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  • - Monsieur Felix? - Oui.

  • l was expecting you. l knewyou would come.

  • Look at them, madame.

  • Have you ever, in yourentire life, seen anything so beautiful?

  • l'm sory. l don't know anything about stamps.

  • l know them as one knows his own face, though l had never seen them.

  • This one, a Swedish four shilling...

  • called Den Gula fyraskillingen...

  • printed in 1 854.

  • - What is it worth? - Oh, the money is unimportant.

  • l'm afraid it's vey important.

  • Well, in your money, perhaps $85,OOO.

  • - May l sit down? - Yes.

  • - And the blue one? - Oh, it's called The Hawaiian Blue.

  • ln 1 894, the ownerwas murdered by a rival collector...

  • who was obsessed to own it.

  • And what is its value today?

  • 65,OOO.

  • - And the last one. - Ah, the best for last.

  • Le chef-d'ceuvre de la collection. The masterpiece.

  • The most valuable stamp in the world.

  • lt's called the Gazette Maldave.

  • lt was printed by hand on colored paper and marked with the initials ofthe printer.

  • Today it has a value of$1 OO,OOO.

  • l'm not a thief. madame.

  • l knew there was some mistake.

  • You gave the boy a great many stamps in return.

  • - Are they for sale now? - Let me see.

  • 350 European, 200 Asian...

  • 1 75 American, 1 OO African...

  • and 1 2 Princess Grace commemorative...

  • which comes to 1 O francs.

  • And don't forget these.

  • Thankyou.

  • - l'm sory. - Oh, no.

  • For a few minutes theywere mine. That is enough.

- Monsieur Felix? - Oui.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

Charade (8/10) Movie CLIP - The Most Valuable Stamp (1963)

  • 25 5
    fisher に公開 2013 年 04 月 12 日