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  • Speaker 1: Marathon kissing sessions are some of my favorite things to do

  • with a guy, outside of read the bible, drink milk and play checkers and the

  • usual. When it comes to kissing, everybody gets really nervous and

  • frustrated. 'How do I breathe? When do I breathe? How do I turn? What do I

  • do? Do I need to stop and take a break? What if my jaw hurts?' I'll tell

  • you what to do.

  • You can control a kiss so easily if you just put a hand here, a hand there,

  • and if you need to stop and breathe, just pull away and use that

  • opportunity as you're taking a breath to look in your partner's eyes. Make

  • is real sexy. What you definitely don't wanna do is exhale through your

  • mouth when you're kissing your partner because you're gonna blow a bunch of

  • carbon dioxide in them. You might kill them.

  • All right. You might not. You won't kill them but you might turn them off.

  • You definitely want to exhale through your nose and, if you want to, inhale

  • through your mouth and you guys are turning in the kiss. Oh, what's that?

  • You wanna see? Well, OK. I guess it's the least we could do. Ready for a

  • marathon? By the way, we both just inhaled there.

  • Speaker 2: At the same time.

  • Speaker 1: Yep, at the same time and, you know, that the thing that makes a

  • great kiss is two people perfectly in sync. OK. Back to where we were.

  • Speaker 2: What were we doing?

  • Speaker 1: Oh, a marathon, making out. Yeah.

  • Speaker 2: OK.

Speaker 1: Marathon kissing sessions are some of my favorite things to do


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B1 中級

ニース&ロングキスをする方法|キスのヒント (How to Kiss Nice & Long | Kissing Tips)

  • 368 12
    王琮凱 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日