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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Draw a curve with a vertical leading edge and slanting at the back and cut the space in half vertically

  • and then again into quarters. Draw three lines horizontally so the boxes you end up with

  • are wider than they are taller.

  • Draw the ears on the top and the nose, where the first four boxes meet. Just below the

  • nose, the mouth curves straight down to the bottom line on the left and it curves and

  • slants to the right

  • Draw in the lips, from the top of the nose, curving round to meet the bottom of the mouth.

  • The eye on the right is quite circular while perspective, on the left, makes the eye squash

  • up into an ellipse, but it’s the same height as the first eye. Draw the eyeballs looking

  • slightly to the left. This is one of Grumpy Cat’s secrets. She rarely looks into the

  • camera, probably because someone is distracting her from the side, but it adds to that distinctive,

  • not-making-eye-contact, grumpy look.

  • Make her eyelids face downwards to accentuate the grumpiness even more - but not too much,

  • we don’t want the loveable grumpiness to turn into rage or anger.

  • A curve from the top of the head to the middle of the nose, can be used as a guide to draw

  • in the white flash above the nose.

  • Now you can ink-in or trace a finished copy.

  • Do you think Grumpy cat really is grumpy? I bet she’s cute really. Apparently her

  • real name is Tardar Sauce! I think I would call her Mizzy, short for miserywhat would

  • you call her? Answers down below - please!

  • When the ink is dry, erase the pencil and we are ready for painting.

  • I put the eye colour in first because I like to identify with a character and the eyes

  • are where you communicate with the picture.

  • Then a little pink about the nose and lips followed by a wash of naples yellow with a

  • touch of sepia around the eyes and ears.

  • Then Darken up around the eyes with Dark Sepia.

  • The Ears are very dark sepia too.

  • If you like this lesson, please let me know, and please tell your friends on twitter and

  • facebook and in real life too. And what you think has has made Grumpy Cat so grumpy? - Answers

  • in the comments box below!

  • Now for your interest, I’m using a Pentel Aquash brush with Winsor and Newton artist’s

  • quality paints. The Aquash keeps the water flowing to the brush so the colour thins out

  • as you lay down a wash on the paper. It’s a bit different to a normal brush but I’m

  • getting to really like the effect.

  • Well, there we go, I hope you enjoyed that. If you did why not learn to draw a cute cartoon

  • kitten or take a chance with the mystery drawing!

  • Either way, make sure you are subscribed for lots more drawing lessons and advice.

  • In the meantime, keep drawing drawing drawing - Practice, Practice, Practiceand I’ll

  • see you next time - you take care now. Bye Bye!

Draw a curve with a vertical leading edge and slanting at the back and cut the space in half vertically


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

グランピー・キャットの描き方・塗り方 (How to draw and paint Grumpy Cat)

  • 322 17
    Lucy に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日