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  • Today I'm going to work with you on a new concept and that is

  • the concept of what we call electric field.

  • We spend the whole lecture on electric fields.

  • If I have a -- a charge, I just choose Q,

  • capital Q and plus at a particular location and at

  • another location I have another charge little Q,

  • I think of that as my test charge.

  • And there is a separation between the two which is R.

  • The unit vector from capital Q to li- little Q is this vector.

  • And so now I know that the two charges if they were positive --

  • let's suppose that little Q is positive, they would repel each

  • other. Little Q is negative they would

  • attract each other. And let this force be F and

  • last time we introduced Coulomb's law that force equals

  • little Q times capital Q times Coulomb's constant divided by R

  • squared in the direction of R roof.

  • The two have the same sign. It's in this direction.

  • If they have opposite sign it's in the other direction.

  • And now I introduce the idea of electric field for which we

  • write the symbol capital E.

  • And capital E at that location P where I have my test charge

  • little Q at that location P is simply the force that a test

  • charge experienced divided by that test charge.

  • So I eliminate the test charge. So I get something that looks

  • quite similar but it doesn't have the little Q in it anymore.

  • And it is also a vector. And by convention,

  • we choose the force such that if this is a positive test

  • charge then we say the E field is away from Q if Q is positive,

  • if Q is negative the force is in the other direction,

  • and therefore E is in the other direction.

  • So we adopt the convention that the E field is always in the

  • direction that the force is on a positive test charge.

  • What you have gained now is that you

  • have taken out the little Q. In other words the force here

  • depends on little Q. Electric field does not.

  • The electric field is a representation for what happens

  • around the charge plus Q. This could be a very

  • complicated charge configuration.

  • An electric field tells you something about that charge

  • configuration. The unit for electric field you

  • can see is newtons divided by coulombs.

  • In SI units and normally we won't even indicate the um the

  • unit, we just leave that as it is.

  • Now we have graphical representations for the electric

  • field. Electric field is a vector.

  • So you expect arrows and I have here an example of a -- a charge

  • plus three. So by convention the arrows are

  • pointing away from the charge in the same direction that a

  • positive test charge would experience the

  • force. And you notice that very close

  • to the charge the arrows are larger than farther away.

  • That it that sort of represents is trying to represent the

  • inverse R square relationship. Of course it cannot be very

  • quantitative. But the basic idea is this is

  • of course spherically symmetric, if this is a point charge.

  • The basic idea is here you see the field vectors and the

  • direction of the arrow tells you in which direction the force

  • would be. If it is a positive test

  • charge. And the length of the vector

  • give you an idea of the magnitude.

  • And here I have another charge minus one.

  • Doesn't matter whether it is minus one coulomb or minus

  • microcoulomb. Just it's a relative

  • representation. And you see now that the E

  • field vectors are reversed in direction.

  • They're pointing towards the minus charge by convention.

  • And when you go further out they are smaller and you have to

  • go all the way to infinity of course

  • for the field to become zero. Because the one over R square

  • field falls off and you have to be infinitely far away for you

  • to not experience at least in principle any effect from the

  • from the charge. What do we do now when we have

  • more than one charge? Well, if we have several

  • charges -- here we have Q one and here we have Q two and here

  • we have Q three and let's say here we

  • have Q of I, we have I charges.

  • And now we want to know what is the electric field at point P.

  • So it's independent of the test charge that I put here.

  • You can think of it if you want to as the the force per unit

  • charge. You've divided out the charge.

  • So now I can say what is the E field due to Q one alone?

  • Well, that would be if Q one were

  • positive then this might be a representation for E one.

  • If Q two were negative, this might be a representation

  • for E two, pointing towards the negative charge.

  • And if this one were negative, then I would have here a

  • contribution E three, and so on.

  • And now we use the superposition principle as we

  • did last time with Coulomb's law, that the

  • net electric field at point P as a vector is E one in

  • reference of charge Q one plus the vector E two plus E three

  • and so on and if you have I charges it is the sum of all I

  • charges of the individual E vectors.

  • Is it obvious that the superposition principle works?

  • No. Does it work?

