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  • So, why does good sex so often fade,

    翻訳: Chikako Battani 校正: Mari Arimitsu

  • even for couples who continue to love each other as much as ever?

    なぜ 良いセックスは 色あせていくことが多いのでしょうか

  • And why does good intimacy not guarantee good sex,

    最高に愛し合うカップルにでさえ 起こりうる事態です

  • contrary to popular belief?

    なぜ親密な良い関係が 良いセックスを意味しないのでしょう

  • Or, the next question would be,

    これは 一般的な考えには 反しています

  • can we want what we already have?

    そして こんな問いかけもあります

  • That's the million-dollar question, right?

    すでに手に入れたものに さらに欲望を感じられるか?

  • And why is the forbidden so erotic?


  • What is it about transgression that makes desire so potent?

    なぜ禁じられると そそられるのか

  • And why does sex make babies,

    強烈な欲望をかきたてる 禁断とは何なのでしょうか?

  • and babies spell erotic disaster in couples?


  • It's kind of the fatal erotic blow, isn't it?

    生まれる子どもが カップルの性生活に打撃を与えるのでしょうか?

  • And when you love, how does it feel?


  • And when you desire, how is it different?

    誰かを愛しているとき どんな気持ちになりますか?

  • These are some of the questions

    欲望を抱く場合と どんな風に異なりますか?

  • that are at the center of my exploration


  • on the nature of erotic desire


  • and its concomitant dilemmas in modern love.


  • So I travel the globe,

    性欲の本質と それに伴うジレンマの問題です

  • and what I'm noticing is that


  • everywhere where romanticism has entered,


  • there seems to be a crisis of desire.


  • A crisis of desire, as in owning the wanting --

    欲望の危機が 訪れているようなのです

  • desire as an expression of our individuality,

    欲するものを所有したときに 欲望に訪れる危機とは

  • of our free choice, of our preferences, of our identity --


  • desire that has become a central concept

    自己の発露としての欲望に 訪れる危機であり

  • as part of modern love and individualistic societies.

    現代の恋愛と 個人主義社会の一部として

  • You know, this is the first time in the history of humankind


  • where we are trying to experience sexuality in the long term,

    性的関心を長い間ずっと 維持しようという試みは

  • not because we want 14 children,

    人類の歴史上 初めてのことなのです

  • for which we need to have even more because many of them won't make it,

    でも14人の子供を 望んでいるからではありません

  • and not because it is exclusively a woman's marital duty.

    少子化が進んでいるので 増やす必要はありますけど

  • This is the first time that we want sex over time

    妻にのみ課せられた 女性の役割だからでもありません

  • about pleasure and connection that is rooted in desire.

    欲望に根ざして 喜びと繋がりを得るためのセックスを

  • So what sustains desire, and why is it so difficult?

    長期にわたって求めることも 初めての試みです

  • And at the heart of sustaining desire in a committed relationship,

    ではこの欲望を維持させるのは何で なぜそれは難しいのでしょう?

  • I think is the reconciliation of two fundamental human needs.

    真剣な恋愛関係において 欲望を維持するための柱は

  • On the one hand, our need for security, for predictability,

    2つの基本的なニーズを 両立させることだと考えます

  • for safety, for dependability, for reliability, for permanence --

    1つ目のニーズは 安全、予測可能であること

  • all these anchoring, grounding experiences of our lives

    安心感、信用、信頼感 そして永続性です

  • that we call home.

    これらは私達の生活の 基礎となるもので

  • But we also have an equally strong need -- men and women --


  • for adventure, for novelty, for mystery, for risk, for danger,

    もう1つは男も女も同じく抱く 強いニーズです

  • for the unknown, for the unexpected, surprise --

    冒険、目新しいもの、謎 リスク、危険

  • you get the gist -- for journey, for travel.

    未知のもの、予測できないもの 驚きなどです

  • So reconciling our need for security

    ご納得いただけますよね 放浪や旅もです

  • and our need for adventure into one relationship,


  • or what we today like to call a passionate marriage,

    あいまったものを 男女関係に求めているのです

  • used to be a contradiction in terms.

