字幕表 動画を再生する 審査済み この字幕は審査済みです 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Three reasons why we should continue using nuclear energy. 原子力を使うべき3つの理由 One: nuclear energy saves lives. 1. 原子力は命を守る In 2013, a study conducted by NASA found that nuclear energy has prevented NASAの最近の研究によれば around 1.8 million deaths. 原子力は180万人もの命を守った Even if you include the death tolls from Chernobyl and Fukushima, チェルノブイリと福島を考慮しても nuclear energy ranks last in death per energy unit produced. 原子力は最も人が死なない電力源だ While nuclear waste is really toxic, it’s usually stored somewhere, 核廃棄物は毒性が高く while the toxic byproducts of fossil fuels are pumped into the air 地下に埋められるが we breathe every day. 化石燃料から出る毒は So, just by reducing the amount of fossil fuels burned, countless cases of cancer 空気中に放出される or lung disease and accidents in coal mines have been avoided. 化石燃料の使用を減らせば If we can choose between lots of dangerous stuff being put into a deep hole and ガンや肺の病気 lots and lots and lots of dangerous stuff being pumped into the atmosphere, 炭鉱での事故も減るだろう the former seems more logical. 危険物質を深い穴の中に埋めるか Nuclear energy feels way more dangerous, though. それとも大気中に大量にばらまくか Single catastrophic events burn into our memory, while coal and oil kill silently. 前者が合理的だろう It’s like the death rate of flying versus driving. 原子力を危険に感じるのは Even in the best-case scenario, it would take at least forty years to switch 大災害は記憶に残るが to 100%-renewable energy. 静かな死は見えにくいからだ So, for as long as we continue using fossil fuels, nuclear energy will save 飛行機と車の話も同じ way more lives than it destroys. 再生可能エネルギーへの転換は Two: nuclear energy reduces CO₂ emissions. 最低でも40年かかる Nuclear energy is arguably way less harmful to the environment 化石燃料を使っている時 in terms of climate change than fossil fuels, our main source of energy. 原子力なら多くの命を殺さずに済む Since 1976, about 64 gigatons of greenhouse gas emissions 2. 原子力はCO2排出を減らす have not been pumped out thanks to nuclear energy. 環境への害が少ないという点で And by the mid-21st century, that could amount to an additional 80–240 gigatons. 原子力は化石燃料に勝る Humanity’s energy consumption is rising steadily. 1976年以降 原子力のおかげで According to US government projections, China alone will add the equivalent of 64ギガトンもの温室効果ガスが a new 600-MW coal plant every 10 days for the next 10 years. 排出されずに済んだ China already burns 4 billion tons of coal each year. 21世紀半ばまでに Coal is cheap, relatively abundant, and easy to get to. さらに82~240ギガトンの排出を防ぐ So it’s not likely that humanity will stop using it soon. エネルギー消費は増えていく Nuclear energy might be the only way of dampening the effects of climate change 政府の予測では 中国だけで and preventing a catastrophic man-made global warming. 石炭火力発電所が10日に一つ Compared to the other things we do, nuclear energy is relatively clean. 作られていく見込みだ So, even if it is a good idea to quit nuclear energy long-term, 中国は毎年40億トンの石炭を燃やす it might be a good solution for the next hundred years or so, 石炭は安く 入手しやすい compared to the alternatives. すぐには使用はやめないだろう Three: new technologies. 原子力は地球温暖化の危機を防ぐ Maybe technology will solve the problem of nuclear waste and dangerous power plants. 唯一の手段かもしれない The nuclear reactors we’ve used so far are mostly outdated technology, 他と比べれば 原子力はクリーンだ because nuclear innovation stopped in the 1970s. 将来 原子力は終わるとしても There are models, like the thorium reactor, 今後100年に限っては that could solve the problem altogether. 良い選択肢だ Thorium is abundant, really hard to turn into nuclear weapons, 3. 新しい技術 and up to two orders of magnitude less wasteful than current nuclear reactors. 技術が 原子力の問題を The waste material might also be only dangerous for a few hundred years, 解決するかもしれない in contrast to a couple of thousand years. 今使われている原子炉は時代遅れだ 1 ton of thorium is estimated to provide the same amount of energy 70年代から進歩していない as 200 tons of uranium or 3.5 million tons of coal. だが今 トリウム原子炉が現れた So while we cannot know for sure if alternative nuclear technology トリウムは豊富で 核兵器にしにくく will keep its promises, shouldn’t we at least do more research 現在の原子炉よりも廃棄物が少ない before we forego an opportunity to solve lots of humanity’s current problems? 廃棄物が危険な期間も数百年程度で It may not be an easy challenge, but that hasn’t stopped us before. 数万年よりはいい So, should we use nuclear energy? トリウム1トンが持つエネルギーは There are risks involved in any great human endeavor, ウラン200トン 石炭350万トン分だ and we have to make an informed decision, rather than rely on gut feeling. これが成功するかはまだわからない If you want to hear the other side of the argument, or さらなる研究が必要だ a short introduction to nuclear energy, click here. 今人類が抱える問題もそう Our channel has a new sponsor: Audible.com. 困難な挑戦だが 人類は進歩してきた If you use the URL <http://audible.com/nutshell>, 原子力は使うべきか? you can get a free audiobook and support our channel. 進歩にリスクは付き物だが Producing our videos takes a lot of time, and we fill a lot of it 感情より 知識に基づき判断すべきだ by listening to audiobooks. 原子力の別の側面を知りたい人は For a really entertaining book, we recommend 左をクリック “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer. Subtitles by the Amara.org community He’s a great writer, and the story is really absorbing and true. Go to <http://audible.com/nutshell> to get the book for free. Thanks a lot to Audible for supporting our channel and to you for watching! Subtitles by the Amara.org community
B1 中級 日本語 英 原子 石炭 化石 燃料 トン 廃棄 原子力を使われるべき三つの理由 (3 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is Awesome! 3/3) 2243 222 Evan に公開 2015 年 11 月 10 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語