support the body’s weight as well as allow for movement from place to place.

  • Well, that’s true. That doesn’t prove they adapted by themselves though.

  • Lungs. Oh boy, the delicate structure of a fish’s gills depends on water for support.

  • On land, lungs carry out gas exchange. That’s true.

  • That’s not a proof one changed into the other, though.

  • They just make this mental imaginary connection in the kidsminds.

  • I’ve got a Casio Databank watch. It holds 300 phone numbers.

  • It’s a calculator, stopwatch, an alarm clock, and a countdown timer. It does not tell time.

  • I have to look at it. But it’s a pretty amazing machine. Seventy bucks at Walmart.

  • I was in Japan a couple of years ago, but I did not see the guy who makes the Casio

  • Databank watch.

  • I never saw him. Do I have to see the guy who made it to believe he exists? Hmmm.

  • Is it logical for me to stand here in Tennessee and say,

  • “I believe there’s a watch designer in Japan that made this thing.” Is that logical?

  • Even if I have never seen him? Sure. Would it be illogical for me to say,

  • “I’ve never seen him so I don’t believe he exists.” That would be totally dumb, wouldn’t

  • it?

  • And you don’t have to see the creator to believe he exists, ok?

  • Evolutionists argue against design, using arguments that they designed. Hmmm, think

  • about that one.

  • Here’s a great book talking about the complexity of living things at a micro-scale.

  • We sell the book at our website. Michael Behe wrote this in his book, “Darwin’s Black Box.”

  • He spends a whole chapter describing the hair on a bacteria. That hair is so complicated.

  • It’s attached to a little tiny motor. The motor is so tiny that 8 million of them would

  • fit

  • in the cross-section of a human hair, but the motor turns at 100,000 RPMs (revolutions

  • per minute)!

  • Let’s see you build a motor like that. Pretty amazing. And as things get smaller,

  • the world they live in feels more sticky to them, the viscosity of the fluid seems greater.

  • So, a bacteria swimming through water is about like a person swimming through peanut butter.

  • And that little motor is so powerful and turns so fast, that bacteria can swim

  • about like a person going 60 miles an hour through peanut butter.

  • Weve got a little model of it in our museum if you want to come down and see how they

  • work.

  • The textbook says, “Humans probably evolved from bacteria more than 4 billion years ago.”

  • What?

  • If they can swim through peanut butter at 60 miles an hour, we should sign them up for

  • the Olympics.

  • We evolved from them? Huh, were getting worse, not better. That’s Lie Number 17.

  • Nothing this small and complex could have happened by chance.

  • This is a great book that we sell in our bookstore, “Exploding the Big Bang,” just simple illustrations.

  • Could a box evolve? Could an ink pen evolve? Could a paper clip evolve?

  • It just goes through a bunch of simple things and shows it just can’t happen.

  • Then, they talk about the origin of life. Yes, boys and girls, how living things started

  • from non-living matter.

  • This is pure baloney how they teach this in the books. Were going to cover that after

  • a quick break.

  • Well cover a few more lies in the textbooks and then tell you what you can do about it.

  • There are some practical steps to fix the problem right after the break.

  • In the last 2 sessions, weve covered over 15 lies found in typical modern textbooks.

  • I taught high school science for 15 years. And I’m not against science. I’m not against

  • schools.

  • I’m also not against teachers, but I’m against lies. Just don’t lie to the kids.

  • The Bible says in the book of Proverbs 19:27 “Cease, my son,

  • to hear the instruction that causes thee to err from the words of knowledge.”

  • Don’t listen to things that are simply not true. Get the lies out of the books.

  • The Bible says (Revelation 4:10-11) God created all things, and it says,

  • Acts 7:49 “Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool. Hath not my hand made all these

  • things?”

  • God made everything. The Bible says that God formed the entire world.

  • The Bible says (Genesis 1:21) “God created great whales and every living thing.”

  • Now, the textbooks in school are going to teach your kids that every living thing happened

  • by itself.

  • Theyre not going to teach them God created every living thing, that’s for sure.

  • Here’s a textbook that says, “The history of life on earth began about 3.5 billion years

  • ago.

  • How this occurred has been and will continue to be a topic for inquiry.”

  • Let me give you the Hovind translation of what they just said.

  • What they just said is: “It’s okay to inquire HOW it evolved. It is not okay to inquire

  • IF it evolved.”

  • Hey, kids, youre allowed to research into how did evolution happen.

  • And if some kid says, “Well, maybe it didn’t happen at all.” “Oh, shut up kid, youre out

  • of my class!”

  • The only way you can research it is how did it happen.

  • You cannot even ask the question did it happen. That’s not education.

  • That’s indoctrination. Okay? I’m sick and tired of paying for that stuff.

  • Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals

  • spontaneously organized themselves into the first living cell.” Paul Davies said.

  • Nobody has a clue how life got started from non-living material by itself.

  • There is not even a good theory how it could happen.

  • But the textbooks are going to teach your kids thatit just happened.”

  • They just tell them, “Hey, it happened.”

  • And you can’t even consider the option that maybe God made it. Here’s what happened.

  • Back in the 1950s, two researchers, Miller and Urey, decided to try to figure out how

  • life evolved.

  • So they took a mixture of chemicals and ran them through these tubes

  • and they tried to create life in the laboratory.

  • The experiment has been duplicated many, many times and always been a failure.

  • And it always created more problems for the evolutionists.

  • This textbook says, “Although he never did prove how life originated,

  • he did add evidence to the theory that life could have started by itself.” That is a lie.

  • All they did was create problems for the idea that life could have started by itself.

  • This one says, “Swirling in the waters of the oceans is a bubbling broth of complex

  • chemicals.

  • Progress from a complex chemical soup to a living organism is very slow.”

  • Boy, it sure is. It doesn’t even happen. That’s how slow it is.

  • There are several different articles that say life came from clay.

  • Yep, got some clay together and, poof, it came alive on the bottom of the ocean.

  • They did not address the origin of life in Darwin’s book.

  • And it’s never been figured out since how life could have started.

  • What Miller and Urey did was they took these 4 chemicals and put them in these glass tubes.

  • And they made them circulate around and tried to create life in the laboratory.

  • This textbook says, “Many important events occurred during the Archean era.

  • The most important of which was the evolution of life.

  • Progress from complex molecules to the simplest living organism was a very long process.”

  • I guess so. If you give it billions of years, somehow it looks more reasonable, you know?

  • This one says, “The first living cells emerged between 4 billion and 3.8 billion years ago.

  • There is no record of the event.” But you’d better believe it, and youre going to be

  • tested on it.

  • The first self-replicating systems must have emerged in this organic soup.”

  • So great-great-great-great-grandpa was soup.

  • This is one of the lies in the textbooks you kids have to face. Lie Number 18.

  • Nobody has a clue how life could have gotten started by non-living chemicals.

  • Even Haeckel confessed (he’s the guy we talked about in the last session

  • that made up the idea that the embryo has gill slits, so that they can justify abortion).

  • Haeckel claimed that spontaneous generation must be true.

  • Not because it had been proven in the laboratory.

  • But because otherwise it would be necessary to believe in a creator.

  • Well, Ernst, I’m sorry, but that’s just the way it goes. There’s a Creator - whether you

  • like it or not.

  • So have they really produced life in the laboratory?

  • Oh, they haven’t even come close. Here’s what they did.

  • They took 4 gases: they took methane, ammonia, water vapor and hydrogen.

