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  • >> So methyl groups and a methionine group.

  • And you'll really, even

  • with a very high field NMR spectrometer,

  • not going to be able to see a lot of distinction

  • between these structures.

  • But the big difference in mass spectrometry is

  • that fragmentation will occur at points that give you secondary

  • and tertiary carbocations more.

  • So if we look, for example, on the next spectrum,

  • on the spectrum of 4-methyl undecane, and now we look,

  • we see a break in this usual pattern, in other words the peak

  • at 71 is enhanced and the peak at 57 is diminished.

  • And the other thing that's interesting is for all

  • and intents and purposes, you don't see the molecular ion,

  • or it's very, very small.

  • And of course, the reason

  • for this is now you've got two desirable break points

  • in the molecule where cleavage

  • over here will give you a pentyl cation,

  • a secondary pentyl carbocation.

  • And that's going to give rise to your enhanced peak at 71.

  • And conversely, there are fewer ways to break this molecule

  • to give you a butyl carbocation

  • because undecane had two positions you could break,

  • whereas -- I'm sorry, dodecane had two positions you can break,

  • whereas methyl undecane has one.

  • So your peak at 57 is diminished.

  • And if you look hard, you'll see your peak

  • at 127 is also enhanced.

  • Right here you have this sort of downward curve.

  • So a person with a mass spectrometry --

  • with a mass spectrometer could look at this molecule

  • and say this is 4-methyl undecane rather than,

  • say, 5-methyl undecane.

  • And this becomes important in marine natural products

  • where often you get lipid type groups with unusual patterns

  • as well as in identifying lipid structures.

  • >> So when we talk, like we're [inaudible] fragmentation,

  • oftentimes we would try and favor to get [inaudible]

  • at secondary and tertiary positions?

  • >> Absolutely.

  • Absolutely.

  • >> Like they're in radical position, like, does it matter

  • if it's a primary [inaudible]?

  • >> Stabilization of the radical is less important

  • than stabilization of a carbocation.

  • Radicals are unhappy, carbocations are really unhappy.

  • Radicals have at least one electron in the vacant,

  • what's essentially a p orbital,

  • whereas carbocations have no electrons there.

  • So they're much more unhappy,

  • plus you have charge to stabilize it.

  • Other questions?

  • >> At the 71 and 127 fragmentations [inaudible]

  • migrate over to make the tertiary or [inaudible].

  • >> I would imagine, yeah, I would imagine you probably --

  • well, would the methyl.

  • There's no simple migration.

  • So if you look at a 2-pentenyl cation,

  • there's no simple migration that will give you rise.

  • I guess what you'd need is, yeah,

  • I don't know the answer to that.

  • I know in cyclohexane,

  • cyclohexyl carbocation chemistry,

  • if you can get a 1,2-hydride shift

  • that gives you a tertiary, yeah, it'll occur.

  • If you can get a 1,2-alkyl shift,

  • that'll give you a tertiary.

  • So yeah, I'd say if you can find a 1,2-methyl shift,

  • it will probably occur.

  • But in this case, I don't think there's one occurring.

  • And then by the time you go to a highly branched compound,

  • so here's an example where you really do only have --

  • you do see the tertiary peak predominating.

  • So here's another isomer, highly branched isomer.

  • And you'll notice the peak that predominates is absolutely

  • that tert-butyl carbocation.

  • And again, you don't see the M plus,

  • you don't see the molecular ion.

  • >> So when you're looking at a spectra like that,

  • how do you know that there's a peak there?

  • >> Aha. Great question.

  • So the first thing that people often do is blow up the region

  • where they suspect the molecular ion is.

  • Now, the second thing is,

  • let's say you have a little bit of information.

  • Remember the nitrogen rule that I mentioned,

  • the fact that in the EI mass spectrum,

  • if a compound has an odd number of nitrogens,

  • if it has 1 nitrogen or 3 nitrogens or 5 nitrogens,

  • the molecular weight is odd.

  • And that's just the math of making up molecules.

  • So, in this spectrum we were seeing peaks at 43,

  • peaks at 57, et cetera.

  • So, if you know, oh my molecule has no nitrogen,

  • and then you see only odd peaks, you say, oh wait a second,

  • these all have to be fragments.

  • So if you have some additional information,

  • for example you say, okay,

  • I know my compound is a marine natural product

  • that has no nitrogens it, but I'm only seeing a peak at 171,

  • in the EI mass spec -- and remember, it's all reversed

  • in the CI mass spec because you're putting on a proton,

  • which adds 1 -- then you'd say, okay,

  • that can't be the molecular ion.

