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  • Student: Okay, so today Professor Rae is not

  • going to be here and so we're going to watch two videos

  • instead, one of him and second one is of

  • Paul Collier talking a little bit about his book,

  • but also about recent research that he's done,

  • especially on governments and commodities.

  • We're going to start with the first video and then go straight

  • into the Paul Collier video; so enjoy.

  • Prof: Hi there.

  • As you know I'm in Washington today,

  • and Jim Alexander has been kind enough to preside over the

  • Monday class, and I want to get in twenty

  • minutes or so of background thoughts taking us from the

  • SELCO case, where the question was how to

  • organize the distribution of distributed electrical

  • generating to bottom billion areas of India.

  • From that very specific set of questions to the much larger

  • question about understanding the plight of the world's bottom

  • billion, and the available strategies

  • for trying to be helpful to them.

  • The main text for this class and the next is Paul Collier's

  • Bottom Billion, which is, while not a page

  • turning thriller like White Tiger,

  • is a very solid, serious, and substantial piece

  • of scholarship by somebody who has been engaged both with the

  • best of growth economics as a scholar,

  • and with the practical work of the World Bank,

  • where he was head of research for a good long time.

  • The default assumption in thinking about the bottom

  • billion is to begin with the world demographic transition and

  • the thought that most of these people are the products of stage

  • two and stage three demographies;

  • where birthrates were vastly higher than death rates,

  • and so you had a huge surge in population and you found--

  • and many people in those societies found themselves in

  • the same predicament as the protagonist in White

  • Tiger, as being one of way too many candidates for every

  • job and having little or no market power,

  • and consequently, little or no income.

  • Collier's take is to say, "Well let's just grow

  • incomes."

  • It's not a bad approach, and he's perfectly aware of the

  • objections I'm going to make to it in the next few minutes,

  • but let's just catalog what it means.

  • The gross domestic product is at once too broad and too

  • narrow, as a measure of value generated by the economy.

  • For example, if a housekeeper and her

  • employer, or his, marry one another and

  • he or she continues to keep the house but now on the basis of a

  • spousal relationship the cash goes away and the value is

  • deducted from the GDP, while in fact,

  • nothing has much changed.

  • Or suppose a crime wave hits a society and enormous damage is

  • done to property by crime, it requires repair;

  • those repairs get recorded in GDP and can easily be mistaken

  • for an improvement in the condition of people living

  • there.

  • Further, people buy better locks, video cameras,

  • perhaps even weapons, and those too are recorded as

  • improvements, when in fact they really aren't

  • improvements.

  • Or take disease.

  • A--one society is relatively healthy and has relatively lower

  • medical expenses than the other, yet the second,

  • the one with the high medical expenses,

  • would be accounted as better off.

  • Finally, to get just how mechanical this measure is,

  • if for any reason we were prepared,

  • the government say, was prepared to pay people to

  • dig holes and then fill them back up with the same dirt and

  • pay them a salary for that, we would have increased GDP.

  • Those are ways in which the measure is too inclusive.

  • There are others ways in which it is not inclusive enough.

  • It doesn't include--the saying "The best things in life

  • are free," well that may not be entirely

  • true, but some of the good things in

  • life are free, and those need to be measured

  • in an accounting of how well off a society is.

  • The leading substitute measured these days for GDP per capita is

  • the human development index as put forward by the World Bank

  • and parallel institutions, which gives--which takes GDP

  • per capita as one part of the story,

  • adds to it longevity, and then supplements that by

  • adding a measure of education so you get a somewhat broader

  • measure that captures the surge we see in Hans Rosling's

  • wonderful data animation as lives become longer and

  • prosperity greater.

  • So one thing to do is just tinker with the measure.

  • There's a second set of issues that have to do with the value

  • of income.

  • I've got some childlike drawings here to share with you.

  • If we represent the dollar income of Mr. A on the

  • horizontal axis and of Ms.

  • B on the vertical axis, then GDP for these two people

  • is calculated just by adding the one to the other with no

  • attention to the distribution between them,

  • so that all the points on this indifference curve would

  • correspond to the same GDP as one another,

  • and all the points on this indifference curve would

  • likewise so correspond.

  • Well that's okay, there's nothing wrong with

  • that, except if you want to infer from it the value shared

  • by A and B in the use of that income.

  • A generally accepted hypothesis is that the value of income,

  • and economists would use a term utility,

  • let me just stick with value--the value of income first

  • increases and then decreases at the margin,

  • so that you get an S shaped curve like this.