  • They ran them through these tubes, and ran it through a spark chamber

  • which is supposed to simulate lightning, BOOM!

  • And they said, “See, were going to put them together and make life in the laboratory.”

  • At the bottom of the flask, they got this red goo, and they kept draining the goo off.

  • Because if it went through the spark again, that would destroy it.

  • So they had to make the goo, but then to save it from the next spark.

  • They said in the textbook here, “It was rich in amino acids,” this red goo was.

  • Well, that’s simply a lie. They didn’t come close to making life.

  • The problem is, they had a reducing atmosphere. In other words, he excluded oxygen.

  • You can look at his 4 gases. There’s no oxygen in there.

  • He knew if he had oxygen in there, it would oxidize whatever chemicals tried to combine.

  • You know, you cut a banana open, lay it on the table, it turns brown. It oxidizes.

  • If you don’t paint your car, the metal quickly oxidizes. It rusts.

  • Well, living cells will oxidize quickly in the presence of oxygen, so he didn’t put any

  • oxygen in there.

  • That creates a serious problem.

  • Because if you have oxygen, you cannot get life to come from non-living chemicals.

  • The problem is, ozone is made from oxygen. And ozone blocks UV light.

  • And UV light destroys ammonia. And ammonia is one of the 4 gases he’s using.

  • So you cannot get life to evolve with oxygen, and you cannot get life to evolve without

  • oxygen.

  • Because if you don’t have oxygen, you don’t have ozone and now your ammonia gets destroyed.

  • It’s just not going to work either way. And the Earth has always had oxygen, even more

  • than today.

  • This guy said, “What evidence is there for a primitive methane-ammonia atmosphere on

  • Earth?

  • The answer is there is no evidence for it but much against it.”

  • In general, we find no evidence in the sedimentary distribution of carbon, sulfur, uranium, etc.,

  • of an oxygen-free atmosphere ever existing on the Earth.”

  • If somebody tells you the early Earth had a “reducing atmosphere,” you tell them

  • Kent Hovind said theyre confused or theyre deliberately lying, because it’s not true.

  • The Earth has always had oxygen. This article says,

  • It’s suggested from the earliest dated rocks that 3.7 billion years ago, Earth had an oxygenic

  • atmosphere.”

  • They have always known the Earth had oxygen, even more than we have today.

  • We cover that in Seminar Part 2 how the early Earth probably had even more oxygen.

  • It made them live longer. This textbook says, “There was no oxygen on the Earth.”

  • That is a lie. And then it says, “The rocks absorbed it.” (Laughter) Hello?

  • How can they absorb it if it wasn’t there? Well, think about it.

  • The second problem they had with the Miller experiment,

  • they filtered out the product. That is not realistic for nature.

  • They saved the red goo from getting sparked the second time, because that would have destroyed

  • it.

  • What they actually made in this experiment was 85% tar and 13% carboxylic acid.

  • Now, both of those are poisonous to life. If you make a mixture that’s 98% poisonous

  • to the other 2%,

  • I don’t think it’s logical to say youve succeeded in creating anything that’s going to help

  • make life.

  • There are other problems too. He made mostly only two amino acids.

  • There are 20 different ones required to make life; 20 different amino acids.

  • Now, these amino acids are kind of like letters of the alphabet.

  • You have to have 26 letters in the English alphabet to make all the words that we have.

  • Well, you have to have 20 different amino acids to make all the proteins that your body

  • has.

  • With those 20 different amino acids, your body can build lots of different kinds of

  • proteins.

  • This is kind of like you can make a lot of different words with the same 26 letters.

  • What he actually made was like 2 of the letters of the alphabet by combining these gases.

  • This creates a real problem since half of them were left-handed and half of them were

  • right-handed.

  • What he actually made was simple amino acids, only 2 types, and half of them were backwards.

  • I mean, if I drop letters of the alphabet, there’s a 50/50 chance some of them are going

  • to land upside-down.

  • They don’t do any good. You have to have them all facing the right way.

  • The smallest proteins we know of have about 70-100 amino acids; all of them facing the

  • right way.

  • This greatly compounds the problem, ok? DNA and RNA are all right-handed.

  • All other proteins are left-handed. “This is a very puzzling fact that all proteins

  • that have been investigated

  • from animals, plants, and higher organisms and from simple organisms, bacteria, molds,

  • and even viruses are made of left-handed amino acids.” Theyre all that way.

  • So he’s really got a problem since half of his letters were backwards.

  • And there are hundreds of amino acids required to combine in just the right way to make a

  • protein.

  • And they unbind in water faster than they bond, and they claim this all happened in

  • the oceans?

  • Well, the oceans are completely full of water all the way to the bottom.

  • Also Brownian motion is going to drive them apart. It’s not going to put them together.

  • One of the lies in the textbooks is that - they made life in the laboratory.

  • All theyve done, in every experiment, has made the problem worse for the evolutionists.

  • These spontaneous generations do not occur spontaneously in water.

  • Life is not going to get started in that way.

  • There is a whole lot more in the book Icons of Evolution if you want a lot more on the

  • subject to go down deep.

  • But they got this weird idea in their head that all they have to do

  • is get all the right chemicals together and add energy, and it will make life.

  • Ok, well, let’s do an experiment. Let’s put a frog in a blender and turn it on.

  • In a matter of moments, you will have frog-nog. (Laughter)

  • And you will have all of the chemicals required to make one frog in the blender, right?

  • Now, were going to add energy. You can turn it on puree for 30 minutes.

  • You can nuke it, microwave it, zap it with jumper cables.

  • I don’t care what you do, drop a hand grenade in there, add all the energy you want.

  • How long will it take to reassemble the frog? It will never happen.

  • See, just getting the chemicals together isn’t the problem. You go to the mortuary.

  • Youve got a dead body laying there, youve got all the chemicals required for life right

  • there in one spot.

  • Bring it back to life. Life is something different.

  • I don’t think science has ever defined that clearly.

  • But they talk about how we all came from this early life form.

  • Once this first life form got started, the single cell, then it evolved into everything

  • else.

  • Like this textbook shows the kid that a bacteria slowly evolved to a human.

  • These trees of life are absolute propaganda. There is no evidence for any of these.

  • Even Mary Leakey said, “Those trees of life with the branches of our ancestors, that’s

  • a lot of nonsense.”

  • Stephen Gould said, “The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks are not the evidence

  • of fossils.”

  • That’s for sure. There is no evidence that any animal is related to any other kind of

  • animal.

  • But this textbook says, “All the many forms of life on Earth today are descended

  • from a common ancestor found in a population of primitive unicellular organisms.”

  • There’s no such thing as a primitive unicellular organism. If it’s alive, it’s complicated.

  • Well cover more on that in a minute. And then it says, “No traces of those events remain.”

  • What they do is they tell the kids, “okay kids,

  • the mammals, the birds, and the crocodiles have a common ancestor.”

  • They draw these trees in the books, and they look so pretty.

  • And the kid goes, “Wow, theyve got proof. I saw it in my book.”

  • No, theyve got a picture in your book. Everything inside that circle is pure religious speculation.

  • They think it happened, they hope it happened, but there is zero evidence for anything inside

  • that circle.

  • It’s one of the lies youre going to have to face in your textbook.

  • The Bible says, “If you offend one of these little ones,

  • you’d be better off with a millstone about your neckand go swimming.

  • These folks teaching evolution are in serious trouble when they stand before God.

  • Then, they tell them we come from a simple primitive unicellular organism.