  • Yes. How do we

  • know it works? Because it's consistent with

  • all our experimental results. So we take the superposition

  • principle for granted and that is acceptable.

  • But it's not obvious. If you tell me what the

  • electric field at this point is which is the vectorial sum of

  • the individual E field vectors then I can always tell you what

  • the force will be if I bring a charge at that location.

  • I take any charge that I always would carry in my pocket,

  • I take it out of my pocket and I put it at that location.

  • And the charge that I have in my pocket is little Q.

  • Then the force on that charge is always Q times E.

  • Doesn't matter whether Q is positive.

  • Then it will be in the same direction as E.

  • If it is negative it will be in the opposite direction as E.

  • If Q is large the force will be large.

  • If Q is small the force will be small.

  • So once you know the E field it could be the result of

  • very complicated charge configurations,

  • the real secret behind the concept of an E field is that

  • you bring any charge at that location and you know what force

  • acts at that point on that charge.

  • If we try to be a little bit more quantitative,

  • suppose I had here a charge plus three and here I had a

  • charge minus one. Here's minus one.

  • And I want to know what the field configuration is as a

  • result of these two charges. So you can go to any particular

  • point. You get an E vector which is

  • going away from the plus three, you get one that goes to minus

  • one, and you have to vectorially add the two.

  • If you are very close to minus one, it's very clear because of

  • the inverse R square relationship that the minus one

  • is probably going to win.

  • Let's in our mind take a plus test charge now.

  • And we put a plus test charge very close to minus one,

  • say put it here, even though plus three is

  • trying to push it out, clearly minus one is most

  • likely to win. And so there will probably be a

  • force on my test charge in this direction.

  • The net result of the effects of the two.

  • Suppose I take the same positive test charge and I put

  • it here, very far away, much farther away than this

  • separation. What do you think now is the

  • direction of the force on my plus charge?

  • Very far away. Excuse me.

  • Why do you think it's to the left?

  • Do you think minus one wins? A: [inaudible].

  • Do you really think the minus one is stronger than the plus

  • three because the plus three will push it out and

  • the minus one tries to lure it in, right, if the test charge is

  • positive. A:

  • plus two. So if you're far away from a

  • configuration like this, even if you were here,

  • or if you were there, or if you're way there,

  • clearly the field is like a plus two charge.

  • And falls off as one over R squared.

  • So therefore if you're far away the force is in this direction.

  • And now look, what is very interesting.

  • Here if you're close to the minus one, the force is in this

  • direction. Here when you're very far away,

  • maybe I should be all the way here, it's in that direction.

  • So that means there must be somewhere here

  • the point where the E field is zero.

  • Because if the force is here in this direction but ultimately

  • turns over in that direction, there must be somewhere a point

  • where E is zero. And that is part of your

  • assignment. I want you to find that point

  • for a particular charge configuration.

  • So let's now go to some graphical representations of a

  • situation which is actually plus three minus one,

  • try to improve on the light situation.

  • And let's see how these electric vectors,

  • how they show up in the vicinity of these two charges.

  • So here you see the plus three and the minus one,

  • relative units, and let's take a look at this

  • in some detail. First of all the length of the

  • arrows again indicates the strength.

  • It gives you a feeling for the strength.

  • It's not very quantitative of course.

  • And so let's first look at the plus three, which is very

  • powerful. You see that these arrows all

  • go away from the plus three and when you're closer to the plus

  • three, they're stronger, which is a representation of

  • the inverse R square field. If you're very close to the

  • minus one, ah the arrows are pointing in towards the minus

  • one, because the one over R square, the minus one wins.

  • And so you see they're clearly going into the

  • direction of the minus one. Well, if you're in between the

  • plus and the minus on this line, always the E field will be

  • pointing from the plus to the minus.

  • Because the plus is pushing out and the minus is sucking in.

  • So the two support each other. But now if you go very far away

  • from this charge configuration, anywhere but very far away,

  • much farther than the distance between the two charges,

  • so somewhere here, or somewhere there,

  • or somewhere there, or here, notice that always the

  • arrows are pointing away. And the reason is that plus

  • three and minus one is as good as a plus two if you're very

  • very far away. But of course when you're very

  • close in, then the field configuration can be very very

  • complicated. But you see very clearly that

  • these arrows are all pointing outwards.

