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  • I told you my mom wouldn't listen.

  • Then we're gonna have to save terrance and phillip ourselves. What ? What ?

  • What would brian boitano do ?

  • He'd figure out a way to rescue terrance and phillip before they're executed.

  • We can't do anything. Our moms' organization is too strong.

  • Then we'll round up all the grounded kids in town and start our own organization...

  • to help save terrance and phillip.

  • hey, yeah ! Our own secret club !

  • ♪ I guess that could work. We have to try.

  • what would brian boitano do

  • if he was here right now

  • he'd make a plan and he'd follow through

  • that's what brian boitano'd do

  • when brian boitano was in the olympics

  • skating for the gold

  • he did two salchows and a triple lutz

  • while wearing a blindfold

  • when brian boitano was in the alps

  • fighting grizzly bears

  • he used his magical fire breath

  • and saved the maidens fair

  • so what would brian boitano do

  • if he were here today

  • ♪ I'm sure he'd kick an ass or two

  • that's what brian boitano'd do

  • ♪ I want this v-chip out of me

  • it has stunted my vocabulary

  • and I just want my mom to stop fighting everyone

  • for wendy I'll be an activist too

  • ♪ 'cause that what brian boitano would do

  • and what would brian boitano do

  • he'd call all the kids in town

  • and tell them to unite for truth

  • that's what brian boitano'd do

  • Did someone say my name ? Who are you ?

  • I'm brian dennehy. What ?

  • No, not fuckin' brian dennehy !

  • Get the fuck outta here.

  • Oh. Bye.

  • when brian boitano traveled through time to the year 3010 ♪

  • he fought the evil robot king

  • and saved the human race again

  • and when brian boitano built the pyramids he beat up kublai khan

  • ♪ 'cause brian boitano doesn't take shit

  • from anybody

  • so let's call all the kids together

  • and unite to stop our moms

  • and we'll save terrance and phillip too

  • ♪ 'cause that's what brian boitano'd do

  • and we'll save terrance and phillip too

  • ♪ 'cause that's what brian boitano'd do

  • ♪ 'cause that's what brian boitano'd do

I told you my mom wouldn't listen.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ブライアン・ボイターノならどうする?- サウス・パークビッグ・ロング&アンカット (7/9) ムービー・クリップ (1999) HD (What Would Brian Boitano Do? - South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut (7/9) Movie CLIP (1999) HD)

  • 302 15
    賴延欣 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日