  • On the horizontal axis we have how much income people get,

  • and on the vertical axis how much value they derive from it.

  • Now imagine down here around point A where people have

  • precious little income, so little that they cannot feed

  • and clothe, and lodge themselves.

  • Well think of a setting like an American city and imagine

  • doubling your income, annual income,

  • from $25 to $50.

  • Well that would move you a little ways along the horizontal

  • axis but it wouldn't lift you up the vertical axis because it's

  • not going to make a difference until you get to some threshold

  • where you actually begin to get increasing returns from rising

  • incomes, as in the zone I've labeled B

  • here.

  • Then eventually incomes like Richard Medley,

  • whom we met a month ago or Paolo Zanonni,

  • who we'll meet in a couple of weeks,

  • at their incomes the--so wide a range of material needs are

  • already satisfied that the marginal dollar gets less and

  • less valuable.

  • The implication of this for the relationship between GDP per

  • capita on the one side and a judgment of how well a society

  • is doing on the other is that there's--

  • we should probably have some egalitarian bias in the way we

  • interpret the numbers.

  • Where most people get to the level that I'm pointing at here,

  • where the diminution of marginal value really sets in,

  • where most people get to that, that's kind of where you want

  • to be, and Collier's emphasis on the

  • bottom billion responds to that.

  • The SELCO project, for example,

  • which we saw a moment-- saw--well actually I'm speaking

  • just an hour after class, which we saw in Wednesday's

  • class, is aimed at trying to bring people up that steep part

  • of the curve, maybe not very far but a little

  • ways, by judiciously providing the

  • opportunity to purchase electric light or electric power for such

  • other purposes as running a sewing machine or preparing

  • goods of some kind for sale.

  • The common sense response to this S curve is to pay special

  • attention to people who are near its bottom and try to find ways

  • to help them push themselves up the curve.

  • Now as a sidebar let me just mention John Rawls,

  • who published in 1971 a classic book,

  • a book that will be read hundreds of years from now,

  • I imagine, called A Theory Of Justice,

  • and Rawls asked people to imagine that they were behind

  • what he called a veil of ignorance,

  • and the idea of the veil of ignorance is roughly that you

  • have no idea who you are.

  • It's a little like Adam Smith's device in Theory Of Mortal

  • Sentiments.

  • But the question is, if you had no idea who you were

  • before we set up the basic institutions for a country,

  • or for the world if we think of it on a global scale,

  • what would be your way of structuring alternative

  • arrangements so that you could find one that you thought was

  • best from-- for you from behind this veil

  • of ignorance and on which you could agree with everyone else

  • behind the same veil?

  • His idea, stated way too simply, is that you should

  • maximize the welfare of the least advantaged group in

  • society.

  • The intuition is that that group would be unskilled labor;

  • and that doesn't mean that you should knock down inequalities

  • necessarily.

  • Indeed, if allowing bankers, engineers,

  • and entrepreneurs to reap substantial and very unequal

  • benefits from their work will ultimately read down to the

  • benefit of this unskilled labor stratum,

  • then that's great.

  • A Rawlsian picture of the indifference curves which before

  • utilitarianism just run at minus 45º here,

  • Rawls' are L shaped, and so if we're here,

  • so that this person is way better off than this person,

  • we try to move to a higher indifference curve from the

  • point of view of the less advantaged person;

  • and symmetrically here we try to move in this direction,

  • so that the L shaped indifference curves,

  • if there were just two people in the society would drive us to

  • seek the highest one, and it would have a powerful

  • middle-of-the-road bias to it, but it wouldn't have so

  • powerful an egalitarian kick that it would knock down

  • equality to an extent which hurt even the less skilled parts of

  • the workforce.

  • Societies--and we know societies that have reached that

  • level, in my judgment Castro's Cuba is just such a case and I

  • know it fairly well; North Korea,

  • which I know much less well, appears to be such a case.

  • Okay so that's all by way of background,

  • and now I just want to talk rather briefly about the

  • introductory series of traps in Collier's book,

  • and the traps are his way of summarizing things that can go

  • very wrong for a country and put it way behind the rest of the

  • world in economic growth.

  • Now as background, Collier is really thinking

  • about what we would call "emerging market

  • countries."

  • He's not thinking about Germany, Japan,

  • Canada, or the states.

