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  • What word comes to mind when I say "imagination"?


  • Creativity? Ingenuity? Make-believe?


  • No matter who you are or where you come from, chances are you spend a lot of time imagining things.


  • But while you might use your imagination every day, scientists understand imagination a lot less than you might imagine.


  • Where does imagination come from? Why do we imagine at all? And is there a way for you to become more imaginative?


  • With the help of my friends here at Cirque du Soleil's Zarkana, we are about to explore the delightful possibilities of imagination.


  • And our journey begins right where you'd imagine it would: in your brain.


  • Look at the X in the middle of your screen. Now imagine a red triangle there. Got it? Does it look something like this?


  • If we guessed right, you might be thinking: "What's the big deal?" Until you realize you could've easily imagined this, or this, or this,

    私たちの推測が正しければ、あなたはこう思うかもしれない: 「何を大騒ぎしているんだ?と思ったかもしれない、

  • or any of a hundred different kinds of triangles, but you didn't, and we knew that.

    あるいは100種類の三角形のどれでもいい、 でも、あなたはそうしませんでした。

  • Our imaginations are unique, but there's evidence that some ideas and images are shared by all of us.


  • To show you what we mean, we'll give you another shot.


  • Imagine a hero. That's all the information we're gonna give you.


  • Just picture a hero in your mind. Got an image in your head? Does it look something like this? Did we read your mind again?


  • Of course, real heroes come in all shapes and sizes, all ages, all genders.


  • It could be your parents or grandparents, or Rosa Parks or Jackie Robinson.


  • You might even think of a sandwich.


  • But your default setting is probably a hero that looks like Superman, so what's going on here?


  • Here to explain is Dr. Sara Mednick from University of California, Riverside.

    カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校の サラ・メドニック博士です。

  • Every culture shares common images and themes that make up the raw material of your imagination.


  • Psychologist Carl Jung called this the collective unconscious, but new research has uncovered something called the social unconscious.


  • These are shared beliefs and values you might incorporate into your thoughts and behaviors without even realizing it.


What word comes to mind when I say "imagination"?


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