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Hey, everyone. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on five more common
皆さん、こんにちは。私はアレックスですクリックしてくれてありがとう このレッスンにようこそ!
English learner mistakes. So if you have watched my other video on five common English learner
mistakes, this is a follow up to give you five more. So let's not waste time and get
right to it. Here we go with No. 1.
So this first mistake is common because in many languages, when you discuss jobs or your
station in life, you don't use articles even if you come from a country where there are
articles in the language. So for example, "I am student." "He is engineer." If I ask
冠詞を使っています。だから例えば "私は学生です""彼はエンジニアです"と聞けば
you, "What do you do", you need to use an article because "student" is countable; it's
あなたは、"何をしますか?"の場合、"学生 "はカウント可能なので、冠詞を使う必要があります。
singular; and "engineer' is countable and it's singular. So you have to say, "I am a
student." "He is an engineer." Now, let's move on to No. 2.
Okay. Here, we have two sentences on the board. We have, "I am agree." "Are you agree?" So
ボードに2つの文章があります"私は同意する""Are you agree?"ということで
in this situation, "agree" is a verb. We don't say, "I am agree." You can just say, "I agree."
この状況では "同意する" は動詞です。"私は同意する "とは言いません"私は同意する "と言えばいいのです
If it's negative, "I don't agree" or, "I disagree." And the question is not, "Are you agree?"
否定的な場合は "同意しない "とか "同意しない "とか。質問は "同意するか?"ではありません
It's, "Do you agree?" Now, if you are set on wanting to say "I am" and use "agree" in
some way, you would have to say, "I am in agreement." This is very formal, but it is
何らかの形で "同意します "と言わなければなりませんこれは非常に形式的なものですが
possible. Otherwise, just say, "I agree" or, "I disagree" and, "Do you agree?" Now, let's
可能です。そうでなければ "同意する "か "同意しない "と言って "同意しますか?"と言えばいいのですでは、次のようにしましょう
move on to No. 3.
This next mistake is about the use of the past tense. For new English speakers, because
they can't form the past tense, sometimes they use the verb "to be" with the verb. So
彼らは過去形を形成することができず 動詞と一緒に「なるように」という動詞を使うことがありますということで
I have heard, "I'm go downtown yesterday." Or, "He was see his cousin." If you are speaking
"昨日は繁華街に行ってた "とかあるいは "彼はいとこに会っていた" とかというような話をしている場合は
in the past, make sure you simply use the past simple verb. In this situation, we don't
say "I'm go". The past of "go" is "went". "I went downtown." We don't say "he was see".
行く」と言います。"go "の過去は "goed "です。"ダウンタウンに行った""he was see "とは言いません。
The past of "see" is "saw". So this is about using the past simple form of the verb to
speak about the past. Never say "I'm go", "I'm do", "I'm make". "I saw"; "I made"; "I
過去のことを話す"I'm go", "I'm do", "I'm make "は絶対に言わないでください。"I saw"; "I made"; "I
did"; "I played". Okay? Now, let's move on to No. 4.
Now, this mistake is about using negatives. In many languages, whether they're European
or Latin, Spanish, I hear this mistake very frequently. So you might hear, "He no have money" or,
"They no like chocolate." So if you are making a sentence in the present simple, and you want
"彼らはチョコレートが好きじゃない"ということで、もしあなたが send simple で文章を作っていて、次のような場合は
to make it negative, you have to use "doesn't" and "don't". So not "he no have" but, "He
ネガティブにするには "don't" と "don't" を使わなければなりませんなので、「彼は持っていない」ではなく、「彼は
doesn't have." Okay? Not "they no like chocolate" but, "They don't like chocolate." So make
"持っていない"「いいですか?」「彼らはチョコレートが好きじゃない」じゃなくて、 「彼らはチョコレートが好きじゃない」ってことだ。「だから」
sure you learn how to make negative sentences. "He doesn't"; "I don't"; "we don't"; "they
don't"; not "he no", "she no", "I no". All right? Now, let's move on to No. 5.
"しない "ではなく "彼ではなく" "彼女ではなく" "私ではなくいいですか?では、5番に移りましょう。
Finally, here we have a word choice error. And this is because maybe speakers translate
from their own language, and many languages, you can use the verbs "meet" or "know" to
talk about going to places and getting to know cities and towns, for example. So, "I
want to meet the city" or, "Yesterday, I knew downtown." Now, in English, we don't really
"街に会いたい "とか "昨日はダウンタウンを知っていた "とか。さて、英語では、本当に
use the verbs "know" and "meet" to talk about getting to know a place. You can use the verbs
"explore" or "get to know" or "visit". So you can say, you know, "I want to explore
"探検する "とか "知る "とか "訪れる "とか。つまり、「探検したい」と言うことができます。
the city." I want to go around the city." "Yesterday, I knew downtown" -- "Yesterday,
街の"街中を回りたい""昨日、ダウンタウンを知った" -- "昨日。
I traveled around downtown." And you can also use terms like "get to know" a place. You
繁華街を旅した"また場所を "知る "というような用語も使えますあなたは
can visit a place. You can explore a place. Okay? But you can't meet a park. You can meet
a person, but you can't meet a place.
Now, let's review all five of these mistakes one more time.
All right. So to review, No. 1, "I am a student." If you want to talk about your status in life.
(徳井)はいでは、おさらいですが、その1 "私は学生です"人生のステータスを語るなら
Are you a student? An engineer? Are you a teacher? Etc. you need to use an article to
talk about jobs, professions, talk about your station in life.
No. 2, "I agree, not "I am agree"." Do you agree?" Not "are you agree?"
第2位 "同意する "ではなく "同意する""Do you agree?"" are you agree? "ではなく "賛成ですか?"
No. 3, "I went downtown." "I saw my cousin." So remember, memorize those past tense verbs.
3位 "繁華街に行った""いとこを見た"だから過去形の動詞を覚えろ
Not "I was go" or "I am go". "I went"; "I saw"; "I did". All right?
"I was go "や "I am go "ではありません。"私は行った" "私は見た" "私はした"いいですか?
No. 4, "He doesn't have money." Memorize your negatives, especially in the present simple
第4位 "彼はお金を持っていない"ネガティブを暗記しましょう、特に現在の単純な
and past simple. "I don't have"; "he doesn't have"; "we don't have"; "they didn't have"
と過去の単純な"I don't have"; "he doesn't have"; "we don't have"; "they didn't have"
-- in the past.
-- 過去には
And finally, "I want to get to know the city." "I want to visit the city." "I want to explore
そして最後に "街を知りたい""街を訪れたい""探索したい
the city. Walk around the city." Not, "I want to meet the city" or
街の中を街を歩いてみたい"ではなく、"街に会いたい "とか
"I want to know the city intimately."
So if you want to test your understanding of this material, as always, you can check
out the quiz on www.engvid.com. And don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
クイズは www.engvid.com で。そして、私のYouTubeチャンネルを購読することを忘れないでください。
Thanks, guys. Bye.