  • He's thinking about India, Bangladesh,

  • Kenya, Zimbabwe, Bolivia, and Mexico,

  • countries which are just finishing the world demographic

  • transition, and are relatively late

  • entrants as full players in capitalist development.

  • The majority of them--and Collier gives very little stress

  • to this, and he probably should give

  • more--the majority of these countries were colonial sites

  • for European powers, and India is just such a case,

  • for example-- and the British Empire was

  • enormous.

  • Other countries were subject to the Dutch,

  • the French, and other--and the Spanish,

  • and the Spanish actually are quite important,

  • European powers which treated them as subordinate economies

  • and structured their governments to the advantage of the

  • metropolitan country.

  • Trap one may be, be a colonial site,

  • and be set back by it.

  • The other side to that story is that the colonial powers

  • sometimes left something good behind.

  • The extraordinary quality of technical education in India,

  • for example, is in part an outgrowth of

  • British education and the systematic inculcation of

  • British educational values.

  • Wouldn't want to go too far stressing that,

  • but it's there somewhere.

  • Okay so the Collier traps; the first one is what he calls

  • a conflict trap, and according to him 73% of the

  • bottom billion live in countries which are now in civil wars or

  • have recently been in civil wars.

  • That's a stunning number, and the world which occupies

  • the front page of every major newspaper--

  • Somalia, Iraq, the incredible mess in

  • Afghanistan, many other less dramatic cases,

  • these are all countries where civil strife has defined life to

  • a considerable degree in let's say the last twenty-five years.

  • Well the--Collier spends some time asking the causes of that.

  • He rejects the common sense popular explanation is ethnic

  • conflict.

  • He says that ethnic conflict is actually quite a lot less

  • important than simple poverty.

  • That countries with very low GDP per capita are greatly--

  • at much greater risk of civil war than countries with higher

  • GDP per capita, and that countries with growing

  • GDP are more secure than those with static GDP,

  • particularly static GDP at a low level.

  • Not much news in that but it's actually very important because

  • if you think about the logic of capital development--

  • capitalist development, and you take either the Coase

  • Theorem or de Soto's development of the Coase Theorem seriously,

  • which I do and I urge you to, it's built on the foundation of

  • the Westphalia nation state system,

  • which came into being in the middle of the seventeenth

  • century.

  • Where civil wars are still in progress that system isn't

  • there; a civil war is indicative of a

  • failed state, and a failed state can't

  • perform the capitalizing functions of government which

  • are so central to the story de Soto tells us,

  • and about which I think he is very right.

  • The palliatives for this are not obvious.

  • One thing we've pretty much learned is that third party

  • interventions in civil wars, by and large,

  • are not terribly successful.

  • The second of his traps is the natural resource trap,

  • where the standard case would be oil,

  • but it could be any other commodity that is exported at

  • great value with-- and which can be harvested and

  • processed and shipped without developing a huge economic

  • infrastructure, or a nimbly functioning

  • internal market.

  • The gist of this one hinges on what he calls Dutch disease and

  • the idea here is that when the Dutch began to export North Sea

  • oil at great profit to their-- to the value of their currency

  • the inflation in the value of the currency made their other

  • export products less and less competitive and caused a kind of

  • lethargy in the country.

  • That's one piece of it.

  • The other piece, which I think is actually more

  • important, has to do with the relationship between democratic

  • rule and oil or other export products.

  • If you'll look carefully at page forty-three of Collier's

  • book, he tells a story which is

  • actually, it's a fairly subtle story and

  • I think it's a true story, and the gist of it is that

  • where an economy functions largely by exporting something

  • like oil, that the impact of democratic

  • government on the economy is to reduce the rate of growth.

  • Whereas, in economies where that form of export production

  • is not important, democratic government and the

  • rule of law relates to an increasing rate of economic

  • growth.

  • His slightly smart aleck term for this is survival of the

  • fattest, and if you look at the behavior

  • of classic oil states, they seem to respond to this

  • and once you have an authoritarian government with an

  • oil export economy much of what happens is ugly.

  • A good part of the ugliness we see in Russia these days,

  • for example, is made possible,

  • some might say inevitable, by its powerful export

  • resources in petroleum and natural gas.

  • The land lock trap, and here the classic case that

  • will concern us will be Bolivia, where we'll do a case two weeks

  • from now about trying to improve water resources in a major

  • Bolivian city, and being land locked is a bad

  • thing.