    最近は こういった男女関係を 情熱的な結婚と呼びますが

  • Marriage was an economic institution


  • in which you were given a partnership for life

    かつて結婚とは 経済的な制度でした

  • in terms of children and social status


  • and succession and companionship.


  • But now we want our partner to still give us all these things,


  • but in addition I want you to be my best friend

    現代の私達もパートナーに 同様のものを求めますが

  • and my trusted confidant and my passionate lover to boot,

    それに加えて ベストフレンドでいて欲しかったり

  • and we live twice as long.


  • (Laughter)

    しかも私達は昔に比べて 2倍も長生きです (笑)

  • So we come to one person, and we basically are asking them

    しかも私達は昔に比べて 2倍も長生きです (笑)

  • to give us what once an entire village used to provide:


  • Give me belonging, give me identity, give me continuity,


  • but give me transcendence and mystery and awe all in one.

    私達が求めるのは 帰属感、身分、継続性

  • Give me comfort, give me edge.

    さらに 超越性と神秘性 そして畏敬も― 全てを1人に求めます

  • Give me novelty, give me familiarity.

    安らぎ 焦り

  • Give me predictability, give me surprise.

    新たなもの 馴れ親しんだもの

  • And we think it's a given, and toys and lingerie are going to save us with that.

    予測可能なもの サプライズを求めます

  • (Applause)

    当然のように求めます 大人のおもちゃとランジェリーで何とかなりますか?

  • So now we get to the existential reality of the story, right?


  • Because I think, in some way -- and I'll come back to that --

    というわけで現実が 見えてきたでしょう?

  • but the crisis of desire is often a crisis of the imagination.

    私が思うには ある意味 ―後で説明しますが―

  • So why does good sex so often fade?

    欲望が危機に瀕しているとき 私達の想像力すら脅かされています

  • What is the relationship between love and desire?

    なぜ 良いセックスは やがて色あせていくのでしょう

  • How do they relate, and how do they conflict?

    愛と欲望には どのような関係があり

  • Because therein lies the mystery of eroticism.

    どのように繋がっていて どのように相反するのでしょうか?

  • So if there is a verb, for me, that comes with love, it's "to have."

    エロチシズムの謎が そこにあるのです

  • And if there is a verb that comes with desire, it is "to want."

    「愛」をうける動詞があるなら 「have (所有する)」で

  • In love, we want to have, we want to know the beloved.

    「欲望」をうける動詞があるなら 「want (欲する)」だと思います

  • We want to minimize the distance. We want to contract that gap.

    恋愛では愛する人を自分のものにしたい 理解したいと思います

  • We want to neutralize the tensions. We want closeness.

    距離を縮めたい 隙間を埋めたい

  • But in desire, we tend to not really want to go back to the places we've already gone.

    緊張をほぐしたい 親密感が欲しいと願います

  • Forgone conclusion does not keep our interest.

    でも欲望の場合 すでに経験したことは望まれないものです

  • In desire, we want an Other, somebody on the other side that we can go visit,

    予測できる結末には 興味をそそられないのです

  • that we can go spend some time with,

    欲望の場合 異質な他者のもとを訪れ

  • that we can go see what goes on in their red light district.


  • In desire, we want a bridge to cross.

    禁じられた場所を覗ければ 良いのです

  • Or in other words, I sometimes say, fire needs air.

    欲望においては 異なる世界への架け橋が欲しいのです

  • Desire needs space.

    言い換えれば 火を燃やすには空気が必要ということです

  • And when it's said like that, it's often quite abstract.


  • But then I took a question with me.

    こんな風に言ってしまうと  かなり抽象的になってしまいますね

  • And I've gone to more than 20 countries in the last few years

    そこで こんな質問をしてみました

  • with "Mating in Captivity," and I asked people,

    過去数年 『Mating in Captivity』を手に

  • when do you find yourself most drawn to your partner?


  • Not attracted sexually, per se, but most drawn.

