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  • My name is Elias.

  • I want to learn to play rugby.

  • I play with a lot of people.

  • We're high up overlooking Rio in one of the favelas.

  • We're lucky enough here to be able to be at a school that overlooks Rio

  • and be out here with the kids

  • who have never seen a rugby ball or never even heard of rugby.

  • Can you see that big building over there? I live under it.

  • HSBC is introducing the sport to thousands of kids

  • and is also training coaches to help develop the sport in Brazil.

  • - Now, then, are you ready? - Yes!

  • I think knowing the type of athletes

  • and the sports that are played here in Brazil,

  • you can see their footballing ability,

  • and they quickly picked up the ability to pass and catch a ball smoothly.

  • The transition is quite exciting for them.

  • They're really wanting to use their feet,

  • but they're still out there having fun.

  • The ball is round... It's oval. And you can't play with your feet.

  • You play with your hands.

  • Rugby is a sport with very well-established values and rules.

  • It promotes courage, teamwork and respect.

  • These are very important values for any society,

  • particularly to develop a country's new generation.

  • You need to be careful - look at where you are throwing the ball,

  • straight into your friend's hands.

  • No shots now!

  • Since the Olympic inclusion, the sport really has grown.

  • With the Olympics in Rio it's going to be a real showcase for the game.

  • It gives everybody around the world the opportunity to start playing rugby.

  • I feel like I'm a rugby player.

My name is Elias.


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B1 中級

ラグビー - ブラジルスタイル - HSBC NOW (Rugby - Brazilian Style - HSBC NOW)

  • 545 7
    HW Chiu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日