  • It's not hard to capture the intuition of that because

  • commerce with distant states historically is largely done by

  • marine transportation and absent ports of your own you depend on

  • ports of other countries, so that, for example,

  • Switzerland depends on Italian and German ports,

  • and Uganda or Rwanda would depend on Kenyan ports,

  • and it's probably a better idea to depend on port systems like

  • those of Italy, or Germany, than like those of

  • Kenya because they're far more developed.

  • But there's another side to this story,

  • which is that, as Collier points out,

  • having rich countries for neighbors means you have large

  • markets which don't require ocean going shipping,

  • so that, for example, Germany and Italy are not just

  • in the way of exports from Switzerland but become markets

  • for those exports and breed a great deal of wealth.

  • Indeed Collier shows that a 1% increase in GDP per capita in a

  • neighboring state correlates generally with about .4% of an

  • increase in GDP in the land locked country.

  • We're almost done here.

  • The last one is bad states are really bad for economies.

  • This one is a no-brainer.

  • There are two main ways for states to be bad.

  • By being weak and unable to enforce the rule of law,

  • tune into tonight's 6:30 world news,

  • and I prophesy five days in advance that there will be an

  • account of death and destruction in Afghanistan,

  • where the Taliban challenged the state for control of

  • territory and our soldiers try to bring a degree of order under

  • almost impossible conditions; so weak states,

  • failed states, the famous case of Somalia with

  • its pirates would be another case.

  • Iraq after the--after our intervention was for a period a

  • failed state and it gives every indication of remaining either a

  • failed state or a-- why don't I not prophesy about

  • Iraq; I don't need to have a dog in

  • that fight.

  • The other bad government story is kleptocracy,

  • and where the government or the elites at the top of the

  • government use it as a means for collecting rent from the rest of

  • society.

  • It is extraordinarily destructive to the economy

  • because it takes away all the conditions which allow people to

  • make investments and execute business projects and sell

  • products in a sufficiently predictable way to grow the

  • economy.

  • The other clip you're about to see is Paul Collier himself in a

  • TED talk explaining, no doubt better than I can,

  • what it is that The Bottom Billion is about.

  • I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

  • Paul Collier: So can we dare to be

  • optimistic?

  • Well the thesis of The Bottom Billion is that a

  • billion people have been stuck living in economies that have

  • been stagnate for forty years, and hence, diverging from the

  • rest of mankind.

  • So the real question to pose is not "can we be

  • optimistic," it's "how can we give

  • credible hope to that billion people?"

  • That, to my mind, is the fundamental challenge

  • now of development.

  • What I'm going to offer you is a recipe,

  • a combination, of the two forces that changed

  • the world for good, which is the alliance of

  • compassion and enlightened self interest.

  • Compassion because a billion people are living in societies

  • that have not offered credible hope.

  • That is a human tragedy.

  • Enlightened self interest because if that economic

  • divergence continues for another forty years,

  • combined with social integration globally,

  • it will build a nightmare for our children.

  • We need compassion to get ourselves started,

  • and enlightened self interest to get ourselves serious.

  • That's the alliance that changes the world.

  • So what does it mean to get serious about providing hope for

  • the bottom billion?

  • What can we actually do?

  • Well a good guide is to think what did we do last time the

  • rich world got serious about developing another region of the

  • world?

  • That gives us, it turns out,

  • quite a good clue, except you have to go back

  • quite a long time.

  • The last time the rich world got serious about developing

  • another region was in the late 1940s.

  • The rich world is you, America, and the region that

  • needed to be developed was my world, Europe.

  • It was post-war Europe.

  • Why did America get serious?

  • It wasn't just compassion for Europe, though there was that.

  • It was you knew you had to, because in the late 1940s,

  • country after country in central Europe was falling into

  • the Soviet block, and so you knew you had no

  • choice.

  • Europe had to be dragged into economic development.

  • What did you do last time you got serious?

  • Well yes, you had a big aid program, thank you very much,

  • that was Marshall Aid, we need to do it again,

  • and aid is part of the solution.

  • But what else did you do?

  • Well you tore up your trade policy and totally reversed it.

  • Before the war, America had been highly

  • protectionist; after the war you opened your

  • markets to Europe, you dragged Europe into the

  • then global economy, which was your economy,

  • and you institutionalized that trade globalization through

  • founding the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade;

  • so total reversal of trade policy.

  • Did you do anything else?

  • Yes, you totally reversed your security policy.

  • Before the war your security policy had been isolationist;

  • after the war, you tear that up,

  • you put 100,000 troops in Europe for over forty years;

  • so total reversal of security policy.