    どんな時にパートナーに強く惹かれますか? と質問しました

  • And across culture, across religion, and across gender --

    ちなみに性的にではなく 人として最も惹かれる時です

  • except for one -- there are a few answers that just keep coming back.


  • So the first group is: I am most drawn to my partner

    1つの例外を除いて 同じような答えがいくつか見られました

  • when she is away, when we are apart, when we reunite.

    初めのグループは 自分がパートナーに一番惹かれるのは

  • Basically, when I get back in touch

    彼女が何処かに行ってる時 ― 離れていた2人が再会した時だと

  • with my ability to imagine myself with my partner,


  • when my imagination comes back in the picture,


  • and when I can root it in absence and in longing,


  • which is a major component of desire.


  • But then the second group is even more interesting:


  • I am most drawn to my partner

    2番目のグループは もっと面白いですよ

  • when I see him in the studio, when she is onstage,


  • when he is in his element, when she's doing something she's passionate about,

    彼がスタジオで働いてる時 彼女がステージの上にいる時

  • when I see him at a party and other people are really drawn to him,

    彼が得意分野で輝いている時 彼女が夢中になることをやっている最中

  • when I see her hold court.

    パーティーで他の人が 彼にすごく惹かれてるのを見た時

  • Basically, when I look at my partner radiant and confident,


  • probably the biggest turn-on across the board.

    つまり自分のパートナーが輝いていて 自信たっぷりでいる姿を見た時が

  • Radiant, as in self-sustaining.

    どうやら もっとも惹かれる状況のようです

  • I look at this person -- by the way, in desire


  • people rarely talk about it, when we are blended into one,

    ところでパートナーに惹かれる時を 密着している時 ―

  • five centimeters from each other. I don't know in inches how much that is.


  • But it's also not when the other person is that far apart

    ほとんどいません インチではどれくらいでしょう

  • that you no longer see them.


  • It's when I'm looking at my partner from a comfortable distance,


  • where this person that is already so familiar, so known,

    いつ惹かれるかというと ちょうど良い距離からパートナーを見た時で

  • is momentarily once again somewhat mysterious, somewhat elusive.

    その距離だと 馴染みのある よく知ってる相手が

  • And in this space between me and the other lies the erotic élan,

    一瞬なんとなくミステリアスで とらえ所がない様に見えるのです

  • lies that movement toward the other.


  • Because sometimes, as Proust says,


  • mystery is not about traveling to new places,


  • but it's about looking with new eyes.


  • And so, when I see my partner on his own or her own,


  • doing something in which they are enveloped,


  • I look at this person and I momentarily get a shift in perception,


  • and I stay open to the mysteries that are living right next to me.

    一瞬 あれっと思います

  • And then, more importantly, in this description about the other

    良く知っているはずのパートナーに まだ知らないことがあると気づきます

  • or myself -- it's the same -- what is most interesting

    更に大切なのは こういう欲望と

  • is that there is no neediness in desire.

    世話をされることとは まったく関係がないのです

  • Nobody needs anybody.


  • There is no caretaking in desire.


  • Caretaking is mightily loving. It's a powerful anti-aphrodisiac.

    欲望は 世話することとは全く別です

  • I have yet to see somebody who is so turned on

    世話することは 深い愛であるとともに 強力な「反」媚薬でもあります

  • by somebody who needs them.

    誰かに必要とされると すごく興奮するという人に

  • Wanting them is one thing. Needing them is a shutdown,


  • and women have known that forever,

    誰かを欲することとは別物で 世話されることで欲望は萎えます

  • because anything that will bring up parenthood


  • will usually decrease the erotic charge.

    なぜなら 親らしくふるまうほどに

  • For good reasons, right?

    たいていは 性的なエネルギーは下がるからです

  • And then the third group of answers usually would be

    でも これは意味あることです

  • when I'm surprised, when we laugh together,


  • as somebody said to me in the office today,

    驚いた時 一緒に笑ってる時というたぐい

  • when he's in his tux, so I said, you know,

    今日 職場で同僚が

  • it's either the tux or the cowboy boots.

