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  • Speak now or forever hold your peace.

  • Any second now youre going to run up to the porch and shout

  • Detective! I know youre in there!

  • Open the door! This is urgent!

  • Youre acting as if a bomb went off.

  • Nothing that elaborate.

  • Just your good old-fashioned outdoor wedding.

  • You know I hate weddings.

  • Well, you might fancy this one.

  • Everything was going perfectly fine

  • until the balloons start to burst.

  • The paint inside splattered and ruined everything.

  • All hell breaks loose.

  • It’s every person for themselves.

  • The groom runs away without the bride,

  • entrées and desserts fly all over the place.

  • It’s total pandemonium.

  • What a colorful disaster.

  • Very vibrant.

  • The angry groom

  • doesn't share your admiration.

  • And he wants us to find out who did it.

  • Exactly.

  • Now time is of the essence.

  • So we must head to the

  • crime scene ASAP.

  • Why bother, inspector?

  • Were already there.

  • Now, who is our culprit?

  • It’s an open and shut case, detective.

  • I already have it figured out.

  • This waiter. He’s crouching down inside,

  • before the explosion.

  • He’s holding in his hand a black object,

  • possibly a detonation device.

  • It doesn't get more obvious than that.

  • Now hold it just a minute.

  • Let’s take a closer look

  • under the table.

  • Yourdetonation deviceis a black cat.

  • And the waiter is merely feeding it

  • some leftover scraps.

  • Youre welcome to feel embarrassed, inspector.

  • Thank you, detective.

  • I have to say,

  • the resolution of this video is criminal.

  • And it's working to my advantage.

  • The best man has red paint on his shirt

  • even before the balloons burst.

  • Lo and behold.

  • Red just happens to be one of the colors

  • used in the crime.

  • Persuasive it may be, inspector,

  • to be exact, what our criminal used is

  • a shade of red, leaning

  • slightly towards purple,

  • known as "Alizarin Crimson",

  • named after the organic dye extracted

  • from "Rubia" plants,

  • and used most notably

  • in the color palettes of the late Bob Ross.

  • Conversely, the so-called "paint

  • on the best-man’s shirt

  • is the slightly reddish-roseAmaranth"

  • named after of course,

  • the red amaranth flower,

  • often used in food or cosmetics coloring.

  • At this point may I add,

  • it’s the sameAmaranthglistening

  • on the maid-of-honor's lips.

  • Now, it’s really none of my business

  • but I would hazard a guess that

  • what we're dealing with here is

  • a heady combination

  • of provocative lipstick

  • and a desperate romance.

  • SoTell me.

  • Who are the other candidates?

  • Don’t be shy, inspector.

  • How about

  • that man holding his phone camera

  • up towards the balloons?

  • Before they burst?

  • What would propel him to do that?

  • Unless he’s waiting for something

  • spectacular to happen.

  • He does reek of suspicion.

  • But if we take a closer look,

  • it tells us that the man is merely taking

  • a picture of a fluttering butterfly.

  • How disturbingly sentimental.

  • Well, he does eventually move to

  • a slightly moredesirablesubject.

  • I suppose that could be

  • deemed a crime in its own right.

  • Alright. I give up. That's it.

  • I give up.

  • Just tell me, who is it, detective?

  • Well, in my humble yet accurate opinion,

  • I think a more systematic

  • approach is necessary.

  • Given a sudden action,

  • there always follows a sudden reaction.

  • Now, who is the anomaly?

  • Our bride.

  • She's certainly feigning surprise,

  • but her pupils aren't dilated at all.

  • I don’t see

  • what youre getting at, detective.

  • Look at the tattoo hidden between her fingers.

  • I thought that was a birthmark.

  • That, my friend,

  • is the Celtic symbol for love.

  • Now tell me. Her gaze.

  • Who is it fixed on?

  • The singer.

  • Let’s rewind to the beginning.

  • He seems... talented.

  • I agree, inspector.

  • Which leads me to my next question.

  • Why would such an accomplished performer

  • seem quite so nervous?

  • He even forgot to plug

  • in the effector pedal into his guitar!

  • Unless, of course,

  • he was after a slightly differenteffect.”

  • Notice how he doesn't touch the pedal until

  • just before the balloons burst.

  • My goodness, youre right!

  • And finally the tattoo on his finger

  • Doesn’t it seem oddly familiar?

  • Well I never...

  • the singer and the bride.

  • Look at them, inspector.

  • What are they doing?

  • They are standing still,

  • in the midst of all the chaos.

  • As if theyve finally finished

  • what they've been planning for a long, long time.

  • As if, in celebration.

  • How bold.

  • Bold, as only love can be.

  • Well, there you have it.

  • Once again you have cracked.

  • a mystery, detective.

  • Actually In this case, inspector,

  • I wasn’t the one who solved it.

  • All I did was watch.

  • Wait a minute. Detective!

  • What do we tell the Groom?

  • Truth lies in the Perfect Picture

Speak now or forever hold your peace.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ジェニーの結婚式を台無しにしたのは誰?- LG公式フル動画2015 (Who ruined Jenny's wedding? - LG Official Full Movie 2015)

  • 6721 292
    姚易辰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日