  • And that's really important

  • because otherwise you've gotten yourself stuck

  • in this mindset saying, oh this is the molecular ion.

  • How do I get this structure?

  • All right, I want to talk for a moment about alkenes

  • and then move on to heteroatom compounds.

  • So alkanes are the most non-intuitive

  • because alkanes have no obvious place to take

  • that odd electron out.

  • We have to be thinking about sigma bonds

  • or molecular orbitals.

  • By the time we get to alkenes, we can say okay,

  • the highest occupied molecular orbital is a pi orbital.

  • We'll kick an electron out.

  • We'll get a radical cation.

  • And we really can remind ourselves that there are going

  • to be two resonance structures to it.

  • And the chemistry of alkenes is very similar to the chemistry

  • of alkanes, but now at least we sort

  • of have a way of thinking about it.

  • And we can think about things as a homolytic cleavage mechanism,

  • often to give an allylic carbocation.

  • So let me just write sort of a generic compound.

  • So imagine that we had an alkene over here.

  • And now I've taken the alkene

  • and I've generated the radical cation.

  • I've generated the molecular ion.

  • One of the very fundamental reactions

  • of radicals is homolytic cleavage.

  • Homolytic cleavage means you take this bond

  • and you break it equally.

  • Homo lytic.

  • You take one electron, you send it one way.

  • You take one electron, you send it the other way.

  • So I'll draw my little fishhook curved arrows

  • that you've been using, hopefully,

  • since sophomore organic chemistry

  • for this type of reaction.

  • And I'll take away minus R prime dot, so we don't see

  • that because that's a radical.

  • And this gives rise to an allylic cation.

  • And so the whole series of peaks --

  • The whole series of peaks that you might see for an alkane

  • with 43, 57, 61, you will see largely diminished by 2

  • for an alkene, 41, 55, et cetera, going up the series.

  • So in the case of alkanes, we were talking

  • about CNH2N plus 1 plus.

  • Here we're talking about CNH2N minus 1 plus.

  • Now, the alkene tends -- I'm not going to write it

  • out as a mechanism, but you can write a curved arrow mechanism

  • to walk your radical all over the molecule by a series

  • of 1,2-hydride shifts.

  • And so the alkene tends not to stay put.

  • So you can't -- you might think, oh I could tell

  • where the alkene is in the molecule,

  • but this migrates throughout the molecule.

  • So you can't pinpoint where the alkene is.

  • So let me just put up for comparison and contrast,

  • let me put up 1-dodecene.

  • That's on the flip side of your page.

  • Thank you.

  • And so for 1-dodecene, you see a peak at 41 by this new pathway

  • and ditto for 55, for 69 and so forth.

  • And of course, you do still see the 43 peak.

  • So you do also see the other pathway as well

  • as a 57 peak and so forth.

  • So the peak at 41, for example,

  • is simply this cleavage mechanism I talked about.

  • And I can at least write it as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

  • 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

  • I can write it, there are two resonance structures,

  • one with the primary positive charge

  • and the other the major contributor

  • with the secondary positive charge.

  • But I can write a curved arrow mechanism showing the homolytic

  • cleavage pathway to give rise to the allylic carbocation.

  • Woops.

  • Thoughts or questions at this point?

  • >> What are the peaks with the circles on top of them?

  • >> Peaks with the circles are other pathways that involve,

  • for example, loss of a hydrogen atom and so we're not --

  • we're not talking about --

  • we're not going to talk

  • about every absolutely every mechanism.

  • So for example, this peak at 42, although some of it comes

  • from the small amount of C13 isotopomer,

  • also has to correspond to a species that is a radical cation

  • with a formula of C3H6, but we're not going to talk

  • about the mechanism for formation.

  • All right.

  • I think at this point what I'd like to do is to move

  • on to heteroatom-containing compounds.

  • And what I think is neat

  • about heteroatom-containing compounds is we really can make

  • sense of their chemistry from just a few mechanisms.

  • So in addition to the homolytic cleavage, we can also think

  • of heterolytic cleavage mechanisms

  • and hydrogen abstraction fragmentation.

  • [ Writing on Board ]

  • All right.

  • So I'll write a generic heteroatom-containing compound

  • as R-Y showing a lone pair on Y. And I'm going

  • to be generic enough that I mean that this could be an alcohol,

  • an ether, a halide, an amine.

