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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Imagine a soldier... the size of an insect

  • the ultimate secret weapon

  • You give god-like powers to everyone, there's going to be chaos

  • So how do we stop them?

  • I know a guy

  • Scott, I have been watching you for a while.

  • You're different, and I believe everyone deserves a shot at redemption.

  • Do you?

  • Absolutely. My days of breaking into places and stealing stuff...are over.

  • What do you want me to do?

  • I want you to break into a place and steal some stuff.

  • Makes sense.

  • Are you ready to become the hero

  • Now this suit has power

  • You have to learn how to control it.

  • And these are your greatest allies.

  • You're kind of cute!

  • When you're small, you have super human strength

  • You're like a bullet.

  • So you need to know how to punch.

  • You want to show me how to punch? Show me how to punch!

  • That's how you punch.

  • You've tried to hide your suit from me.

  • Now, it's going to blow up in your face and destroy everyone you care about.

  • Scott, get out of there!

  • Did you think you could stop the future?

  • You're just a thief!

  • No. I'm Ant Man.

  • I know.

  • Wasn't my idea.

Imagine a soldier... the size of an insect


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B1 中級

映画『ANT MAN』公式予告編2 (フルレングス) (ANT MAN Official TRAILER 2 (Full Length))

  • 15375 630
    Charlene Tai に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日