  • Look, just because it’s smaller, it doesn’t mean it’s simpler.

  • A paramecium is more complicated than a space shuttle.

  • And you can put thousands of those into 1 drop of water. Smaller is not simpler.

  • That’s one of the lies in the textbooks. I’ll show you. Here’s a microchip inside a paper

  • clip.

  • Pretty small. Not simple. This microchip is being held in the mouth of an ant.

  • And that little microchip can process every letter of the Bible 200 times per second.

  • Smaller is not simpler. I’ll show you.

  • Let’s compare the brain of a honeybee to NASA’s Cray computer, at one time the world’s fastest

  • computer.

  • I think theyve got a faster one now. The brain of a honeybee is pretty small, the Cray

  • computer is huge.

  • We would all agree there’s a size difference, right? OK?

  • Now, the Cray computer can do 6 billion calculations per second.

  • It was estimated that the honeybee’s brain is doing about a trillion calculations per

  • second.

  • That is a thousand billion. So that little honeybee brain is about 133 times faster than

  • a Cray computer.

  • The Cray uses many megawatts. It’s power-hungry. The honeybee uses 10 microwatts.

  • Did you know honeybees not only make honey, they fly on honey? That’s their energy source.

  • And a honeybee can fly a million miles on 1 gallon of honey.

  • How would you like a machine that gets a million miles per gallon?

  • Especially at today’s price of gas, right? Fill up once, and youre done for the rest

  • of your life.

  • The Cray cost 48 million dollars. The honeybee’s brain is pretty cheap.

  • You splat them on your windshield all the time, right?

  • Many people scramble when the Cray breaks down.

  • Nobody heals the honeybee, it is a self-healing computer.

  • Steve, you work on computers, how’d you like one of those?

  • Something crashes, bzzz, reconfigures itself, fixes it all up, no problem.

  • The Cray will weigh 2300 pounds. The honeybee’s brain doesn’t weigh too much.

  • So what should we conclude? Let’s see, the supercomputer is huge.

  • It is slow. It is very inefficient. It is power-hungry, and it had to be designed. We

  • all know that, right?

  • But yet, they turn around and look at the honeybee and say, “Well, that happened by

  • chance.”

  • Uh, and the brain of a human is a whole more complex than a honeybee, for Heaven’s

  • sake.

  • Your brain can hold more information than the entire British library. The human brain

  • is phenomenal!

  • You have more computational power in bits per second than the entire national telephone

  • system.

  • One brain surgeon estimated that there are more connections in just one person’s brain

  • than the entire electrical grid system of the United States.

  • How many wires have been connected together in the United States?

  • With every computer and inside every machine and inside every building, like zillions of

  • them?

  • One brain has more than that. One professor told me that he believed in evolution, and

  • I said,

  • Well, sir, do you believe your brain is nothing but 3 pounds of chemicals that got together

  • by chance?”

  • He said, “Yeah.” I said, “Then how can you trust your thoughts and the conclusions you

  • come to?”

  • (Laughter) Maybe youve got a chemical in there backwards! He did, by the way, several

  • actually.

  • Then they tell the kids, “Well, DNA is pretty tiny, but that proves evolution.”

  • That’s what this textbook says. “We have evidence of evolution from molecular biology.

  • Darwin speculated all forms of life are related. This speculation has been verified.”

  • They are lying to your kids. Nothing about DNA has helped with the evolution theory at

  • all.

  • DNA, which stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, is the most complex molecule in the universe.

  • The DNA is an unbelievably complicated molecule; that little DNA molecule.

  • The average person has 50 trillion cells in their body with 46 of those little molecules

  • in each cell.

  • 46 chromosome strands in each cell of your body.

  • If you extracted all of it, it would only fill about 2 tablespoons.

  • But if you took those DNA strands and unwound them, stretched them out, tied them together,

  • one person’s DNA would reach from Earth to the moon and back over a half-million times!

  • Those are a lot of round trips to the moon.

  • They say the DNA holds more information than all computer programs ever written by man

  • combined.

  • IBM models the newest computers after DNA.

  • The quantity of information is so vast, we have to invent new numbers to measure it.

  • Now there are: terabytes, petabytes, exabytes, zettabytes, and yottabytes.

  • All the words uttered by everyone whoever lived would amount to - 5 exabytes.

  • And the DNA in your chromosome holds even more information than that. It is so unbelievably

  • complex.

  • If you typed out the code found in your DNA, when you got done typing,

  • you’d have enough books to fill Grand Canyon 78 times. That’s the instructions to make

  • - YOU.

  • I’d say youre pretty special. Quite the list of instructions to make you!

  • David said, “I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

  • And he didn’t have a microscope, and he could figure that out.

  • You know, from conception to birth, the baby adds 15,000 cells per minute to its body.

  • Each one is more complicated than a space-shuttle.

  • How would you like to be in charge of the supply end of supplying a factory

  • that is producing 15,000 space-shuttles a minute?

  • And it’s your job to make sure they have all the nuts and bolts and screws and everything

  • they need

  • to put that thing together? Some of you women are saying, “Boy, I did it. That’s hard too.

  • Sometimes they want pickles in the middle of the night, you know?”

  • The husband may ask, “What are you building down there anyway, huh?”

  • The probability of one DNA happening by chance has been calculated to be 1 in 10 to the 119,000th

  • power.

  • That’s a big number when you figure the entire visible universe is about 10 to the 28th inches

  • in diameter.

  • DNA has not proven anything that would help the evolution theory.

  • It’s made the problem much, much, much worse.

  • But, let’s just assume that the chromosome number means something and that, you know,

  • it could evolve.

  • Ok, well then I did some research on this.

  • I discovered that penicillin has 2 chromosomes. That one had to evolve first.

  • And then slowly over millions of years, they got some more chromosomes

  • because theyre complicated, you know, and turned into a fruit-fly.

  • You can see the similarity there. It’s only got 8 chromosomes.

  • And then very slowly, it evolved some more chromosomes and became either a tomato or

  • a house-fly.

  • It is very tough to tell the difference. Theyre identical twins, you know?

  • And then very slowly over millions of years, it evolved into either a pea or a bee.

  • You can see the similarity there. You know, pea, bee, very similar.

  • It slowly became lettuce and then a carrot, and finally, when we got to 22 chromosomes,

  • triplets.

  • The possum, the redwood tree, and the kidney bean all have 22 chromosomes.

  • The average scientist cannot tell them apart. (Laughter)

  • Let’s see, which one is which here. Okay, let’s see, tree, possum, bean, huh.”

  • And we have 46 now, folks, and if we can just get 2 more - the next step of human evolution

  • -

  • were going to become a tobacco plant. I know some already smell like it.

  • Sometimes I’ll get on the elevator, and I’ll say, “Man, youre evolving. Youre way ahead

  • of me.”

  • And it probably won’t happen in my lifetime, but we might get enough chromosomes someday

  • to be either a dog or a chicken. Theyre twins too, you know.

  • And then way down the road, you know, were going to become a carp.

  • Theyve got double the chromosomes we do. And someday, star date 349572, were going

  • to become a fern.

  • I was at a church one time, and this lady walked up to me afterwards, and she said,

  • Mr. Hovind, I’m Fern.” I shook her hand with that hand right there.

  • Hey, how come the evolutionists are always comparing things that fit their theory?

  • Why don’t they show us the things that don’t fit their theory?

  • For example, let’s just say were going to examine how things evolved based upon how

  • long they live.

  • Well, we could arrange animals by how long they live.”

