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  • So... did you see the new trailer?

  • Yes! I watched it like a thousand times!

  • Pretty awesome! Right?

  • Awesome is not even enough to describe.

  • Yeah I know

  • I mean with the music and the voice over...

  • And the original light saber!

  • What?

  • And when Han and Chewie came out...

  • I teared up.

  • you're not talking about...

  • Super-Tears-Man! That was me.

  • Such a great trailer!

  • I'm not talking about the Star Wars trailer!

  • Why not? Are you talking about Jurassic World?

  • No!

  • Ant-Man?

  • NO!

  • Terminator?

  • I'm talking about our trailer!

  • Oh yeah... I saw it.

  • So what'd you think?

  • I think you were trying to sound like Ultron.

  • I am not!

  • You totally are with that robot voice!

  • There's nothing wrong with my robot voice!

  • I mean you might as well have said...

  • I'm going to tear you apart from the inside!

  • I asked, "Do you bleed?" That's totally different.

  • Whatever. Well the answer is yes...

  • Because everyone saw me bleed in Superman 2.

  • Did you not notice that?

  • Oh I noticed.

  • But now I'm gonna make you bleed.

  • So now it's like...

  • Whoa! Look out!

  • Oh well I hope that makes you feel better.

  • Oh it will.

  • Because you know what you really should be hoping for?

  • What's that?

  • That Han and Chewy actually make it through the first act of episode 7

  • They'd never kill Han!

  • Well I hope you're right!

  • Because I have a bad feeling about this.

  • You're a bad feelings about this!

  • What does that even mean?

  • It means I'm always right... Because I..

  • Because you're batman!

  • Don't interrupt my catch phrase!

  • Well maybe you shouldn't make your catchphrase so easy to see coming!

  • Well maybe you should watch your back.

  • Or else what?

  • Or else I'll make a bunch of gadgets, and teach you a lesson!

  • Well that sounds like I'll learn something, and become better than I was in the first place!

  • Oh You Will!

  • Well thanks for making me more amazing!

  • I hate you so much right now!

  • The star wars trailer is better dude!

  • We are gonna fight...

  • I am SO gonna fight you!

  • Why because you're batman?

  • Because I'm Better than you!

  • Dude, I will hug you to your grave!

  • No you wont!

  • Yes I will! We are FRIENDS!

  • No we aren't! You're too dangerous!

  • You've got to be stopped!

  • Stop me from saving people??

  • Okay detective! That makes perfect sense!

  • We're done here! From here on out, it's on!

  • It's on?!

  • Oh It's ON! Because I..

  • Because you're batman?!?

  • Yes.

  • Because I'm Batman!

  • Okay but can we still have coffee? Because I enjoy our little talks.

  • Oh absolutely! Sure! That's fine.

So... did you see the new trailer?


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B1 中級

スーパーカフェ。バットマンVスーパーマン - それは上だ (Super Cafe: Batman v Superman - It's On!)

  • 1102 62
    許允迪 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日