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  • I think as far as a biography goes, it's a masterpiece.


  • It's quite a fascinating life that Steve Jobs packed into his 58 years.


  • Steve Jobs was a perfectionist and he was a visionary but he was not in the game to


  • win popularity contests.


  • STEVEN JOHNSON: I remember thinking the day that Jobs' died, it was like well thank God

    STEVEN JOHNSON: ジョブズが死んだ日、神に感謝したのを覚えています。

  • we have this book coming out. And I'll be able to just go and kind of immerse myself


  • in the story of his life and that'll...that'll be this weird way of kind of saying goodbye


  • to him.


  • GUY WINCH: When somebody is such a phenomenon, when somebody has such an impact on the world,

    GUY WINCH:誰かがそのような現象を起こしたとき、誰かがそのような影響を世界に与えたとき。

  • you're really interested in well how did that come to be? It's like an origin story in a


  • comic book.


  • JENNIFER STOCKMAN: I learned a lot about him that I don't think was ever known before.


  • I think a lot of people were really surprised by Isaacson's book.


  • LEANDER KAHNEY: The book for me was definitely a lesson of the price you have to pay to

    LEANDER KAHNEY: 私にとってのこの本は、間違いなく、あなたが持っているために支払わなければならない価格のレッスンでした。

  • have a life that's this impactful.


  • STEVE KROFT: It's a warts and all sort of profile. He was a real individualist who lived

    スティーブ・クロフト: イボだらけのプロフィールですね。彼は本当に個人主義者で

  • his life a certain way and um...a lot of people didn't like him. A lot of people didn't like


  • him.


  • DOUG MENUEZ: Steve had that kind of street hustler's ability to read someone's vulnerabilties

    DOUG MENUEZ: スティーブはストリートハスラーのように人の弱点を読み取る能力を持っていました。

  • like that [FINGER SNAP]. He could look at you and know what you were afraid of which

    彼はあなたを見て 何を恐れているのかを知っていた彼はあなたを見て 何を恐れていたかを知ることができた

  • is why I was personally terrified of Steve.


  • WALTER ISAACSON: Steve called me in 2004 and I'd done a biography of Ben Franklin and was

    WALTER ISAACSON: 2004年にスティーブから電話がありました。

  • about to publish one on Einstein and he said, "Why not do me next?" I didn't realize he

    アインシュタインに1つを公開しようとしていて、彼は言った、"Why not do me next?

  • was sick and I didn't really turn him down I just said, "Yeah, let's do it. But let's


  • wait 20 or 30 years till you retire." And then his wife said to me and other people


  • said to me, "Hey if you're going to do Steve, you gotta do him now."

    私に言った、"Hey if you're going to do Steve, you gotta do him now.&quot.

  • STEVE KROFT: I hadn't done a lot of reading about Steve Jobs. I knew he was the guy behind

    STEVE KROFT: スティーブ・ジョブズについてはあまり読んだことがありませんでした。の背後にいるのは知っていました。

  • Apple. I really didn't know much about his story at all. So I found the book really engrossing.


  • DOUG MENUEZ: I spent 4 years documenting Steve originally for life magazine. So the book

    DOUG MENUEZ: 元々はライフマガジンのために4年間スティーブをドキュメントしていました。それでこの本は

  • for me was a way to reexamine my own relationship with Steve and what happened back then.


  • LEANDER KAHNEY: The material is beautifully laid out and very well written. Isaacson's

    LEANDER KAHNEY: 素材は美しくレイアウトされていて、とてもよく書かれています。アイザックソンの

  • a great writer.


  • STEVEN JOHNSON: It's not a book that has a grand theory about Jobs. It really just focuses

    STEVEN JOHNSON: ジョブズについての壮大な理論を持った本ではありません。焦点を当てているだけです。

  • on the incredibly interesting details on his life.