  • None of them come back to the minus one.

  • None of them point to the minus one direction.

  • And that's because the plus three is more powerful and then

  • there is here this point and only point

  • whereby the electric field is zero, if you put a positive test

  • charge here, the minus will attract it, the plus will repel

  • it, and therefore there comes a point where the two cancel each

  • other exactly. Now there is another way of

  • electric field representation which is more organized.

  • And we call these field lines. So you see again the plus three

  • and you see there the minus one.

  • If I release right here or I place here a positive test

  • charge all I know is that the force will be tangential to the

  • field lines. That is the meaning of these

  • lines. So if I'm here the force will

  • be in this direction. If I put a positive test charge

  • here, the force will be in this direction, and of course,

  • if it's a negative charge the force flips over.

  • So the meaning of the field lines are that it always tells

  • you in which direction a charge experiences a force.

  • A force a positive charge always in the direction of the

  • arrows, tangentially to the field lines and a negative

  • charge in the opposite direction.

  • How many field lines are there in space?

  • Well of course there are an infinite number.

  • Just like these little arrows that we had before,

  • we only sprinkled in a few but of

  • course in every single point there is an electric field and

  • so you can put in an infinite number of field lines and that

  • would make this a representation of course useless.

  • So we always limit ourselves to a certain number.

  • If you look very close to the minus one notice that all the

  • field lines come in on the minus one.

  • We understand that of course because a positive charge would

  • want to go to the minus one. If you're very close to the

  • plus and they all go away from the plus because they're being

  • repelled. You can sort of think as these

  • field lines if you want to imagine the configuration that

  • the plus charges blow out air like a hairdryer,

  • and that the minus suck in air like a vacuum cleaner,

  • and then you get a feeling for there is on this left side here

  • this hairdryer which wants to blow out stuff and then there is

  • that little sucker that wants to suck something in and it

  • succeeds to some degree, it's not as powerful as the

  • plus three, though.

  • Have we lost all information about field strength?

  • We had earlier with these arrows, we had the length of the

  • arrow, the magnitude of the field was represented.

  • Yeah, you have lost that, but there is still some

  • information on field strength. If the lines are closer

  • together, the density of the lines is high,

  • the electric field is stronger than when the density becomes

  • low. So if you look for instance

  • here, look how many lines there are per few millimeters,

  • and when you go further out these

  • lines spread out, that tells you the E field is

  • going down, the strength of the E field is going down.

  • It's the one over R square field of course.

  • If you want to make these drawings what you could do to

  • make them look good, you can make three times more

  • field lines going out from the plus in this case than return to

  • the minus one. So the field lines are very

  • powerful and we will often think in terms of electric fields and

  • the line configurations and you will have

  • several homework problems that deal with electric fields and

  • with the electric field lines. If an electric field line is

  • straight, so I have electric fields, get some red chalk,

  • say we have fields that are like this, straight E field

  • lines, and I release a charge there, for instance a positive

  • charge, then the positive charge would

  • experience a force exactly in the same direction as the field

  • lines, because the tangential now is in the direction of the

  • field line, it would become accelerated in this direction

  • and would always stay on the field lines.

  • If I release it with zero speed, start to accelerate and

  • it would stay on the field lines.

  • In a similar way, if we think of the earth as

  • having a gravitational field, with eight oh one we may never

  • have used that word, gravitational field,

  • but in physics we think of the -- of gravity

  • also being a field. If I have here a piece of chalk

  • the um the field lines, the gravitational field lines,

  • here in twenty-six one hundred, nicely parallel and straight

  • and if I release this piece of chalk at zero speed it will

  • begin to move in the direction of the field lines,

  • and it will stay on the field lines.

  • So now you can ask yourself the question if I release a charge

  • would it always follow the field lines?

  • And the answer is no. Only in this very special case.

  • But suppose now that the field lines are curved.

  • So here are field lines as you have seen in those

  • configurations. It's very common.

  • If now I release a -- a charge in here, say I have a point

  • charge here, it will experience a force in this direction.

