字幕表 動画を再生する
Kia ora and welcome to Aotearoa, "The Land of the Long White Cloud",
こんにちは ニュージーランドへようこそ ここはマオリ語で「アオテアロア」
as the native Māori people call New Zealand.
- 長い雲が白くたなびく地と呼ばれる国です
The country's North and South Island are divided by the Cook Strait.
Overlooking the Strait is Wellington: the world's southernmost capital.
ウェリントンは 世界中で最も南に位置する首都です
Trendy Wellington is dubbed the Capital of Cool.
It's as if the fresh ocean winds bring in waves of creativity.
さわやかな潮風が 創造性の波を吹きよせるようです
Home to less than half a million people,
住民は 50 万にも満たず
Wellington isn't New Zealand's most populous city
but it is the country's political, cultural and culinary capital.
Clinging to the forested mountain slopes that spill out into the harbor
is the compact city center.
Imaginative street art, vintage shops, a hip café culture
incredible scenery, splendid museums, and a touch of tradition
make Wellington a breath of fresh air
ウェリントンは 実に魅力的です
The locals are just as passionate about rugby union
地元の人たちは ラグビー、コーヒー、
as about drinking coffee or locally brewed beer on the waterfront.
Vital to the unique flavor of this eclectic urban mix
is the cultural heritage of the Māori people
Te Papa, the beloved National Museum, shows how these brave seafarers
「テ パパ」(国立博物館) ではこの勇猛な海洋民族が 山と海のはざまに広がるこの貴重な地に
made their mark in this precious land between the mountains and the sea.
Telling the story of New Zealand
is like turning the pages of a mystical book about a faraway land
It's a tale about discovery, ocean currents and starry heavens
and wooden boats navigating along the Ring of Fire...
First came the fearless Māori people, who cultivated the country,
最初の入植者は この国を開墾した勇猛なマオリ族、
then the Dutch who gave it its current name,
and eventually the British, who laid claim to the land.
Learn more about their navigational techniques in the Carter Observatory
See and hear how the rest of the story of the capital unfolded
in the Museum of Wellington City and Sea.
Continue your journey back in time in the historical city center:
歴史をさかのぼる旅は 由緒ある中心市街の
a jumble of architectural styles.
Tour the neo-classical Parliament House
and admire the city's landmark Beehive building.
街の象徴 ビーハイブ ビルをお楽しみください
From Lambton Quay, ride the historic Wellington Cable Car
ランプトン キーから 昔ながらのウェリントン ケーブル カーを使い
to the top to visit its original Winding House
最上部で元祖ワインディング ハウスを見学後
Take in the panoramic views from outside and then slowly make your way
戸外で 見晴らしの良さを満喫し のんびりと
back down again along the scenic paths of the Botanic Garden.
When the Wellington Winds subside,
the locals flock to the waterfront to warm up in the sun.
Join the crowds for a wine or a beer on the wharf
波止場の人波に加わって ワインやビールを飲んだり
or stroll along the boulevard of Oriental Bay
オリエンタル ベイの板張り歩道を散策したり
Take the kids down to the beach or go fishing or kayaking in the harbor.
お子さまとビーチに行ったり 港内で釣りやカヤックを楽しんだりしてみましょう
In central Cuba Street, poke your nose in a book shop or coffee shop
Make your way around the elegant Town Hall,
which is now a concert hall and visitor center
現在はコンサート ホール兼観光案内所で
The building is part of Civic Square,
シビック スクエアの一端をなし
which is full of surprising artworks that appeal to the imagination.
Thanks to their ability for storytelling,
語りの能力にたけた 地元の人たちにより
the creative locals have given their city global fame
この都市は 音楽、文学、映画の各分野で
when it comes to music, literature and film.
"Wellywood" has been the set for blockbuster movies,
「ウェリウッド」製作の人気映画は多く 「アバター」、
such as Avatar and Sir Peter Jackson's King Kong and Lord of the Rings
ピーター・ジャクソン版 「キング コング」、「ロード オブ ザ リング」があります
Come face to face with some of the local villains
in the mini museum of the Weta Workshop on the Miramar peninsula.
ミラマー半島の Weta ワークショップにミニ博物館があります
From the city, hop on a bus to Zealandia, a conservation park.
バスに飛び乗り 市街地からジーランディア自然保護公園へ
See if you can spot the endangered Takahē and Kākā birds
絶滅危惧種の鳥 タカヘやカカは見つかるでしょうか
and learn more about the area's special flora
End your day with fine dining
1 日の終わりはすばらしい食事の後
followed by a night out in a cozy downtown bar or theater.
Journey south to experience Wellington's legendary hospitality,
南のウェリントンに旅し 昔から名高いもてなしの心や澄んだ空気の中
clean air and quality of life.
Whichever page you turn in New Zealand's distant capital,
遠く離れたニュージーランドの首都では あらゆる瞬間に
you'll discover that magic and adventure is just around the corner.