字幕表 動画を再生する
your caller for the fourth race.
The míle and one-síxteenth Mansfíeld handícap
at Narragansett Park, Rhode Island.
$1 3,OOO added, 3-year-olds and up.
The flag ís up, and they're off and runníng.
lt's Bubblesome goíng to the front,
followed by Lady Hígloss,
Vote Boy, Chancíng, Beefsteak, Kerry Patch
and Blue Note traíls the fíeld.
Around the clubhouse turn, ít's Bubblesome ahead,
Chancíng a half, Lady Hígloss by one
followed by Vote Boy, Beefsteak,
Kerry Patch and Blue Note.
lnto the second turn, ít's Chancíng by a length.
Lady Hígloss drívíng on the raíl and Vote Boy
followed by Bubblesome, Beefsteak, Kerry Patch and Blue Note.
Come on, Chancing!
Hey, uh...
Lady Hígloss a half, Vote Boy by one.
That Lady Higloss is a hell of a finisher.
Chancing's gonna have to open up a little more on her.
Know anything about a horse named Blue Note?
Nah, nah, he never done much.
Probably in there just to round out the field.
Chancing's where you want to have your money.
Great tip you handed me, kid.
Just give him time.
Chancíng by one.
And here comes Blue Note, drívíng on the outsíde!
Nice work, Erie. He loves you.
(man) He's thírd!
Chancíng ís shorteníng stríde,
and now ít's Lady Hígloss and Blue Note.
They're head to head. They're neck to neck.
lt's Lady Hígloss, Blue Note.
Lady Hígloss, _lue Note.
And Blue Note wíns ít by a nose!
Lady Hígloss ís second by three,
and Chancíng ís thírd by one.
Who in the blazes is Blue Note?
The wínner, Blue Note, paid $16, $9.40 and $6.
So you want to have your money on Chancing, huh?
Chancíng paíd $3.80.
Tíme for the míle and one-síxteenth.
[people chattering]
They're goíng to the gate at Belmont.
And here are the late odds.
Both those garbage men belong to you?
Well, get them out of here and don't bring 'em back.
This is a class joint.
Hey, you! Kelly!
Yes, sir?
Run those bums out of here.
Uh, M-Mr. Shaw, could l--
Don't give me any of your lip, kid.
Now, run 'em out of here.
(J.J. on loudspeaker) The wínner ís Paníc Relíef.
Barbara A ís second...
[sighs] l...
Tíme for the three-quarter míle:
The wínner Panic Reliei, paid $12.4O
$8.20 and $5.
Barbara A, $6.20 and $4.
Wilder paid $4.
They're at the post at Belmont at 38.
We're waítíng on one. l'll call Belmont next.
That's it, fellas!
[all cheering]
l want to repeat that--
All right, J.J.