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  • Are you ready for another Q & A Tuesday? Are you ready? I’m ready. Let’s do this.

    Q&A火曜日の準備はできましたか? 準備はいいですか? 私は準備ができています。始めましょう。

  • And shall we get this started? Yes, we shall. Jennifer writes:

    それでは、始めてよろしいでしょうか? はい、始めましょう。ジェニファーさんから質問です:

  • "Hi Marie, I need a bit of advice. How do you manage to stay ahead of someone who is trying to blatantly copy your business as in very specifically so much so that it seems like a joke."


  • That’s not nice. "While still managing to keep your customers and the public updated with what you have going on and the good old pipeline. How do you keep yourself calm and brush off copycat tactics and how do you deal with the person who is doing the copying when you might run into them in social settings. Thanks so much. - Jennifer in Southeast Asia"

    それは良くないですね。「そういった状況で、どのようにしてお客様や一般の方々に、進行中の事業について最新情報を提供し続けることができますか。模倣する戦術に対して、どのように冷静さを保ち、気にしないでいられますか。また、社交の場で模倣している本人に出会った時、どのように対応すればよいのでしょうか。ありがとうございます。- 東南アジアのジェニファーより」

  • Great question Jennifer and something that many of us have dealt with. I will tell you this: in the internet marketing/online coaching/advice giving kind of world or industry, there are so many people that rip each other off - it’s really not okay.


  • You know they do it under the guise of modeling, this whole idea of "modelling" , and it’s kind of b.s. because it’s not modeling at all.


  • So what do I mean by modeling?


  • No, that’s not what I mean. I mean, emulating someone’s practices. You know, what they do, their behavior, whatever they do in their life that lends to their success.


  • For instance, let’s say that you are an aspiring comedian and you want to model Sarah Silverman.


  • So you read somewhere that Sarah Silverman carries around a little notebook so she can write joke ideas and all of her observations.


  • So you do that. Sarah Silverman performs improv once a week so you start taking improv classes and you do that.


  • Sarah says, she’s a vegetarian and vegetables make her funnier so you go vegetarian. That’s all modeling but taking her jokes and passing them off as your own, that is copying.


  • Copying is stealing and it’s lazy and it’s wrong. And copycats who take your ideas are annoying as hell.


  • I personally have some copycat stories that will make your heads spin. Weve had people just completely rip off and plagiarize my email copy and I’ve had people even lift my event website design as though nobody knows and we can’t see it on the interwebs.


  • You know there’s that saying that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I think it’s downright douchey.


  • The good news is you can do something. So when you have a copycat in your business, here are a few steps that you can take:


  • First up if someone is plagiarizing your work or infringing upon your copyright, you have to have your attorney contact them. We have done this on several occasions and it works like a charm.


  • Next, you always want to have a good friend that you can vent to. Any time that we discovered copycats in our business, I've always picked up the phone, talked to a good friend, processed it really quickly so I can get right back to work.


  • Three, relish on the fact that you are leading (in) your industry because let’s face it, nobody is copying the losers. Use the fact that people are taking your ideas and copying them to really inspire you to create better ideas, more inventive, more innovative, and more creative than ever before.


  • I have a saying and it’s a tweetable,


  • "When it comes to both money and creativity, there’s always more where that came from."


  • And finally, sometimes a frank conversation with a copycat is necessary.


  • Because the truth is, copycats are doing themselves a disservice. We can all smell a copycat a mile away and their business will never be as successful as it is capable of being because it’s built on cheap imitation and stealing.


  • That’s my A to your Q Jennifer. Thank you so much for asking it. This is definitely a hot topic so I want to hear this from you.


  • How do you deal with copycats? Got any great strategies or advice or stories to share? Leave them below.

    皆さんはコピーキャットにどう対処していますか? 良い戦略やアドバイス、経験談はありますか? 以下にコメントをお願いします。

  • If you like this video click the "Like" button and please share it with your friends and of course if you love these videos, come on over to Enter your name and your email in the upper right hand corner and I’m going to send you a lots more tips to improve your business and your life.


  • Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time.


Are you ready for another Q & A Tuesday? Are you ready? I’m ready. Let’s do this.

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