  • So it will get an acceleration in this direction,

  • so it will immediately abandon that

  • field line. And so if now you ask me what

  • is the trajectory of that charge, well,

  • it could become very complicated, I really don't

  • know. Maybe it's going like this,

  • and by the time it reaches this point, what I do know that then

  • the force will be tangential to this field line,

  • so will be in this direction. And so as it marches out and

  • picks up speed, locally it will experience

  • forces representative of those field lines and so the

  • trajectory can be rather complicated.

  • So field lines are not trajectories,

  • and not even when you release a charge with uh with zero speed.

  • Only in case that the field lines are straight lines.

  • Let's now look at a field configuration which Maxwell

  • himself, the great maestro, in some of his publications put

  • there. And it's a ratio one to four

  • and whether it is plus four plus one or minus four minus one

  • is not important because that's just a matter of the direction

  • of the arrows. But uh Maxwell didn't put

  • arrows in. So I leave it up to you.

  • If it's plus four and plus one you have to put arrows going

  • outwards. And what you see now here is

  • this airblower effect. Think of them as both being

  • positive. So there is the plus four

  • trying to blow air out like a hairdryer and the plus one is

  • trying to do its own thing and so you get a field

  • configuration, field lines,

  • which are sort of not perhaps easy but you can sort

  • of imagine why it has this peculiar shape.

  • If you um put a plus test charge in between the one and

  • the four, then the four will repel it but the one will also

  • repel it and so there's going to be a point somewhere,

  • probably close to one, whereby the two forces exactly

  • cancel out. Therefore E will be zero there.

  • In a similar way between the moon and the earth,

  • there is a point not too far away from the moon where the

  • gravitational attraction from the earth and the gravitational

  • attraction from the moon exactly cancel each other out.

  • That's not too dissimilar from this situation.

  • So when you have charges of the same polarity,

  • you always find in between somewhere a point where the

  • electric field is zero. Let's now go to a very special

  • case whereby I make the two charges equal in magnitude but

  • opposite in sign and we have a name for that,

  • we call that a dipole. The plus charge is here and the

  • minus charge is there. Situation is extremely

  • symmetric, as you would expect, because they have equal power.

  • There's one airblower upstairs and one vacuum cleaner

  • downstairs. If you're close to the plus

  • charge notice that all the field lines go away from the plus.

  • And if you're close to the minus, notice that all the field

  • lines come in on the minus,

  • you expect that. If you are far away from this

  • dipole, now you have a problem. Before we had a plus three and

  • a minus one and when you're far away the plus three wins.

  • So it's like having a plus two charge.

  • If you're far away you always expect the electric field then

  • to be pointing away from the equivalent charge of plus two.

  • But if you add up plus and minus and they have equal

  • magnitude, let's say plus one and minus

  • one, you get zero, so neither one wins if you're

  • far away, and notice carefully if you're very far away,

  • indeed you do not see arrows either pointing out nor pointing

  • in. Nature cannot decide,

  • there isn't one that is stronger than the other.

  • And that makes dipole fields very very special.

  • In the case of the plus three and the minus one,

  • if you're very far away, it's like having a plus two

  • charge and the E field when you go further and further out will

  • fall off as one over R squared.

  • With a dipole your intuition sort of tells you that it will

  • probably fall off faster than one over R squared.

  • And that is part of a homework assignment that you have this

  • week. In fact I can already give you

  • the answer. You have to prove it.

  • If you're far away from an electric dipole the electric

  • field falls off as one over R cubed.

  • It goes faster than one over R squared.

  • There is not a single point in space where the electric

  • field is zero. And you can think about that

  • why that is the case. So these field configurations

  • can be rather complicated and can be very interesting and each

  • one has its own applications. Are dipoles rare in physics?

  • Not at all. In fact, they're extremely

  • common. You cannot avoid them.

  • Remember last time, I told you if you have a

  • spherical atom or we have a spherical molecule,

  • and you bring that close to a charge -- let's now think of it

  • you bring it in an electric field, it's another way of

  • saying the same thing. So we have a nice spherical

  • atom or a nice spherical molecule and we bring it in an

  • electric field. The electrons want to go

  • upstream the electric field vectors, they go against the

  • direction of the electric field. And the positive charge wants

  • to go in the direction, wants to go downstream.