  • Anything else?

  • Yes, you tear up the eleventh commandment: national

  • sovereignty.

  • Before the war you treated national sovereignty as so

  • sacrosanct that you weren't even willing to join the League of

  • Nations; after the war,

  • you found the United Nations, you found the Organization for

  • Economic Cooperation and Development,

  • you found the IMF, you encouraged Europe to create

  • the European Community; all systems for mutual

  • government support.

  • That is still the waterfront of effective policies--aid,

  • trade, security, governance.

  • Of course the details of policy are going to be different

  • because the challenge is different,

  • it's not rebuilding Europe, and it's reversing the

  • divergence of the bottom billion so that they actually catch up.

  • Is that easier or harder?

  • We need to be at least as serious as we were then.

  • Now today I'm going to take just one of those four,

  • I'm going to take the one that sounds the weakest,

  • the one that's just motherhood and apple pie:

  • governance; mutual systems of support for

  • governance, and I'm going to show you one

  • idea and how we could do something to strengthen

  • governance, and I'm going to show that that

  • is enormously important now.

  • The opportunity we're going to look to is a genuine basis for

  • optimism about the bottom billion, and that is the

  • commodity booms.

  • The commodity booms are pumping unprecedented amounts of money

  • into many, though not all, of the countries of the bottom

  • billion.

  • Partly they're pumping money in because commodity prices are

  • high, but it's not just that; there's also a range of new

  • discoveries.

  • Uganda has just discovered oil at about the most disastrous

  • location on earth.

  • Ghana's discovered oil; Guinea has got a huge new

  • exploitation of iron ore coming out of the ground;

  • so a mass of new discoveries.

  • Between them, these new revenue flows dwarf

  • aid.

  • Just to give you one example, and gold ore alone is getting

  • $50 billion dollars a year in oil revenue.

  • The entire aid flows to the sixty countries of the bottom

  • billion last year were $34 billion,

  • so the flow of resources from the commodity booms to the

  • bottom billion are without precedent.

  • There's the optimism.

  • The question is how is it going to help their development?

  • It's a huge opportunity for transformation of development.

  • Will it be taken?

  • So here comes a bit of science, and this is a bit of science

  • I've done since The Bottom Billion, so it's new.

  • I've looked to see what is the relationship between higher

  • commodity prices of exports and the growth of commodity

  • exporting countries, and I've looked globally.

  • I've taken all the countries in the world for the last forty

  • years, and looked to see what the

  • relationship is, and so the short run--the first

  • five to seven years is just great.

  • In fact its hunky dory, everything goes up.

  • You get more money because your terms of trade have improved,

  • but also that drives up output across the board,

  • so GDP goes up a lot, fantastic.

  • That's the short run.

  • How about the long run?

  • Come back fifteen years later--well the short run it's

  • hunky dory, but the long run it's humpty dumpty.

  • You go up in the short run, but then most societies

  • historically have ended up worse than if they'd had no booms at

  • all.

  • That is not a forecast about how commodity prices go,

  • it's a forecast of the consequences,

  • the long-term consequences for growth of an increase in prices.

  • What goes wrong?

  • Why is there this resource curse, as it's called?

  • Again, I looked at that, and it turns out that the

  • critical issue is the level of goverannce,

  • the initial level of economic governance when the resource

  • booms accrue.

  • In fact, if you've got good enough governance,

  • there is no resource boom.

  • You go up in the short term and then you go up even more in the

  • long term.

  • That's Norway, the richest country in Europe,

  • it's Australia, and it's Canada.

  • The resource curse is entirely confined to countries below a

  • threshold of governance.

  • They still go up in the short run, that's what we see across

  • in the bottom billion at the moment;

  • the best growth rates they've had ever.

  • The question is whether the short run will persist.

  • We've got governments historically over the last forty

  • years; it hasn't.

  • There's countries like Nigeria, which are worse off than if

  • they'd never had oil.

  • There's a threshold level above which you go up in the long

  • term, below which you go down, just a benchmark of that

  • threshold.

  • It's about the governance level of Portugal in the mid-1980s.

  • The question is, is the bottom billion above or

  • below that threshold?

  • Now there's one big change since the commodity booms of the

  • 1970s, and that is the spread of democracy.

  • I thought maybe that is the thing which has transformed

  • governance in the bottom billion.

  • Maybe we can be more optimistic because of the spread of

  • democracy.

  • So I looked.

