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  • Hey, guys. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this vocabulary lesson on:

  • "5 Verbs to Sound Smart". Now, you may have already checked out my lesson on five nouns

  • to sound smart, five adjectives to sound smart; and today, we're looking at the verbs.

  • So, from the top, we have the verb: "ostracize". All right? So repeat it after me: "ostracize".

  • Okay. So what "ostracize" means is to exclude someone, generally from a social group like

  • a family, or a team, or any kind of religious group as well. So to exclude, shun, or snub

  • them from a specific group. So, for example: "He was ostracized for his beliefs." So this

  • person had different beliefs than the other people in his social group, and the other

  • people in his social group basically pushed him away and didn't allow him to return. They

  • looked at... They looked down on him like he was less than them. He was ostracized;

  • he was excluded from the group. So, again, you can be ostracized for your beliefs, you

  • can be ostracized for something you say, you can be ostracized for something you do. So,

  • for example, if you follow, you know, a system of faith, a religion that tells you that you

  • have to act a certain way, if a person doesn't act that way, they could be ostracized by

  • members of their religious community. Okay?

  • The next one: "garner". So think... Look at my hands. "Garner", which means to get, to

  • acquire, to earn. You can also think of it as to collect. So, the example we have on

  • the board is: "They garnered a poor reputation." So this group of people basically acquired

  • a poor reputation for their beliefs or their actions. You can also, for example, garner

  • evidence. Like if you're a police officer, you can also garner information. So you can

  • say: "We have been trying to garner, collect, or get, or acquire as much information as

  • possible." Or: "The police haven't garnered enough evidence to, you know, send the suspect

  • to jail."

  • Next, we have: "contemplate". Now, some of you might be familiar with this word because

  • it's similar to something, you know, in a Spanish language, for example. And: "to contemplate"

  • means to consider or to think about something. So, for example: "We have contemplated moving

  • to a new city." So this could be a family or a boyfriend and girlfriend, or a couple

  • and, you know, they have: "Hmm, okay, we have talked about it, we have thought about it,

  • we have considered, contemplated moving to a new city." So if you're having a difficult

  • time making a decision or it takes you a long time to think about the process of decision

  • making, you can use the word: "contemplate". Okay?

  • Next one is: "differentiate". So you might already see the word or hear the word: "difference".

  • Right? In this word. "Differentiate" is the verb form of: "difference". So to be able

  • to tell the difference, you can differentiate between two or more things, or people, or

  • objects. For example: "I can't differentiate between my twin cousins." An important thing

  • to remember about differentiate is if you want to talk about and mention the two things

  • you are comparing, you can use the preposition: "between", so you differentiate between "A"

  • or "B", or "A" and "B". Okay? So to be able to tell the difference. My twin cousins look

  • the same, I can't differentiate between the two of them.

  • And finally, we have the verb: "fluctuate". This comes from the noun: "fluctuation". So

  • "to fluctuate" is to change or vary, usually at regular intervals. So the sentence we have

  • on the board relates to the stock market. For example: "The dollar has been fluctuating"-has

  • been going up, going down, changing, hasn't been stable-"a lot this month." So if something

  • is constantly changing; going up, going down, going left, going right - it is fluctuating.

  • So what are some things that can fluctuate? We can talk about the economy, you can also

  • talk about the weather. So you can say: "The weather has been fluctuating a lot this week."

  • You can also talk about, you know, your beliefs or the things you say if they're inconsistent

  • with one another.

  • Okay, guys, so from the top, let's just listen and repeat for the pronunciation of these

  • words. "Ostracize", "garner", "contemplate", "differentiate", and "fluctuate".

  • Okay, guys, so again, if you want to test your understanding of how to use these words

  • in a sentence, how to spell them correctly, and just, well, how to use them correctly...

  • I mean even if you know what the word is, it's a different story to be able to use it

  • and incorporate it into your everyday vocabulary. All right, guys, as always, check out the

  • quiz on and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'll see

  • you guys later. Take care.

Hey, guys. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this vocabulary lesson on:


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A2 初級

英単語:頭が良くなる5つの動詞 (English Vocabulary: 5 verbs to make you sound smart)

  • 7303 434
    chang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日