  • And well find out the hamster evolved first, slowly turned into a cat, and then a canary,

  • and then a dog.

  • And then a chimpanzee and an alligator, elephant, horse, turtle, and human. We made it, folks,

  • we made it.

  • Let’s arrange the animals based on how long theyre pregnant, their gestation period.

  • Well, in that case, the possum, only 13 days. How would you like that, ladies?

  • Only be pregnant for 13 days, not bad, huh? Yeah, I’d have a bunch of kids then.

  • Slowly evolved into a hamster, then a rat, then a rabbit, kangaroo, on down the list.

  • And the elephant, at 640 days. They are the winner. The most evolved creature on Earth.

  • Oh really?

  • You can see here the cat and the dog are identical twins, you know?

  • Maybe we should arrange them based on how much they weigh in their adult form.

  • Well, the shrew only weighs 4 grams. Slowly, it became a mouse.

  • And very slowly, slowly, over billions of years, it became a whale.

  • Well, the whale is the most evolved now. Why don’t they show us these charts, huh?

  • And why is it that amphibians have 5 times more DNA than mammals.

  • And some amoeba have 1000 times more DNA?

  • They don’t tell us these things because it doesn’t fit their theory.

  • It’s impossible to arrange in any sort of evolutionary series based on just 1 little

  • bit of fact.

  • You’d better find all the facts. You find out that this evolution theory fails miserably.

  • But they tell the kids, “Were going to think critically, boys and girls.

  • They are 20 kinds of amino acids (that’s a fact).

  • Explain how this fact supports the idea that all life shares a common ancestor.”

  • How’s a Christian kid supposed to answer that for homework for Monday? Hmmm?

  • Don’t you see a built-in assumption in this question? That’s not learning to think critically.

  • Would the kid be allowed, teacher, to explain how this fact that all lifeforms have 20 amino

  • acids.

  • Would the kid be allowed to say, “Maybe that proves the intelligence of a common Designer?”

  • Maybe God gave all the animals the same basic 20 amino acids

  • so that we don’t have to just eat each other, you know.

  • I mean, if theyre all totally different, wildly different kinds, then we could only

  • eat other humans.

  • But see, God made it this way so the brown cow can eat the green grass and give the white

  • milk

  • and make the yellow butter, and I eat it and get the blond hair. Um-hmm.

  • Maybe that’s why there’s all the same basic building blocks.

  • One of the lies they face in the textbooks is this idea that all these similarities prove

  • a common ancestor.

  • Well, let’s pretend that it does, okay? This textbook says,

  • Humans and orangutans are 96% similar, proving a common ancestor 15 million years ago.”

  • I don’t think so. Humans and chimps have thousands of differences, thousands of differences.

  • Overall,” this guy says, “the genetic difference is only 1.6%.”

  • Oh, that’s what they used to think, but that’s a lie.

  • Barney Maddox was leading genome researcher on this project, and he said,

  • The genetic difference between human and chimpanzee is at least 1.6%.

  • That doesn’t sound like much, but calculated out, that’s a gap of 48 million nucleotides.

  • And a change of only 3 nucleotides is fatal to an animal.” He said it’s not going to happen.

  • That’s when they thought the difference was 1.6%. It’s still too big of a gap.

  • Later they found out, oh, actually, it’s a 95% similarity, which is 5% difference.

  • And just recently, they said, “Oh, no, wow, look at this. It’s 7.7% difference.”

  • The more we study about this, the worse the problem gets for the evolutionists.

  • Actually, it’s becoming worse by the day. This result is based on only 1 million DNA bases

  • out of 3 billion.

  • Theyve only analyzed 1/3000th of the human DNA code.

  • A very small percent has actually been analyzed.

  • French and American scientists have mapped chromosome 14 the longest sequence to date.

  • It is the site of more than 60 disease genes.

  • The feat enlisted nearly 100 researchers and marks the fourth of the 24 human chromosomes

  • mapped so far.”

  • If somebody tells you they have mapped the entire human genome,

  • you tell them Kent Hovind said they are mistaken or they are lying.

  • Theyve only mapped a small percentage. And it says, “The French National Sequencing Center

  • said,

  • The chromosome is comprised of more than 87 million pairs of DNA,

  • all of which have been sequenced so the chromosome’s map includes no gaps.

  • This is the longest piece of contiguous DNA sequenced.’”

  • Eighty-seven million pairs - a fraction of the total 3 billion pairs found in the human

  • genome.

  • They still don’t know how much there is in there, and it’s already a 7.7% difference.

  • This researcher said,

  • The human genome is littered with up to 20,000 pseudogenes. That proves evolution.”

  • I get this in debates all the time. Theyll say, “What about the pseudogenes?”

  • I’ll say, “There’s no such thing.” Theyll say, “Well, yeah, there is.

  • There are thousands of pseudogenes (which means a false gene, it doesn’t do anything).”

  • Oh no, those pseudogenes serve several purposes.

  • Number 1, they serve as decoys to draw poisons away from the real ones.

  • Number 2, they serve as backup mechanisms. It’s like your computer has an automatic backup,

  • you know?

  • If a piece of the memory gets destroyed, another one of thosepseudogenesjumps right in

  • and takes over.

  • They took out some of the pseudogenes to see what would happen.

  • They said, “Well, the mouse doesn’t need these things. Let’s take them out.”

  • And there’s how they turned out. They were deformed terribly. There’s no such thing as

  • a pseudogene.

  • The pseudogene may function as a decoy to lure away destructive enzymes.” - Discover

  • magazine of 2003.

  • We could spend all day on DNA sequencing, but you know.

  • It could be we have similar DNA to other animals because we have the same Designer.

  • You know, similar bridges would have similar blueprints, wouldn’t they?

  • Similar cars would have similar instructions on how to build them, how to make them.

  • Man has a pretty good understanding of how cars work.

  • My daddy started us boys off working on cars when we were, you know, 7 years old.

  • I’ve had 128 cars, I believe. I rebuilt the motors, the transmissions, the drive shafts,

  • the differentials, the high-speed valves and the muffler bearings.

  • I have a pretty good understanding of how cars work.

  • But understanding the operation of a car does not explain the origin of the car. Big difference,

  • see?

  • Let’s suppose your son turns 16. All of my kids did a few years ago.

  • Your son comes up and says, “Hey, dad, I got my license.” “Let me see that thing, son.

  • Let me see your license, come on. Wow, son, that’s a lousy picture. It is a good likeness

  • though.”

  • He says, “Hey dad, can I drive the car?” “Well, son, your mom and I knew this day was coming.

  • The car is a very complicated machine.

  • Did you know there are 3000 bolts required to hold a car together and 1 nut can scatter

  • it all over the highway?

  • We don’t think youre ready for the whole car, son. Were going to let you slowly evolve

  • into the car.

  • This year, were going to give you 10%, next year maybe just a little more.”

  • Hey, what good is 10% of a car? That’s what you put in a junkyard.

  • How many things have to be right on a car to make it work? Like thousands of things,

  • hmm?

  • How many things would have to be wrong to make it stop working?

  • Any one of many thousands of things like not having the keys, you know, not having any

  • gas in it..

  • Take your distributor cap off and run a pencil around the inside and put it back on.

  • Boy, theyll never find that one.

  • Take a spark plug wire off, put a doorbell wire in there, shove it back down,

  • feed the doorbell wire through the firewall and weave it through the fabric of the front

  • seat.

  • Do that when theyre going on their honeymoon, you know? Get in the car, and wow, let’s go,

  • honey.

