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How many of you are blamers?
How many of you, when something goes wrong, the first thing you want to know is whose fault it is?
何か<a href='#post_comment_1'>goes wrong<i class="icon-star"></i></a>が起こったとき、最初に知りたいのは誰のせいなのかということですか?
Hi. My name is Brené. I'm a blamer.
I need to tell you this quick story, so this was a couple of years ago when I realized the magnitude to which I blame.
I'm in my house. I'm on white slacks and a pink sweater set, and I'm drinking a cup of coffee in my kitchen - it's a full cup of coffee.
I drop it on the tiled floor.
It goes into a million pieces, splashes up all over me.
And the first... I mean a millisecond after it hit the floor, right out of my mouth is this: damn you Steve.
そして最初の...床に落ちてから1ミリ秒後に私の口から出てきたのはこうだった 「くそったれスティーブ」
Who was my husband.
Because let me tell you how fast this works for me.
So Steve plays water polo with a group of friends.
And the night before he went to go play water polo.
And I said, "Hey, make sure you come back at ten. Cause you know I can't fall asleep until you're home."
私は言ったの "10時には必ず戻ってきてね"君が帰ってくるまで寝られないから"
And he got back at like 10:30, and so I went to bed a little bit later than I thought.
Ergo, my second cup of coffee, that I probably would not be having had he come home when we discussed.
2杯目のコーヒーを飲んだ時 彼が家に帰って来ていたら おそらく飲まなかっただろうな
Therefore... (LAUGHTER)
And so, the rest of the story is, I'm cleaning up the kitchen.
(PHONE RINGS) Steve calls.
Caller ID. I'm, like, "Hey."
発信者番号です。私は、"ヘイ "と言っている。
He's like, "Hey. What's going on, babe?"
"Huh. What's going on?"
"So I'll tell you exactly what's going on.
I'm cleaning up the coffee that spilled all..."
Dial tone!
(LAUGHTER) Cos he knows.
How many of you go to that place, when something bad happens, the first thing you want to know is whose fault is it?
I'd rather it be MY fault than no one's fault. Because why?
<a href='#post_comment_2'>私は誰のせいでもないよりも、むしろ<i class="icon-star"></i>私のせいにしたいと思っています。なぜかって?
It gives us some semblance of control.
But here, if you enjoy blaming, this is where you should stick your fingers in your ear and do the "nanana" thing, cos I'm getting ready to ruin it for you.
Cause here's what we know from the research.
Blame is simply the discharging of discomfort and pain.
It has an inverse relationship with accountability.
Accountability, by definition, is a vulnerable process.
It means me calling you and saying, "Hey my feelings were really hurt about that." And talking, not blaming.
電話して "俺の気持ちが傷ついたんだ" って言うんだよ責めるのではなく、話をする。
Blaming is simply a way that we discharge anger.
People who blame a lot seldom have the tenacity and grit to actually hold people accountable, because we've spent all of our energy raging for 15 seconds and figuring out whose fault something is.
多くの人のせいにする人はめったにいないが、実際に人に責任を押し付けようとする粘り強さと根性を持っている。なぜなら、私たちは15秒と<a href='#post_comment_3'>figuring out<i class="icon-star"></i>誰のせいで何かがあるからだ。
And blaming's very corrosive in relationships.
そして、人間関係の中で非難することは非常に<a href='#post_comment_4'>corrosive<i class="icon-star"></i>です。
It's one of the reasons we miss our opportunities for empathy.
Because when something happens and we're hearing a story, we're not really listening.
We're in the place where I was making the connections as quickly as we can about whose fault something was.
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