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  • Whould you rather: listen to Josh Groban OR have diarhea ladle into your ear?

  • Hard choice, amirite?

  • @MmmKandiYamz would like to let me know that Drake looks like voldemort with hair.

  • A Lady GaGa fragrance? Bet it smells like d**k.

  • It does.

  • Trying to use the word 'hate' less often.

  • Here goes: I thoroughly dislike Sam Smith.

  • Well done.

  • Jessie J looks like she takes giant s**t.

  • Stincky ones too.

  • F**k you Black Shelton you inbred hick.

  • Let's face it, the girls from Haim are ugly as f**k and perform like they're orgasming.

  • I kind of like that, though.

  • Hey look. Ed Sheeran is still ugly.

  • Wiz Khalifa looks like a homeless woman.

  • I really wanna just flick Iggy Azalea's stupid mole off her face and into the bin.

  • Pitbull is starting to grow on me... kidding.

  • I hope his voice box gets destroyed by a gorilla d**k

  • Sia sounds like she has a mouth full of s**t

  • Childish Gambino looks like he tried to suck is own d**k a few times.

  • That's weird.

  • The weather in New York City right now is like a young Britney Spears: pretty hot, kinda gross.

  • I'd rather listen to an auto-tuned queef played on a continuous loop than listen to Ariana Grande's new album.

  • Jason Aldean sounds like his d**k got stuch in his sister.

  • I'd rather bathe in my own vomit than go see 5 seconds of summer on tour.

  • Katy Perry has a voice that reminds me of balls covered in glass sliding down my throat. nice gal

  • Gangnam Style is SO f**king annoying like jfc i want to shove a stick up Psy's ass so he can't dance anymore

  • You can do it, but I still can dance.

Whould you rather: listen to Josh Groban OR have diarhea ladle into your ear?


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B2 中上級

ミーン・ツイート - ミュージック・エディション #2 (Mean Tweets - Music Edition #2)

  • 2122 87
    Blair に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日