  • Bam! Whoa, what was that? There’s a thousand things that make your car quit running.

  • There are probably 10,000 ways to stop a car from running.

  • Shove a potato in the exhaust pipe, you know, and watch what happens.

  • I don’t want to give you any more ideas. (Laughter)

  • There are thousands of differences between humans and chimpanzees.

  • But if you think a percentage of similarity proves a relationship, let me show you the

  • research I’ve been doing.

  • I discovered clouds are 100% water. Watermelons are 97%. It’s only 3% difference.

  • That proves theyre related. Jellyfish are 98% - the missing link!

  • And so are snow-cones, um-hmm, yeah, there we go, weve got us a proof.

  • Then, they tell them fossils prove evolution. I say, “Guys, youve got to be kidding!”

  • This textbook says, “Evidence of evolution from the fossil record.” Oh no, don’t give

  • me that.

  • That’s a lie. There is no fossil record. There’s a bunch of bones in the dirt. It’s not a record.

  • Okay?

  • Youre putting your interpretation on those bones youre digging out of the dirt.

  • There is nofossil record.” This textbook says, “Evolution is a fact.

  • The fossil record provides some of the strongest evidence that species evolved over time.”

  • This is silly. There is no fossil record. You don’t look back into time.

  • You look at a bunch of bones you dug out of the dirt, and you put your interpretation

  • on them.

  • Fossils only exist in the present. They don’t exist in the past.

  • I mean, youre digging them up, and it’s 2009.

  • You can’t say, “Wow, this fossil is 40 million years old!” You don’t know that.

  • All we do is put our interpretation on the fossils, but the kids are taught,

  • Fossils contribute to our understanding of evolution.”

  • Kids, keep in mind, dead animals do not reproduce or evolve. Darwin said,

  • If my theory is true, numberless intermediate species ought to have been found in the fossil

  • record.”

  • Well, I’m sorry. This guy said, “Since Darwin, many of these links have been found.”

  • Oh, they are lying to you. No missing links have been found.

  • Even David Raup, who believes in evolution, says, “In the years after Darwin,

  • his advocates hoped to find predictable progressions. In general, these have not been found.”

  • Yet, the optimism has died hard, and some pure fantasy has crept into textbooks.

  • Oh, youre kidding! Fantasy in the textbooks? That’s a fancy word for: a lie.

  • And we could spend 2 days on the fossil record.

  • There is no fossil record, and there are gaps all over the place.

  • Every place where there ought to be something, they find nothing,

  • no evidence for how the whale evolved or how the birds evolved or how the flowering plants

  • evolved.

  • No evidence whatsoever. If you find a fossil in the dirt, all you know is, it died.

  • You couldn’t prove it had any kids. And you sure couldn’t prove it had different kids.

  • And why would you think a bone in the dirt can do something animals today cannot do?

  • -Which is to produce something other than their kind!

  • Luther Sunderland wrote to major evolutionists all over and said,

  • Hey, where is the evidence for evolution?” They wrote back and said, “We don’t have it.

  • Somebody else has it.” He wrote to Colin Patterson because Patterson has access

  • to the largest fossil collection in the world, the British Museum of Natural History.

  • Nobody in the world have more fossils than the British Museum’s collection.

  • Patterson wrote a book about evolution, but he didn’t show any missing links.

  • So Sunderland wrote him a letter and said, “Excuse me.

  • Why didn’t you show the missing links in your book? I’d like to see a picture of the missing

  • link.”

  • Patterson wrote back and said,

  • “I fully agree with your comments on the lack of evolutionary transitions in my book. If

  • I knew of any,

  • fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. I will lay it on the line.

  • There is not one such fossil.” There are no missing links. The whole chain is missing.

  • It’s not a link theyre looking for, folks. Even Stephen Gould said,

  • The absence of fossil evidence is a nagging problem for evolution.” Yeah, it sure is.

  • Stephen Gould died with a set of my videos on his shelf in his library. I hope he watched

  • them.

  • Hopefully, he watched them and got saved.

  • I don’t know. So, Niles Eldredge and Stephen Gould have kind ofresurrected

  • the punctuated equilibrium idea that came actually from Richard Goldschmidt. Goldschmidt

  • said,

  • The first bird hatched from a reptilian egg.” They got so frustrated looking for missing

  • links,

  • they couldn’t find any, they said, “Well, this just proves evolution happened quickly.”

  • Oh, I see, yep. And this bird that hatched from the reptile egg, uh, excuse me, who did

  • it marry?

  • Don’t you have to have two in the same place of the opposite sex?

  • I mean, what if you get 2 males? And don’t they have to be at the same time in history?

  • What if one is born just 10 years before the other one? Oh, just missed it.

  • Youve got to get them in the same place, of the opposite sex, at the same time,

  • and theyve got to be interested. Youve got a whole bunch of problems, ok? Serious problems.

  • Then, they tell the kids to think critically. Which theory best describes the organism’s

  • evolution:

  • gradualism or punctuated equilibria? Look what they do.

  • Kid, which theory is the best explanation, slow evolution or fast evolution?”

  • Do you see how theyre giving the kids 2 options, both of which are false.

  • Which is correct, boys and girls, elephants are orange or elephants are pink? Uh-oh,

  • man.

  • Mom, what should I write for this one?” (Laughter) “I don’t know, honey. Go do your homework.”

  • Theyre neither one! Do you realize how frustrating this is for Christian kids?

  • They have go through public schools and have this kind of stuff day after day after day.

  • It just wears at their faith. And they finally just start giving the evolution answers.

  • And 75% of the kids from Christian homes are being destroyed and losing their faith

  • going through these public schools. That’s not thinking critically. This textbook says,

  • Which is correct, boys and girls, did evolution happen gradually or in short leaps and punctuated

  • equilibria?”

  • They give them 2 options: Evolution happened slowly or evolution happened quickly.

  • These guys are not capable of thinking outside the box. It didn’t happen at all. Is that

  • an option?

  • But I guarantee you if a kid puts, “It didn’t happen at all

  • on his test question, the teacher’s going to count it wrong.

  • I debated Dr. Pigliucci from Knoxville, TN, UT Knoxville, and I said,

  • Dr. Pigliucci, youve studied and taught evolution of plants for 10 years.

  • Youve received $650,000 in grant money to study the evolution of plants.

  • What’s the best evidence you know of for evolution?” That was my question.

  • His answer was, “The evolution of whales.”

  • I said, “Just exactly what kind of plant is a whale anyway? Hmm?”

  • He said, “The hippo is evidence for evolution because it’s in the process of adapting to

  • an aquatic way of life.”

  • The hippo is proof for evolution because it likes to go in the water? Wow, I like to

  • go in the water too.

  • What’s that mean? (Laughter) Evolution is a shell game.

  • Everybody thinks that somebody else has the evidence. The biologist says,

  • Oh, we don’t have it. The geologist has it.” The geologist says, “Oh, we don’t have it.

  • The anthropologist has it.” It’s a shell game with 1 major difference.

  • You know the con game where they put the pea down there and try to get you confused, you

  • know,

  • which one has the pea. The difference is for evolution, there’s no pea under any of them!

  • Nobody has the evidence for evolution! Nobody. Theyre all lying.

  • They say, “What about horse evolution? Yes, boys and girls, you see this?

  • The 4-toed horse evolved to the 1-toed horse.” That’s a lie proven wrong 55 years ago.