  • But also the OR group of an ester.

  • And so later on in the homework set you'll get esters

  • and we'll see mechanisms involving the carbonyl

  • and also mechanisms involving the OR group.

  • And we'll also say an amide NR2 group.

  • All right.

  • So the general gist is we can think of the molecular ion

  • as kicking out one of the electrons from the lone pair.

  • And so, for example,

  • we can envision a homolytic cleavage mechanism much

  • as we envisioned the homolytic cleavage in the case

  • of our alkenes or our -- well, our alkenes.

  • So we can envision a homolytic cleavage.

  • And let me enhance my molecule here.

  • So I'm drawing in the alpha carbon,

  • the carbon that's directly attached

  • to the heteroatom, and the beta carbon.

  • The carbon that's one over.

  • And imagine a mechanism just like we saw before

  • in the radical cation from the alkene where the bond one

  • over from the odd electron breaks, sending one electron

  • to form a double bond and the other electron

  • to the other carbon.

  • So in such a mechanism, we'll generate a radical.

  • And of course, the radical you won't see.

  • And we'll also generate a species with a double bond

  • to the Y group and a positive charge

  • on the Y group that we'll see.

  • The other mechanism we're going

  • to see is a heterolytic cleavage.

  • In a heterolytic cleavage mechanism,

  • that means the two electrons go in one direction.

  • Heterolytic cleavage, mixed cleavage.

  • In other words, the electrons don't go one

  • in one way, one in the other.

  • They both go in the same way.

  • And for simplicity, I'll just write our group like so.

  • So here we are back at our --

  • I won't need to write in the rest of the molecule.

  • So you can think of the Y group -- remember that's an oxygen

  • or a nitrogen or something with a positive charge --

  • you can think of it as a leaving group.

  • And the leaving group takes its electrons and leaves,

  • much as you've seen in regular carbocation --

  • regular cations that have radical cation chemistry,

  • where in an SN1 type reaction or an E1 reaction,

  • the first step is the leaving group leaves

  • with its pair of electrons.

  • And you get R plus.

  • You get a carbocation.

  • Now the other mechanism than can occur that's along the same

  • lines -- so another heterolytic cleavage mechanism is

  • after a hydrogen atom abstraction fragmentation,

  • you can end up with a proton on your leaving group.

  • And so I'll write this as R-Y-H with a positive charge on Y.

  • And in that case, again, you can take your electrons

  • and your leaving group can leave.

  • The third common mechanism

  • that you'll see is a hydrogen atom abstraction

  • fragmentation mechanism.

  • And the point that I'll make here is that in addition

  • to fragmenting, radicals also have a propensity

  • to pull off hydrogens to extract atoms.

  • It's one of the common reactions of radicals.

  • If you've already studied perhaps as an undergraduate,

  • tributyltin hydride chemistry, where you have maybe AIBN,

  • an initiator to generate a free radical

  • and a radical chain mechanism

  • and you used tributyltin hydride, one of the key steps

  • in your chain mechanism is going

  • to be the radical plucking off a hydrogen.

  • If you have a hydrogen in your molecule,

  • the radical can pluck off the hydrogen.

  • It's really quite indiscriminate about where it plucks it off.

  • Remember, not only is it a free radical,

  • but it's also a very hot free radical.

  • And so it can go ahead and pluck off that hydrogen

  • and it makes you feel like a freshman once again

  • where you have to keep track of, because you're seeing

  • so many unfamiliar species, you have to keep track

  • of your formal charges and keep track of your odd electrons.

  • And so now, we have a positive charge on Y.

  • And this can undergo further fragmentation either by way

  • of a homolytic cleavage over here.

  • So I'll say homolytic or by way

  • of a heterolytic cleavage over here.

  • [ Writing on Board ]

  • All right.

  • In the abstract, this sounds very, very complicated.

  • So what I'd like to do is to render it concrete.

  • And I have a handout.

  • Some transparencies.

  • [ Background Sounds ]

  • >> What this -- this is your homework.

  • I'm helping you.

  • Do you want me not to?

  • >> Help us.

  • >> Help you?

  • Yeah! But if you want, we can just leave now.

  • >> No.

  • >> No? All right.

  • What I'd like to do is to convince you

  • that these very few mechanisms I showed you actually account

  • for all the peaks.

  • So look. All right.

  • So here --

  • All right, the first think you'll notice

  • as that our compound has molecular weight of 102,

  • but our M plus is missing.

  • This is not uncommon for alcohols.