    彼氏がタキシード姿の時が 一番だと言うので

  • But basically it's when there is novelty.

    私は「男性はタキシードか カウボーイブーツにかぎるよね」と

  • But novelty isn't about new positions. It isn't a repertoire of techniques.


  • Novelty is, what parts of you do you bring out?

    ただしセックスの体位や 多彩なテクニックという新しさではありません

  • What parts of you are just being seen?

    目新しさとは 自分のどの部分を出せるか

  • Because in some way one could say

    自分のどの部分が見られているか なのです

  • sex isn't something you do, eh?

    なぜなら ある意味では

  • Sex is a place you go. It's a space you enter

    セックスは行為ではない とも言えます

  • inside yourself and with another, or others.

    セックスという場所に行って 自分と他者とが

  • So where do you go in sex?

    自分の内部に 入り込むのです

  • What parts of you do you connect to?


  • What do you seek to express there?


  • Is it a place for transcendence and spiritual union?


  • Is it a place for naughtiness and is it a place to be safely aggressive?


  • Is it a place where you can finally surrender

    上品ぶらなくてもいいですか? 安心して大胆になれますか?

  • and not have to take responsibility for everything?


  • Is it a place where you can express your infantile wishes?


  • What comes out there? It's a language.


  • It isn't just a behavior.

    そこで何が芽生えるでしょうか? 言葉が出てくるのです

  • And it's the poetic of that language that I'm interested in,


  • which is why I began to explore this concept of erotic intelligence.

    私が興味があるのは その言葉にある詩的な部分です

  • You know, animals have sex.

    これが私が官能的知性を 探求し始めた理由です

  • It's the pivot, it's biology, it's the natural instinct.


  • We are the only ones who have an erotic life,

    彼らの中核であり 生物学上 生まれ持った本能です

  • which means that it's sexuality transformed by the human imagination.

    ただし官能的な生活を営むのは 私達人間だけです

  • We are the only ones who can make love for hours,

    人間の想像力によって 形成された性的能力なのです

  • have a blissful time, multiple orgasms,


  • and touch nobody, just because we can imagine it.

    至極の時間を過ごし 何度もオーガズムを経験できます

  • We can hint at it. We don't even have to do it.

    しかも誰かに触れることなく1人でも可能です 私達は想像力を持っているから

  • We can experience that powerful thing called anticipation,

    ほのめかすだけで 実際にセックスをする必要がないのです

  • which is a mortar to desire,

    私達には予想という名の パワフルな力があります

  • the ability to imagine it, as if it's happening,


  • to experience it as if it's happening, while nothing is happening

    まるで実際に起きているかのごとく 想像できる力で

  • and everything is happening at the same time.

    何も起きていないのに 実際に起きているかのように体験できる力です

  • So when I began to think about eroticism,


  • I began to think about the poetics of sex,


  • and if I look at it as an intelligence,


  • then it's something that you cultivate.

    そして それを知性とみなすと

  • What are the ingredients? Imagination, playfulness,


  • novelty, curiosity, mystery.

    その材料はなんでしょうか? 想像力、遊び心

  • But the central agent is really that piece called the imagination.


  • But more importantly, for me to begin to understand

    でも 主役として中核をなすものは 想像力です

  • who are the couples who have an erotic spark,


  • what sustains desire, I had to go back

    官能を輝きさせ続けられるのは どんなカップルか

  • to the original definition of eroticism,


  • the mystical definition, and I went through it


  • through a bifurcation by looking actually at trauma,

    神秘的な意味に立ち返って 調べることにしました

  • which is the other side, and I looked at it

    その反対にある トラウマを調べて

  • looking at the community that I had grown up in,


  • which was a community in Belgium, all Holocaust survivors,


  • and in my community there were two groups:


  • those who didn't die, and those who came back to life.