  • The hyrax is the so-called 4-toed horse. Theyre still alive today in Africa and Turkey.

  • It’s a little bitty critter. There’s one right there, a hyrax.

  • They don’t tell you the early horse had 18 pairs of ribs. The next one had 15.

  • These animals are not even related. They just picked some bones and put them in the order

  • they wanted them.

  • The next one had 19 and then back to 18. This horse evolution theory was proven wrong a

  • long time ago.

  • There’s a whole variety of horses today, by the way, big ones and little ones.

  • But back in 1950, G.G. Simpson, a famous evolutionist said, “This horse evolution was unintentionally

  • falsified.

  • It’s not true. The evolution of the horse was all wrong. It never happened in nature.

  • Horse evolution has not held up under close examination.” The whole idea was made up by

  • Othniel Marsh back in 1874.

  • He picked animals from all over the world and put them in order the way he wanted it

  • to happen.

  • He never found them in that order, ok? Modern horses are found in the same layers as the

  • so-calledancient horse.”

  • The ancient horse is just an animal still alive today in Turkey and east Africa. The

  • ribs, toes and teeth are different.

  • In South America, the fossils are in the reverse order! That is a real problem.

  • Theyre never found in the order presented in the textbooks.

  • The Tulsa Zoo finally took out their display because a friend of mine wrote them a letter

  • and said,

  • Hey, why do you have the horse evolution on display?” I’ve got the letters here somewhere.

  • Did you get those out, Steve? Theyre in the suitcase, ok. You can come read those later.

  • He wrote them a letter and said, “Guys, your horse evolution thing was proven wrong like

  • 50 years ago.

  • You know, would you please remove the display?” And they said, “We don’t have the funding

  • to remove it.”

  • So he went to a sign shop and got a bid for a sign, 60 bucks or something, that says,

  • the sign would say,

  • We will take down this display as soon as we receive the funding because the display

  • is not accurate.”

  • He went into the curator at the zoo and said, “Here’s 60 bucks for the sign. This guy will

  • make the sign.

  • When would you like it delivered?” He said, “What’s this? Oh, were going to take down

  • the display when we get the funding?”

  • Yeah,” he said, “you ought to at least warn the people, you know, that the display’s not

  • right.”

  • Well, they didn’t take it down. Finally, I forget, 2000 people signed a petition saying,

  • Get this thing out of our zoo.”

  • It came on the evening news 10 o’clock one night: “Tulsa zoo has a false display.”

  • The next morning, it was gone. They found the funding! Six months later, they put it

  • back up.

  • Yale University still has their horse evolution on display proven wrong 55 years ago.

  • Get more on the horse evolution in the bookIcons of Evolution.”

  • Just because you can arrange animals in order, that doesn’t prove anything.

  • Even if you find them buried in a certain order, that doesn’t prove anything.

  • If I get buried on top of a hamster, does that prove he’s my grandpa? No! Order of burial

  • means nothing!

  • But if you think you can arrange things and that somehow proves something.

  • I’ve been doing a lot of research on the evolution of the fork. I’ve pieced together fragmentary

  • evidence for a long time.

  • I believe after studying this very intently that the knife evolved first.

  • Slowly, over millions of years, great geologic pressure squeezed it and made it concave on

  • 1 side,

  • convex on the other, and squeezed it into a spoon. And then, slowly, erosion cut grooves

  • into the end and turned it into a fork.

  • I knew I was on to something here, but I felt like I had a missing link, particularly between

  • the spoon and the fork.

  • I just couldn’t find it until one day I was flying to Connecticut on US Air.

  • I was 30,000 feet off the ground, and the stewardess walked down the aisle and just

  • handed me the missing link.

  • I don’t think she knew what she had. But my trained scientific eye picked it up right

  • away.

  • I said, “Wow, this is it! I’ve got it!” I stuck it in my pocket. Later that day, I went

  • to Popeye’s Chicken and found another one.

  • (Laughter) There they are, folks, the missing links. So the evolution of silverware is nearly

  • complete.

  • Of course, weve got a few mutants along the way that didn’t quite survive for some reason.

  • And of course, people found out I was doing research on this, they all wanted to be famous,

  • you know.

  • So they tried to get in on the glory. They sent me their research. This one was an obvious

  • fork head on a spoon handle.

  • I mean, look. It didn’t get by me. I caught it right away. You know, I don’t fall for

  • stuff like that.

  • Even the races, of course, evolved a little bit along the way.

  • Look, if you want to arrange things, you can turn a cap to a cop to a dot to a dog by changing

  • one letter at a time.

  • You can play with this for a while and turn yourself into a fool when youre done. They

  • say, “Dinosaurs turned to birds.”

  • There are very few ideas as dumb as this one. The Bible says God made the birds on day 5.

  • He made the reptiles on day 6. Evolution says reptiles came first and then the birds.

  • You know, everything about evolution is backwards to the Bible everything.

  • But this article says, “Dinosaurs alive as birds, scientist says.” Ooo, wow, scientist

  • says, well, that proves it right there.

  • It’s like it gives them some kind of authority. Wow, scientists said. This is absurd.

  • Everything about the bird evolution is baloney, ok? Archaeoraptor was listed in 1999 as the

  • missing link.

  • Yes, boys and girls, breaking news! National Geographic: We found the missing link!

  • They had a whole big article about the missing link has been discovered.

  • Then, a couple of months later, oops, it was proven wrong.

  • You know, everything about these feathered dinosaurs has been proven baloney.

  • But guess what, theyre still teaching it. Here’s a whole book: The Feathered Dinosaurs

  • of China.

  • You just got this recently? Why would they still be teaching something that’s been proven

  • wrong for 5 years?

  • All this feathered dinosaur stuff is baloney. It’s all baloney. We cover more on that on

  • one of the debates I did.

  • I forget which one. But they say, “Birds are descendants of dinosaurs.”

  • Well, kids, in case you don’t know, there are a few differences between a dinosaur and

  • a bird.

  • You don’t just put a few feathers on them and say, “Come on, man, give it a try. It

  • won’t hurt too bad.” (Laughter )

  • It’s just not that easy. See, reptiles have 4 perfectly good legs. Birds have 2 legs and

  • 2 wings.

  • So if his front legs are going to change to wings, somewhere along the line, theyre going

  • to be half-leg and half-wing.

  • Which means, on that particular day, he can’t run anymore, and he still can’t fly yet, so

  • he’s got a real problem.

  • A serious problem. They say Archaeopteryx is proof for evolution. You got one here on

  • the table, Brother, Archaeopteryx?

  • Whenever you buy a bag of dinosaurs, they almost always stick one of these in there.

  • Archaeopteryx. Wow.

  • And this somehow gets the impression to the kids, “Wow, weve got proof that dinosaurs

  • turned to birds.

  • Here’s one here with feathers on it.” Theyre lying. It’s still in the textbooks, I mean

  • today, about Archaeopteryx.

  • And it’s been proven years ago, Archaeopteryx was just a bird, a perching bird.

  • Alan Feduccia, who believes in evolution, says it’s not a missing link. It had the right

  • features for flight.

  • All the features of the brain were for flight, ok? Archaeopteryx meansancient wing,” and

  • he had claws on his wings.

  • Well, that’s kind of unusual, ok. But 12 birds today have claws on their wings.

  • There is the swan, the ibis, the hoatzin; several birds have claws. They say, “Well, he had

  • teeth in his beak.”

  • Well, not many birds have teeth, some do. There’s the hummingbird that has teeth in

  • his beak.