  • Then what you can think of is if you generate the radical cation

  • and you do a homolytic cleavage.

  • So we have a methyl, a hydrogen

  • and a butyl group attached to the alpha carbon.

  • If we cleave the hydrogen in a homolytic cleavage,

  • and you'll often see people do an abbreviated mechanisms

  • where they just write one fishhook.

  • Part and parcel with that, of course,

  • is this odd electron comes in over here and we lose hydrogen.

  • So if we do minus H dot like so, then -- and I'll tell you what.

  • I will even be a good person and write in all my lone pairs

  • of electrons to help you out.

  • Then that species is our species at 101.

  • So here we see a tiny peak at 101.

  • If I, in a very slavish fashion simply repeat this process --

  • And I'll just put the hydrogen down here.

  • Put my methyl over here.

  • If I, in a very slavish fashion repeat this process

  • and lose a methyl dot, a methyl radical, now I have 1, 2, 3, 4,

  • 5, 6, and I should have --

  • woops, what am I doing wrong here?

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • I lost my hydrogen.

  • 2, 3, -- did I add a carbon here?

  • Take off 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 oops.

  • I added in -- I added 7,

  • so easiest solution is just cut off the end here.

  • All right.

  • So I lose the methyl group and I end up with this species.

  • Should have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

  • So that explains our peak at 87.

  • It's loss of a methyl.

  • That's 87 over there.

  • If I do the same and I'm going to skip the mechanism,

  • but obviously if I just do minus butyl dot.

  • That's going to take us to protonated acetaldehyde.

  • And that's going to be our peak at 45.

  • All right.

  • So that actually takes care

  • of three different key peaks in the spectrum.

  • I'll show you one more pathway,

  • and that's our abstraction fragmentation pathway.

  • So if I go ahead, and again, I write our species.

  • And I'll just write it in a slightly different way just

  • to make it suggestive.

  • So, if I now write our species, the hydrogen,

  • the oxygen can pluck off a hydrogen.

  • So I'll draw a fishhook.

  • And a fishhook.

  • And just for the sake of not having fishhooks fly everywhere,

  • I won't draw a fishhook back to that carbon.

  • But you can if you like.

  • So I'll just draw the radical on that carbon.

  • And now there are a couple of ways that we can go.

  • If, for example, water leaves.

  • And at this point we have our heterolytic cleavage.

  • Water is leaving, taking its pair of electrons with it.

  • So I'll just put my pair of electrons onto water, like so.

  • So we get a radical cation over here.

  • That radical cation's going to be at 84.

  • In fact, it's very common to see minus 17 for an alcohol.

  • So that's a common cleavage pathway.

  • And if I further go ahead and lose a methyl radical,

  • and again, I'll draw a single fishhook, minus CH3 dot.

  • Now that's going to give rise to our, I think the last species

  • that we were supposed to see, which is our peak at 69.

  • So, go ahead.

  • >> Do you not have that heterolytic cleavage

  • where you just connect the [inaudible]?

  • >> Where?

  • >> That one right there.

  • Can you just have that as a --

  • >> The heterolytic cleave --

  • >> Yeah.

  • >> Okay. Beautiful, beautiful question.

  • So the question is can we also have loss of OH dot.

  • And the answer is you have a tiny amount over here.

  • Not enough to give a big peak.

  • But you actually anticipated my next remark.

  • And if we flip to the next spectrum --

  • so the problem is that the OH radical is really,

  • really unstable.

  • You have to have -- an oxygen has an incomplete octet.

  • And so that's bad.

  • But the other thing that's bad

  • about it is you get no hyperconjugative stabilization

  • of the radical.

  • Now, if we look at this ether here on the next page,

  • then you can see this mechanism.

  • So I'll just use this as a chance to show this to you.

  • So you also see a homolytic cleavage mechanism.

  • I'll leave that to you to write on your own.

  • And if we apply a heterolytic cleavage here,

  • the leaving group takes its two electrons and leaves.

  • So this radical,

  • this oxygen-centered radical is more stable

  • than a hydroxyl radical, so we lose 73.

  • Our molecule was 130 to start with.

  • We do see it.

  • But now we get a carbocation here that either

  • in a concerted fashion

  • or a step-wise fashion almost certainly rearranges

  • to the tert-butyl carbocation, which we see at 57.

  • And so the answer is

  • in the alcohol you may have a little bit of it,

  • but not enough to really see.

  • In this case, we have even more so we see it.

