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  • terry dot com but i had to call our listener forwarded your phone w along

  • and i just about everything

  • philosophical property vision and primarily

  • later advocate of government solutions are making government bigger

  • and what that does is that protect people

  • the money or the corruption goes to where the powers

  • and when government has power it's no surprise that we have all this

  • the billions of dollars being spent on idled by lobbyists and as more lobbyists

  • in washington state and during the bush administration

  • yes and and as a result we have copter julia pro-russian where the politically

  • connected interest get the money and the preparatory tree favorable regulatory

  • and them but maybe i am a treatment at a hearing yen now i am not just billy bob

  • another screen with it all out let me just ask you a question

  • gift

  • you are right

  • that where the money is there is power and where the power as they were all

  • inevitably be corruption

  • how are you going to stop

  • corruption

  • within the largest corporations in america

  • you make them uh... accountable to consumer preferences in business

  • purposes rather than political clout

  • uh... but if they have monopolies they aren't interested to hear about consumer

  • interests or political interests you know in france

  • everybody

  • pretty much every body in france for less than forty dollars a month has

  • hundred method

  • uh... broadband

  • has over a hundred channels of television

  • and can call any denny way a unlimited telephone calls

  • on their cell phone or their home phone

  • so over thirty countries in europe white because the french government intervene

  • in the marketplace and said whoever owns the wire or whoever owns the the uh...

  • the g_-three line

  • three-stage restrict anybody else from karen content over at heather words the

  • forced competition as he got hundreds of small companies in france competing

  • for the broadband business

  • for the t_v_ business for the phone business and that's why the average

  • american spends over three hundred dollars a month for the french get for

  • over forty and the french companies are all profitable by the way

  • so the question again monopoly the essence of upa lee is to destroy

  • competition

  • that's why companies for monopolies as weather street companies that own more

  • than eighty percent of our agriculture

  • in the united states are they did the growth technical training in gray never

  • called me that that

  • on the seven companies the control most americans you've got five companies

  • now they control more than eighty percent of our media you've got uh...

  • the uh... three companies they control most of our manufacturing base large

  • main fascia we have three or four companies to control most of the

  • computer business visit beyond im go

  • and what these them the the mandate of these companies is to prevent

  • competition the banks we went from from the big and banks down the big six banks

  • now

  • they're too big to fail

  • how do you prevent them from being corrupt

  • personal if you don't in america about quick

  • scenarios bought you got a look at propping up the question two parts first

  • of all

  • the way they became a monopoly was to be it was facilitated by government because

  • these guys have all the money so they go to government makes it look to provide

  • us with favorable regulatory regime air regulations always benefit the big guy

  • but look at it doesn't have the wherewithal to handle these regulations

  • so that the first step in creating about that it's there that is actually very

  • options that is very actually very often true when you find is that there

  • basically to gaza regulations and the majority of regulations on the books

  • by the kind that you described

  • where lobbyists have gone to government you know the the classic example is the

  • guy he used to work a double it was monsanto

  • uh... when they develop genetically modified products during the bush in the

  • uh... drawer urge herbert walker bush administration went to work for the

  • u_s_d_a_ wrote the regulations to regulate those so that basically only

  • monsanto could get into business and then left the u_s_d_a_ and went back to

  • my sent or men went back to lobbying from the word from on senator and that

  • happens over over over here do we need to put a stop to that but how do you put

  • a stop to that

  • i can i just don't you get the government facilitate this

  • it's so how do you stop the government of doing that

  • moderate sergeant scope of government

  • you don't do you want to give them more power and you can't beat up by kevin or

  • more power

  • what i could get one stocks the government from being corrupted by

  • monopolies who were more women cover on hand

  • and and get laws passed their benefit only the monopolies

  • what you're trying to do it time to give you a secret

  • devoured her audience you take the money and the power of the hands of the

  • government never start back to main street that the people bob that sounds

  • really really nice so you and i are going to uh... decide what the

  • regulation should be a budget item on a flight organisms

  • what we decided to consumer preferences every single day we carry our ability to