  • GUY WINCH: It's extremely surprising that this book was written cause Jobs was a control

    GUY WINCH: ジョブズがコントロールしていたからこそ、この本が書かれたというのは非常に驚きです。

  • freak and wants everything to go through him. And then, suddenly, he's allowing Isaacson


  • this incredible access to everyone around him.


  • WALTER ISAACSON:Steve said he wanted an honest book. He said, "I've always been honest to

    WALTER ISAACSON:スティーブは正直な本が欲しいと言っていました。彼は言いました。

  • people. When they do things bad I tell them it's bad. I want you to write an honest book."


  • STEVE KROFT: If I had to take a guess, I don't think there was any question Walter forgot


  • to ask him and this dialogue continued up until the time that Steve was too sick to


  • talk. So, it was all there."


  • JENNIFER STOCKMAN: I started my career at IBM in 1976 and Steve Jobs started in the

    JENNIFER STOCKMAN: 私は1976年にIBMでキャリアをスタートさせ、スティーブ・ジョブズはその中でスタートしました。

  • garage in 1976. At IBM we were very fascinated by what he was doing and kind of put our nose,


  • you know, up. We thought he's some hippie working in the garage and IBM really has nothing


  • to worry about.


  • STEVEN JOHNSON: Before Apple came along the computer was just this big monolithic mainframe

    STEVEN JOHNSON: アップルが登場する前のコンピュータは、この大きなモノリシック・メインフレームだった。

  • inhuman kind of machine and everything that Apple did or all they're great successes have


  • this incredibly human playful kind of quality.


  • DOUG MENUEZ: Steve's all about this sort of Zen approach to simplicity and winnowing away

    DOUG MENUEZ: スティーブは、シンプルさを追求していくための禅的なアプローチをしています。

  • what doesn't work to get to the beauty and the perfection.


  • JENNIFER STOCKMAN: I mean he really had a vision of the way technology should look.

    JENNIFER STOCKMAN: 彼は本当に技術のあり方についてのビジョンを持っていました。

  • You know, he just made a really sexy box.


  • STEVEN JOHNSON: He was a strange dude and he did not lead a conventional life.


  • JENNIFER STOCKMAN: Sometimes genius has to come from some distortion of how you see the

    JENNIFER STOCKMAN: 天才は時に、あなたの見方の歪みから生まれることがあります。

  • world. I mean he did create his own reality.


  • DOUG MENUEZ: For Steve to be a taste maker, I think he had to be incredibly opinionated

    DOUG MENUEZ: スティーブがテイストメーカーであるためには、彼は信じられないほどの意見を持っていなければならなかったと思います。

  • and judgemental and he gave his own inner opinions and judgments a higher weight. [Laughs]

    彼は自分の内面の意見や判断を より重視していました[笑]

  • WALTER ISAACSON: I very rarely saw the angry side of him, but once when he saw the proposed


  • cover for the book I got off the plane and there were like 7 missed phone calls from


  • Steve Jobs. You know, he started yelling at me about how ugly the cover was and he said,


  • "I'm only gonna keep cooperating if you let me have some say over the cover."

    "I'm only gonna keep cooperating if you let me have some say over the cover.&quot.

  • STEVEN JOHNSON: Jobs is someone I've kind of always admired so I was kind of inclined

    STEVEN JOHNSON: ジョブズは私がいつも尊敬している人なので、私はその気になっていました。

  • to see all these good things but man, you read some of these stories and he just


  • know he's...he was just kind of crazier than I had really grasped until I read the book.


  • LEANDER KAHNEY: I found that really hard to read about. It was a catalogue of bad behavior

    LEANDER KAHNEY:本当に読みにくいことがわかりました。それは悪い行動のカタログでした

  • really. You know, yelled at this person, screamed at that person, throw a tantrum about this,


  • throw a tantrum about that.


  • JENNIFER STOCKMAN: He was tone deaf in so many ways. It's like he wouldn't let any sleeping


  • dog lie.


  • GUY WINCH: When he came down with pancreatic cancer, it was the same blind spot operating.

