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MICHAEL STEVENS: When you sit in a chair, like I'm sitting in this chair right now,
but actually my butt is hovering above the chair by this just tiny tiny little amount
because the electrons of my butt, well my pants, I am wearing pants, and the chair repel
each other. They don't ever touch, they don't come into contact at all and it's that repulsion
that makes things feel solid. It allows us to touch things and feel their texture. It's
not us actually touching the sub-atomic material of the object. And then I think to myself,
well, if I can't—like even a kiss—when I kiss someone, my matter has not touched
their matter in the way that we think it does. It's actually just being repelled and we feel
that repulsion and that's what we feel as them, but then I thought, well maybe I can
touch someone if I'm radioactive and like a piece of some radiation from me can ionize…
no, that's not good enough. It's going to have to go into the nucleus of one of their
MICHAEL: Turns out that we don't really have that kind of radiation. The kind of radiation
that could get into a nucleus. So the person closet you could get to someone is through
chemical reactions. Because in that case at least you're sort of—your atoms are sharing
electrons. So you could be eat someone. Cannibalism is a great way to get close or you're family.
So you developed inside your mother and and you came from your parents DNA and that's
closer than you will ever really be able to get to anyone else at a chemical level.
So when I meet somebody who I've never met before, I say yeah my name is Michael, um,
and then it gets problematic because if I say, oh I make videos for the web, that sounds
like… what kind of videos?
For the lady who's never watched it, I say it's a channels here I y'know bench press
lots of weights and I help children and old ladies, but to someone to that may actually
check if I was telling the truth, I would just use the description I've used on the
channel. So VSauce is the best of the internet and hyper-curiosity about the world.
And lately we've been answering just totally silly questions but taking them very seriously.
How much weight do you lost every time you fart? You must lose some weight, right? Like,
gas has mass and we pull in an audience that's looking at those silly questions and is like,
wait, yeah what color is a mirror and in that curiosity they come in and accidentally learning
a lot about digestion, gases, optics, all those kinds of things.
MICHAEL: A topic for an episode usually comes from a conversation I've had with a friend.
BILL NYE: I've got a question for you. Why did the chicken cross the road?
MICHAEL: Brilliant question. Let's find out why!
MICHAEL: And it's usually around a misconception. If they mention something that makes me go,
oh, wow, I actually didn't know that. I didn't know that it was simple or that complicated,
this thing that I thought I already knew. That's usually where these episodes come from.
We experience mirrors every day, but what color are they? Well that kinda like shocks
what's boring in me and usually for you. Y'know, I fart all the time but I've never thought
about how much it weighs. I just up and down all the time, actually I don't I'm not that
active, but I look really athletic. But, what if every person on Earth jumped, would it
affect Earth? When I first read that question, I had no idea how to answer it and so that
tells me this is a good question to investigate. MICHAEL: One, two, three!
MICHAEL: I think that often people feel like they know you better than they even would
know someone who's way more famous, but from the movies. In the videos that they watch
you in, you're speaking to them. MICHAEL: And we all fart. Everyday!
MICHAEL: I mean, what is subscribing? It's almost psychologically a thanks for making
what you do. I want to be on your team, I want people to know I'm on your team and friends
with you and it's something much more personal. It's about friendship.
MICHAEL: And as always, MICHAEL & BILL: Thanks for watching!
MICHAEL: Stick around because there will be more videos of me right here on THNKR. In
fact the whole channel has some pretty cool stuff, the ideas and thinking that are changing
the world so be sure to subscribe.