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  • - It's officially award season.

  • I know it's hard to find time to see all the movies,

  • but I am here to help.

  • I had someone watch them for you,

  • but I'm sorry, it's Ari.

  • Ari works in our Ellen Shop.

  • He's very opinionated.

  • So here's Ari.

  • [flourishing music]

  • - It hurts my neck.

  • [laughter]

  • I saw "Blackhat" in a theater,

  • and it was-- it ruined the whole movie,

  • 'cause the volume was too loud.

  • You know, I can control my own volume in my living room.

  • And there was no food allowed in the theater.

  • What the hell's up with that?

  • I snuck in a seltzer and some Raisinets.

  • They're basically looking for Chris Hemsworth,

  • a tall, good-looking, white guy,

  • in the middle of Indonesia.

  • I'm having a hard time believing, in the movie,

  • they couldn't find a tall, white guy

  • in the middle of an Asian country.

  • [flourishing music]

  • [applause]

  • - He's got a point.

  • [cheers and applause]

  • He's got a point.

  • And here's what Ari had to say about the movie

  • nominated for Best Picture of the Year.

  • This is "Birdman."

  • [flourishing music]

  • - There was-- there was an allusion

  • to him being a bird,

  • but I never found out if he was a bird.

  • There was things.

  • There was a guy flying next to him.

  • I don't know.

  • Was he a bird, or was he not a bird?

  • It's not much better than--

  • What's that movie with the guys in prison

  • and he escapes from prison?

  • It's one of the greatest movies ever.

  • "Shawshank Redemption."

  • "Shawshank Redemption" is way better than "Birdman."

  • [flourishing music]

  • - What's that have--

  • What's that have to do with anything?

  • Thank you, Ari.

- It's officially award season.


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A2 初級

映画サムアリの (Movie Summ-Ari's)

  • 33 1
    kimihawk に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日