  • In some cases you'll see it directly with the alcohol.

  • So, I think -- yeah, in the alcohol, if you look,

  • there's a teeny tiny peak at 85.

  • And it's not clear whether it's big enough --

  • whether it's the C13 isotope or whether it is this.

  • All right.

  • I'll leave it to you.

  • We'll talk about the next one in discussion section,

  • but I want to finish up by talking

  • about carbonyl compounds, because we've gotten

  • but one key mechanism here.

  • And the key mechanism for carbonyl chemistry --

  • So, for carbonyl compounds, and that's the whole family,

  • the aldehydes, ketones, et cetera, esters, amides, acids.

  • [ Writing on Board ]

  • The whole bloody family.

  • You can think of this in a couple of ways.

  • You'll have a homolytic cleavage pathway.

  • And in the homolytic cleavage pathway,

  • it's the same as before.

  • You picture taking your electron out of a lone pair.

  • The reason is the lone pairs are the highest occupied molecular

  • orbitals in the molecule.

  • In a homolytic cleavage pathway, you break a bond like so.

  • You lose R dot, you lose a radical.

  • And you get an acylium ion -- in many cases --

  • so that'll cost you part of the molecule.

  • In many cases you'll see a further fragmentation

  • where you now have a heterolytic cleavage.

  • You lose carbon monoxide.

  • And you get -- I guess I've called this R prime.

  • So I will stick with that.

  • And you get R prime plus as a carbocation.

  • This same chemistry that occurs here can occur

  • in Friedel-Crafts solution phase chemistry.

  • So for example, if I set

  • out to do a Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction

  • with a compound that could easily fragment

  • to give a tert-butyl alkyl carbocation,

  • I might end up seeing Friedel-Crafts alkylation

  • competing with the Friedel-Crafts acylation.

  • In other words, loss of carbon monoxide from my acylium ion.

  • In the gas phase where molecules are hot,

  • it's even more prevalent.

  • The other key reaction

  • of carbonyl compounds is the McLafferty rearrangement.

  • That's a charge-accelerated retro ene reaction.

  • An ene reaction is a pericyclic reaction.

  • It's very much akin to the Diels-Alder reaction.

  • In the forward direction it brings together an alkene

  • component and a component with a double bond.

  • In the reverse direction you just push electrons

  • in the opposite way.

  • And I'll show you how I like to think

  • of the McLafferty rearrangement.

  • Sometimes you'll see it written with fishhooks.

  • You'll see it written as a radical reaction.

  • To me, this makes much more sense to think of it

  • as a pericyclic reaction.

  • So here, I've written a alkyl chain hanging off

  • of my radical cation.

  • And if we simply move electrons in a ring in pairs

  • in a 6-electron pericyclic process much like you're going

  • to learn in the Van Vranken class in 201

  • if you haven't already done so.

  • Now, you can get a very nice --

  • and I guess I'll call that R prime --

  • you can get a very nice curved arrow mechanism

  • that kicks out an alkene.

  • Take one moment to show you this pathway.

  • So you will see in this compound, you will see examples

  • of the homolytic cleavage, the homolytic cleavage

  • with loss of carbon monoxide.

  • I'll let you figure those all out.

  • But I just want to show you the McLafferty pathway.

  • Here we are at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 -- so 2-hexanone.

  • And if I just write my McLafferty rearrangement

  • like so, I lose propene, that's minus 42.

  • We started with a weight of 100,

  • and so let me just write my resulting product.

  • And so we come to a peak at 58.

  • And there we see our peak at 58.

  • So as I said, you will also see all these other pathways we've

  • talked about.

  • You'll see the homolytic cleavage and further loss

  • of CO. You'll see abstraction, fragmentation as well.

  • And I'll let you figure all of that out on the homework.

  • And I should point out on the preceding problem

  • on the amine problem, in addition to seeing the pathways

  • that we've talked about, in addition to seeing for example,

  • the homolytic cleavage pathway,

  • you will see a further retro ene pathway giving rise

  • to what actually is the strongest peak in the molecule.

  • So we'll talk more about these on Monday.

  • All right. ------------------------------77a982119737--

>> So methyl groups and a methionine group.


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B2 中上級

ケム 203有機分光学講義06.アルカン、アルケン、ヘテロ原子とカルボニル化合物 (Chem 203. Organic Spectroscopy. Lecture 06. Alkanes, Alkenes, Heteroatom and Carbonyl Compounds)

  • 55 2
    Cheng-Hong Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日