  • And those who didn't die lived often very tethered to the ground,

    ただ死ななかったという人達と 精神的にも生きて帰った人達です

  • could not experience pleasure, could not trust,

    ただ死ななかった人達は 鎖に繋がれたようで

  • because when you're vigilant, worried, anxious,

    喜びを享受することなく 誰も信用することができませんでした

  • and insecure, you can't lift your head

    常に警戒していて ドキドキ、ハラハラと不安だらけで

  • to go and take off in space and be playful and safe and imaginative.

    うつむいたままで どこへも踏み出せません

  • Those who came back to life were those

    遊び心や安心感を抱けず 想像力も失われます

  • who understood the erotic as an antidote to death.


  • They knew how to keep themselves alive.

    エロチシズムは 死を免れる薬だと理解していました

  • And when I began to listen to the sexlessness of the couples that I work with,

    彼らは どうやったら生き延びられるか 知っていたのです

  • I sometimes would hear people say, "I want more sex,"

    私が仕事でセックスレスカップルの 相談を受けるようになってから

  • but generally people want better sex,


  • and better is to reconnect with that quality of aliveness,

    でも たいていは質が求められています

  • of vibrancy, of renewal, of vitality, of eros, of energy

    質とは 生きてる実感 活力、再生、バイタリティー

  • that sex used to afford them, or that they've hoped

    エロス、エネルギーなどに もう一度繋がるということで

  • it would afford them.

    かつてセックスが与えてくれたもの あるいは与えて欲しいと望むものです

  • And so I began to ask a different question.

    かつてセックスが与えてくれたもの あるいは与えて欲しいと望むものです

  • "I shut myself off when ..." began to be the question.

    そこで 私は違う質問を始めました

  • "I turn off my desires when ..." which is not the same question as,

    最初の質問は 「私は・・・のとき自分を閉ざしてしまう」

  • "What turns me of is ..." and "You turn me off when ..."

    「こんな時 自分はその気になれない」 この質問は―

  • And people began to say, "I turn myself off when

    「私を幻滅させてしまうものは・・・だ」とか 「あなたが・・・するとしらける」とは異なります

  • I feel dead inside, when I don't like my body,

    こんな答えが返ってきます 「自分がその気になれない時とは

  • when I feel old, when I haven't had time for myself,

    内面が死んでしまっているように思える時 自分の体が嫌いな時

  • when I haven't had a chance to even check in with you,

    年老いたと感じる時 忙しくて自分の時間がない時

  • when I don't perform well at work,


  • when I feel low self esteem, when I don't have a sense of self-worth,


  • when I don't feel like I have a right to want, to take,

    自信がない時 自分には価値がないと思ってしまう時

  • to receive pleasure."

    喜びを欲しがったり 手にしたり 受け取ったりする権利すら

  • And then I began to ask the reverse question.


  • "I turn myself on when ..." Because most of the time,

    そこで これと反対の質問をしました

  • people like to ask the question, "You turn me on,

    「私は・・・のときに興奮します」 皆がよく交わす質問は

  • what turns me on," and I'm out of the question. You know?


  • Now, if you are dead inside, the other person can do a lot of things for Valentine's.

    何に興奮したか?」ですよね そういう質問とは違うのです

  • It won't make a dent. There is nobody at the reception desk.

    もしあなたの内面が死んでいたら バレンタインだからとあれこれ頑張っても

  • (Laughter)

    無駄な努力です 受付には誰もいないわけですから

  • So I turn myself on when,


  • I turn my desires, I wake up when ...


  • Now, in this paradox between love and desire,

    欲望に気づき目覚めるのはこんな時で・・・ という話をするのです

  • what seems to be so puzzling is that the very ingredients


  • that nurture love -- mutuality, reciprocity,


  • protection, worry, responsibility for the other --

    愛を育てる要素であるはずの 相互関係、相互依存

  • are sometimes the very ingredients that stifle desire.


  • Because desire comes with a host of feelings


  • that are not always such favorites of love:


  • jealousy, possessiveness, aggression, power, dominance,


  • naughtiness, mischief.


