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Thank you. Today I want to tell you about the power of "yet." I learned in High School
ありがとうございます。今日は "まだ "の力についてお話したいと思います。高校の時に習った
in Chicago where students had to pass eighty four units to graduate and if they didn't
シカゴでは学生が卒業するためには84のユニットに合格しなければなりませんでした もし合格しなければ
pass they got the grade "not yet." I thought, isn't that wonderful? Because if you fail
合格しても "まだだ "と評定されました。それって素敵なことだと思いませんか?だって失敗したら
you're nowhere but if you get the grade "not yet" you're on a learning curve. "Not yet"
あなたはどこにもいませんが "まだ "という評価を受けたら 学習曲線に乗っていることになります"まだ"
gave them a path into the future. And "not yet" also helped me understand a critical
experience early in my career. To figure out how kids cope with challenge, I gave ten year
olds some problems that were a little too difficult for them. Some of them reacted in
a shockingly positive way. They said things like, "I love a challenge!" or "I was hoping
this would be informative!" They understood that their abilities could grow through their
hard work. They had what I would call a "growth mindset." But for other children it was tragic,
苦労して働いていた彼らには私が言うところの "成長のマインドセット "がありましたしかし、他の子供たちにとっては悲劇的でした。
catastrophic from their more fixed mindset perspective their core intelligence had been
tested and devastated. Instead of the power of "yet" they were gripped by the "tyranny
of now." So what did they do next? In one study, after a failure on a test, they said
they'd cheat next time instead of study more. In another study they found someone who did
worse than they did so they could feel better. And in many studies we found they run from
自分たちがしたことよりも悪いことをして 気分が良くなるようにしていますそして、多くの研究で、彼らは
difficulty. Let's look at how that looks in the brain. Moser and his colleagues measured
from the brain as kids encountered errors. Processing the error shows up in red. If you
子供たちがエラーに遭遇すると 脳からエラーを処理すると 赤く表示されますもし、あなたが
look at the fixed mindset brain on the left nothing is happening. But if you look at the
左側の固定観念脳を見ても 何も起きていません。しかし、左の脳を見ると、何も起きていません。
growth mind-set on the right it's on fire with "yet!" They're processing the error deeply
右側の成長マインドセットは "まだ!"で燃えている彼らはエラーを深く処理しています
learning from it and correcting it. So, how are we raising our kids? Are we raising them
for a growth now or for "yet?" Are they focused on the next "A" or test score instead of dreaming
今の成長のために、それとも "まだ "のために?夢を見るのではなく、次の "A "やテストの点数に集中しているのでしょうか?
big? Instead of thinking about what they want to be and how they want to contribute to society?
And if they are too focused on "A's" and test scores, are they going to carry this with
them into the future? Maybe. Because many employers are coming to me and saying, "we've
already created a generation of young workers who can't get through the day without a reward."
"報酬なしでは一日を過ごせない若い労働者の世代を すでに作ってしまった"
So, what can we do? How can we build that bridge to "yet?" First, we can praise wisely.
Our research shows that when we praise kids for the process they engage in for their hard
work, their strategies, their focus, their perseverance - they learn that challenge seeking.
仕事、戦略、集中力、忍耐力 - 彼らは挑戦を求めることを学びます。
They learn that resilience. Praising talent, praising intelligence makes them vulnerable.
There are other ways of rewarding "yet." We teamed up with game scientist at the University
"まだ "に報いる方法は他にもあります私たちは大学のゲーム科学者とチームを組みました
of Washington to create a math game: Brain points. The typical math game rewards right
answers, right now. But not Brain Points. We rewarded process and the learning curve
so effort, strategy and progress. The Brain Points game created more sustained learning
and perseverance than the standard game. And just the words "yet" and "not yet" after a
student has a setback we're finding creates greater confidence and greater persistence.
We also can change students mind-sets directly. In one study, we taught students that every
time they pushed out of their comfort zone to learn something really really hard and
they stuck to it the neurons in their brain could form new, stronger connections and over
time they could become smarter. Those who learned this lesson showed a sharp increase
in their grades. Those who did not showed a decrease. We have done this with thousands
of students now across the country with similar results. Especially for struggling students.
So let's talk about equality. In our country there are groups of kids who chronically show
poor performance and many people think that's inevitable. But when educators create growth
mind-set environments steeped in "yet" equality can happen". Let me give you a few small examples.
One teacher took her Harlem kindergarten class, many of whom could not hold a pencil for the
first month, threw daily tantrums, she took them to the 95th percentile on the National
Achievement Test. That same teacher took a fourth grade class in the South Bronx - way
達成度テスト同じ先生がサウスブロンクスの 4年生のクラスを担当しました
behind - she took them to the top of New York State on the state math test. That teacher
is a Stanford grad and she's here today. And another Stanford grad, Phd student, now a
スタンフォード大学の卒業生で 今日はここにいますそして、もう一人のスタンフォード大学の卒業生で、博士号を持った学生で、今は
professor, went back to her Native American reservation in the state of Washington. She
transformed the elementary school in terms of a growth mind-set. That school had always
been at the bottom of the district - at the bottom of the state! Within a year to a year
and a half, the kindergarteners and first graders were at the top of the district in
reading and reading-readiness. That district contained affluent sections of Seattle so
the reservation kids outdid the Microsoft kids. And they did it because learning a growth
予約の子供たちは マイクロソフトの子供たちを凌駕していました彼らがそれをしたのは成長を学ぶことで
mindset transformed the meaning of effort and difficulty. It used to mean they were
マインドセットは 努力と困難の意味を変えましたそれまでは、彼らが
dumb and now it means they have a chance to get smarter. Difficulty just meant "not yet."
頭が悪くなってきたから 賢くなるチャンスが来たんだ難易度は "まだ "という意味だ
Last year I got a letter from a thirteen year old boy. He said, "Dear Professor Dweck, I
去年、13歳の少年から手紙をもらいました。彼はこう言った "親愛なるドウェック教授、私は...
read your book already. I liked the fact that it was based on sound scientific research. That's
あなたの本はもう読んだわ健全な科学的研究に 基づいている点が気に入りましたそれは
why I decided to test out your growth mindset principles in three areas of my life. As a
なぜ私はあなたの成長マインドセットの原則を 私の人生の3つの分野で試すことにしましたとして
result, I'm earning higher grades, I have a better relationship with my parents, I have
a better relationship with the other kids at school. I realize I've wasted most of my
life." Let's not waste any more lives because the more we know that basic human abilities
"命"これ以上命を無駄にしないようにしましょう 人間の基本的な能力を知れば知るほど
can be grown, the more it becomes a basic human right for kids - all kids, all adults
- to live in environments that create that growth. To live in environments filled - overflowing
- その成長を生み出す環境で生きるために満たされた環境で生きること
- with "yet." Thank you.
- "まだ "でありがとうございます