  • And so what are you going to do?

  • The electrons will spend a little bit more time on one side

  • of the nucleus than they would in the absence of that electric

  • field. And therefore you are through

  • induction turning that atom, turning that molecule,

  • in becoming a dipole. If you have a little bit more

  • charge on this side, averaged over time,

  • you have the same amount of extra charge plus on that side

  • averaged over time. So you make dipoles very often

  • whether you like it or not. And later in this course we

  • will learn more about the polarization of

  • atoms and molecules creating dipoles when when we talk about

  • dielectrics. And you will see that it will

  • have an en- can have an enormous impact on the properties of the

  • material. Could I make you a dipole here

  • in class? Oh yeah, that's very easy.

  • To make one of nonconductors is not so easy in class.

  • To make one of conductors is very easy.

  • And I'm going to do that with these two spheres that you have.

  • Look at these two metal spheres.

  • Conductors. Free electrons.

  • It's very easy for them to move.

  • And I'm going to bring this rubber rod which I will rub and

  • becomes I think negatively charged if I remember correctly,

  • and I will bring that so close to these two which are touching

  • each other. So here is this one metal

  • sphere and here is the other metal sphere and here comes the

  • rubber. Negatively charged.

  • Ah! What's going to happen?

  • The electrons want to go away, so this becomes negatively

  • charged, and therefore this remains a little bit positively

  • charged. For every one electron that has

  • is excess here, when I start it's neutral,

  • there will be a positive excess there because charge is

  • conserved. You can't create charge out of

  • nothing. And now what I do,

  • while this rubber is still here, while that rubber rod is

  • there, I separate them, so here the- they're in contact

  • with each other first, they

  • have to be in contact, wow, we get some visitors.

  • [clap-clap] Don't be late, that means you,

  • pretty boy. I'm impressed.

  • Thank you. Um so what I do now is while

  • this rubber rod is still in place, I take them apart,

  • and when I take them apart this negative charge is trapped and

  • this positive charge is trapped. And so I have thereby created

  • negative charge on this one. Positive on this one and it's

  • equal in magnitude, so I have a dipole.

  • What I want to demonstrate to you is that indeed I have

  • positive charged here and negative here,

  • that there is a difference in polarity between these two,

  • and that's the way that I will do the experiment.

  • I will not show you that the amount of charge is exactly the

  • same on each, which of course it has to be.

  • So let me give you some better light, or we have to get the uh

  • view graph off, the overhead,

  • you see there for the first time an electroscope,

  • we discussed it last time, it is a piece of aluminum foil,

  • very thin, with a metal rod next to it, and when I put

  • charge on the rod it will also go into the aluminum foil,

  • and they will repel each other, and so the -- the aluminum

  • tinsel will go to the right and the more charge there is on it,

  • the farther it goes to the right.

  • So let me first put these two together, make sure they are

  • completely discharged, and now I'm going to bring

  • these two into an electric field which is produced by this rubber

  • rod, I have to rub with the cat fur, and I believe it was

  • negative but if you -- you'd never have to remember whether

  • it's negative or positive of course, that is not so

  • important, what is in a name, after all.

  • But it did happen to be negative.

  • OK. So now we go here.

  • I bring it here, I hope that no sparks will fly

  • over because that ruins the demonstration.

  • And now notice what I do. While the -- while the rod is

  • here I separate them. So as I was holding it there,

  • things were going on in there that you and I couldn't see but

  • electrons, the rubber rod is negative, electrons were

  • shifting in this direction and this is now positive and that is

  • now negative. If I take this one and I touch

  • it with the electroscope, you clearly see that there is

  • charge on this. How can I show you now that

  • there is charge of different polarity on

  • the other one? Well, the way I will do that is

  • I will approach this electroscope by bring this

  • sphere very close to it. And if this charge is different

  • than the charge that is on it the electroscope will -- the

  • reading will become smaller. And why is that?

  • Why will the reading become smaller?