  • But most birds don’t have teeth, I agree. Actually, some mammals have teeth, some don’t.

  • Some birds have teeth, some don’t. Some fish have teeth, some don’t.

  • Some of you have teeth, some don’t, ok? (Laughter)

  • Missing link! The Chinese dino-bird was a forgery, and we don’t have time to cover all

  • of that today.

  • But we give lots more on that on one of the debates I did.

  • It’s true feathers and scales are both made of keratin, same building block, that’s true.

  • But that’s where the similarity stops, ok? Actually, birds and reptiles have different

  • lung systems.

  • And they have different reproductive systems, different body coverings, different brains,

  • and different circulatory systems.

  • Thousands of differences exist between dinosaurs and birds. That could be a whole seminar by

  • itself.

  • It’s interesting, there are 2 different kinds of dinosaurs - the bird-hip and the lizard-hip

  • dinosaur.

  • Their hips are very different. Ask an evolutionist,

  • Which type of dinosaur evolved into the bird? Was it the bird-hip or the lizard-hip?”

  • And they will probably kind of hang their head and quietly say, “Well, it was the lizard-hip.”

  • Oh, so now the hip’s got to turn around backwards too in addition to the billions of other changes

  • youve got to make.

  • There’s no evidence of how dinosaurs evolved to birds. None. Zero. So who’s right?

  • Well, Richard Dawkins said, “It’s absolutely safe to say if you meet someone who claims

  • not to believe in evolution,

  • that person is ignorant, stupid or insane or wicked.” Sounds like he’s open for a discussion.

  • When I went to England, we tried everything to get to debate Richard Dawkins. He refused.

  • He hung up on my secretary. His secretary hung up on me when I called back.

  • Jesus said, “Ye shall love the LORD your God with all your...mind.” There’s no mental

  • reason to reject Christianity.

  • It’s a logical deduction to say, “Hey, there must have been a Designer.”

  • You see something complicated like this world, you say, “Hey, there must have been a Designer.”

  • Evolution is not a fact. It’s not even a good theory. It’s not even a hypothesis.

  • It’s a metaphysical research program. Julian Huxley said,

  • “I suppose the reason we leapt at Origin of Species was the idea of God interfered with

  • our sexual morés.”

  • We don’t want God telling us what to do. Evolution is a religion. Even Michael Ruse said that.

  • He said, “I’m an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit in this one

  • complaint,

  • and Mr. Gish is one of many to make it, the literalists are absolutely right, evolution

  • is a religion.

  • This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it’s true of evolution still today.

  • We believe in evolution because the only alternative is Creation.” And that’s right; that is the

  • only alternative.

  • One Russian atheist astronomer came over here to America, and he was speaking at the university,

  • and he said,

  • Folks, either there is a God or there isn’t.” I thought, “Wow, now that’s a brilliant conclusion

  • to come to.”

  • But then he said, “Both possibilities are frightening.” I thought, “Wow, now that IS

  • a brilliant statement.”

  • See, if there is a God, we’d better find out who He is and find out what He wants and do

  • what He says.

  • If there is no God, were in trouble. Were hurtling through space at 66,000 miles an

  • hour, and nobody’s in charge.

  • That’s a scary thought. One famous scientist said, “This evolution transformationism (transformation) is

  • a fairy tale for adults.

  • The theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless.”

  • Even if evolution theory is true, it’s useless. It’s of no value to science whatsoever.

  • Evolution is a kind of dogma which its own priests no longer believe but which they uphold

  • for the people.”

  • Even most scientists don’t believe in this, but theyre afraid of losing their job or

  • their research grant money

  • or theyre afraid of peer pressure. No different than a 5th grader, afraid what the other 5th

  • graders think of them.

  • Weve got college professors out there teaching these lies that I’ve covered just because

  • they have to.

  • Because that’s their job. Muggeridge said,

  • “I’m convinced the theory of evolution will be one of the great jokes in the history books

  • of the future.”

  • Satan is a liar. And everything about this theory is based on lies.

  • Even Tahmisian said, “People who go about teaching evolution are great conmen.

  • The story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever. We do not have one iota of fact

  • to support this evolution theory.”

  • Sir Fred Hoyle, the famous astronomer said, “Well, life is so complicated, it could not

  • have evolved on Earth,

  • so it must have come from outer space.” Well, duh, all that does is postpone the problem.

  • How did it happen out there, hmm? This guy says, “Evolution is a light which illuminates

  • all facts.

  • All lines of thought must follow. This is what evolution is.”

  • Pierre de Chardin and the Catholic priests, they got most of the Catholics to believe

  • in evolution, including the Pope.

  • And 3 times now a Pope has said, “We believe in evolution.”

  • Pierre de Chardin is one of the guys responsible for the great Piltdown hoax. He’s a liar.

  • An absolute bald-faced liar. God’s Word is a light, not evolution is a light.

  • But if a kid goes 12 or 15 years to school in your school system, how’s he going to view

  • the world?

  • Probably like an evolutionist. Why would they teach these lies?

  • Well, some people think that if everybody believes in evolution, that will make it true.

  • It doesn’t matter if everybody believed in it. That wouldn’t make it true yet.

  • Some people teach the lie to keep the paycheck coming in.

  • Kids, there are teachers that don’t believe in evolution, but they keep teaching it anyway

  • because they like their paycheck every Friday. And they will lie to you to keep their paycheck

  • coming in.

  • Some understand the bigger picture. Evolution is the foundation for the New World Order.

  • We cover more on that on Seminar part 5. Evolution is the foundation for Marxism, Nazism, communism,

  • socialism.

  • That’s why when I do a debate, I always call it, “Creation versus Evolutionism.”

  • It drives them nuts, you know? Because theyre used to saying, “Oh, it’s evolution versus

  • creationism.”

  • They always put the -ism on Creation. So when I flash up my sign at the beginning that says,

  • Creation versus Evolutionism Debate,” they always sit there with that puzzled look on

  • their face.

  • Theyre trying to read it, thinking, “You know, something doesn’t look right about that,

  • but I don’t know what it is.”

  • It’s just a little jab in there, you know? Why do people believe in evolution?

  • Well, you might want to get this book: “The Case Against Darwin.”

  • Excellent, short book, quick read for your intellectual friends who want to get the quick

  • picture.

  • Some people, that’s all theyve ever been taught. When I spoke in Russia, I was over

  • there at the university,

  • there were 30 professors came in to hear me speak, and after about an hour, one of the

  • professors began crying.

  • And I asked the interpreter, I said, “What’s he crying about?” And she said, “He’s never

  • heard the Creation story.

  • He didn’t know there was one. All he’s ever heard is evolution. He wants you to keep going.”

  • I went for another hour. I spoke at a public school over there in Russia. The room would

  • seat 400 kids.

  • They had 700 high schoolers (high school students) come in there and listen to me for 2 hours.

  • I mean, you could have heard a pin drop the whole time. I couldn’t believe it.

  • When I asked the principal before I started, I said, “Hey, are there any things I shouldn’t

  • say to these kids?

  • I know this is a public school, and it’s kind of sensitive.” He said, “What do you mean?”

  • I said, “Well, I’m a Christian. Is it okay to tell them, you know, to mention the Bible?”

  • He said, “Oh yeah, tell them anything you want.” I said, “Well, would it be okay if

  • I told them, you know, how to go to Heaven?”

  • He said, “Sure, sure, please do. These kids would love to hear about Christianity. Theyve

  • never heard any of this.” Wow!

