字幕表 動画を再生する
Hey Marie, what does a nosey pepper do?
Get jalepeño business. (Get all up in your business)
Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business and a life that you love.
MarieTV をご覧の皆さんは、こんにちは、マリー・フォルレオです。ここはビジネスと愛する人生を創造するための場所です。
And today is our favorite day of the week because it's Q&A Tuesday.
そして今日はみんな大好きな曜日の Q&A 火曜日です。
That means Q's and A's and this Q comes from Ashley and she writes:
"Hi Marie, your videos are my go-to whenever I'm having issues with something.
I just watched the video where you talked about 4 habits of really productive people, but I'm still stumped.
「本当に生産的な人々の 4 つの習慣」について話している動画を見たばかりですが、まだ困っています。
My schedule is never the same. I work in production and with private clients that means sometimes I'm on set for 4 a.m. and other times I see clients at 6 p.m.
私のスケジュールはいつも同じではありません。私は制作業務とプライベートクライアントと仕事をしています。つまり、時には午前 4 時にセットにいることもあれば、他の時には午後 6 時にクライアントと会うこともあります。
I can't seem to get a handle on morning routines and non-negotiables.
My dog never gets walked at the same time.
I never go to sleep at the same time, and I'll go days with no work only to work ten 12-hour days in a row.
同じ時間に寝ることはないし、仕事がない日があっても 12 時間労働の日が 10 日続いたりします。
Because I can't set a regular routine and everything is inconsistent, is there anything else I can do to be more productive and get it all done?
Thank you for making incredible videos and content all the time. Ashley."
Ashley, this is a great question.
My schedule is never the same either and I travel quite a bit, so I really understand the challenges of inconsistency.
That being said, there is one super simple and super powerful productivity habit that I think everybody should adopt, especially if you have an inconsistent schedule.
It only takes 4 to 5 minutes every single day and it sets you up to win huge like never before.
これは毎日わずか 4〜5 分しかかからず、かつてないほど大きな成功を収めるための準備をしてくれます。
Know what it is?
Buying a lotto ticket?
Neti Pot!
Squatty Potty.
Nope, It's this: Planning your day out the night before.
いや、これです: 前の晩に一日の計画を立てるんです。
This is so darn simple, yet hardly anybody does it and it's one of the most powerful things that you can do for yourself.
So no matter how late at night you go, before you wrap up just take 4 minutes and really think through everything that you have to get done for the next day.
どんなに夜遅くなっても、仕事を終える前に 4 分間だけ時間をとって、次の日のためにやらなければならないことをすべて考えるんです。
So here's how I usually do it: first thing I do is I open up my calendar and I take a look at all the appointments that I have for the next day and the time that those appointments will take.
Like this: 1:00, I've got a team call that lasts 30 minutes; 3:30, I have a MarieTV script review that'll take about an hour.
こんな感じです: 1:00 にはチームと電話をして 30 分、3:30 には MarieTV の台本チェックで 1 時間。
And then I have a 6:30 spin class.
それから 6 時半からスピンクラス。
Then, I write down all the projects and the tasks that I need to get done and I give myself a little bit of an estimate about how long I think each project or task will take.
Of course, these are estimates, sometimes I get things done faster and sometimes they take longer but at least I give myself a baseline to work off of.
9 - 10:30 a.m., I'm gonna write a first draft of a sales video script. I'm gonna givemyself about 90 minutes.
9 - 10:30 a.m. 、セールスビデオの原稿を書く。 時間は 90 分くらい。
Then from 11:30 - 12:30, I'm gonna review my social media schedule, give myself an hour for that.
それから 11:30-12:30 にソーシャルメディアのスケジュールを見直す。時間は 1 時間くらい。
And from 2:30-3:00, I'll do a little email clear out.
2:30-3:00 はメールの整理。
And finally, I make a new little section at the bottom of my notepad with personal things that I need to handle for that day.
For example, get Nanny a birthday card and mail it. That'll take me about 30 minutes.
例えば、ナニーにバースデーカードを用意して郵送する。それだけで 30 分はかかる。
Order more Kuma food, all of 10 minutes, and book a haircut for the next month, takes me about 5 minutes.
くまフードをもう少し注文する、全部で 10 分かかる。次の月のヘアカットを予約する、5 分ぐらいかかる。
Boom, that is it. Super simple.
So when I do this, it informs [me] exactly when I need to be at my desk and working,
which tells me when I need to wake up to have enough time to do my little morning routine and get everything done without feeling rushed or stressed.
The worst thing you can do is wake up in the morning and go straight to your computer and open up email and then all of a sudden you're pretending to work all day, and at the end of the day, nothing important ever got done.
Nobody's perfect and, of course, not every day goes as planned, but this system gives you the best chance possible at making sure that your most important projects get done, especially if you have an inconsistent schedule.
And, by the way, if you haven't seen our other MarieTV about urgent versus important, you should really watch it because I think you're gonna love it.
ちなみに、もし私たちの「緊急と重要の違い」についての他の MarieTV を見ていないなら、本当に見るべきです。きっと気に入ると思いますよ。
So let's wrap this one up on a tweetable.
If you plan on having a successful life, start by planning your day.
That was my A to your Q, Ashley, I really do hope it helps.
Now I would love to hear from you.
Whether you have an inconsistent schedule or not, what's the single most important thing that you do each and every day to make sure your most important projects get done?
Now, as always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at MarieForleo.com, so go there and leave me a comment now.
いつも通り、最高のディスカッションはエピソード後に MarieForleo.com で行われますので、そちらに行って今すぐコメントを残してください。
Did you like this video? If you did, subscribe to our channel and it would be awesome if you shared this with all of your friends.
And if you want even more great resources to create a business and life that you love, plus some personal insights from me that I only talk about in email, come on over to MarieForleo.com and sign up for email updates.
もし、あなたが大好きなビジネスや人生を創造するための素晴らしいリソースや、メールでしか話さない私の個人的な洞察をもっと知りたいなら、MarieForleo.com に来て、メールアップデートに登録してください。
They're really good.
Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special gift that only you have.
Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you next time on MarieTV.
ご覧いただきありがとうございました!次回は MarieTV でお会いしましょう。