  • Democracy does have significant effects, and unfortunately,

  • they're adverse.

  • Democracies make even more of a mess of these resource booms

  • than autocracies.

  • At that stage I just wanted to abandon the research,

  • but it turns out that democracy is a little bit more complicated

  • than that, because there are two distinct

  • aspects of democracy.

  • There's electoral competition, which determines how you

  • acquire power, and there's checks and

  • balances, which determine how you use power.

  • It turns out that electoral competition is the thing that's

  • doing the damage with democracy, whereas strong checks and

  • balances makes resource booms good.

  • And so what the countries of the bottom billion need is very

  • strong checks and balances.

  • They haven't got them; they got instant democracy in

  • the 1990s, elections without checks and balances.

  • How can we help improve governments and introduce checks

  • and balances?

  • In all of the societies of the bottom billion,

  • there are intense struggles to do just that.

  • The simple proposal is that we should have some international

  • standards, which will be voluntary,

  • that we should spell out the key decision points that need to

  • be taken in order for it to harness these resource revenues.

  • We know these international standards work because we've

  • already got one.

  • It's called the Extractive Industries Transparency

  • Initiative.

  • That is the very simple idea that governments should report

  • to their citizens what revenues they have.

  • No sooner was it proposed than reformers in Nigeria adopted it,

  • pushed it, and published the revenues in the paper.

  • Nigerian newspaper circulation spiked, people wanted to know

  • what their government was getting in terms of revenue.

  • We know it works.

  • What would the content be of these international standards?

  • I can't go through all of them, but I'll give you an example.

  • The first is how to take the resources out of the ground.

  • The economic process is taking the resources out of the ground

  • and putting assets on top of the ground.

  • The first step in that is selling the rights to resource

  • extraction.

  • You know how rights to resource extraction are being sold at the

  • moment, how they've been sold over the last forty years?

  • A company flies in, does a deal with the minister,

  • and that's great for the company and it's quite often

  • great for the minister, and it's not great for the

  • country.

  • There's a very simple institutional technology which

  • can transform that, and it's called verified

  • auctions.

  • The public agency with the greatest expertise on earth is,

  • of course, the treasury, that is the British Treasury,

  • and the British Treasury decided that it would sell the

  • rights to third generation mobile phones by working out

  • what those rights were worth.

  • It worked out they were worth 2 billion pounds.

  • Just in time, a set of economists got there

  • and said, "Why not try an auction?

  • It'll reveal the value."

  • It went for 20 billion pounds through auction.

  • If the British Treasury can be out by a factor of ten,

  • think what the ministry of finance in Sierra Leone is going

  • to be like.

  • When I put that out to the president of Sierra Leone,

  • the next day he asked the World Bank to send him a team to give

  • expertise on how to conduct auctions.

  • There are five such decision points;

  • each one needs an international standard.

  • If we could do it, we would change the world.

  • We would be helping the reformers in these societies who

  • are struggling for change.

  • That's our modest role.

  • We cannot change these societies, but we can help the

  • people in these societies, who are struggling and usually

  • failing because the odds are so stacked against them.

  • Yet, we've not got these rules.

  • If you think about it, the cost of promulgating

  • international rules is zilch, nothing.

  • Why on earth are they not there?

  • I realized that the reason they're not there is that until

  • we have a critical mass of informed citizens in our own

  • societies, politicians will get away with

  • gestures; that unless we have an informed

  • society what politicians do, especially in relation to

  • Africa, is gestures, things that look good but don't

  • work.

  • So I realized we had to go through the business of building

  • an informed citizenry.

  • That's why I broke all the professional rules of conduct

  • for an economist and I wrote an economics book that you could

  • read on a beach.

  • However, I have to say, the process of communication

  • does not come naturally to me, this is why I'm on this stage,

  • but it's alarming.

  • I grew up in a culture of self-effacement.

  • My wife showed me a blog comment on one of my last talks,

  • and the blog comment said, "Collier is not

  • charismatic, but his arguments are

  • compelling."

  • If you agree with that sentiment and if you agree that

  • we need a critical mass of informed citizenry,

  • you will realize that I need you.

  • Please become ambassadors.

  • Thank you.

  • Jim Alexander: Professor Rae will be back

  • on Wednesday and we'll see you then.

Student: Okay, so today Professor Rae is not


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B1 中級

19.最下位10億人の窮状 (19. Plight of the Bottom Billion)

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    Jeng-Lan Lee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日