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  • I am not really from the blogging, internet type of generation; I’m kind of old school.

  • And I suppose all that stuff really has some value to it, but

  • as I wrote recently, it really just burns my heart, you know,

  • you see all these young men blogging and fighting over theological nuances

  • In a way many of them haven’t lived long enough to even know or at least experience what they are talking about.

  • And well sit there and well fill up the internet with this kind of stuff,

  • when there’s literally billions of people who have not heard the Gospel.

  • I mean, it’s insane.

  • If you are listening to this and youre a young man,

  • if youre a young man, this is probably not your time to write a book and change the world

  • or have a blog that gets hits from all over the planet.

  • This is your time to prepare yourself to become a man of God.

  • Not to be on the internet, but to be alone with God in prayer

  • until He pours out His Spirit on you and makes you a useful servant.

  • And then go out, and don’t be involved in pouring water, on a land that’s saturated.

  • Go out with your life and preach the Gospel to the nations that don’t know Christ.

  • Why be alive? The need is tremendous...

  • But I’m not going to tell you that the need is tremendous and that God won’t get it done without you.

  • God will get it done without you. But what a loss, what a loss of joy.

  • You know, I invite you to a life of just real sacrifice and a life of joy unspeakable and full of glory.

  • Some of you young men, you need to think about this, you need to think about going out there and preaching the Gospel,

  • suffering for Christ and relishing that suffering.

  • I’m 49 years old and my body is broken into a million pieces.

  • Like Robert Murray M’Cheyne said: the Lord gave me a message and a horse, and I’ve killed the horse.

  • And I feel that way, but I can tell you this, I’m glad, I’m glad.

  • He’s worth dying for, young man.

  • And don’t waste your life trying to be a theological expert to a bunch of people

  • who already probably know more than you do.

  • Get out there and preach the Gospel. Go to the fields; go to the places, where it’s dark.

  • Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • There is, you know, right now I’m just rejoicing in what God is doing in India and Nepal.

  • But there is Tibet. You know, I ask God: when are you going to open the door for Tibet?

  • And China? And when are you going to open the door for Mongolia?

  • A friend of mine, out in California, an acquaintance of mine, Larry Pen, he has on his website or whatever,

  • he said that he would rather be on the frontlines preaching, than jostling for prominence on the stage.

  • Young man, go somewhere and die that only God and hell will know your name.

  • God because He loves you and His Spirit is powerful upon you

  • and hell because hell hates you.

  • Go somewhere and preach the Gospel.

  • I sometimes read the Puritans, and well, I like the Puritans a lot,

  • Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Charles Spurgeon. Then I look at the modern-day preachers

  • that weve been so blessed with, you know, men like John MacArthur and John Piper and Joel Beeke and

  • So many brilliant men. Wayne Grudem, and all these men.

  • Theyre older men and theyve studied a lot and God has given them a voice.

  • Young man, don’t try to be them, at least not now.

  • And don’t think that America needs you so much.

  • You know, it’s better to sometimes to be a... If I preach in the United States, I’m just another preacher.

  • But to go overseas and to preach where no one is preaching

  • Even if youre as pitiful a preacher as I am, youre THE preacher.

  • Go somewhere where John MacArthur and John Piper are not

  • and preach the Gospel and pray and intercede.

  • All the men that I’ve ever studied, all of them, it’s hard for me to find a common denominator in their lives.

  • Some of them were more Calvinistic, others not.

  • And some of them were well known and seemed prosperous, and others seemed to die as martyrs and no one knew their name.

  • They are all so different. But I found one thing in common

  • and that was their life of prayer.

  • Prayer; enduring, persevering prayer.

  • You know, who cares about what man knows your name?

  • The question is: Does God know your name?

  • And secondly: Does our archenemy know your name? Does he hate you with a great hatred?

  • Not because youre some well-known preacher, but because on your knees you fight him,

  • on your knees you wrestle with him. Youve grabbed hold.

  • You need to be a man of prayer and because missions like India and Nepal, everywhere else, it’s based, it advances on prayer.

  • There's a few things that I have never heard.

  • I’ve never heard an old man say that he wished he had spent less time with his wife and children.

  • They always say the opposite.

  • I’ve never met an old preacher who regretted spending too much time in prayer.

  • But just about everyone I’ve ever met has regretted not spending enough time in prayer.

  • If you know the Word really well, and youre just perfect in your thinking, and your logic is pristine,

  • but youre not a man of prayer,

  • youre not worth two cents in the Kingdom of Heaven,

  • youre just not worth two cents in the Kingdom of Heaven.

  • Youll be full of a lot of knowledge, and proud, and no power.

  • No power.

  • And I pray that you would not jostle for prominence on America’s stage,

  • but you’d go and die somewhere for Christ that your name would be known in Heaven.

  • That you’d be a man of prayer, that you’d study deeply,

  • not in order to preach to other brilliant men.

  • But to preach properly to those who have never heard and to pastors, whom God has raised up in foreign lands,

  • whove never had the privilege of studying, as youve had the privilege to study.

  • Well, this was impromptu. I got back yesterday from India and Nepal,

  • and tomorrow I head out to the strange land of California to preach, so I’ll be needing your prayers.

  • And then, when I get back, I’m going to have several weeks of just to kind of get back

  • in the groove of things here at HeartCry and especially to get back with my family, with my wife and my three little children.

  • Please, I covet your prayers. My life, for whatever it is, it depends upon the prayers of the saints,

  • so please pray for me, and pray for us, and

  • pray for Nepal and India, and all the other countries of the world,

  • that Christ’s name would be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun

  • and that He will receive the full reward for all His suffering.

  • God bless you, have a great day.

  • Please visit our website at

  • There you will find information about the ministry, our purpose, beliefs and methodologies

  • and extensive information about the missionaries we are privileged to serve.

  • "My name will be great among the nations." (Malachi 1:11)\r�

I am not really from the blogging, internet type of generation; I’m kind of old school.


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B1 中級

青年への招待:生きた生け贄として自分をささげる】ポール・ワッシャー 生け贄の生涯 (【對青年人的邀請:獻上自己成為活祭】保羅華許 A Life of Sacrifice Paul Washer)

  • 478 31
    林雅歌 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日