  • Well, here is the situation of the

  • electroscope now. And here is that ball that you

  • see on top, this is upside-down there, if this is all negative,

  • that's why it is apart, if now I approach this here

  • with an object which is positively charged and I claim

  • that this one now is positively charged, because this one was

  • negatively charged, then electrons are afraid of

  • the positive charge, so more will go -- excuse me,

  • electrons love the positive charge, so the electrons want to

  • come to the positive charge, so these electrons drift down

  • again, and so if they come down, fewer will be here,

  • and so you will see this. If however I put here a

  • negative rod, then the electrons which are

  • here want to go further away, they will stream up,

  • and therefore the reading will become larger.

  • So you can always through induction test what the polarity

  • is of your charge. Let's hope that this one is

  • still holding its charge while I was talking.

  • So I claim now that if this polarity is different and if

  • it's still there when I approach the electroscope,

  • come very close, that the reading should become

  • a little smaller without even touching it.

  • Let's see whether that works. You see, it goes down.

  • You see, it goes down. Goes down.

  • So through induction I have demonstrated that this has

  • indeed a different polarity from this one.

  • If I approached it with this one, it would go further out,

  • unless it already is at the maximum,

  • let's try that, you see, it goes further out.

  • So not only have I demonstrated that I created a dipole,

  • but you've also seen that by means of induction that you can

  • demonstrate uh that the -- there's a difference in polarity

  • between the two spheres. If I create a dipole and I put

  • that dipole in a -- in an electric field,

  • the dipole will start to rotate.

  • Let's first talk about it. Why it rotates.

  • And then I will try to demonstrate that by making a

  • dipole, a big one, this big.

  • Right in front of you, almost as big as the one there.

  • So let's have a -- an electric field like so.

  • And I bring in this electric field a dipole,

  • a biggie, here, this is the one I'm going to

  • use for this demonstration. Ping Pong balls on either side,

  • they are conducting, and they are con- connected

  • with a rod which is not conducting.

  • And so here is this dipole. To this rod is not conducting.

  • And this is a conducting and this is a conductor.

  • And let's suppose this is positive and this is negative

  • for now. And I'll show you how we get

  • the charge on it. Well, the positive charge will

  • experience a force in this direction, always in the

  • direction of the electric field, and the negative charge will

  • experience a force always upstream.

  • And now there is a torque on this and there is a torque on

  • this dipole. It will start to rotate

  • clockwise. And of course if it overshoots

  • the field lines when it is in this direction the torque will

  • reverse. It's very easy to see.

  • And so what you will see, it's going to oscillate and if

  • there is enough damping it will come to a halt more or less in

  • the direction of the field lines.

  • And this is something that I can demonstrate.

  • First I have to make a dipole of this kind and the way I will

  • do that is the following. This is a metal bar,

  • it's this insulator, and here is this -- are these

  • two Ping Pong balls, the one on this side has a

  • yellow marker, the one on that side has an

  • orange marker, and I'm going to attach them

  • holding them up against this metal bar.

  • In other words, here is this dipole,

  • it's not a dipole yet, metal metal and here is a metal

  • bar, this is a conductor which connects them.

  • I'm going to turn on the VandeGraaff here,

  • and the VandeGraaff creates an electric field,

  • so we have the VandeGraaff here.

  • And let's suppose that this VandeGraaff creates a positive

  • charge. Sometimes a VandeGraaff creates

  • positive charge on the dome, others can be designed to

  • create negative charge on the dome.

  • And remember for now I assume that's positive.

  • What will happen now? Electrons want to go in this

  • direction. So this becomes negative.

  • Protons positive charge stays behind.

  • So that becomes through induction a dipole.

  • Because I have them connected.

  • I have them connected with this metal bar.

  • So these electrons can flow through this bar and end up

  • here. Now I remove the bar.

  • And so when I remove the bar I have created now a dipole.

  • I have here an insulating thread and I have a fishing rod

  • and at the end of my fishing rod I have now a permanent dipole.

