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  • Bumps or Moguls are something you're going to find a lot of if you're going off-piste

  • They can be quite intimidating at times. But with some the techniques we're going to look at

  • you'll be amazed at how much more confident you'll start to feel

  • When you're starting to ski bumps

  • try and find some nice ones like this they're not too intimidating

  • the bumps behind me here are a little bit too big to start with.

  • You might be able to get down them

  • but if you're try to work on your technique find some smaller ones

  • that aren't going to intimidate you.

  • A good way to practice the bumps is find a few small ones like this

  • and you can actually go across them.

  • We're going to keep our hands in front

  • shoulders over your feet and relax.

  • Two goals

  • keep your head at the same level so you can absorb the bumps

  • pushed down into the trough, absorb.

  • and the other one is to keep your feet in contact with the snow

  • all the way through, nice and smooth. So the hands are in front

  • Absorb, pushed down, really keep that head at the same level.

  • Stay balanced over your feet.

  • Let the bump push your feet up and then extend down into the trough.

  • We're going to look at three ways to handle these bumps.

  • The first one is actually turning on top of the bump

  • A lot of people try and ski around them the whole time and avoid them

  • and it's not always the best thing to do. We actually going to use that bump to help us.

  • It's perfect here. I've got a lot of space around the bump.

  • they're not too close and turning on the top is probably the best option.

  • So nice and positive

  • on top of that bump, here's another one on top, on top

  • Positive pole plant, turning on the bump looking ahead

  • and anticipating what's down the slope.

  • Get the timing right and the bump will help you turn

  • So another way to do it for these small bumps if you've got some space around them

  • You can turn around the outsides. If it looks like you've got an opening

  • and space it's not a bad option.

  • Start to use a combination of these two techniques in the smaller bumps

  • It will give you more options on where you can turn

  • Turn around the bumps or on top.

  • Be versatile.

  • Once you're feeling happy on the smaller bumps we're going to look at the third thing

  • that is going to help you deal with steeper slopes and bigger bumps.

  • The last thing look at is using the back side of the bump as a brake.

  • So I'm actuating going to turn into it,

  • use that face to slow me down and then gently turn around it.

  • You'll probably find it happening more on steeper bumps that are a little bit closer together

  • and probably the slope is a bit steeper as well. Lets take a look.

  • So there's a back. Use the back of that slope.

  • I'm turning into the back side of the bump the around.

  • Plant the pole, feel the break and then turn around.

  • Think about where you gonna be on the first two or three bumps.

  • Don't just set off with no idea or plan for where you are going to be turning.

  • So for at least those first three you are going to be in a good position

  • and get the rhythm and then you're flowing down the run.

  • The other thing to watch is your speed into the first turn.

  • Don't go off there like a man possessed

  • and spend the next two turns trying to get control back.

  • Start off nice and easy and build it up.

  • I'm coming on to face here

  • some nice bumps down here but before I'm going to go

  • I'm going to plan my first two or three turns after that it's going to be much more ad-lib

  • But get those first two or three sorted in your head before you actually set off.

  • You're going to be in a rhythm and you're going to have much more time

  • to handle the rest the run. So I'm looking in front of me, the hands in front,

  • I'm going to do a turn around that one over there

  • Nice and smooth. Absorb those bumps

  • keep those hands in front, looking ahead of you,

  • always be a step ahead.

  • It's not about using any one of those techniques,

  • it's about using all three.

  • Pick out the right one at the right time and you'll find yourself having a lot more

  • control coming down the bumps.

  • It's really important to look ahead and if you looked at a bump

  • and decided to make a turn on it,

  • don't keep staring at it. Push that gaze forward. You'll have much more time to react

  • and you'll see things coming at you earlier. Keep those hands in front

  • and really trying and relax. You can actually turn something that is quite intimidating

  • into something that is a lot of fun

Bumps or Moguls are something you're going to find a lot of if you're going off-piste


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B1 中級

バンプ/モーグルスキーの方法 - 上級者向けスキーレッスン #6.4 (How To Ski Bumps / Moguls - Advanced Ski Lesson #6.4)

  • 50 4
    ray に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日