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  • [DING]


  • ALL: [SINGING] La la la la la la la.

  • La la la la la la la.

  • Welcome to the Furchester Hotel.


  • FUNELLA: [SINGING] Your room is ready for you.

  • FURGUS: [SINGING] Just needs to get the bed.

  • PHOEBE: The lamp, the desk, the rug, the sink.

  • PILLOWCASE: [SINGING] A pillow for your head.


  • The hotel's run by monsters, the staff's beyond compare.

  • ALL: [SINGING] We've got the kind of service

  • you won't find anywhere.

  • So welcome to the Furchester.

  • CHORUS: [SINGING] La la la la la la.

  • La la la la la la.

  • Welcome to the Furchester.

  • La la la la la la.

  • La la la la la la.

  • FURGUS: Dine in style.

  • FUNELLA: So genteel.

  • COOKIE MONSTER: Cookie come with every meal.

  • ALL: [SINGING] La la la la la la la la la la la.

  • ELMO: [SINGING] Here's your keys.

  • PHOEBE: [SINGING] So check right in.

  • ALL: [SINGING] Let your furry stay begin.

  • Welcome to the Furchester hotel!


  • NARRATOR: The Veggietones.

  • FURGUS: Oh, come on.

  • LAMB: Baa.

  • FURGUS: Still don't work.

  • [GRUNTS] And done.



  • Fixed!

  • FUNELLA: They will?

  • Soon?

  • Ah, wonderful!

  • Toodle-oodle-ooh.

  • Furgus?

  • Phoebe, Elmo!

  • ALL: Yes?

  • FUNELLA: I have the most marvelous news.

  • FURGUS: Oh, please, let me tell them.

  • [CLEARS THROAT] I fixed the lift!

  • PHOEBE: Great, Dad!

  • FUNELLA: That's very good news dear, but that's not my news!

  • PHOEBE: What is it Mom?

  • ELMO: Yeah!

  • FUNELLA: Here, in the Furchester,

  • we are going to offer our guests something fantabulous.

  • PHOEBE: What?

  • FUNELLA: Something no other hotel has.

  • ALL: Yes?

  • FUNELLA: The Veggietones!


  • PHOEBE: Who are the Veggietones?

  • ELMO: Yeah.

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Dooma dooma doomba.

  • Dooma dooma doomba.

  • Here we are.

  • We're here at the Furchester.

  • FURGUS: The Veggietones!


  • PHOEBE: Hello!

  • ELMO: Elmo loves the Veggietones' singing.

  • FUNELLA: We're so pleased you're here.


  • Are you ready to serenade our guests?

  • ELMO: What's "ser-a-nabe"?

  • FURGUS: It means sing to them.

  • FUNELLA: To make them the happiest guests ever.

  • PHOEBE: They've already made Isabel happy.


  • ELMO: Elmo too.

  • VEGGIETONES: Where, when do we start?

  • FUNELLA: Wherever you like.

  • The hotel's your stage.

  • You can sing to any guest you see.

  • VEGGIETONES: What are we waiting for.

  • ELMO: Auntie Funella, can Elmo go listen to them too?

  • FUNELLA: Oh, of course!

  • PHOEBE: Wait for me Elmo, I'm coming too.

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Let's try here.

  • Sleepy guy, sleepy guy.

  • Sleepy guy, hi!

  • MAN: What?

  • Wha?

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] We're the Veggietones.

  • MAN: But I was asleep!

  • ELMO: Ah, ha ha!

  • Is Mr. Harvey P. Dow the happiest guest ever?

  • MAN: Do I look happy, Elmo?

  • Those vegetables woke me up!

  • PHOEBE: Maybe we should tell the Veggietones not

  • to sing to guests who are sleeping.

  • ELMO: Ah!

  • MAN: That would be a very good idea.

  • PHOEBE: Sorry!


  • Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble bath time.

  • MISS GATOR: Do you mind?

  • I'm taking a bath!

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] We're the Veggietones.


  • PHOEBE: Miss Gator--

  • MISS GATOR: I was taking a bath.

  • And those vegetables started singing!

  • PHOEBE: She doesn't look happy either.

  • MISS GATOR: I am not happy about this!

  • Hmph!

  • ELMO: Mr. Harvey P Dow wasn't happy either.

  • Elmo hopes those Veggietones make somebody happy today!

  • PHOEBE: This could be a problem, Elmo.

  • Maybe we'd better keep an eye on them.

  • ELMO: Ah, right!

  • FUNELLA: We've got the Veggietones.

  • PHOEBE: Mom, have you seen the Veggietones?

  • FUNELLA: Oh, I'm sure they're spreading happiness

  • all around the hotel.

  • ELMO: Well--

  • FURGUS: We've got something to tell you.

  • [GONG]

  • FUNELLA: Oh!

  • MUPPET: Take that!


  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Tea time, tea time, tea time.

  • MUPPET: Huh?

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] A happy, happy tea time to you.


  • PHOEBE: That's what we were trying to tell you.

  • We've got a problem.

  • ELMO: Yeah, the Veggietones have stopped the monsters

  • from having tea!

  • FUNELLA: Oh dear.

  • We have a huge problem.

  • The singing is making our guests unhappy.

  • This is a catastrophe.


  • ALL: [SINGING] It's more than just a slip up or a mess up

  • or a mishap.