  • With that permanent dipole I'm now going to probe the electric

  • field around this VandeGraaff. I could have chosen the same

  • VandeGraaff but there's a reason why I picked this one and

  • as I walk around this VandeGraaff you will see that

  • this fishing rod at the end is this dipole, that the dipole

  • always wants to go radially inwards or outwards depending on

  • how you look at it of this field, so I can probe this field

  • and make you see for the first time that there is indeed

  • somewhere here a strong radial field going in or out of the

  • VandeGraaff. And now comes something very

  • interesting, which I found out this morning

  • for the first time when I did this experiment.

  • If the other VandeGraaff there is also positive when I run it,

  • how do you think this dipole is going to align then if I walk

  • into it? Will the negative ball be

  • closer to the VandeGraaff or will the positive one go closer

  • to the VandeGraaff? So I give you thirty seconds to

  • think about it, so I make the dipole as it is

  • here, let's assume this one is positive, this VandeGraaff.

  • So this side becomes minus, I call that A,

  • and this side become positive, that's B.

  • I now walk with this dipole, I bring it in this field.

  • And let's assume that one is also positive.

  • We don't know that yet. How will the dipole align now?

  • Will A go inwards or will A go outwards?

  • Who thinks A goes inwards? Very good.

  • Who says A goes outwards? OK.

  • A will go inwards. If the two VandeGraaffs have

  • the same polarity. So if that doesn't happen tha-

  • that doesn't mean that physics doesn't work,

  • it means the two VandeGraaffs have different polarities.

  • And we'll see what happens. So let me first then create a

  • dipole. So here is the -- the dipole.

  • It's shorted out now. I turn on the -- this

  • VandeGraaff. So induction takes place.

  • Remember that the yellow is pointing towards the VandeGraaff

  • and that the orange is away from the

  • VandeGraaff. OK.

  • So I induce a dipole. Oh.

  • I really should redo that. I don't know what happens when

  • it -- I have to remove the field first.

  • OK. The yellow was inside,

  • right, was that the way it was? OK.

  • Yellow inside. There we go.

  • So now it's creating a dipole through this metal bar.

  • And I break contact and this should now be a dipole.

  • Now I turn on the field of the -- so if the polarity is the

  • same, yellow will go in. I will try to swing it a

  • little. Notice two things.

  • It's going to line up beautifully radially but the

  • yellow is not in, the yellow is out.

  • So the two VandeGraaffs have different polarities.

  • But you will see they rotate nicely.

  • And they end up beautifully radial and when I go all the way

  • around here again they may swing a little, they may oscillate a

  • little, but through damping they will come to a halt and look,

  • the field is indeed beautifully radial and the yellow is so to

  • speak on the wrong side. The two VandeGraaffs have

  • different polarities.

  • So you see how we can create a dipole and you've also seen how

  • we often can make statements about uh the specific polarity.

  • I can probe an electric field using grass seeds in oil.

  • Grass seeds are elongated and when I put a grass seed in

  • the electric field it will become polarized,

  • there's nothing you can do about it.

  • Here is a grass seed and the electric field is like so.

  • And so the electrons want to go as far away in this direction as

  • they can through induction. And so this side remains

  • positive, and so what is this grass seed going to do?

  • It's going to rotate. It's going to line up with the

  • electric field. And this is the way that I'm

  • going to show you now field configurations

  • in the vicinity of a dipole. And I will also show you then

  • field configurations in a vicinity of two charges which

  • have equal polarity. You may have seen this in high

  • school with magnetic fields, with iron files,

  • that's kid stuff. That's the easiest thing to do.

  • This is the real thing, this is the electric fields,

  • I bet you you've never seen electric fields which are traced

  • by these mysterious seeds. So I'll give you some light

  • that may optimize the demonstration.

  • These seeds first have to be oriented in a way so that it is

  • chaos. The first thing you see is I'm

  • going to make this -- I believe it's going to be a dipole first.

  • Almost certain. So I'm going to charge one

  • positive and charge the other negative.

  • And then we'll see how these grass seeds will form each

  • other. Watch closely.

  • There you go. My goodness.

  • That is a wonderful dipole field.

  • Of course we don't know which one is plus or minus because the

  • grass seeds have no arrows on them.

  • But you clearly see these incredible lines radially

  • inwards or outwards on each one of the charges and then you see

  • these nice arcs in between. Who could see it easily?