  • Basically most of us will get turned on at night

    下品だったり 厄介だったり

  • by the very same things that we will demonstrate against during the day.

    私達の多くが 夜になると興奮しますが

  • You know, the erotic mind is not very politically correct.


  • If everybody was fantasizing on a bed of roses,

    エロチックな考えは 道徳的には問題とされます

  • we wouldn't be having such interesting talks about this.

    バラの花のベッドのような 美しい妄想で済んでしまったら

  • But no, in our mind up there


  • are a host of things going on that we don't always know


  • how to bring to the person that we love,

    自分の愛する人の前で どう持ち出したらよいやら

  • because we think love comes with selflessness


  • and in fact desire comes with a certain amount of selfishness


  • in the best sense of the word:

    欲望は いい意味で どこか利己的な面が

  • the ability to stay connected to one's self


  • in the presence of another.


  • So I want to draw that little image for you,


  • because this need to reconcile these two sets of needs,


  • we are born with that.

    私達が生まれ持つ  相反する2つの欲求を

  • Our need for connection, our need for separateness,


  • or our need for security and adventure,

    繋がりたいという欲求 距離をおきたいという欲求

  • or our need for togetherness and for autonomy,


  • and if you think about the little kid who sits on your lap


  • and who is cozily nested here and very secure and comfortable,

    皆さんの膝の上に 小さな子供が座っているとします

  • and at some point all of us need to go out into the world

    その子供は膝の上で とても安心して休んでいます

  • to discover and to explore.

    私達は誰しも ある時に 新しい発見と探検の為に

  • That's the beginning of desire,


  • that exploratory needs curiosity, discovery.


  • And then at some point they turn around and they look at you,


  • and if you tell them,

    しばらくすると子供は あなたを振り返ります

  • "Hey kiddo, the world's a great place. Go for it.


  • There's so much fun out there,"

    「世界は素晴らしい場所だよ 出かけておいで

  • then they can turn away and they can experience


  • connection and separateness at the same time.

    すると彼らは 世界の大海原に漕ぎ出し

  • They can go off in their imagination, off in their body,

    繋がりと隔たりとを 同時に経験することになるのです

  • off in their playfulness, all the while knowing

    彼らは想像の中に 自分の身体感覚に

  • that there's somebody when they come back.


  • But if on this side there is somebody who says,

    そして帰ると誰かが待っていることも 分かっています

  • "I'm worried. I'm anxious. I'm depressed.

    でもここに残った人が こう言ったらどうでしょう

  • My partner hasn't taken care of me in so long.

    「心配で不安だ 元気がでないんだ

  • What's so good out there? Don't we have everything

    長い間 パートナーに 世話してもらっていない

  • you need together, you and I?"

    そこの何がそんなに良いの? 私達 お互いがいれば

  • then there are a few little reactions


  • that all of us can pretty much recognize.

    どんなふうに わずかな反応が

  • Some of us will come back, came back a long time ago,

    返されてくるか わかりますよね

  • and that little child who comes back

    これから戻ってくる人もいるし とっくの昔に戻ってきた人もいます

  • is the child who will forgo a part of himself


  • in order not to lose the other.

    誰かを失なわないように 自分の一部を

  • I will lose my freedom in order not to lose connection.


  • And I will learn to love in a certain way

    他者との繋がりを保つために 自分の自由が失われるのです

  • that will become burdened with extra worry


  • and extra responsibility and extra protection,


  • and I won't know how to leave you

    過度の責任感や過剰な保護によって 歪むのです

  • in order to go play, in order to go experience pleasure,


  • in order to discover, to enter inside myself.

    自由に出かけたり 喜びを体験したり

  • Translate this into adult language.

    新たな発見をしたり 自分の中に入りこむことができません

  • It starts very young. It continues into our sex lives


  • up to the end.

    小さい時に始まったことが 性生活にまで影響を及ぼし

  • Child number two comes back


  • but looks like that over their shoulder all the time.


  • "Are you going to be there?

    でも 常に後ろを振り返っています

  • Are you going to curse me? Are you going to scold me?