  • A Furchester catastrophe.

  • We need to fix it fastrophe and put it in the pastrophe.

  • Let's ring the bell for plastrophe.

  • COOKIE MONSTER: [SINGING] Catastrophe, catastrophe.

  • ELMO: [SINGING] What a disastrophe!

  • ALL: [SINGING] Catastrophe, catastrophe.

  • Catastrophe, catastrophe, put it in the pastrophe.

  • It's a cataster-- what a disaster-- it's a catastrophe!

  • FUNELLA: Furchesters.

  • How do we get the Veggietones to sing so everyone's happy?

  • FURGUS: Well, let's put our furry heads together and think.

  • FUNELLA: Ah!

  • No.

  • COOKIE MONSTER: Oh wait a minute.

  • Me got an idea.

  • FURGUS: What's that, Cookie Monster?

  • COOKIE MONSTER: Give Veggietones a cookie!

  • Then Veggietones eat cookie and forget all about singing.

  • FURGUS: You really think that will work, Cookie Monster?

  • COOKIE MONSTER: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Me show you.

  • Cookie!


  • See?

  • Me not singing.

  • Me still not singing!

  • FURGUS: I have another idea.

  • Do you remember how I fixed the lift this morning?

  • FUNELLA: You did, Furgus.

  • But we're not talking about the lift now.

  • FURGUS: But nobody sleeps or has a bath in the lift.

  • Perhaps the Veggietones could sing in there.

  • FUNELLA: Music in a lift!

  • Oh, what an amazing idea!

  • ELMO: Yeah.

  • Elmo's never heard of music in a lift before.

  • PHOEBE: No other hotel would think of that.

  • FUNELLA: Let the singing in the lift begin!

  • PHOEBE: Are you all comfortable in there?

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Very, very, very.

  • PHOEBE: And ready to sing to the guests?

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Ready, ready, ready.

  • ELMO: Oh, lovely.

  • Oh, oh.

  • Mr. Snorkel.

  • Would Mr. Snorkel like to ride in the lift?

  • MR. SNORKEL: Um, I was only going down one floor.

  • I was going to take the stairs.

  • PHOEBE: Take the lift.

  • It will be much more fun.


  • MR. SNORKEL: Music in the lift.

  • Who'd have thought it?

  • Music in the lift, hello.

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Going, going, going, going down.

  • PHOEBE: Oh, Mr. Snorkel's happy!

  • Well come on Elmo, let's see if he stays happy.

  • ELMO: All right!

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Dooma dooma doomba, dooma dooma

  • doomba.

  • Here we are.

  • We're here in the Furchester lift.


  • Hey, hey, hey.

  • Here's your floor.

  • LAMB: Excuse me, excuse me.

  • PENGUIN: Could I get in?

  • MR. SNORKEL: I'm sorry, lift full!

  • PHOEBE: Mr. Snorkel, I thought you wanted this floor.

  • MR. SNORKEL: Oh, I'm having too much fun to get out.

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Going, going, going, going up.

  • PENGUIN: What about me?

  • ELMO: Oh, no.

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Going, going, going, going down.


  • ALL: Veggietones!

  • Veggietones!

  • Veggietones!

  • MR. SNORKEL: 100th floor please, Veggietones!

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Going, going, going, going up.

  • LAMB: Bah.

  • COW: What about us?

  • MUPPET: Yeah!

  • We want to hear the Veggietones too!

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Sorry, lift full.


  • PHOEBE: Mom, all our guests who can't fit in the lift

  • are unhappy!

  • FUNELLA: Oh no.

  • But remember, we are Furchesters.

  • We can solve this!

  • PHOEBE: Fussawubba!

  • That gives me a monster idea!

  • We need some place bigger where the Veggietones

  • can sing to everyone.

  • ELMO: Oh, right.

  • FUNELLA: But where?

  • PHOEBE: Hey, are you thinking what I'm thinking, Elmo?

  • ELMO: Elmo thinks so!

  • COOKIE MONSTER: Oh, hey, what going on here?

  • ALL: Shh!

  • Shh!

  • PHOEBE: Ladies and Gentle monsters!

  • ELMO: We have the act you've all been waiting for.

  • PHOEBE: Give a big cheer for the Veggietones!

  • Yay!

  • COOKIE MONSTER: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Dooma dooma doomba, dooma dooma

  • doomba.

  • Welcome, welcome, welcome, we're the Veggietones.

  • We're here to sing for you tonight!

  • Dooma dooma doomba, dooma dooma doomba.

  • Dooma dooma doomba, dooma dooma doomba.

  • Dooma dooma doomba.

  • FUNELLA: Oh, look, Furgus.

  • All the guests are so, so--

  • FURGUS: Happy?

  • FUNELLA: Oh yes.

  • Just like I always dreamed of.

  • Take it away!

  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Hey hey hey, we're the Veggietones.


  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] Welcome, welcome, welcome,

  • we're the Veggietones.

  • We're here to sing for you tonight.

  • Dooma dooma doomba, dooma dooma doomba.

  • Dooma dooma doomba, dooma dooma doomba.


  • VEGGIETONES: [SINGING] We're the Veggietones.



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B1 中級

ファーチスター・ホテルベジトンが到着しました! (Furchester Hotel: The Veggietones Have Arrived!)

  • 1022 47
    Wang Connie に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日