  • OK, you got something worth for your twenty thousand dollars'

  • tuition. Put a little bit more charge on

  • maybe. Very clear.

  • And now which is perhaps more interesting, I'd like to show

  • you the field surrounding two charges but now the charges are

  • both the same polarity. So we have to undo the -- the

  • memory of the grass seeds. OK, now we'll try to make them

  • both the same polarity.

  • And then watch this hairblower effect that I told you about.

  • Maybe not make -- I'm not sure they made contact.

  • OK, we'll try it again. Come on.

  • It's very funny, you know, it looks like there

  • is some -- some charge hidden

  • because it doesn't look as beautiful as we had earlier on

  • the Maxwell view graph. It seems like there is

  • something here on the side which it prefers.

  • And therefore the electric field is being distorted.

  • Let me try to discharge it. I'm a reasonable conductor,

  • so I should be able to take any stray charges off.

  • Oh, wait a minute. Ha!

  • I had it upside-down. [laughter] Oh my goodness.

  • Can happen to anyone. All right.

  • So they were never really in good contact,

  • we ready now? Ah, look at that.

  • Great. Now you really cle- clearly see

  • these -- these field lines, and you see in between how the

  • two airblowers are competing with each other.

  • Very impressive. All right, so that's the way

  • you see field lines now, electric field lines.

  • And some of you may have seen with iron files uh magnetic

  • field lines. If I have the VandeGraaff and I

  • have the VandeGraaff here, and let's suppose the

  • VandeGraaff is positive, I don't know whether it's

  • positive or negative, let's suppose it's,

  • I'm going to use the one over there, and I'm going to stand

  • here, on the ground, Walter Lewin,

  • what is going to happen with me?

  • Through induction, the electrons being sucked out

  • of the earth and coming up because they want to go close to

  • the positive charge. So I will become negatively

  • charged. What will the field lines do?

  • Oh, they will be extremely complicated.

  • Very complicated. But something like this maybe.

  • Maybe something like this. Uh some may come out here.

  • Some may end up on my neck here.

  • Some may go here. Like so.

  • Very complicated field configurations.

  • But I want to probe that field. Somehow, a little.

  • Get a feeling for how that -- what that field is like.

  • And the way I'm going to do that is I'm going to put a

  • charged balloon. There you see the balloon.

  • It's a conductor. I'm going to put a charged

  • balloon and put it here say. Well if it is a positively

  • charged balloon it will take off in that direction.

  • Right? The force is always tangential

  • to the field lines. It will abandon the field

  • lines, it won't stay on the field lines, there's a lot of

  • damping on the balloon, that's why I chose the balloon,

  • so it will move relatively slowly, and it'll ultimately

  • maybe end up on my head, right here.

  • Once it ends up on my head there, so it comes in maybe like

  • this, now it will get the negative charge from my head and

  • so it will become immediately negatively charged and so the

  • force now will reverse and will be in this direction,

  • tangential to this field line, and so it will go back.

  • When it hits the VandeGraaff again it will get positive

  • charge, reverse its polarity, and it will go back.

  • And so it will b- bounce back and forth between me and the

  • VandeGraaff and it gives you some rough feeling of what this

  • field configuration is about, although I want to remind you

  • that the charge does not follow exactly field lines.

  • So I'm going to sit here and I will be part of this,

  • so that's probably going to be positive, I will automatically

  • become negative, there's nothing I have to do,

  • all I turn is the VandeGraaff and we have to put a little bit

  • of charge on that balloon. It will probably do that by

  • itself, but I can always give it a little kick so that it goes to

  • the VandeGraaff, there it goes.

  • [laughter] Oh [inaudible] because my -- my glasses are a

  • good insulator, so I better take my glasses

  • off, so that every time it hits me.

  • [laughter] Changes polarity. [laughter] So this is a way you

  • can do physics and have fun at the same time.

  • See you Monday. [applause]

Today I'm going to work with you on a new concept and that is


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B1 中級

Lec 02: 電場と双極子|8.02 電気と磁気、2002年春(Walter Lewin) (Lec 02: Electric Field and Dipoles | 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism, Spring 2002 (Walter Lewin))

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    Cheng-Hong Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日