  • Are you going to be angry with me?"


  • And they may be gone, but they're never really away,


  • and those are often the people that will tell you,

    彼らはどこかに出掛けていたようで 実は離れられないのです

  • in the beginning it was super hot.

    そして このような人達は

  • Because in the beginning, the growing intimacy


  • wasn't yet so strong

    つまり この関係の初期には お互いの親密感が

  • that it actually led to the decrease of desire.


  • The more connected I became, the more responsible I felt,


  • the less I was able to let go in your presence.

    繋がりが深まるほど 責任を強く感じて

  • The third child doesn't really come back.

    相手の前で 自分を出せなくなります

  • So what happens, if you want to sustain desire,


  • it's that real dialectic piece.

    欲望を維持したかったら どうすべきかということは

  • On the one hand you want the security in order to be able to go.


  • On the other hand if you can't go, you can't have pleasure,

    なぜなら新しい世界を見るために 安全が欲しい

  • you can't culminate, you don't have an orgasm,

    でも離れられないと 楽しみを得れないし

  • you don't get excited because you spend your time

    性的絶頂に達しない オーガズムを経験できない

  • in the body and the head of the other and not in your own.

    相手がどう思い どう感じるかに 囚われすぎて

  • So in this dilemma about reconciling


  • these two sets of fundamental needs,


  • there are a few things that I've come to understand erotic couples do.


  • One, they have a lot of sexual privacy.

    性生活が充実しているカップルが 行っていることに何点か気付きました

  • They understand that there is an erotic space

    1つ目は 性的なプライバシーが 十分にあるということです

  • that belongs to each of them.

    彼らはお互いに エロチックになれるスペースが

  • They also understand that foreplay is not something you do


  • five minutes before the real thing.

    更に セックスの前戯は 本番の前に5分ほど行うことではないと

  • Foreplay pretty much starts at the end of the previous orgasm.


  • They also understand that an erotic space

    セックスの前戯は 前のオーガズムが終わったときから始まっています

  • isn't about, you begin to stroke the other.

    そして 性的スペースとは お互いの身体を撫でること―

  • It's about you create a space where you leave Management Inc.,


  • maybe where you leave the agile program,

    そこは あれこれ決まりのある 大企業の管理だとか

  • (Laughter)

    アジャイルのマニュアル本などは 忘れる場です

  • and you actually just enter that place


  • where you stop being the good citizen

    ただ ただ その場に身を任せ

  • who is taking care of things and being responsible.


  • Responsibility and desire just butt heads.


  • They don't really do well together.


  • Erotic couples also understand that passion waxes and wanes.

    両者は 相容れないのです

  • It's pretty much like the moon. It has intermittent eclipses.

    性生活が充実したカップルは 情熱には波があることも理解しています

  • But what they know is they know how to resurrect it.

    まるで月のように 満ちる時もあれば欠ける時もあります

  • They know how to bring it back,

    ただし彼らは火が消えても 情熱を再び呼び戻す

  • and they know how to bring it back


  • because they have demystified one big myth,


  • which is the myth of spontaneity, which is


  • that it's just going to fall from heaven while you're folding the laundry


  • like a deus ex machina, and in fact they understood

    洗濯物をたたんでいる時に 救いの手が現れて

  • that whatever is going to just happen


  • in a long-term relationship already has.


  • Committed sex is premeditated sex.

    努力なしに新しいことは起きないと 理解しています

  • It's willful. It's intentional.

    充実したセックスとは 計画されたセックスです

  • It's focus and presence.

    偶然ではなく 意図して行うものです

  • Merry Valentine's.

    集中すること はっきり意識することです

  • (Applause)


So, why does good sex so often fade,

翻訳: Chikako Battani 校正: Mari Arimitsu


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TED】エスター・ペレル。長期的な関係の中での欲望の秘訣 (長期的な関係の中での欲望の秘訣|エスター・ペレル) (【TED】Esther Perel: The secret to desire in a long-term relationship (The secret to desire in a long-term relationship | Esther Perel))

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