字幕表 動画を再生する
>>He was quiet.
He was a man of many talents.
Radio chatter
He was also a good friend.
>>He started flying when he was 16, and in his mid-20's
he had already had more than 70 combat flights, had bailed out.
Prop plane flyby
>>Willing to tackle anything.
The best engineering test pilot I ever worked with.
He flew absolutely impeccably.
>>He took me on my first supersonic ride in a 104.
Jet engine
It was the greatest flight I ever had.
Radio chatter
>>Every time an airplane flew over, he would look up at it.
>>While we are changing our name,
the work we do remains consistent.
We fly, we explore, we measure, we reveal, and we discover
the overlooked and unexpected for the benefit of the nation,
and for the benefit of human kind.
>>I'm going to ride off into the sunrise.
Jets taking off
>>836, left 3 degrees.
>>Okay we have got lock.
>>Lock conditions.
Camera shutter
Jet engine
>>.95 run complete.
>Copy .95 shown here, run complete.
>>Mission controller, this is flight on data one,
we are ready for the supersonic run.
Sonic boom
>>High speed research, is hopefully at one point
in time, going to allow supersonic flight
commercially over the U.S. and throughout the world.
Jet plane flying
Aircraft taking off
>>Traffic, Traffic, Descend, Speed Up
>>12 o'clock, 5 miles northbound, Navajo, 8,500
November 02 Sierra, traffic 2 o'clock
Radio chatter
>>Visual about 3.2 he's spot on perfect.
>>Lift off initial climb mission phase.
>>Pilot, monitor and verify guidance,
advise when in normal flight.
>>Passing through 10,000.
Prop plane flying
>>Phantom 02, gear is cycling.
>>Yep, it looks good to me.
>>Prandtl is the closest to bird flight
that humans have ever gotten as far as aircraft goes.
Not having a vertical tail would decrease the drag
of an aircraft immensely.
Radio telemetry clicks
>>You guys made history today.
No one has ever proven that vortices go anywhere
except at the wing tip.
Prop plane
>>We're at 50 knots.
Rotor blades
>>The fiber optic systems tells us how much the wing
is bending in real time. This technology eventually should
be applied to completely flexible wings,
that's the future.
>>The new flaps have promised to be lighter,
more efficient, and also quieter. More like a bird,
morph without any use of hinges and joints and things like that.
Jet engine revving up
Jet engine taxiing
>>10 seconds...brakes, now.
Jet plane taking off
>>We are going to continue ahead here
for about another couple of miles,
just to check out the airplane, before we make a turn.
Jet airplane flying
>>Steady heading side slip to the left first,
we will hold for 10 seconds and try to get about half over.
Our pitch stability is good, roll and yaw.
>>Runway is clear, you are go for takeoff.
>>All of the airborne science aircraft; from the ER-2,
to the C-20, to DC-8, to Global Hawk, they all play
an important role.
>>Are you guys ready?
>>Start Recording.
>>OK, stop recording.
>>What are our temperatures?
>>34, 33, 38...
Jet plane taking off
>>Hopefully we will get some really good
science data from this that will help the community.
>>I have got rising terrain, 12o'clock, 7 miles from
>>Tally-ho, and I am going to start climbing here.
>>We're clear.
Airplane interior
>>Alright it looks like it is at wings level and we're on course
Jet plane flying
>>Chief Scientist how is your flight?
>>It was great.
Jet flying low
High altitute airplane gunning engine
Cockpit ambience
UAV taking off
747 taking off
>>I, myself, have learned so much just about the process
of science, and that in itself is something
you can bring back to the classroom.
>>FIFI is an imaging spectrometer
in the far infrared.
We can reach wavelengths that other instruments cannot reach.
Background hangar maintenance
>>Inflatable systems allow us to build bigger heat shields
that decelerate larger masses so that we can support
the systems that are required for human space exploration.
Prop plane taking off
>>Tower, NASA UAS airborne, UAS work area surface to
2,000 feet.
Radio chatter
Prop plane flying
Prop plane flying
Rocket launch
>>Green light, green light, green light, nearest 1 0
Prop plane flying
>>And lift off at dawn, the dawn of Orion