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  • Okay so let's start off by on a scale of one to ten, how much do you know about periods?

  • Probably about two.

  • Biologically quite a bit.

  • Well I know they happen every month.

  • To answer your question, five.

  • Probably about three.

  • -Four. -Four?

  • Six maybe.

  • Let's see. Cool. Let's find out.

  • Oh God.

  • Bag of tricks.

  • Christ. What the hell is that?

  • Can you identify the items in front of you?

  • Okay I think this is a sanitary towel. Is it?

  • Pad. Tampon.

  • -No, I can't... -You don't know what that is.

  • Pad?

  • And looks like something the doctor checks your ears with.

  • Tube?

  • A sanitary towel. That's a tampon.

  • I used to play with these actually when I was younger. My mum I used to ask her, "What

  • are these for?" and I'd playing them around and she'd be like, "Stop! That costs money!"

  • That's a... is that a Mooncup?

  • Don't even want to touch that.

  • And is this a Shewee? You know, that they use at festivals.

  • I know what they look like. I couldn't tell you how it works.

  • I couldn't give you the name, but I'm assuming that obviously it's a cup that gathers.

  • And this is a menstrual cup.

  • Oh!

  • -A menstrual cup. -Heard of one of those?

  • Where do you think it goes?

  • Well I can imagine, but just up and hold.

  • -So this goes inside the vagina. -Lovely.

  • Close it like that, and then you insert it into the vagina.

  • Why do you like...?

  • Well because it's quite difficult to get it in like this.

  • Okay sorry.

  • That opens, and it creates a valve and it collects the blood. And when it's full you

  • just pull it out, wash it, empty it and stick it back in.

  • Well, that's quite handy, isn't it? Because it's reusable and you're saving money on the

  • ol' tampon bill.

  • And the environment.

  • Is this the first time you've touched a tampon?

  • No, but I've not seen anything like this.

  • Okay so how do you think we use them? How do we insert them?

  • You put it up somehow.

  • Okay so you read the instructions.

  • Click. It's a lot harder than it looks.

  • Yeah, I was expecting more...

  • You pull it like that.

  • Get into a comfortable position. Most women either sit on the toilet, squat slightly with

  • knees bent or stand with one foot on the toilet seat.

  • Sorry. That's just quite funny. Who needs the yoga class? Don't worry. I'm just on my period.

  • So what happens next?

  • -That goes up. -Show me how.

  • -Up there? -Yeah.

  • Oh I see.

  • This is some rocket science.

  • So you insert it like that. Oh effing hell. Geez. Sorry.

  • Well I assume that's inserted into the vagina.

  • -Using? -Fingers or maybe some... I don't know. No idea.

  • Press like that.

  • Nope. Oh, there you go.

  • You pull that back, and then this dangles out.

  • It's literally left dangling?

  • -Yeah. -As in...?

  • So when you need to take it out...

  • -You just give it a little tug. -Pull. Simple.

  • Yeah.

  • What do you think is going to happen?

  • I think it's going to fill the width of the glass.

  • Okay, let's go for it.

  • Oh my God.

  • Oh my gosh. That's insane.

  • That happens? Oh okay.

  • Ribbing's holding it in.

  • I'm disappointed. I thought it was going to get wider.

  • Yeah, it's expanding right? Yeah.

  • Does it not feel weird?

  • So once you've got this inside, how often do you think you have to change it?

  • Three or four times a day, something like that.

  • You just put it in and it's fine, and then you pull it out later.

  • You change it daily... or weekly?

  • -End of the day? -End of the day, okay.

  • Day or two?

  • Actually you need to change them every four to six hours.

  • Well I would be disgusting, wouldn't I, if I were a girl isn't it?

  • I'm quite glad I'm a man, to be honest. Sorry, not to be insensitive but...

  • What if you're sleeping?

  • Overnight. How does that work?

  • I don't know. Do you need another one?

  • What do you think is going through your mind now as a woman?

  • I'd be worried of getting blood everywhere.

  • You're going to have to have these on you, obviously, in your bag. And then what are

  • you going to have to do during the day? You're going to need access to...

  • Toilets to change it. Unless you're going to do it in public.

  • Right. That's not advisable.

  • Outfit choices.

  • Yeah, you'd have to, wouldn't you?

  • Why do you think people don't talk about it?

  • I mean, it's bleeding out of your fanny.

  • You've heard people go, "oh you're on your period" or "it's that time of the month again",

  • which is kind of an association with you being moody and miserable and things.

  • I think we have this whole taboo about it, like "oh she's on her period". Well so what?

  • I'm going for a pee when I go to the toilet or I'm going for number two. You know, what's

  • the big deal? It's natural.

  • Stigma around talking about menstruation is the bigger issue than the tampon. No periods,

  • no babies. No babies, no future. So how important is it to understand about menstruation?

  • It's very important.

  • You can't take the bleeding away, but if you could take away the kind of like... shoving

  • it up your sleeve or worrying that it leaks.

  • I feel terrible. I'm so sorry.

  • Do you think this has changed the way you think about women and their periods?

  • Look, I don't envy you but very sympathetic now.

  • I came in here thinking I knew at least something about this. Actually I realise how much I

  • didn't know about this.

  • So you didn't know as much as you thought?

  • -No. -No worries.

  • And I'm sorry.

  • We boys just don't get it, do we? We just don't have any idea. This is amazing. This

  • is like something that you girls do on a monthly basis and men have no real idea about.

Okay so let's start off by on a scale of one to ten, how much do you know about periods?


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男性は生理のことをどれだけ知っているのか?- #JustATampon (How much do men know about periods? - #JustATampon)

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    CUChou に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日