    GUY WINCH:彼が膵臓がんで倒れたとき、それは同じ死角手術でした。

  • "I think I know what's best and noone will convice me otherwise."

    "I think I know what's best and noone will convice me otherwise.&quot.

  • JENNIFER STOCKMAN: He had his own ideas about everything. You know possibly he could have

    JENNIFER STOCKMAN: 彼は何でも自分の考えを持っていた。彼は自分の考えを持っていた

  • lived longer too if he went to a more conventional treatment instead of trying to think he knew


  • a better way to cure himself.


  • WALTER ISAACSON: I think he probably regretted that but who knows whether the cancer would


  • or would not have spread if he had operated on a few months earlier.


  • DOUG MENUEZ: Walter's real question is, "Can you really succeed on the highest level and

    DOUG MENUEZ: Walter'の本当の質問は、"Can you really succeed on the highest level and

  • still be a nice guy?"


  • LEANDER KAHNEY: Did his accomplishments require him to be a jerk? Um..this is sort of the


  • 64 million dollar question. I don't think there's any easy answer to that.


  • JENNIFER STOCKMAN: He just pushed and pushed and pushed for perfection and without that

  • personality trait I'm not so sure he would have gotten the results.


  • WALTER ISAACSON: I talked to Steve Wozniak who said, "You know, if I had run Apple, I

    WALTER ISAACSON: 私はスティーブ・ウォズニアックと話しました。

  • would have wanted it to be run more like a family. We were nicer to everybody. But then


  • Woz paused and he said, "But if I had run Apple we wouldn't have made the Macintosh."


  • STEVE KROFT: There're no shortage of people in all walks of life who were very successful

    STEVE KROFT: 人生のあらゆる分野で大成功を収めた人々には事欠かない。

  • who are very demanding and have a lot of rough edges to them. I think that um..there're other


  • people who manage to do it without those rough edges.


  • STEVEN JOHNSON: I'm not sure it's necessary. It seems pretty clear that he became less


  • of a tyrant as he got older and he became far more successful as he got older.


  • WALTER ISAACSON: We all know thousands of jerks but most of them aren't geniuses so

    WALTER ISAACSON: 私たちは何千人もの嫌な奴を知っていますが、そのほとんどは天才ではありません。

  • I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just a story about a guy who was intense, but here's


  • how he channelled the intensity to be so ingenious in what he invented.


  • JENNIFER STOCKMAN: I think he leaves a legacy in many areas. The idea that Steve Jobs bridged

    JENNIFER STOCKMAN: 彼は多くの分野で遺産を残していると思います。スティーブ・ジョブズが

  • art and technology has made him an artist.


  • WALTER ISAACSON: I think Steve's like Edison, or Walt Disney. People who were great at being

    WALTER ISAACSON: スティーブはエジソンやウォルト・ディズニーに似ていると思います。のような人たちだと思います。

  • inventive, but also applying that inventiveness to real products.


  • STEVE KROFT: Probably he'll be remembered more like Henry Ford. Someone who brought

    おそらく彼はヘンリー・フォードのように 記憶されるでしょうねを持ってきた人

  • existing technology to a new level.


  • DOUG MENUEZ: Steve was all about making the thing better. I mean how much did your phone

    DOUG MENUEZ: スティーブはすべてのものをより良くすることについてでした。つまり、あなたの携帯電話はどれくらい

  • suck before the iPhone?


  • GUY WINCH: He's literally taken us into the future in quantum leaps in ways that allowed


  • us to really have the kind of life that we would have a hard time imagining 20-30 years


  • ago.


  • LEANDER KAHNEY: Even though his accomplishments were extraordinary, the price he paid I think


  • is beyond the pale.


  • JENNIFER STOCKMAN: He's so complicated and so layered that I think the legacy is only

    JENNIFER STOCKMAN: 彼はとても複雑で、何層にも重なっているので、レガシーはただのレガシーだと思います。

  • beginning to unfold.


I think as far as a biography goes, it's a masterpiece.


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