  • put it in a store we get the pope action actually don't

  • actually don't bob to you when you walked through that store and most of

  • the products that store are made by fewer than fifty companies

  • andrea white which is step was why because and i and i'm telling you that

  • if you want to know if you want if you want if you do not want to have the

  • novel in the united states

  • the only solution only way to prevent monopoly in this is

  • this is like capitalism one oh one this is

  • just adam smith his whole argument

  • that that the phrase the invisible hand that he was talking about

  • was was an argument in favor of government preventing monopolies

  • add to go back and read

  • wealth of nations seventeen seventy six

  • and it has is held true all the way up until today if u want to prevent

  • monopolies you have to do a teddy roosevelt did back in the nineteen teens

  • we broached irrelevant twenty nine companies what what richard nixon jimmy

  • carter did when they broke a t_n_t_ opinion nine companies what would a what

  • stopped in nineteen eighty two

  • in nineteen eighty-two ronald reagan said we're no longer going to enforce

  • the sherman antitrust act

  • it stated that on the books that when a hundred and one years he said we are

  • going to enforce that law and what do we get we got michael milken leah mergers

  • acquisitions mania we had we had all these guys becoming multi-billion airs

  • and hundreds of thousands millions of people losing their jobs

  • hundreds of smaller companies got bought out by one company which no longer

  • needed a hundred bookie personally art nine item no longer needed now you know

  • hundreds of middle managers only dot any item

  • we came we

  • the corporate america became a little more efficient

  • america as a nation and the working class america

  • became a whole lot less efficient and that's because governments stopped doing

  • its job of protecting us

  • from big corporations and here's his here's the is the fall on your logic bob

  • and you pointed out

  • the for the flaw in the logic of anybody who says big government is wonderful i'm

  • not saying that i've ever said that uh... but the flight airline ticket

  • is that the only countervailing power

  • to organize capital

  • is organized people

  • and i can take one of two forms he can either take the form of an organized

  • educated populace as thomas jefferson talked about which is called a

  • government the united states of america

  • or he can take the play it could take the form of a democracy within the

  • workplace

  • which is called a union

  • they're out there i i don't know other ways that you can balance the power of

  • organized capital

  • deal

  • in a little bit what's what sir i don't know hero pulpit was incomplete

  • every time we've had laws against monopolies in this country

  • those products and services oppose suppose monopolies were provided that

  • they're going down all three years

  • away but they took ran a monopoly is an unsustainable model

  • first of all the company that will accept son market

  • or over port-au-prince it or handicaps are still at the kind of thought prices

  • tell that to microsoft

  • uh... food replicated cuban government chart show

  • of managing what i'm saying is that crazy that we the people

  • that our government is ask first of all

  • and or should be it if it's not when you take a back when you take a back by

  • reversing some supreme court decisions and said that

  • our government to me by the sold by corporations and rich people

  • but our government is which should be any his office

  • any of our government is honest its first job

  • is to provide for the general welfare and in domestic tranquility obviously

  • protect their borders and things like that

  • you know that this is the six things there laid out the preamble the

  • constitution and then later restated individually in how to do that

  • if our government is ours

  • it has to protect us from the predators

  • and the predators now are these large transnational corporations

  • they don't give our rats between the about u or me or anything else in

  • america

  • general electric last year made fifty three fifty seven percent of profit

  • offshore they made billions they paid zero in taxes and yet they use their

  • police departments they use their fire departments they use their

  • infrastructure the used their public education system they used to all they

  • use their court systems they use their finances than they used all those things

  • the u_n_ i pay taxes for that comments that you and i created

  • use that and they didn't pay a damp any ford and you're telling me that that's

  • an ok thing i'm telling you that the only power they can take on general

  • electric the only power they can take on microsoft he only power they can take on

  • exxon mobil which paid no taxes made the hundreds of billions of dollars in

  • profits integrally pino back taxes they had a four hundred twenty million dollar

  • tax refund he only power they can take them on

  • he's organized people which is what jefferson and madison and hamilton and

  • and and franklin in washington put together and it's called our government

  • pennies to work for us i think i met you and i agree

  • no we don't agree definitely not i don't think i government you work for us but i

  • think you're creating a park telemark

  • like if i were the people that are forty rebecca what prepared microsoft refused

  • the flip-flop called them cut about about five o'clock p_m_ that lockbox

  • goodluck chanel

terry dot com but i had to call our listener forwarded your phone w along


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ギリシャと米国の債務に関するリバタリアンの呼びかけ人 (Libertarian Caller On Greece and US Debt)

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    Jane に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日