  • A door you could drive a truck through, Brother. But they use the same lies in Russian textbooks.

  • Here’s a Russian textbook talking about the forelimb proving evolution, the different

  • geologic column strata,

  • all the stuff we covered earlier. Why do they believe this stuff? Well, some believe it

  • because it’s all theyve been taught.

  • Some, their job depends on it. Some, they hope there’s no God to answer to.

  • They do not like to retain God in their knowledge, the Bible says. They just don’t like this

  • idea.

  • And it says, “God will send them strong delusion.” The more I think about this, that is so true.

  • Anybody that believes they came from a rock 4.6 billion years ago has to be strongly deluded.

  • Think about it. Oh, there’s so much we could cover on this.

  • Some people simply have too much pride to admit they have been wrong all their life.

  • So kids are being taught evolution. There’s no question about it.

  • Kids are being lied to in these textbooks. There’s no question about it. What do we do

  • about it?

  • Well, we cover that in great detail on our Public School Presentation on the Green Series

  • of tapes.

  • Get the Public School Presentation. Well tell you step-by-step what to do:

  • How to get these lies out of your textbook; how you can get on the school textbook selection

  • committee;

  • how you can get your kid exempt from class. Parents, if your kids are in a public school,

  • you should send a little note to the teacher saying, “I don’t want my child taught evolution.

  • It’s against my religious convictions.” Sign it, notarize it if you’d like, give it to

  • the teacher and to the principal.

  • Then, if they continue giving you a hard time, you say, “Oh, now, excuse me.

  • Do you discriminate against people because of their religious convictions?” Watch their

  • eyes light up on that one.

  • And if they still give you a hard time, contact me.

  • I’ve got some lawyers waiting in the wings that are anxious to get a lawsuit like that.

  • Title 42 - Discrimination Based on Religion. Wow, that principal’s going to be the garbage

  • collector the next week.

  • I guarantee that principal is going to call that teacher and say, “Look, let this kid

  • out of class. Stop teaching evolution.”

  • I had one guy call me a couple of years ago. He said, “Brother Hovind, my 2nd grade daughter’s

  • teacher just called me,

  • and the teacher said, ‘Mr. Jones (whatever his name was, I forget), your 2nd grader is

  • in my class, your daughter,

  • and she stops me every time I start teaching something about evolution.’

  • And the teacher said, ‘I’ve just decided I’m going to skip this evolution stuff for the

  • rest of the year

  • until your daughter is out of my class.’” (Laughter) And my first thought was, yeah!

  • And then I thought, “Wait, wait, wait, wait: why are we sending 2nd graders off to war?”

  • This is a battle the parents ought to be fighting, not the kids. Were the salt of the earth.

  • Salt irritates.

  • Hey, if nobody’s irritated at you, youre not a good Christian. You don’t have to try

  • to irritate them.

  • You try to be salty, that will irritate them. Salt preserves from corruption.

  • How come youve got so many lies in the textbooks right here in Tennessee

  • in the middle of the Bible-Belt. Where are the Christians that are supposed to preserve

  • the world, huh?

  • Why don’t some of you get on the school board and do something about this?

  • Why don’t some of you get a committee to say, “Hey, let’s take these pages out of the book.

  • This is a lie.”

  • It won’t cost the school anything. I’ll show you.

  • How many of you would volunteer to take the pages out of the book and bring your own scissors?

  • It won’t cost the school a dime. Let’s do better than that.

  • How many of you would pay $20 for the privilege of being on the committee to cut the pages

  • out of the book

  • and still bring your own scissors? We just had a fundraiser.

  • We just raised $1000 for the school. Wow! It won’t cost them a dime.

  • There are many good, sincere, Godly public school teachers, and I praise God for them.

  • And they are as frustrated as I am with what’s going on.

  • If youve got a good teacher in your school that wants to do what’s right, support them.

  • Because I guarantee if there’s a teacher that tries to get up and stand up for Creation

  • and against evolution,

  • there’s a good possibility theyll get fired or get persecuted for it.

  • We cover much more on that on Video #7, how teachers get persecuted for standing up for

  • what’s right.

  • Many teach this theory because they simply have never been taught anything else.

  • Many don’t know it’s okay to teach Creation. It’s perfectly fine. Oh, what do we do?

  • Well, there’s a long history of how we got this theory in our schools.

  • And well cover all that in the Public School Presentation.

  • What do we do about it? It’s all covered on Videotape #5. Well show you the dangers of

  • this theory.

  • It’s not just a dumb idea. Evolution is a dangerous religion.

  • I’m going to tell you some real practical steps to fix it on Seminar Part 5. Thank you

  • for joining us.

  • We hope youve enjoyed this video series on Creation, Evolution and Dinosaurs.

  • Much more important, though, than knowing all the truth and facts about science

  • is to know the truth about whether youre going to Heaven or not.

  • If youve never trusted Christ as your Savior, let me explain quickly what you need to do

  • to go to Heaven.

  • The Bible says were all sinners. Weve all broken God’s laws. Weve disobeyed the Creator.

  • Weve done wicked things. Were sinners. Some are worse than others, at least in man’s eyes.

  • But weve all broken God’s laws. And the Bible says you have to repent.

  • The wordrepentmeans to turn, it actually means 2 things, to turn from your sin and

  • to turn to God.

  • God’s looking for a change in your attitude where you say,

  • Lord, I don’t want to do wrong anymore. I’m sorry I’ve offended you. I want to do right.”

  • And you turn from sin, and you turn to God and say, “God, would you please forgive me?

  • Would you save me?”

  • The Bible says in Romans chapter 3, verse 23: “For all have sinned and come short of

  • the glory of God.”

  • You need to admit youre a sinner. Number 2: The Bible says in Romans 6:23, “The wages

  • of sin is death.”

  • We deserve to die and go to hell because of our sin. But, Jesus died for you.

  • He loves you. He wants you to come to Heaven.

  • And anybody that will ask Him for free salvation, God will give you the gift of eternal life

  • it says in Romans 6:23.

  • It’s a free gift. And it says in Romans chapter 10 and verse 13:

  • Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

  • If you would just call and say, “Lord, I’m a sinner. Would you please forgive me?” And

  • ask him.

  • He will give you that free gift of eternal life. Why don’t you just pray with me right

  • now.

  • And you could receive Christ as your Savior? There’s no magic words. God’s looking at your

  • heart.

  • But if you could say this and mean it, God would forgive you.

  • Just say, “Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I’m a sinner. I’ve broken your laws. I’m sorry.

  • Please forgive me.

  • Please apply your blood to my account. Forgive my sins and take me to Heaven. In Jesusname,

  • Amen.”

  • The Bible says, “If you call upon the Lord, you shall be saved.”

  • So if youve asked the Lord to save you, he promised he’d save you. Now your job is to

  • grow.

  • Read your Bible, pray, and get involved in a good Bible-believing church.

  • And begin to grow to be a good Christian.

  • Thank you so much. Call or write if we can be any help at all. We’d be glad to help.

  • For more information on the ministry of Creation Science Evangelism, Write us at Creation Science Evangelism, 29 Cummings Road, Pensacola, Florida, 32503

  • Or call us at (850) 479-3466. That’s (850) 479-DINO, you may also visit us on on the web at That’s:

Dr. Hovind taught science for 15 years. Then he got his Ph.D. in education.


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Creation Seminar 4 Lies in the Textbooks Dr Kent Hovind (With Subtitles)

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    Austin Tao に公開 2015 年 08 月 02 日